There is a difference between being covered in blood and having a heart attack.
Larry didn't see a bite, all he saw was a little boy with zombie fluids on him. Be real, would you not think he was bitten as well? As for Larry having a heart attack, him turning wasn't a sure thing.
**_Leaving them behind without leaving a note and hanging up were definitely good decisions.
I mean.....what is there to say? "Hi Clem. I'm going to kill myself. Bye Clem."? She probably would've tried to talk Jane out of it, or even try to stop her. I wanna know what you think of Katjaa's suicide.
She knew about walkers coming from non-brain deaths and she didn't think about preventing herself from becoming one.
So you wanted her to either shoot herself in the head which could've drawn walker attention, build a guillotine and chop her head off, or just stab herself in the head? Those are the only other options that are to kill her without her coming back.
How can one person be able to take care of a huge building? There might have been more doors open and some thieves or bandits could easily sneak up, steal Clem's supplies and maybe kill her
What difference would Jane's presence make in the event those things happened? They could both easily get robbed/killed in those situations.
What if the herd came back and surround her?
Wait for the hurd to pass like Carver was going to do before the speakers blasted. Jane and Clem had food for days.
Because she didn't care about his loss, told him to forget about Dee and move on. It's Bonnie's fault for not using the best words.
There's another option that actually convinces him to go with her. It's really based on the player. So depending on how you go about it, she can either leave without him dragging her down, or convince him to come with her
So if Larry had crushed Duck's skull back when he accused him of being bitten, that would've been ok because he was worried for his daughter… more?
There is a difference between being covered in blood and having a heart attack.
She clearly told him to come, yet he refuses, and chooses to stay.
Because she didn't care about his loss, told him to forget about Dee and move on. It's Bonnie's fault for not using the best words.
She did bring Clem and AJ back to a place with a roof over their heads, walls to keep them safe, and it had food left over.
How can one person be able to take care of a huge building? There might have been more doors open and some thieves or bandits could easily sneak up, steal Clem's supplies and maybe kill her. What if the herd came back and surround her?
She did good before signing out.
Leaving them behind without leaving a note and hanging up were definitely good decisions. Wh… [view original content]
Jesus, Dex. Does she like shoulder rubs or back rubs more?
She likes having something else rubbed That's a good question.
No, I'm talking about after S2. The flashbacks when she hung herself.
Ok I see what you're saying. But, had she stuck to being alone rather than pairing up with the escapees, she wouldn't have been in that predicament where she was screwed without a group to help her take care of the baby.
she wouldn't have been in that predicament where she was screwed without a group to help her take care of the baby.
Ohhh I see what you mean now. But still I can't put that on the group, more so on her. Since she's this "survivor" she should've been more cautious. Not a condom - like they could've found those laying around, but, not do it. Pun intended.
Jesus, Dex. Does she like shoulder rubs or back rubs more?
She likes having something else rubbed That's a good question.
No, … moreI'm talking about after S2. The flashbacks when she hung herself.
Ok I see what you're saying. But, had she stuck to being alone rather than pairing up with the escapees, she wouldn't have been in that predicament where she was screwed without a group to help her take care of the baby.
Larry didn't see a bite, all he saw was a little boy with zombie fluids on him. Be real, would you not think he was bitten as well?
Cleaning him completely and noticing the scars would have convinced me.
So you wanted her to either shoot herself in the head which could've drawn walker attention, build a guillotine and chop her head off, or just stab herself in the head?
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and better than hanging around.
There is a difference between being covered in blood and having a heart attack.
Larry didn't see a bite, all he saw was a little boy… more with zombie fluids on him. Be real, would you not think he was bitten as well? As for Larry having a heart attack, him turning wasn't a sure thing.
**_Leaving them behind without leaving a note and hanging up were definitely good decisions.
I mean.....what is there to say? "Hi Clem. I'm going to kill myself. Bye Clem."? She probably would've tried to talk Jane out of it, or even try to stop her. I wanna know what you think of Katjaa's suicide.
She knew about walkers coming from non-brain deaths and she didn't think about preventing herself from becoming one.
So you wanted her to either shoot herself in the head which could've drawn walker attention, build a guillotine and chop her head off, or just stab herself in the head? Those are the only other options that are to kill her… [view original content]
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. **_Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and better than hanging around
Ohhh so NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest? Even moments before death she was thinking about Clementine. She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
Larry didn't see a bite, all he saw was a little boy with zombie fluids on him. Be real, would you not think he was bitten as well?
