- When you think about Morgan frequently for an entire month because you know she's got some issues with her life, then at the end of the month you get to watch her become even less happy with her life, which then ends, then you spend an entire month thinking about her even more frequently.
Apparently I managed to associate a song I was listening to a lot with Morgan during the first half of that last one, because shortly after I started listening to it, it reminded me of Morgan every time I heard it.
I managed to associate a song with Guybrush and Morgan. It's sad. But it really made the song a whole lot better - not that it wasn't good in the first place, it had just grown dull after listening to it several times.
Good Left Undone by Rise Against, if you're curious. *shrug*
(Thought about writing a songfic, then got writer's block)
Oh, that reminds me:
-You write Monkey Island fanfiction. Bonus points if it's on scrap paper after one of those boring standardized tests as you wait for everyone else to finish. (Guilty as charged.)
When you scour the four corners of the internet looking for the latest emulators, patches and installers in order to get the classic games working on your computer despite the fact that you have played them all so many times you know every puzzle off by heart and can recite every line of dialogue!
When you spend two hours copying a sprite of Morgan LeFlay by hand so you can insert it into a screenshot of MI2 to make a joke about staring at women's chests.
I spent the last two nights beating SoMI: Special Edition, and I spent tonight beating LeChuck's Revenge from start to finish and doctoring that screenshot. I'm gonna go do something constructive now. Like sing Welsh folk songs at the bank. Or have a yelling contest with my neighbor's dog. Or paint a yellow line down the middle of my driveway. Or photocopy money. Or plant trees on public land. Or paint a stranger's house in the middle of the night. Or talk to a member of the opposite sex.
Or maybe I'll just turn off my computer and go to bed.
When you have to mentally restrain yourslef from typing guy.brush instead of guybrush (guy was his placeholder sprite name, and it was a .brush file, which is where his name came from)
-When you teach the little kids you babysit every word to "Monkey in my Pocket".
-When you spend two days sewing a stuffed "Plunder Bunny"
-When you hug a total stranger because he mentioned that he liked Monkey Island
When you have to mentally restrain yourslef from typing guy.brush instead of guybrush (guy was his placeholder sprite name, and it was a .brush file, which is where his name came from)
Mostly true, but Wikipedia actually gets the details slightly wrong. For the obsessively detail-oriented among you: The DPaint extension for brush files was .bbm (remember that file extensions could only be three letters in those days). The file was named guybrush.bbm, but the "brush" was included by Steve Purcell, who did the drawing, rather than by DPaint itself.
Yeah, until Dave Grossman made that post, there probably wasn't an accurate account of the origin of his name on the internet (well, not anywhere prominent anyway). I'd always heard it was guy.brush, but in a way it's cooler that Purcell did it unintentionally.
-You write Monkey Island fanfiction. Bonus points if it's on scrap paper after one of those boring standardized tests as you wait for everyone else to finish. (Guilty as charged.)
Oh man, I've done this too (after a test and everything!). ^^; Pity none of mine is any good. I'd love to read some good MI fanfic.
= When you occasionally run up to your friends and rattle off an insult (You´re no match for my brains, you poor fool!), and then laugh when they don't know the proper comeback.
= When you have second thoughts about drinking the last root beer... you never know when it might come in handy...
~You're proud when people ask you how you met your husband/wife, and you can say that the reason you met was because the other had their favorite game listed as 'Monkey Island" In their online profiles.
~Your wedding cake toppers were sculpted to look like guybrush and elaine
~You're proud when people ask you how you met your husband/wife, and you can say that the reason you met was because the other had their favorite game listed as 'Monkey Island" In their online profiles.
~Your wedding cake toppers were sculpted to look like guybrush and elaine
- you move around the office like the Phatt Island librarian
That's me! That's me! Can't elevate the chair as much, though. My turn:
-You have played four different editions of SMI.
(Okay, a little bragging here . My father bought the 16-color version in the early nineties. A few years later I bought the 256-color version. When the diskettes became corrupt LucasArts were nice enough to send me the Monkey Island Madness CD. And now I've recently finished MI:SE. That's four. Count 'em. End of brag.)
- You are humming Monkey Island themes so often that your girlfriend has learned them all.
- You find yourself posing as Guybrush in front of the mirror.
- You really really want to know the tune for "Plank of love".
When you scramble around your kitchen looking for an egg, hair of the dog that bit ya and a pepper after a new year's eve party (Note: That is NOT me! I'm not old enough!)
Damn Lechuck! hehe
I liked it! I laughed a lot with the Guybrush´s dance xD
How great ii use it right now!
-If you try to do real Grog by combine everything in your pocket with the bucket full of water right beside you!
I managed to associate a song with Guybrush and Morgan. It's sad. But it really made the song a whole lot better - not that it wasn't good in the first place, it had just grown dull after listening to it several times.
Good Left Undone by Rise Against, if you're curious. *shrug*
(Thought about writing a songfic, then got writer's block)
Oh, that reminds me:
-You write Monkey Island fanfiction. Bonus points if it's on scrap paper after one of those boring standardized tests as you wait for everyone else to finish. (Guilty as charged.)
oh my god...
I spent the last two nights beating SoMI: Special Edition, and I spent tonight beating LeChuck's Revenge from start to finish and doctoring that screenshot. I'm gonna go do something constructive now. Like sing Welsh folk songs at the bank. Or have a yelling contest with my neighbor's dog. Or paint a yellow line down the middle of my driveway. Or photocopy money. Or plant trees on public land. Or paint a stranger's house in the middle of the night. Or talk to a member of the opposite sex.
Or maybe I'll just turn off my computer and go to bed.
I should point out it was a joke because we're both MI fans...(and we didn't stop)...!
Too much info?
LOLOLOLOLOL! Good stuff, man.
The only reason why escape isn't on there is because I couldn't figure out how/was too lazy to window it.
(Ben Folds Pirate fans will appreciate. True story: this has been me for the past six months.)
There's no way you could actually play them all at once without crashing your computer. Unless you have a supercomputer. In which case, congrats!
Actually its just a regular ol' laptop. (Though it was laggy as hell and the lappy was complaining the entire way through.)
-When you spend two days sewing a stuffed "Plunder Bunny"
-When you hug a total stranger because he mentioned that he liked Monkey Island
I was just going by what i read in Retro Gamer the other day. Still pretty neat though.
thank god i'm not the only one who does that.
Oh man, I've done this too (after a test and everything!). ^^; Pity none of mine is any good. I'd love to read some good MI fanfic.
= When you occasionally run up to your friends and rattle off an insult (You´re no match for my brains, you poor fool!), and then laugh when they don't know the proper comeback.
= When you have second thoughts about drinking the last root beer... you never know when it might come in handy...
~Your wedding cake toppers were sculpted to look like guybrush and elaine
~ The dog is named Guybrush.
God I wish my roll-ey chair didn't suck. Most fun mode of transportation ever.
Hahahah this gives me hope for my own future.
That's me! That's me! Can't elevate the chair as much, though. My turn:
-You have played four different editions of SMI.
(Okay, a little bragging here
- You are humming Monkey Island themes so often that your girlfriend has learned them all.
- You find yourself posing as Guybrush in front of the mirror.
- You really really want to know the tune for "Plank of love".
They should really have used it at the end of Rise of the Pirate God. Maybe we'll get it on the DVD.
omg omg omg!!!