John Wolfe's Reaction and Opinion on ANF.
31:00 His reaction to the funniest non-canon death scene
36: 45 Quick rant, Telltale does this all the fucking time. Anytime you save a character, you have to make like a choice between two characters, the other one just dies the next episode anyway. I'm so tired of it
37:50 John notices ghost Tripp
1:07:05 Did you see the teleporting horse? This episode is poorly optimized
1:24:35 Gotta say, this season kinda sucked
1:26:53 The rest of the characters in this series though, I didn't care much for Gabe or David or Kate, just kind of a poor supporting cast
1:27:15 I'm also mad that, as usual, if you save Ava by picking Tripp she just dies literally two scenes later. It just gets so old
This is why John Wolfe (Previously known as "HashlyCritical" if you didn't know) is one of my favourite youtubers, he takes video games pretty much seriously and notices their problems. Telltale should definitely watch his videos cause he knows how to spot the problems in the games he is playing.
Why is everyone making discussions about YouTubers opinions on the game? If you hate the season that's fine everyone has opinions but at this point it just feels like everyone's trying to shove it down my throat and trying to convince me that I'm wrong for liking ANF.
I'm assuming this is a trend now?
nobody is shoving it down your throat, they're simply trying to make a point that telltale said we're a minority and our views of the game are irrelevant, yet youtubers with audiences are pointing out many of the problems it had. you decide whether you want to read it or not, it isn't directed towards you specifically.
No, you're not wrong for liking ANF but after the bullshit Telltale pulled, they deserve a lot of criticism. I've been one of their defenders for the past 3 years and this is how they repay me.
Fine, criticize what you don't like. There's nothing wrong with that. But it just seems like a bit much. "Oh look, this person doesn't like the game either!" I'm sure you'd find it annoying if people just talked about every YouTubeer who liked the game.
I remember being told on here that it is a small minority that are dissatisfied with Telltale's recent work. Well that looks like it's changing...
It's like saying criticizing Resident Evil 6 is way too much. Resident Evil 7 was originally going to be like RE6 and Capcom finally listened to their fans who wanted the survival horror back. I'm sure Telltale can do the same.
It's not the criticism that's the issue. You should always voice your opinion, whether it be negative or positive. But posting a thread about every YouTuber who has a negative opinion comes across more as trying to spread hate.
The President himself could get on YouTube and disapprove of the game and they'd still make the same mistakes if it took them 3 years to bring forth only A New Frontier.
2 threads = everyone?
Seriously, stop overreacting.
No one is posting it here to change your opinion, stop being so egocentric.
There is nothing wrong about discussing about YouTubers opinions on the game and if you want to discuss opinion of a YouTuber that happens to have a positive opinion on ANF, go ahead.
But stop popping up in every thread and act like you're getting personally attacked. It's beyond annoying already.
I'd also like a posting of a YouTube/Twitch streamer enjoying ANF as long as it's an entertaining / funny let's play. This season especially, Let's Plays have shown me the other choices I didn't make in the series / funny glitches that just made the dialogue or scene more amusing, or brought out a new perspective that I hadn't considered with a character. Have you run across any you'd recommend?
Who's John Wolfe? And why does he take video games, entertainment's backstreet vagrant performer, seriously at all? Game's will never be as artistically renowned as books, films, TV shows, or music so spending 90 minutes dissecting a game this obviously bad is a bit superfluous.
If you want a rich narrative, watch an Andrei Tarkovsky film or read a Kurt Vonnegut novel... No need to waste your time on this puerile trash heap.
Perhaps someone can post a positive YouTube reviewer thread of New Frontier if they exist. So we can be fair to both sides.
Good luck with that...
Haven't seen an overwhelmingly positive one yet. Any that aren't downright negative are extremely on the fence about it.
they're not blindly hating on the game. the youtuber is giving constructive criticism
There's only couple channels I'm subscribed to that actually played the game. AGIRLANDAGAME was pretty enjoyable though. She really likes Javi's character and enjoyed a lot of his humor. However she was pretty on the fence about the overall story, often she seemed uncertain on whether she liked the writing or not. As I understand it she felt that the writing in season 2 was stupid so she seemed hesitant to get invested in the story.
But what happened to this silent majority that loved this game that is supposed to be out there with the newcomers? Did any new folks even play and like this game that was specially tailored for them without request? I'd think there'd be atleast just one big name YouTuber that's pro-NF.
