If it flops, at least there's always The Last of Us: Part II,Naughty Dog's ace in the hole. Not saying that it'll mop the floor with The Fin… moreal Season, but it'll definitely steal its thunder, although it'll do that no matter how TFS comes out to be honest.
You could always sit and relax. Not sure why anyone would feel obligated to finish something that will take several hours in one sitting. If they released Season 4 all on the same day. You wouldn't feel like you had the play for 4 hours would you?
Ironically the short runtimes of modern Telltalle has THAT affect on me. I figure well I might as well just finish this because its not going to be much fun after playing an hour to get prepared for another go at this only to have 20 minutes of content left. As opposed to season 1 where I recall sometimes playing them in large chunks.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion but Telltale have always said that they want to focus on episodes which can be finished in a single ru… moren and that's why they decided to create 90 minutes long episodes. I seriously doubt they'll change that direction and to be fair, I don't want them to.
I remember playing Season 1 which was the best but still every episode was too long IMO. I've often found myself looking at my watch wondering when the episode is going to end cause they were very long back then. Now I can sit, relax, play and it doesnt take me 3 hours to finish a single episode.
quit being a baby, based on what we've seen, and ANF, it's gonna suck major ass anyways, sparing us with just 4 piece of shit episodes instead of 5 sounds way better.
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like playing a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner. That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
You could always sit and relax. Not sure why anyone would feel obligated to finish something that will take several hours in one sitting. If… more they released Season 4 all on the same day. You wouldn't feel like you had the play for 4 hours would you?
Ironically the short runtimes of modern Telltalle has THAT affect on me. I figure well I might as well just finish this because its not going to be much fun after playing an hour to get prepared for another go at this only to have 20 minutes of content left. As opposed to season 1 where I recall sometimes playing them in large chunks.
Actually, I also usually play a game espisódio without interruptions, it would be like pruning a chapter of series of TV. As for the duration of the SPF spies, I do not think it will take around 3 hours, at most perhaps an hour and a half.
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like pl… moreaying a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner. That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like pl… moreaying a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner. That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
"one simple truth"
The thing about splitting an episode in two was a blatant lie on their part. They didn't split it in half. If that is … morewhat originally was going on that is not how it was handled in the end. They made it sound like at first we would be having a 2 part episode 1. They just made it into an entire second episode. They were absolutely not planning on making ANF only 4 episodes. That wouldn't make any sense. They bragged about that at launch....that would be like Season 4 only being 2 episodes and them bragging episode 1 is going to be their biggest episode yet without revealing its because the amount of episodes is going to be less.
Why would they release GOTG 5 episodes as well as Minecraft season 2 as 5 episodes. Then season 2 of Batman as 5 episodes. All while originally planning ANF be shorter than all of those and coming out first? That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense at all...
But its the same thing! You wouldn't want to left it in the middle in both cases. Its like watching only half of an episode of your fav series but deciding you dont have any more time and waiting until the next week (or at least couple of days later) to finish the rest of the episode.
Actually, I also usually play a game espisódio without interruptions, it would be like pruning a chapter of series of TV. As for the duration of the SPF spies, I do not think it will take around 3 hours, at most perhaps an hour and a half.
TV shows are typically 40 minutes long so no. However if my favorite show was suddenly to run double that for creative reasons I would absolutely not have a problem with it. Matter of fact speaking of episode count as well. I absolutely hate when a show that has 16 or more episodes suddenly gets cut down to 8-10. As soon as you get used to it being back it feels like its over.
I understand wanting to finish something that isn't insanely long in one sitting but not to the point where I would prefer things I enjoy are cut in half. I'm supposed to be enjoying it not playing as a chore. The final TV season of Games of Thrones is only 6 episodes and the episodes will be substantially longer. I can't imagine there would any fan of the show who would hope that is not the case.
Not be able to enjoy something like LIS because its longer yeah I absolutely do not understand that. So in theory if someone cut the episode in half and called it two episodes and spliced in a credit roll. You'd be able to play the game? Just turn it off
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like pl… moreaying a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner. That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
I don't know what to tell you, but in every single episode, except Episode 4, I got 2 hours out of it. Episode 4 for me was over 100 minutes. Here's the link to my playlist if you want to verify for yourself, but the facts don't lie.
