How big of role will Lilly have in Ep. 4 (spoilers inside)

For those who are playing a game where she is still alive how big of role do you think she will have in Ep. 4. Generally derterminant characters don't get a great deal of dialogue after their first in game death so will be interesting to see how big of role she does play for games in which she is still alive.

I'm guessing she gets severely injured during the boat explosion so she can't have a huge role in the episode.



  • First thing she'll do is get killed or jump overboard never to be seen again.

  • I think that Clem will get stranded with her/James at the start and we get a segment where they’re forced to work together to survive.

    And then a final choice to either kill her or let her leave in peace prob. I think James is bound to have a much bigger role than she will.

  • Probably not that much considering the boat blew up, theyll probably make it so everyone in the Delta died from the explosion but Lilly. There'll probably be some show down that just leads to her being killed. Or she wont appear at all which would be ballsy as fuck to do considering they did that with Joan in ANF and everyone thought it was ass.

  • Or she wont appear at all

    Considering the fact Nicki Rapp was confirmed to have voice work in Ep 4, I'm sure they won't go that dumb route again.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Probably not that much considering the boat blew up, theyll probably make it so everyone in the Delta died from the explosion but Lilly. The

  • I don't suspect she'll have a big one really. I thought I could predict how they'd end this but after this episode I really have no idea where they're going with it. Everyone is missing in action. What I don't wanna see is any off screen deaths like Nick's. Kent said he didn't like that aspect of Season 2 and assured everything would be determinant. But I wonder about that.
    As for Lilly, I doubt she'll be around the a majority of the episode. But I don't know what they're planning. I really don't.

  • I highly doubt that anyone not with Clem on deck is going to die in the explosion, it'd be off screen and just so stupid. And they won't kill Lilly or James in it cause they know the shit they'd get. And obviously Clem and AJ are fine. So that leaves...Tenn. Fuck.

    But yeah Lilly is just gonna be in the first act, and probably going to die to either Clem or maybe Willy or someone.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    I don't suspect she'll have a big one really. I thought I could predict how they'd end this but after this episode I really have no idea whe

  • The closest to off screen deaths I see them going is one of the kids are fatally wounded off-screen but Clem is still able to find them and say goodbye. Kind of like Gabe and David's deaths. This is a scenario that I still don't want to see cause it still feels lazy, but I could tolerate it more than an offscreen death.

    I highly doubt that anyone not with Clem on deck is going to die in the explosion, it'd be off screen and just so stupid. And they won't kil

  • Yeah I saw she posted she just finished recording her last lines

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    Or she wont appear at all Considering the fact Nicki Rapp was confirmed to have voice work in Ep 4, I'm sure they won't go that dumb route again.

  • Yeah, that would go well with the "Goodbye" achievement now that I think about it. I can't figure out which of the kids they would give it to though, it just doesn't make any sense for any of them. Even Omar, who at this rate I'm positive is going to somehow survive the season lmao.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    The closest to off screen deaths I see them going is one of the kids are fatally wounded off-screen but Clem is still able to find them and

  • I'll tell you how big of a role, NONE, Nada, zip zilch. And for once in my life, I approve of AJs bravery and fucking iconic will power to slay evil. I'm done telling him he's bad. He kills bad people not good. He's a hero. Every time he pulled that trigger was like a little piece of uphoria putting that wretched piece of trash out of her own narcissistic self loathing. It was gold.

    Letting James down hurt, But I simply couldn't not kill Lilly.

  • edited January 2019

    None because she has a big hole in her brain.

    Actually, most determinant characters always end up dead or useless.

  • edited January 2019

    We could have entirely different episode 4's.


    Based upon your choice in episode 4 of Batman Enemy Within, John Doe (AKA the Joker) can either become Batman's sidekick or Batman's enemy. Whichever you chose gives you an entirely different episode 5.

    Given B:TEW was made during the Telltale leadership in which TFS was made under, I wouldn't be surprised to have two entirely different episodes for episode 4. I know Skybound is now doing the project, but they brought back the original team (or at least a lot of it) so the projected path they set forth when TFS launched can still go ahead as scheduled.

  • Please, don't let there be another Ben scenario. Maybe have a slower death because they don't have any supplies to fix it properly. We haven't had many deaths from infected wounds.

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    The closest to off screen deaths I see them going is one of the kids are fatally wounded off-screen but Clem is still able to find them and

  • 2 month wait = 2 diverged episodes?

    gta3demon posted: »

    We could have entirely different episode 4's. SPOILERS FOR BATMAN ENEMY WITHIN (Telltale game) AHEAD YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. (Spoiler)

  • Knowing Telltale writers, Lilly will die at the start either way which makes that ep 3 choice pointless anyway

  • They have said that the stories were going to branch. There wasn't much branching in episode 3, but they did set up some branching. I really hope there are two totally different scenarios that can play out. I think if you leave Lily alive she is going to have a big role.

  • If shes gonna have a role it will have to have an equal. Maybe the lady with the hat will replace her if shes alive.

    Otherwise her only alternative is James, which doesnt match very well. Louis/Violet worked quite well in episode 3 because they could be used in Similar cicumstances

  • edited January 2019

    Holy fuck that could actually be interesting.

    Also yeah Kent confirmed that James has a bigger role in EP4.

    I think that Clem will get stranded with her/James at the start and we get a segment where they’re forced to work together to survive. An

  • I think the better question is should we care?

  • Sullene.
    Who I'm a little surprised didn't get much spotlight in this episode.

    If shes gonna have a role it will have to have an equal. Maybe the lady with the hat will replace her if shes alive. Otherwise her only a

  • Yes maybe they can salvage this shitty character and do something interesting with her i like the idea of being forced to work with her to survive and then either killing her or letting her live that could be interesting.