… moreCleaning him completely and noticing the scars would have convinced me.
So you wanted her to either shoot herself in the head which could've drawn walker attention, build a guillotine and chop her head off, or just stab herself in the head?
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and better than hanging around.
NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest?
Lol no way. Well I did when I first saw her at Howe's when I FIRST played the game and didn't know how she truly was. I was intrigued. But after the first few episodes, I thought to myself, I'd just keep my distance cause I'm starting not to like her. After episode 5. Well y'know.
She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. **_Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and… more better than hanging around
Ohhh so NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest? Even moments before death she was thinking about Clementine. She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest?
Lol no way. Well I did when I first saw her at Howe's when I F… moreIRST played the game and didn't know how she truly was. I was intrigued. But after the first few episodes, I thought to myself, I'd just keep my distance cause I'm starting not to like her. After episode 5. Well y'know.
She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
Are you joking with me right now?!
Not really. Clementine can leave Jane hanging around and she doesn't get any bullets from her. No, Jane was selfish to commit suicide, leaving Clem and AJ behind without any guide. Don't forget, it's her fault for her own death because she made out with Luke in Episode 4.
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. **_Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and… more better than hanging around
Ohhh so NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest? Even moments before death she was thinking about Clementine. She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
At some point it was very possible for the audience to not care about Clementine in season one and Telltale had to tip toe around with her behavior carefully. For if she was annoying to the player and Lee then most would have wanted her to be kidnapped or killed quickly within that season. I kind of believe if Clementine was annoying more so than Duck people would have not received Clem well and not cared when she got kidnapped by the Stranger. I wonder how differently would the series be if Clem got kidnapped by the Stranger and that was just it. Nothing else, that at the time in and of itself would of been a dark ending to me as well almost as much if Clem had died at the end of S1.
This weirdo stalker guy who could of been a loony pedophile has kidnapped the one kid you had a reason to go on and redeem yourself and you just let your guard down enough to let him get away with her. Of course folks would want to know what happens to Clem but realistically that is very possible even in the real world and especially in the apocalypse world. The mental toll it would have on Lee would be immense and he goes on with the guilt of loosing Clem to the Stranger who could possibly have gotten her killed by accident, purposely killed or as a little love doll to use for who knows how long. There are a couple darker ways I saw season one ending than what came to pass.
AJ's case is different for since he is a infant and baby he couldn't realistically develop any character and even still people have no logical case to hate or not care about him since he's a baby and has future potential. Folks cared more about that dog that attacked us in S2 than AJ for some reason when it was just a dog. Now that AJ has a chance to be liked he could become as likeable as Clem possibly. But since Clem was cuter ppl will probably still not care about AJ as much as Clem and would not sacrifice Clem or AJ even if it is what Clem would want to do which is also within her character at this point. Which is just as shallow as saving Carly over Doug because she was hot and a romance interest for Lee.
Rather than scrambling her brains, she hung herself, which means whatever ammo would’ve been spent on shooting herself had been spared. She taught clementine the ways of survival, so she didn’t need a guide. yes, she was selfish for killing herself, but she owed it to no one to stay.
She saved her the ammo
Not really. Clementine can leave Jane hanging around and she doesn't get any bullets from her. No, Jane was s… moreelfish to commit suicide, leaving Clem and AJ behind without any guide. Don't forget, it's her fault for her own death because she made out with Luke in Episode 4.
For all we know, he could've unzipped his pants, made his dick fly out and said "Damn it, not again! This is the 3rd time that happened this… more week. I guess it's been so long know." before she offered him some. We'll never truly know the full story behind it.
...You know... I can actually believe that, seeing as we're talking about Luke here. Although that raises even more questions about him, seeing as how Season Two goes on for about a week.
I like to sit on the fence when it comes to liking/disliking characters based on their actions.
Guess I have more hate for characters that clearly want others dead, rather than ones that unintentionally get others killed.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
Flawed people, maybe, but I wouldn't say horrible.
Even Rebecca was [intended to be] more on edge about Carver's tricks and truly believed Clementine was bitten rather than bearing any overt ill will towards the girl specifically.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
Rather than scrambling her brains, she hung herself, which means whatever ammo would’ve been spent on shooting herself had been spared. She taught clementine the ways of survival, so she didn’t need a guide.
THE WAYS OF SURVIVAL?!?! WHAT?!? deletedeletedelete!!!
but she owed it to no one to stay.