Why does everyone say Batman had 2+ hour episodes? Episode 1 was 2h20 for me personally, sure, but the rest were about 90-100 minutes with Episode 4 being about ANF episode length (75 minutes).
That seems wild they are willing to give that away just for pre ordering. I know someone who just bought that too. Usually its me that happens to. Buy a game then it goes free or something.
So tomorrow we can pre order? Then will be able to download the entire telltale collection? For FREE? They should hammer that point home then if you get 1-3 and Michonne for buying 4.
The Walking Dead-Collection includes the first three seasons, so yes, ANF is included in the 'free' package.
Font: https://telltale.com/series/the-walking-dead-collection/
I didn't rush anything. I looked at everything in every episode. That's why Episode 1 of Batman S2 took me exactly 147 minutes (which is phenomenal) compared to most youtubers who only took about 125-130 minutes to complete it.
I really hope the episodes are named based on the rules like, 'Never Go Alone', 'The Last Bullet', and so on. Disappointed to find it only has 4 episodes, unless the story is really good and deserves 2.5-3 hour length episodes I really can't see why it would ever be a good idea to make it less than 5 episodes.
Yes, if they cut those episodes in half (which would probably make additional 5 episodes with overall number of 10) I'd play them because then I'd have time to enjoy them. I'm sorry but not everyone in the world might have as much time as you do to play 3-4 hours without shutting down the game.
TV shows are typically 40 minutes long so no. However if my favorite show was suddenly to run double that for creative reasons I would absol… moreutely not have a problem with it. Matter of fact speaking of episode count as well. I absolutely hate when a show that has 16 or more episodes suddenly gets cut down to 8-10. As soon as you get used to it being back it feels like its over.
I understand wanting to finish something that isn't insanely long in one sitting but not to the point where I would prefer things I enjoy are cut in half. I'm supposed to be enjoying it not playing as a chore. The final TV season of Games of Thrones is only 6 episodes and the episodes will be substantially longer. I can't imagine there would any fan of the show who would hope that is not the case.
Not be able to enjoy something like LIS because its longer yeah I absolutely do not understand that. So in theory if someone cut the episode in half and called it two ep… [view original content]
Indeed the facts do not lie. I have no idea how you managed to get that considering almost every youtuber has gotten 75 minutes for that episode (and about 100-110 minutes for every other episode except Ep1). Your choices could've possibly added a few extra scenes or maybe you died a lot. In any case, most people I've talked to have gotten the same length for the episodes. I don't rush the episodes.
I don't know what to tell you, but in every single episode, except Episode 4, I got 2 hours out of it. Episode 4 for me was over 100 minutes. Here's the link to my playlist if you want to verify for yourself, but the facts don't lie.
I rarely, if ever, died. I looked at everything and talked to everyone, same as you. Maybe what helped is that I always wait till the last second to make my choice, but even then, that can only add so much time onto the episode, surely not enough to extend it to the point where I get another half hour out of it. I don't know what to tell you, but that's how long I got out of these episodes.
Indeed the facts do not lie. I have no idea how you managed to get that considering almost every youtuber has gotten 75 minutes for that epi… moresode (and about 100-110 minutes for every other episode except Ep1). Your choices could've possibly added a few extra scenes or maybe you died a lot. In any case, most people I've talked to have gotten the same length for the episodes. I don't rush the episodes.
I didn't say anything about having time. I said there is absolutely nothing preventing you from turning the game off at ANY time. That sounds more like an OCD thing when you say it that way.
Yes, if they cut those episodes in half (which would probably make additional 5 episodes with overall number of 10) I'd play them because th… moreen I'd have time to enjoy them. I'm sorry but not everyone in the world might have as much time as you do to play 3-4 hours without shutting down the game.
Nothing prevents me? How about the fact that those games usually don't have any save game system except for autosave? I don't know about you but I'm not fond of autosaves that work every 15 minutes in those types of games.
I didn't say anything about having time. I said there is absolutely nothing preventing you from turning the game off at ANY time. That sounds more like an OCD thing when you say it that way.
I didn't rush anything. I looked at everything in every episode. That's why Episode 1 of Batman S2 took me exactly 147 minutes (which is phenomenal) compared to most youtubers who only took about 125-130 minutes to complete it.
Nothing prevents me? How about the fact that those games usually don't have any save game system except for autosave? I don't know about you but I'm not fond of autosaves that work every 15 minutes in those types of games.
