A letter from an old friend...

Well Clementine, my old friend. It has been a heck of a journey since we met at your house that fateful day. I still remember fighting of that walker..she was your baby sitter wasn't she? What was she like old friend? I always wondered what your last day with your mom and dad were like....I bet they were amazing people Clem. You know sweetpea...you never did mention any friends from school...what were the like.

Look at me Clem, just jabbering away with all these questions. How are you doing these days? Do you still get sad when you think about Duck? I know I do...that was cruel hard, and poor Katjaa too. I can only imagine all the people you have met since you and I said our goodbyes in that jewelry store all those years ago. I know you have seen some things that...that I wish you never had to. But you know what Clem? You are stronger than most people give you credit for. Sure you will make mistakes...we all do, I will be the first to raise my hand there. But you have to go on Sweetpea. I know sometimes you get so tired and sad, it wears on your very soul. But you have to go on.

I don't mean nag you...but just giving up, that's not you Clem. I still do not know how you managed to drag me into that shop when I had passed out, but you did. You kept them from ripping me apart Clem, and for that...I am grateful. And now you are looking for your AJ. AJ needs you Clem, he needs you to help him learn how to survive. Teach him to be self sufficient, yet to be respectful of others. I know you have met people, both of good character and of bad. And even though people sometimes break your heart Clem, you must not ever give up on people as a whole.

If humanity is to survive, it will take not just you and your boy...but others as well. I know you sometimes have a hard time finding the will to trust people, but if you do not give people a chance, then how will you ever find others like yourself? Good character Clem, I know your heart. I know how it hurts to lose people, but hopefully the good times will eventually over shadow the bad times....just do not be afraid Clem...do not be afraid to reach out for help...or to reach out and help. Be the brave girl I met all those years ago...pure of heart...be a light for others and do not be afraid to bask in the glow of their hearts.

But also remember, you have this boy. Be mindful, and watch how people act. Some people are no good...but never forget that people...people are basically good Sweetpea...if you give them a chance.

Well I have taken up enough of your time, I think I have something in my eye. Kenny and Katjaa and Duck want you to know that they are doing well. Kenny has been trying to teach me how to fish...I think any fish we get is because they feel sorry for me and let themselves be caught. Omid spends his time waiting for Christa...I sit with him sometimes...we both agree...it will be nice to see the gang all together again...but we are very patient...I do not want to see you visiting till you are old and grey...same with your boy.

Anyway Sweetpea, just remember that you are loved, we will always watch over you.



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