Omg so cool and edgy jane doesn't need anyone oh wow so badass and hardcore living thug life my dudes
Rather than scrambling her brains, she hung herself, which means whatever ammo would’ve been spent on shooting herself had been spared. She … moretaught clementine the ways of survival, so she didn’t need a guide. yes, she was selfish for killing herself, but she owed it to no one to stay.
She saved her the ammo
Not really. Clementine can leave Jane hanging around and she doesn't get any bullets from her. No, Jane was s… moreelfish to commit suicide, leaving Clem and AJ behind without any guide. Don't forget, it's her fault for her own death because she made out with Luke in Episode 4.
For some people it's because she love AJ a bit too much. Knowing every time his life is in danger, Clem will most likely put herself in dang… moreer too to put him out off harm's way. Having the mother's heart toward someone is something that can be very dangerous especially in a world like this.
Since I'm taking my sweet time [not] reading through this, I'm just gonna say a few things:
1. Good on OP for challenging that trend.
2. The irony isn't lost on me, just not really applicable within the meaning and especially beyond .
3. Probably shouldn't point this out, but this reminds of another, surprisingly more enlightening thread.
in Season 2 the story often probes the player to sell out Nick and Sarah for not being 'strong enough'...but at the same time they expect you to devote your entire life to a newborn baby that will be utterly helpless and fully incapable of looking after themselves for a good ten years, and will scream and cry loudly without warning in a zombie apocalypse.
Oh no, Richie, see--that's called "Inconsistent/Flip-Floppy Direction."
I don't hate AJ, I just don't really care that much about him as the story wants me to.
And speaking of double standards, I find that the… more bigger one is that in Season 2 the story often probes the player to sell out Nick and Sarah for not being 'strong enough'...but at the same time they expect you to devote your entire life to a newborn baby that will be utterly helpless and fully incapable of looking after themselves for a good ten years, and will scream and cry loudly without warning in a zombie apocalypse.
Had Clementine been introduced in Season 2 instead of 1, the writers would likely have given her the same treatment as they did with Sarah.
The problem with ANF is that out of nowhere it started off with new characters with a new playable character (Javi) that nobody asked for. M… moreost of the game you play as Javi and we almost never play as Clem, they could've at least balanced it when you play as Javi and Clem. ANF we should've been playing as Clem the whole time and we're with Kenny or Jane (Depending on your choice in S2) and we're taking care of AJ. Actually, how awesome would it be if you could play as Clem some episodes and Kenny/Jane other episodes?
@TheHumanDove People hate AJ? I havent been on the forums in a long time, and we barely interact with him in the demo. I find that surprising, seems like an inoffensive kid
It was pretty creative lol.
Larry didn't see a bite, all he saw was a little boy with zombie fluids on him. Be real, would you not think he was bitten as well? As for Larry having a heart attack, him turning wasn't a sure thing.
I mean.....what is there to say? "Hi Clem. I'm going to kill myself. Bye Clem."? She probably would've tried to talk Jane out of it, or even try to stop her. I wanna know what you think of Katjaa's suicide.
So you wanted her to either shoot herself in the head which could've drawn walker attention, build a guillotine and chop her head off, or just stab herself in the head? Those are the only other options that are to kill her without her coming back.
What difference would Jane's presence make in the event those things happened? They could both easily get robbed/killed in those situations.
Wait for the hurd to pass like Carver was going to do before the speakers blasted. Jane and Clem had food for days.
There's another option that actually convinces him to go with her. It's really based on the player. So depending on how you go about it, she can either leave without him dragging her down, or convince him to come with her

I would if I actually had Discord.
Damn. You're missin' out.
More creative than the idea for Jane, that's for sure.
She likes having something else rubbed That's a good question.
Ok I see what you're saying. But, had she stuck to being alone rather than pairing up with the escapees, she wouldn't have been in that predicament where she was screwed without a group to help her take care of the baby.
Ahhhh yes, my two favorite women in The Walking Dead?? Just look at those beautiful faces!
Ohhh I see what you mean now. But still I can't put that on the group, more so on her. Since she's this "survivor" she should've been more cautious. Not a condom - like they could've found those laying around, but, not do it. Pun intended.
Cleaning him completely and noticing the scars would have convinced me.
She killed herself in a building, those walls would have prevented the noise. Shooting herself in the head is the least painful death and better than hanging around.
These Judas sisters
Ohhh so NOW you care about Jane's well-being and what's in her best interest? Even moments before death she was thinking about Clementine. She saved her the ammo and used the rope instead. And that rope was still good for later use. Very efficient that Jane was. Always knew she was an aficionado when it came to being resourceful.