But why would frequent auto saves discourage someone from playing half of an episode and the other half later?
You would be more likely to want to finish if it DIDNT save the game because you would lose all your progress. Or is he saying 15 minutes isn't frequent enough? lol
I really like the Walking Dead world. I liked all the seasons, and I don't want it to end. The longer the better for me, but we are all on different wavelengths and playstyles, I see. I play it in chunks with snacks; it like participating in a big movie for me. The first thought of one less chapter did not make me see all rainbows and stars, but we'll see how it goes. I hope to be pleasantly surprised with in-depth chapters because I don't want to feel shortchanged when I have to say goodbye. The improvements in the game looked nice in the trailer. I'm still excited and hopeful, just a little stunned. I hope it feels complete.
Woohoo! I may sound absolutely ridiculous for saying this but being a part of the Waiting Thread for The Final Season is absolutely incredible! Here is to an amazing Fourth and Final Season folks!
Ahh, that new Waiting Thread smell! (Well, we merged some posts too but same difference)
It's the last set of Waiting Threads for Walking Dead, so let's make it count.
I noticed that you read through the newspapers and codex in full too. Some of your episodes are almost entirely just reading. I don't really count reading as gameplay and I also don't think it's that important - I skim through them. It's not really important to the main story. Without them (most people don't and won't read text in full in games), the episodes wouldn't be as long as you made them sound.
I rarely, if ever, died. I looked at everything and talked to everyone, same as you. Maybe what helped is that I always wait till the last s… moreecond to make my choice, but even then, that can only add so much time onto the episode, surely not enough to extend it to the point where I get another half hour out of it. I don't know what to tell you, but that's how long I got out of these episodes.
So, to pass some time and look back at the good ol' days, what are your guys' favorite Walking Dead Telltale episodes?
My favorite episode was 400 Days - I really dug the experimental story structure of smaller vignettes that interconnected around the same location, and it was also one of the last episodes that captured the Season 1 vibes of more realistic and grounded character writing/interactions. Wyatt and Eddie's scenes were comedic gold, and I also enjoyed the brief appearance of Nate as a villain. (Speaking of which, I'm boycotting Telltale if Nate doesn't somehow cameo in Season 4!)
I really liked episode 5 from ANF. It wasn’t my favourite episode of all time but the conflict towards the end really made it for me, as well as the score and final choices, even the deaths ?
So, to pass some time and look back at the good ol' days, what are your guys' favorite Walking Dead Telltale episodes?
My favorite episod… moree was 400 Days - I really dug the experimental story structure of smaller vignettes that interconnected around the same location, and it was also one of the last episodes that captured the Season 1 vibes of more realistic and grounded character writing/interactions. Wyatt and Eddie's scenes were comedic gold, and I also enjoyed the brief appearance of Nate as a villain. (Speaking of which, I'm boycotting Telltale if Nate doesn't somehow cameo in Season 4!)
I really liked season 1 episode 2, i enjoyed the creepy horror vibe to the episode and the twists we saw such as the car we took food from which belonged to the stranger in the end.
So, to pass some time and look back at the good ol' days, what are your guys' favorite Walking Dead Telltale episodes?
My favorite episod… moree was 400 Days - I really dug the experimental story structure of smaller vignettes that interconnected around the same location, and it was also one of the last episodes that captured the Season 1 vibes of more realistic and grounded character writing/interactions. Wyatt and Eddie's scenes were comedic gold, and I also enjoyed the brief appearance of Nate as a villain. (Speaking of which, I'm boycotting Telltale if Nate doesn't somehow cameo in Season 4!)
Maybe, but that is part of the gameplay experience and something they put in to make the universe, and game, have more depth to it, so I view it as a necessary. And I did say I looked at EVERYTHING, and I meant it.
I noticed that you read through the newspapers and codex in full too. Some of your episodes are almost entirely just reading. I don't really… more count reading as gameplay and I also don't think it's that important - I skim through them. It's not really important to the main story. Without them (most people don't and won't read text in full in games), the episodes wouldn't be as long as you made them sound.
I didn't even replay any episodes, and dealt with one crash that required me to play 10 mins of episode 2. Unless the 3 second loading screens took over an hour of my playtime. Just because you had a shorter runtime doesn't mean others had one also.
