Site update discussion. NEW 11/30; Display first post on all pages + classic forum category layout



  • You can only post once every 30 seconds. I don't think this is new. If it is, it's also on both of the other forums I use.

    AChicken posted: »

    (Posted a comment on the Birthday thread, went to Dojo's wall, was going to post a HB there, and I get this message.) "You have posted

  • I don't know about that... I'm sure there's been instances where I've posted within 30 seconds of each other.

  • edited November 2017

    Edit: Yup. Posted this within 30 seconds of the other. I don't know exactly how it works, but I've never had that message appear before. Isn't a bit harsh that it's once per 30 seconds? Yes, it's not long, but kind of annoying if you want to respond to multiple people in a quick manner.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't know about that... I'm sure there's been instances where I've posted within 30 seconds of each other. Hm...

  • edited November 2017

    It only happens on people’s walls or in PM’s
    Oops, forget to press reply @AChicken

    AChicken posted: »

    Testing? Edit: Yup. Posted this within 30 seconds of the other. I don't know exactly how it works, but I've never had that message appear b

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2017

    As I'm sure you guys have noticed, the web team turned off the lights activated a new Dark theme for the website.

  • edited November 2017

    Took them 1 year to do that, but better late than never, I guess. Now we are talking. So much better

  • About damn time. Now all I need is main posts to always show.

  • That might be coming in the future too.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    About damn time. Now all I need is main posts to always show.

  • I really hope it does.

    That might be coming in the future too.

  • edited November 2017

    I gotta say, I really like this better than the white background.

    Now a conversation you’re up to date on is shaded entirely, which fixes a lot of confusion (in my opinion).

    main posts

    If only ? Come home, main posts, we miss you and we’ll treat you better if you give us a second chance.

  • edited November 2017

    A nice "picture background" would've been better (see the background of this subreddit: but with a darker background) - still better than the eye-blinding white we had before.
    Now only two things left:

    • New posts should be bold.
    • Main post should be on every page (especially useful for waiting threads).
  • That is actually something good, I like it. A great improvement over the previous background, reminds me a bit of the old 2015 version of the forums (which used a similar dark grey background if I am not mistaken) and I mean that in a positive way. Best thing about this background change is for me that posts are more clearly distinguished from the background, that makes them way more easy to follow, as well as generally more easy on the eye. Seriously, being able to spend extended amounts of time on the forums without my eyes aching is something I welcome greatly. Hopefully this means the main post is just around the corner, because if that one is going to return as well, then I for one shall be wholly happy with the state of the forums. After the initial update last month I wasn't sure this would happen, at least not so soon, but I was proven wrong, so good job, web team. There's more work to be done, but this is a big step into the right direction.

  • New posts should be bold.

    This is a bit hard to notice as all the colors blend in, but viewed threads with no new posts have a slightly darker color. You can tell if you highlight your cursor over it and it highlights with a lighter color. If it highlights, it means you have viewed that thread and there are no new posts.

    Main post should be on every page (especially useful for waiting threads).

    As I said above, this might be coming in the future too.

    A nice "picture background" would've been better (see the background of this subreddit: but wit

  • I just noticed something that I can't stop think about. And it is something that always bothers me when I notice it. And it is that only like half the page is used for text. I don't know why I dislike it, but it feels so empty.

  • That is something I have thought about as well, it's the same for me, but I believe it is mostly a result of how large our respective displays are. Check it on mobile and every inch of the screen is properly used. Making a good background that works for any kind of display can be quite challenging, I believe. One way around that could be to make the room taken up by posts to be a bit larger for people with larger displays (or to add additional features that take up extra room and therefore fill the page a bit more), but I am not sure if there's technical limitations speaking against it.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I just noticed something that I can't stop think about. And it is something that always bothers me when I notice it. And it is that only like half the page is used for text. I don't know why I dislike it, but it feels so empty.

  • I'm pretty sure it takes up all the space on phone because the little links, such as 'Recent Discussions', 'My Bookmarks' and so forth. If it would, just like on mobiles, as far down as possible (only in discussions, not other places) I think this place would look a lot better.

    That is something I have thought about as well, it's the same for me, but I believe it is mostly a result of how large our respective displa

  • Hm, I don't agree with that. I would actually like if they'd scroll down with me when I scroll down the page, because I use these regularly to get back to my bookmarked discussions. Having them at the bottom is actually one of the features I like the least about the mobile page, but I see that there's a necessity for it on the smaller screen. Same goes to the new profile features, I would really like these to scroll down when I scroll down a thread, to quickly access my own profile from anywhere on a page. With the popular tags not being displayed in the threads themselves though, I feel like the links you mean could take up a bit less space though.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it takes up all the space on phone because the little links, such as 'Recent Discussions', 'My Bookmarks' and so forth. If i

  • I find the decision to make the forum links blue... questionable. It doesn't really seem to fit the red of the thread links and everything else, but otherwise huge improvement.

  • edited November 2017

    Having them at the bottom is actually one of the features I like the least about the mobile page, but I see that there's a necessity for it on the smaller screen.

    While I enjoy the desktop set-up the way it is, I primarily use mobile and quite enjoy having the important links towards the bottom, as I like to read through any new threads or comments, regardless of the section.

    I can see why it would be considered a disliked feature on mobile for people who don’t read every discussion, though.

    Edit: Changed “flaw” to “disliked feature” because there’s a difference.