Lol no way. Well I did when I first saw her at Howe's when I FIRST played the game and didn't know how she truly was. I was intrigued. But after the first few episodes, I thought to myself, I'd just keep my distance cause I'm starting not to like her. After episode 5. Well y'know.
Are you joking with me right now?!
Fortunately for you, I'm 100% serious. That woman opened a padlock with a nail file. A nail file. Who else but Jane could've done that?
Not really. Clementine can leave Jane hanging around and she doesn't get any bullets from her. No, Jane was selfish to commit suicide, leaving Clem and AJ behind without any guide. Don't forget, it's her fault for her own death because she made out with Luke in Episode 4.
At some point it was very possible for the audience to not care about Clementine in season one and Telltale had to tip toe around with her behavior carefully. For if she was annoying to the player and Lee then most would have wanted her to be kidnapped or killed quickly within that season. I kind of believe if Clementine was annoying more so than Duck people would have not received Clem well and not cared when she got kidnapped by the Stranger. I wonder how differently would the series be if Clem got kidnapped by the Stranger and that was just it. Nothing else, that at the time in and of itself would of been a dark ending to me as well almost as much if Clem had died at the end of S1.
This weirdo stalker guy who could of been a loony pedophile has kidnapped the one kid you had a reason to go on and redeem yourself and you just let your guard down enough to let him get away with her. Of course folks would want to know what happens to Clem but realistically that is very possible even in the real world and especially in the apocalypse world. The mental toll it would have on Lee would be immense and he goes on with the guilt of loosing Clem to the Stranger who could possibly have gotten her killed by accident, purposely killed or as a little love doll to use for who knows how long. There are a couple darker ways I saw season one ending than what came to pass.
AJ's case is different for since he is a infant and baby he couldn't realistically develop any character and even still people have no logical case to hate or not care about him since he's a baby and has future potential. Folks cared more about that dog that attacked us in S2 than AJ for some reason when it was just a dog. Now that AJ has a chance to be liked he could become as likeable as Clem possibly. But since Clem was cuter ppl will probably still not care about AJ as much as Clem and would not sacrifice Clem or AJ even if it is what Clem would want to do which is also within her character at this point. Which is just as shallow as saving Carly over Doug because she was hot and a romance interest for Lee.
Rather than scrambling her brains, she hung herself, which means whatever ammo would’ve been spent on shooting herself had been spared. She taught clementine the ways of survival, so she didn’t need a guide. yes, she was selfish for killing herself, but she owed it to no one to stay.
I think people need to shut up and just enjoy the damn series, if you dont then, fair enough dont play it.
Why did this thread turn into an "why Jane sucks" thread.
Because people don't know a great character when they see one.
Completely understandable.
i don't get clem's attachment to aj. both his parents were horrible people. would've been nice having an option to leave him with kenny or jane or in the snow or something.
you would want to leave him in the snow to die but call his parents horrible people.
K Den
Devil's Advocate Much?
Flawed people, maybe, but I wouldn't say horrible.
Even Rebecca was [intended to be] more on edge about Carver's tricks and truly believed Clementine was bitten rather than bearing any overt ill will towards the girl specifically.
Wow, um, okay this is a new one. I can't tell if you're trolling or just outright cold.
Because opinions dude!
I think I agree lol.
THE WAYS OF SURVIVAL?!?! WHAT?!? deletedeletedelete!!!
Omg so cool and edgy jane doesn't need anyone oh wow so badass and hardcore living
thug life my dudes 
But somehow, they continuously find a way to label her this martyr... sheesh.
Anyone else with common sense who would've thought of it? Lol. JANE IS NOT THIS DEMI GOD!!! Lock pick it with her brain, then we can talk.
for most people they are trolls. so they hate aj to troll
Yep. Just like I stated above "just to be apart of the popular conversation".
Since I'm taking my sweet time [not] reading through this, I'm just gonna say a few things:
1. Good on OP for challenging that trend.
2. The irony isn't lost on me, just not really applicable within the meaning and especially beyond .
3. Probably shouldn't point this out, but this reminds of another, surprisingly more enlightening thread.
guess i hate Clem too,shame as i quite liked her xD
No. I didn't.
Somewhat agreed.
Oh no, Richie, see--that's called "Inconsistent/Flip-Floppy Direction."
Oh, you sweet summer love child....