Like I said, B: TEW took me only 8 hours to complete so I've no idea where did you get 10 hours of completing whole season, man. Also, what are you talking about with that competitor? What competitor?
I didn't even replay any episodes, and dealt with one crash that required me to play 10 mins of episode 2. Unless the 3 second loading screens took over an hour of my playtime. Just because you had a shorter runtime doesn't mean others had one also.
1. Don't do that.
2. Relevance?
You could always sit and relax. Not sure why anyone would feel obligated to finish something that will take several hours in one sitting. If they released Season 4 all on the same day. You wouldn't feel like you had the play for 4 hours would you?
Ironically the short runtimes of modern Telltalle has THAT affect on me. I figure well I might as well just finish this because its not going to be much fun after playing an hour to get prepared for another go at this only to have 20 minutes of content left. As opposed to season 1 where I recall sometimes playing them in large chunks.
quit being a baby, based on what we've seen, and ANF, it's gonna suck major ass anyways, sparing us with just 4 piece of shit episodes instead of 5 sounds way better.
You don't understand and its fine but when I play episodic games, I always have to finish one episode in a single run. After all its like playing a video game TV show. You don't start watching your favourit tv series episode and then leave it just before the end or in the middle of it, do you?
That's why I think that 90 minutes episodes are one of the best things they could do. I can literally just sit, start playing it in the morning for example and finish it just in the right moment to start working on my dinnner.
That's one of the reason (not the only one!) why I haven't finished Life is Strange, ever. 3 hours per episode is too long for me. Its not fun for me.
Don't do what? Oh, you mean............
Actually, I also usually play a game espisódio without interruptions, it would be like pruning a chapter of series of TV. As for the duration of the SPF spies, I do not think it will take around 3 hours, at most perhaps an hour and a half.
Yeah. THAT.
What the fuck is that thing?
That "dinnner" must be quite the meal lol. The 3rd "n" is added to put emphasis on how good it is
Does anyone know if Season 3 is included in the Walking Dead Collection if we preorder?
???? im guessing it's some kind of FROST giant
I know that, too bad you did not catch my sarcasm.
Yes. Season One, Season Two, A New Frontier and Michonne are included in The Walking Dead Collection
The Walking Dead-Collection includes the first three seasons, so yes, ANF is included in the 'free' package.
Font: https://telltale.com/series/the-walking-dead-collection/
But its the same thing!
You wouldn't want to left it in the middle in both cases. Its like watching only half of an episode of your fav series but deciding you dont have any more time and waiting until the next week (or at least couple of days later) to finish the rest of the episode.
TV shows are typically 40 minutes long so no. However if my favorite show was suddenly to run double that for creative reasons I would absolutely not have a problem with it. Matter of fact speaking of episode count as well. I absolutely hate when a show that has 16 or more episodes suddenly gets cut down to 8-10. As soon as you get used to it being back it feels like its over.
I understand wanting to finish something that isn't insanely long in one sitting but not to the point where I would prefer things I enjoy are cut in half. I'm supposed to be enjoying it not playing as a chore. The final TV season of Games of Thrones is only 6 episodes and the episodes will be substantially longer. I can't imagine there would any fan of the show who would hope that is not the case.
Not be able to enjoy something like LIS because its longer yeah I absolutely do not understand that. So in theory if someone cut the episode in half and called it two episodes and spliced in a credit roll. You'd be able to play the game? Just turn it off
I don't know what to tell you, but in every single episode, except Episode 4, I got 2 hours out of it. Episode 4 for me was over 100 minutes. Here's the link to my playlist if you want to verify for yourself, but the facts don't lie.
That seems wild they are willing to give that away just for pre ordering. I know someone who just bought that too. Usually its me that happens to. Buy a game then it goes free or something.
So tomorrow we can pre order? Then will be able to download the entire telltale collection? For FREE? They should hammer that point home then if you get 1-3 and Michonne for buying 4.
I didn't rush anything. I looked at everything in every episode. That's why Episode 1 of Batman S2 took me exactly 147 minutes (which is phenomenal) compared to most youtubers who only took about 125-130 minutes to complete it.
I really hope the episodes are named based on the rules like, 'Never Go Alone', 'The Last Bullet', and so on. Disappointed to find it only has 4 episodes, unless the story is really good and deserves 2.5-3 hour length episodes I really can't see why it would ever be a good idea to make it less than 5 episodes.
