Not as much, and the large majority of people who do hate it tend to ignore it rather than charging onto other forums to remind people that they hate it. Hm
Not as much, and the large majority of people who do hate it tend to ignore it rather than charging onto other forums to remind people that they hate it. Hm
Credit to Creeper1846 for discovering this with Batman last week.
2 minutes past midnight Ep2 of MC is out on Xbox Live eastern time.
You need to type the exact name for it to show up. Doesn't appear to show up if you type it any other way. Look at the title for ep 1 and repeat it but with ep 2.
I didn't bother to look IN the game after midnight like I usually would though. For all I know it shows up there instantly too. Just throwing this out there in case it doesn't. Can't really legitimately test this as im installing the ep already.
There's no need to reply so many times. You can simply edit a comment by putting your cursor to the top-right corner of your comment box, and you can click 'Edit'.
Seems like it isn't out on PC (not Steam) at the moment like Episode 1 was...I didn't play Season 1 on PC so could anyone tell me what time it usually comes out on this platform?
Seems like it isn't out on PC (not Steam) at the moment like Episode 1 was...I didn't play Season 1 on PC so could anyone tell me what time it usually comes out on this platform?
There's no need to reply so many times. You can simply edit a comment by putting your cursor to the top-right corner of your comment box, and you can click 'Edit'.
I'm not sure, as moderators are not Telltale staff we don't get tole exact reasons why things get delayed or pushed back but i think some late releases are due to things on the play store running slow rather than it being totally Telltales fault.
Telltale, I am OK with you giving youtubers early versions of the game, but can you please make sure they are limited to only the first 15 minutes before the actual release date, because my suggested videos is full with videos like: ""Alternate endings" "The End" And a few titles that spoil major stuff, Its not even as simple as avoiding the titles because youtuers like BigB make thumbnails that are major spoilers.
I hope this is read by a TellTale Moderator or something like that.
Has anyone encountered a glitch already at the start of ep 2? When you given the clay block?
In Latin America episode 2 is literally called "Under Pressure"
Or being more specific:
"Bajo Presión"
And, I just saw the oldest threads in the MCSM section of the forums...
The fandom hated the idea!
In Germany It's already past midnight
Are you sure you aren't looking at their Guardians series?
Yep, MCSM Season 2
Here it is
Coincidence episode 2 from MCSM S2 in latin america had the same episode number and name from the episode from GOTG
Yeah, and people still hate it.
Not as much, and the large majority of people who do hate it tend to ignore it rather than charging onto other forums to remind people that they hate it. Hm
Already August 15th , is Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 2 already available for Android?
Yeah, there, people kept saying MCSM was a cashgrab...
Oh, wait, they still do :P lol
And they were all mad about the forums getting full of 11 year old and that the forums were screwed stuff
August 15th. Feels like Christmas.
Actually the admin eats the structure block
Credit to Creeper1846 for discovering this with Batman last week.
2 minutes past midnight Ep2 of MC is out on Xbox Live eastern time.
You need to type the exact name for it to show up. Doesn't appear to show up if you type it any other way. Look at the title for ep 1 and repeat it but with ep 2.
I didn't bother to look IN the game after midnight like I usually would though. For all I know it shows up there instantly too. Just throwing this out there in case it doesn't. Can't really legitimately test this as im installing the ep already.
There's no need to reply so many times. You can simply edit a comment by putting your cursor to the top-right corner of your comment box, and you can click 'Edit'.
Seems like it isn't out on PC (not Steam) at the moment like Episode 1 was...I didn't play Season 1 on PC so could anyone tell me what time it usually comes out on this platform?
yep I did. a few others as well, but that thread was locked and moved by a mod...
It's normally around the same time as Steam (10 AM Pacific time).
Ok! Thank you!
I can't play. 
Of course that the game has already a bug...
Well that sucks
I uninstalled it to see if it was a download glitch but now it's saying I don't even bloody own ep 1 so I gotta buy it again.....
Android too? how about Batman season 2 for android , why there's no news?
The episode 2 is auto downloading a game, maybe manually download ? I don't have in EU (CET) for PC.
I'm not sure about Android, the PC version has always been consistent with its release so it's easier to estimate a release time.
Why does Android always get a later release than the rest of the platforms?
Interesting... Fact
Whelp...3 and a half hours till it comes out on PC, I really don't miss the waiting.
I'm not sure, as moderators are not Telltale staff we don't get tole exact reasons why things get delayed or pushed back but i think some late releases are due to things on the play store running slow rather than it being totally Telltales fault.
Hmm i don't know trust a Radar the choose? Maybe in episode 4 and 5 work to together meet a Admin. I don't a spoiler this is a hunch.
Just played the episode. epic. and a surprising endings.
Telltale, I am OK with you giving youtubers early versions of the game, but can you please make sure they are limited to only the first 15 minutes before the actual release date, because my suggested videos is full with videos like: ""Alternate endings" "The End" And a few titles that spoil major stuff, Its not even as simple as avoiding the titles because youtuers like BigB make thumbnails that are major spoilers.
I hope this is read by a TellTale Moderator or something like that.