    But i expect them to give her 5 minutes of screentime and then we kill her,or better yet she disappear like Joan/Clint in S3 EP5 Epic.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think the better question is should we care?

  • quite frankly, no! a BIG NO, i have no desire to watch the last episode,this game has fell to even lower standards than ANF, i know Telltale had countless problems with this episode ( going out of business) but is it any wonder anymore? it doesn't even resemble anything like it did to S1 , im happy for Lilly VO that she at least got to record more lines but the character of Lilly just like Clem has been ruined beyond compare,time to end this mess once and for all,roll on final episode,thank god lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think the better question is should we care?

  • If you have no interest in even playing the last episode and don't even care about Clementine, why are you on the forums?

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    quite frankly, no! a BIG NO, i have no desire to watch the last episode,this game has fell to even lower standards than ANF, i know Telltale

  • Because she's been here for years and has thoughts&opinions to post?

    Pyreflie posted: »

    If you have no interest in even playing the last episode and don't even care about Clementine, why are you on the forums?

  • Post away, I was just wondering. If I don't like something I go and do something I like instead.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Because she's been here for years and has thoughts&opinions to post?

  • Just because you dont like it doesnt mean its bad I liked it. I dont really know what you wanted from it either? Lilly to suddenly not be crazy and the leader of warring comunnity?

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    quite frankly, no! a BIG NO, i have no desire to watch the last episode,this game has fell to even lower standards than ANF, i know Telltale

  • Its still better than Season 3 for fucks sake! I agree that Telltales TWD lost it’s identity long ago but that’s what happens when the original writers left. Look at how they ruined Kenny’s character in S2 and the absolute mess of No Going Back along with all the rewrites. The pointless 400 days character cameos. Total waste. Season 1 will always be the best and we all know it but even though i haven’t enjoyed Season 4 as much, it’s still a billion times better than ANF. Sorry but ANF having 1 hour episodes, shit character development, lack of choices that hardly affect anything among all the other shit problems such as i believe at least 3 of the 5 episodes had ONE section of gameplay whilst the rest were watching cutscenes and choosing dialogue options was PAINFUL to endure.

    That was the biggest pile of crap Telltale ever did

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    quite frankly, no! a BIG NO, i have no desire to watch the last episode,this game has fell to even lower standards than ANF, i know Telltale

  • Why is the sky blue?

    Pyreflie posted: »

    If you have no interest in even playing the last episode and don't even care about Clementine, why are you on the forums?

  • Because in my opinion this isn't Lilly,it doesn't represent Lilly in any way,i mean come on people shes cutting tongues out of kids and shes looking for child soldiers?...gimme a break

    Just because you dont like it doesnt mean its bad I liked it. I dont really know what you wanted from it either? Lilly to suddenly not be crazy and the leader of warring comunnity?

  • ANF was garbage, total garbage i agree, but having a S1 lost character show up cutting tongues out takes the piss for me

    Its still better than Season 3 for fucks sake! I agree that Telltales TWD lost it’s identity long ago but that’s what happens when the origi

  • edited January 2019

    Eh, the child soldier thing could've been fine enough under a certain mindset--the tongue thing though was just the chase scene turned up to 22.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    Because in my opinion this isn't Lilly,it doesn't represent Lilly in any way,i mean come on people shes cutting tongues out of kids and shes looking for child soldiers?...gimme a break

  • ive not even mentioned how about 5 teenagers took down an adult crew and ship including a baby (AJ) Blasting away the main protagonist

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, the child soldier thing could've been fine enough under a certain mindset--the tongue thing though was just the chase scene turned up to 22.

  • Sometimes, you just need to get rid of a bomb?

    a baby (AJ) Blasting away the main protagonist

    Go, Alvie, GO!

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    ive not even mentioned how about 5 teenagers took down an adult crew and ship including a baby (AJ) Blasting away the main protagonist

  • i can suspend my disbelief like anyone, but this crack team of teenage commandos sinking a boat while the adults on board have machine guns , i don't think so xD

    Little Alvie will probably survive the longest...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Sometimes, you just need to get rid of a bomb? a baby (AJ) Blasting away the main protagonist Go, Alvie, GO!

  • Essentially.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    i can suspend my disbelief like anyone, but this crack team of teenage commandos sinking a boat while the adults on board have machine guns , i don't think so xD Little Alvie will probably survive the longest...

  • Well for me it just proves how years in the apocalypse changed who Lilly used to be and she’s become this vile monster of a human being. It was extreme but it’s just showing us how ruthless she had become

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    ANF was garbage, total garbage i agree, but having a S1 lost character show up cutting tongues out takes the piss for me

  • i blame the Writers for lack of vision

    Well for me it just proves how years in the apocalypse changed who Lilly used to be and she’s become this vile monster of a human being. It was extreme but it’s just showing us how ruthless she had become

  • I second that for a bigger scope.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    i blame the Writers for lack of vision

  • Ok I’m sorry I have to say this Lilly is crazy and she was always planed to be the bad guy there was also scraped parts in season one instead of the Stranger it was supposed to be Lilly I can’t remember where I found out but i remember it something from telltale so everyone that hates the final season just because of Lilly just really everyone kept bugging telltale to bring back Lilly and Christa and we got Lilly and suddenly TFS is bad you guys are toxic

  • Oh boy, one of these.

    there was also scraped parts in season one instead of the Stranger it was supposed to be Lilly I can’t remember where I found out but i remember it something from telltale

    No, you're thinking of a comment from Gavin Hammon, where Lily was supposed to come back in the RV at one point.

    Erinour posted: »

    Ok I’m sorry I have to say this Lilly is crazy and she was always planed to be the bad guy there was also scraped parts in season one instea

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