Yes, if they cut those episodes in half (which would probably make additional 5 episodes with overall number of 10) I'd play them because then I'd have time to enjoy them. I'm sorry but not everyone in the world might have as much time as you do to play 3-4 hours without shutting down the game.
Indeed the facts do not lie. I have no idea how you managed to get that considering almost every youtuber has gotten 75 minutes for that episode (and about 100-110 minutes for every other episode except Ep1). Your choices could've possibly added a few extra scenes or maybe you died a lot. In any case, most people I've talked to have gotten the same length for the episodes. I don't rush the episodes.
I rarely, if ever, died. I looked at everything and talked to everyone, same as you. Maybe what helped is that I always wait till the last second to make my choice, but even then, that can only add so much time onto the episode, surely not enough to extend it to the point where I get another half hour out of it. I don't know what to tell you, but that's how long I got out of these episodes.
I didn't say anything about having time. I said there is absolutely nothing preventing you from turning the game off at ANY time. That sounds more like an OCD thing when you say it that way.
Nothing prevents me? How about the fact that those games usually don't have any save game system except for autosave? I don't know about you but I'm not fond of autosaves that work every 15 minutes in those types of games.
I have not played or watched any Batman gameplay yet, so I have no opinion about him.
I also do not like autosaves very fast, I think they cut a little of the game experience.
But why would frequent auto saves discourage someone from playing half of an episode and the other half later?
You would be more likely to want to finish if it DIDNT save the game because you would lose all your progress. Or is he saying 15 minutes isn't frequent enough? lol
I really like the Walking Dead world. I liked all the seasons, and I don't want it to end. The longer the better for me, but we are all on different wavelengths and playstyles, I see. I play it in chunks with snacks; it like participating in a big movie for me. The first thought of one less chapter did not make me see all rainbows and stars, but we'll see how it goes. I hope to be pleasantly surprised with in-depth chapters because I don't want to feel shortchanged when I have to say goodbye. The improvements in the game looked nice in the trailer. I'm still excited and hopeful, just a little stunned. I hope it feels complete.
Ahh, that new Waiting Thread smell! (Well, we merged some posts too but same difference)
It's the last set of Waiting Threads for Walking Dead, so let's make it count.
Woohoo! I may sound absolutely ridiculous for saying this but being a part of the Waiting Thread for The Final Season is absolutely incredible! Here is to an amazing Fourth and Final Season folks!

After Season 4 the Walking Dead section gets permadeleted too so lets make it count fellas :kennysad:
Who let that leak out?!?
I noticed that you read through the newspapers and codex in full too. Some of your episodes are almost entirely just reading. I don't really count reading as gameplay and I also don't think it's that important - I skim through them. It's not really important to the main story. Without them (most people don't and won't read text in full in games), the episodes wouldn't be as long as you made them sound.
So, to pass some time and look back at the good ol' days, what are your guys' favorite Walking Dead Telltale episodes?
My favorite episode was 400 Days - I really dug the experimental story structure of smaller vignettes that interconnected around the same location, and it was also one of the last episodes that captured the Season 1 vibes of more realistic and grounded character writing/interactions. Wyatt and Eddie's scenes were comedic gold, and I also enjoyed the brief appearance of Nate as a villain. (Speaking of which, I'm boycotting Telltale if Nate doesn't somehow cameo in Season 4!)
Dude you’re killing me with the colours ? legit made me hungry
I really liked episode 5 from ANF. It wasn’t my favourite episode of all time but the conflict towards the end really made it for me, as well as the score and final choices, even the deaths ?
I really liked season 1 episode 2, i enjoyed the creepy horror vibe to the episode and the twists we saw such as the car we took food from which belonged to the stranger in the end.
Maybe, but that is part of the gameplay experience and something they put in to make the universe, and game, have more depth to it, so I view it as a necessary. And I did say I looked at EVERYTHING, and I meant it.
I didn't even replay any episodes, and dealt with one crash that required me to play 10 mins of episode 2. Unless the 3 second loading screens took over an hour of my playtime. Just because you had a shorter runtime doesn't mean others had one also.
Same aplies to you, my friend. Just because YOU had a longer runtime doesn't meant that others had one as well.