    Hm, I don't agree with that. I would actually like if they'd scroll down with me when I scroll down the page, because I use these regularly

  • I see your point, it's all about finding a workaround, isn't it? Maybe put them above, in the profile thing? I mean, Categories is there already, and it feels kinda empty there as well. I don't know, but I think that would be a solution, since it won't move very far away from it's current position

    Hm, I don't agree with that. I would actually like if they'd scroll down with me when I scroll down the page, because I use these regularly

  • A step in the right direction. I always find dark theme more pleasing to the eyes.

  • edited November 2017

    (What the hell is going on, the update is scaring me now.)

  • edited November 2017

    I think that might be for you only. I still see it as a reply. Let me try.

    Edit: Trying, Trying. Over.

    Edit 2: Yepp, it's no reply for me, but should still be for you.

    Edit 3: Updated the site, and now it's a reply again. Well, the colour is wrong, but honestly, who the fuck looks at the colour to see if it's a reply.

    Edit 4: Just realized that your own comment always has a blue colour. -_-

    (What the hell is going on, the update is scaring me now.)

  • I backed out of the thread and now it’s showing up as a reply, odd.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I think that might be for you only. I still see it as a reply. Let me try. Edit: Trying, Trying. Over. Edit 2: Yepp, it's no reply for

  • Yah. I noticed that happening before this update.

    I backed out of the thread and now it’s showing up as a reply, odd.

  • Very odd, indeed.

    I backed out of the thread and now it’s showing up as a reply, odd.

  • Well after the last update, they can only improve. It's definitely much better than the white background we've had for the past year, I'll give them that.

  • I like it! The General Chat also finally has a banner! Yay.

  • Well then what's with the varying shades of grey? It's not for effect, and it's surely not a fading colour (as some points have the order of threads jump from a white thread to a dark, dark grey thread, and then a light grey thread that follows).

    New posts should be bold. This is a bit hard to notice as all the colors blend in, but viewed threads with no new posts have a sligh

  • My background is dark. Perfect. But all the comments here are in light gray, not dark :/

  • See this is part of the cost saving measures...dark backgrounds are cheaper to use because they do not have to use electricity to light them up...I read that somewhere....honest :wink:

  • Ahh, finally. Took them only a year or so. Efficient.
    But seriously, nice update. This background feels much more pleasent to my eyes.

  • Love the new bacground my eyes thank you telltale

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2017

    Telltale's web team added two new optional preferences from user requested features that you can enable in your Profile Preferences page.

    • You can now make the Recent Discussions page have the old forum categorization (where 5 recent threads from each post are displayed) each time you view the Recent Discussions page.
    • You can now optionally choose to display the first post of a thread on every page, like how the old forums did it.

    • As I mentioned before, Telltale also added the highly requested Dark theme a few days ago.
  • You can now optionally choose to display the first post of a thread on every page

  • Oh yes, oh hell yes! That is the one thing I really did not expect to happen right now, or anytime soon really. It's early christmas in November, as it seems and I can only thank the web team for not only listening, but also working on this issue with such surprising speed. If anything, I wouldn't have thought to see it return this year, with everything that apparently happened behind the scenes at Telltale. I have been proven wrong and I am very okay with that. In fact, I've never been so happy about being wrong before.

    One thing I should say is, the way they dealt with the main post is actually a very fair compromise. Instead of having the thread creators decide on this, each user can decide for themselves if they want main posts and I believe this is the best course of action, allowing each their personal preference. I like it and I can't see much speaking against this solution, if anything at all. I also like the recent discussion improvement, I'll probably use both, the recent discussions and the main community page from now on, depending on what I prefer at the moment.

    So, I said it before, the lack of a main post has been my most severe point of criticism about this update and with it being dealt with, I am officially happy about the state of the forums in general. This is a massive improvement and I have been won over, to my own surprise. Sure, there's some stuff I'm not too keen on, I still don't prefer the linear style over threaded discussions for example, but given the things they improved on and the stuff they fixed over the past couple weeks, I am largely happy and can live with the rest, now seeing how they come not without their own benefits. I'm getting used to it and I enjoy the good things the update has brought, such as the improved PM system (it almost feels wrong to merely call it improved, given that it majorly revamped the previous feed system, which had been fundamentally broken beyond saving) or live notifications or the increased length limit for posts.
    Seriously, while I'm at it, I never mentioned it here before, but now seems as good a moment as any other, considering I am already giving praise: If the staff member who decided to increase the length limit for posts is reading this, you are officially my favourite person at Telltale. The former length limit for posts is something I have been affected by on a regular basis before and as insignificant as increasing it might seem for the majority of people here, this small improvement is actually a huge benefit for me. I never, under any circumstance, want to go back to the old length limit. Just so you know, I noticed you increased it and I appreciate it.
    To my own surprise, I am actually looking forward for possible future improvements to come, though I like the site as it is right now. Never saw myself saying this, but here we go, I actually like what the web team did here. The update has been divisive to say the least, but I absolutely have to give them credit here, the steps taken to improve on the site and to apply the feedback that was given over the last weeks is genuinely awesome, so I believe a heartfelt 'Thank You' is in order.

    Thank you, web team, this really means a lot!

    Telltale's web team added two new optional preferences from user requested features that you can enable in your Profile Preferences page.

  • I'm pretty content with the forums as of the new update. Only thing I miss now is the "new threads = bold" since I don't like the "hover over the thread to see if it's darker" system right now because it's not that clear (and of course threaded discussions but that's not going to return anytime soon).

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