I didn't mean the YouTuber himself was blindly hating. More so certain members on this forum. I'm assuming the Youtuber was just voicing his opinion. My problem is that people seem so determined to just spread anything negative about the game. I mean it's gone from saying you don't like it and offering constructive criticism to looking at any internet famous person and going "Oh this person has followers and didn't like the game. I better make a whole thread about it!" I mean it started with Greg Miller, then Jacksepticeye, (I'm not certain about the JackSepticeye thread because I didn't actually watch the video so I may be wrong there) Pewdiepie and now this person.
EDIT: Though I can see that I'm beginning to get a reputation as the guy who gets annoyed whenever there's a negative reaction towards Telltale, and that I'm unintentionally getting on people's nerves. I'm sorry if I'm beginning to annoy people with my frustrations. I'm going to try to take a break from negative threads for a little bit, because as I can see not only are they frustrating me, but I'm beginning to annoy people.
I am convinced we'll get there one day, video games are relatively a very young art form.
I think it's a good discussion topic. It's only after this game that people outside of these forums have expressed a clear dissatisfaction with Telltale's work.
Youtubers are used now as a way of getting exposure and for prospective buyers to see whether they should get the game or not. If their favourite youtuber doesn't like the game or they see it is not up to standard before they play it, they won't buy, therefore there are less sales and hence less profit.
The sad thing about this is, money loss will be the thing to bring about the change we desire, rather than the opinions and constructive criticism of fans who have stuck with them.
Whether you like the game or not, big youtubers do not like it. And make no mistake, that will hurt Telltale.
Some folks might take a bit of personal offense to it, ya know with all these people from big names to smaller names are relentlessly crapping on what they loved and still love as a game that it becomes an uphill battle when they discover they will need to dig through the Dino sized pile of dung day and night just to reach this game and give it that kiss of appreciation they feel it honestly deserves in spite of all this educational criticism.
Like if everyone disliked strongly your favorite sports team you've liked since childhood and wrote daily articles in the paper about how bad they sucked. But they don't to you.. so you wish others
to just keep shut about it you can't possibly have awful taste right?. Because your bothered by them trashing what you enjoy over and over again and Since you like it alot, you associate some part of yourself or happiness with it and when folks come to take their daily opinion dumps on it... you feel some type of way about that maybe naturally or not. Could be the similar analogy going on here. Just a thought... I'm no psych major.
John Wolfe is by far my favorite youtuber. I agreed with nearly everything he said, especially Ava and Tripp dying. I thought Telltale was past this poor treatment of determinant characters with Conrad. It's not excusable anymore, it shatters the immersion knowing Telltale was too lazy to actually put the effort into keeping determinants alive.
No need to waste your time trying to defend this fucking trash which deserves a lot of hate.
Never will they reach that peak, inherently video games are entertainment... escapism used to attract immediate enjoyment and not much else.
Sure, video games are art, just fast food art.
Aaaaaaa someone else who watches John. I agree with what he said lol.
Films were basically just that when they first started and look where we are now.
Why does it matter if he hates the game? Was it really worth the post?
Why would you go to you tube to get opinions that are already stated on this web site? And then waste the time of bringing them back here like you discovered gold or a cure for cancer?
I know

But in all seriousness, both trashy and deep movies and games will always be made, just as they are today, I just hope that the good games will get the recognition they deserve outside of the gaming community.
I want Telltale to watch this videos. They said we, the fans, are in minority. Why not try another way to bring their attention? @Dont_Look_Back did the same thing.
the boss baby included, fucking art. can't wait to see some fucking emojis
Because it goes to show our voices on these forums are not unheard of and we're no alone, it is a widespread thing that Telltale refuses to acknowledge. So, hopefully posting this here will help them realize.
Cryaotic liked ANF. But he's largely silent for most of the gameplay and doesn't provide as much commentary as those that disliked the series.
Not really, just have your own opinion, maybe you and "Wolfe" didn't like the Season, others did.
I for one though Episode 4 and 5 were great while Episode 1/2 were bad and Episode 3 was alright.
Yes, should they take criticism, well every other youtuber says the exact same thing ("It could have been better"); why post a obviously one sided video of a guy that just hates the game?
I mean, no Telltale TWD game has been bug free, ANF is no different, determinant deaths are not only in Season 3.
But what do I know, people that say "This game sucks" one liners get more likes on here than people like me that actually think this Season was fine.