- You took up sailing and fencing after playing Monkey Island (any one).
- You named your prized fencing epee 'El Pollo Diablo'.
- You become peeved when people make fun of the name of your prized epee.
when "ten o'clock" reminds you of monkey island
when you look up things like "grog" and "piece of eight" on wikipedia
when you tell people at work its international talk like a pirate day.
when you click on a thread in this forum titled "Some great Morgan screen captures!!"
btw @ sheppard, - who doesn't sing 'a pirate I was meant to be' in the shower???
- When you try and use the line "Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!" to make your escape
I actually did do that. And it worked...twice I think. The third time I tripped over a chair and well...the escape didn't really work out. XD
-For Halloween you beg your roommates to get a skull and a walkie-talkie just so you can scream out "PUNY MORTALS!! PREPARE TO BE ROLLED THROUGH THE GATES OF HELL!"
-You draw a skull on your white board that is on your dorm door Murray that says "BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Happy Halloween Puny Mortals!!"
-Whenever you do laundry, and pull out of the dryer underwear, you say "Sheer, Sexy, and Playful. And pleanty support for the active pirate" and get plenty of blank stares.
-While waiting for said laundry, you start humming the Silver's Long John song.
- Whenever you have Roast Beef, you run down the stairs shouting, "How appropriate! You fight like a cow!"
- Whenever you have a family Reunion you consider apes.
- Whenever you see someone picking their nose, you hope they don't end up in a massive struggle.
- When you think "Caught Red Handed" means they've been picking their nose..
-When you bought "On Stranger Tides" after hearing it inspired Monkey Island
... after scouring every used-book and thrift store you know, because it's so very out of print, shrieking when you find a copy, holding it over your head like you were just awarded a quest item in Zelda, and reading it from cover to cover in less than two days.
- you simultaneously almost explode your laptop and your sky+ because you're trying to keep up with Most Haunted Live, FlashForward, Stargate Universe, CSI Miami, Warehouse 13 AND keep refreshing the TTG Site to see if they've released the damn chapter yet.....and keep checking the Bad Taste Bears site for the Christmas bear..... *sigh* Now I just sound OCD
- When you take a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle whenever you go somewhere, convinced that it would come in handy at some point.
- You teach your parrot to say:"It's me, Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate.".
- You feel the need to have a spitting contest whenever you order a green mixed cocktail at a bar.
- You automatically befriend someone just because they play MI too.
- You found out about TMI because you have randomly Googled "Monkey Island" every couple of months for the last 5 years. (*Guilty*)
- You've seen Guybrush die in SMI.
- You know tons of obscure color names (cerulean, chartreuse) because of Herman Toothrot's philosophical question.
- You use the "English (Pirate)" language setting on your Facebook page. You should try it, if you haven't!
- When you read at your computer (or just get bored, for that matter) you grab the small electric keyboard next to your desk and start mindlessly playing the Monkey Island theme on it with one hand.
- When you think about Morgan frequently for an entire month because you know she's got some issues with her life, then at the end of the month you get to watch her become even less happy with her life, which then ends, then you spend an entire month thinking about her even more frequently.
Apparently I managed to associate a song I was listening to a lot with Morgan during the first half of that last one, because shortly after I started listening to it, it reminded me of Morgan every time I heard it.
-When you read at your computer (or just get bored, for that matter) you grab the small electric keyboard next to your desk and start mindlessly playing the Monkey Island theme on it with one hand.
-When you successfully got one of your roommates to know who Guybrush Threepwood is after elaborating the entire MI series, and get them to watch Chap. 4 and they are equally shocked with the turn of events and is just as eager as you are for the next chapter.
-You snap far more than normally all because of ToMI (thanks TT!)
When you see someone struggling to solve a problem and you start listening Good Lechuck's theme in your head and start asking 'Did you try ....? or plainly saying 'Use ____ with ____' (I'm still unable to get into a situation where "Use Merkey with yourself" could apply, but I already used "Use Breath Mints with Yourself")
- When you use MI models to replace models of other games
- When you want to take your gf on a trip to the Isle of Ewe
- You try to convince your friends to play the series at every opportunity, and eventually prevail
- You named your prized fencing epee 'El Pollo Diablo'.
- You become peeved when people make fun of the name of your prized epee.
I actually had this when I visited a "skull museum" in an Austrian village
Yup, this too every day in my apartment when I should throw things away
Me, my brother and DAD had LeChuck theme for years, because DAD made it :cool:
Oh goody!!
- You look forward to the mad fan tributes almost as much as the games themselves
when you look up things like "grog" and "piece of eight" on wikipedia
when you tell people at work its international talk like a pirate day.
when you click on a thread in this forum titled "Some great Morgan screen captures!!"
btw @ sheppard, - who doesn't sing 'a pirate I was meant to be' in the shower???
And are incredulous when no one has ever heard of it.
- Whenever you have a family Reunion you consider apes.
- Whenever you see someone picking their nose, you hope they don't end up in a massive struggle.
- When you think "Caught Red Handed" means they've been picking their nose..
... after scouring every used-book and thrift store you know, because it's so very out of print, shrieking when you find a copy, holding it over your head like you were just awarded a quest item in Zelda, and reading it from cover to cover in less than two days.
Her: Lemme guess; they came out with a new Monkey Island?
Me:......am I really that predictable?
Apparently, my middleschool friends still remember me being 'the girl who really liked that Monkey Island game.' Life is good.
When you wonder if it is legal to Marry a thread because you love it so much.
- You teach your parrot to say:"It's me, Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate.".
- You automatically befriend someone just because they play MI too.
- You found out about TMI because you have randomly Googled "Monkey Island" every couple of months for the last 5 years. (*Guilty*)
- You've seen Guybrush die in SMI.
- You know tons of obscure color names (cerulean, chartreuse) because of Herman Toothrot's philosophical question.
- You use the "English (Pirate)" language setting on your Facebook page.
- When you think about Morgan frequently for an entire month because you know she's got some issues with her life, then at the end of the month you get to watch her become even less happy with her life, which then ends, then you spend an entire month thinking about her even more frequently.
Apparently I managed to associate a song I was listening to a lot with Morgan during the first half of that last one, because shortly after I started listening to it, it reminded me of Morgan every time I heard it.
... no really, i'm off to the psychiatrist
Oh, great, now I'm going to have that as a nightmare tonight.
Hehe, guilty!
...I have to say, I'm slightly weirded out that I'm not the only one here. And yet somehow, not all that surprised...
-You snap far more than normally all because of ToMI (thanks TT!)
Aww... Am I crazy? (...) Nah!
ME TOO!!!!!!!
YOU'RE CRAZY! Crap drove me NUTS!