Christa and the hat

edited January 2019 in The Walking Dead

After all the hints, all the trouble, all the wait, good ol Christa has a 0.01% chance of appearing. And so does Kenny's hat.
Or maybe they will.
Don't see any room for Christa anymore in the plot now. Pay respek(F) that she's gone or write something about it. Any chance of her coming back? To be honest there's a 0.2% chance she might involved in what happened in the McCarol Ranch. Otherwise why all this build up. how will it be worth it? Inevitably if she is there it's still a nice waste of her character but I dunno. Originally I thought she might be in the group at war with the Delta but looks unlikely since we ain't even gonna see that area. Is there a chance for her to come back?


  • Who cares about Christa ? Like yeah she's probably not dead but i never understood the people who wanted her back,what's the point ? So she can be pissed at Clem again for Omid's death ? Lilly was always the one who had the most potential and look how that turned out..

  • She's the only character that I really would have liked to see again that we haven't already seen. I suppose we can all just assume that she got shot by the bandits in the woods but that seems lame.

  • Can't disagree. Lilly had the potential of a nuclear bomb but she turned out to be a miserable and disappointing dud

    iFoRias posted: »

    Who cares about Christa ? Like yeah she's probably not dead but i never understood the people who wanted her back,what's the point ? So she

  • Fuck Christa she is dead, and good riddance.

  • I wanted to see her back. But it’s true. Sometimes you meet someone, and one day they just disappear. And all that’s left is the memory you have of that person.

  • Idk, I was always under the impression that she died in Season 2. Given that you can literally see her stabbed in one variation, and in the other you hear her scream/gunshots. She's a goner, my dude.

    That being said, I so wish that Kenny's hat made just ONE appearance. It was so important for Kenny in the Wellington ending, that AJ have his hat and be told about his family and all the people who loved him.

    At this point there's no way she could still have it (since they lost their bag and weapons in Episode 2) BUT, I just wish in the beginning of Episode 1, AJ could have briefly been seen wearing the hat.

  • Why do you and @Sebastian 4002 dislike her?

    iFoRias posted: »

    Who cares about Christa ? Like yeah she's probably not dead but i never understood the people who wanted her back,what's the point ? So she

  • Because i don't really care about her,she's just bland and boring,there's nothing interesting about her don't know why some people wanted her back.

    Why do you and @Sebastian 4002 dislike her?

  • Okie dokie.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Because i don't really care about her,she's just bland and boring,there's nothing interesting about her don't know why some people wanted her back.

  • I agree, Fuck Christa. She was always a filler character imo. So boring with no much interesting back story or substance. Her coming back would be meaningless to me. She'd just be pissing and moaning and really she put Omid's death on Clem too much. She was kinda poor at survival by herself. Lucky Clem didn't die.

    I'd much much rather have even Javi, Eleanor or Arvo at this point. And I hate Arvo. But at least he's interesting.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Who cares about Christa ? Like yeah she's probably not dead but i never understood the people who wanted her back,what's the point ? So she

  • Kenny's hat is 100% gone, which really sucks, was it really too hard to just make Aj wear a hat?

    Christa I honestly wont be surprised if she appears at the end of episode 4 and they reveal she is the leader of the community the Delta is fighting. However at the same time Kent Mundle just recently basically said that season 2 and ANF dont matter and really just a sequel to season 1, meaning we probably wont see what happen to Christa or have her return.

  • Christa is a good example of an unknown fate adding a lot of mystery and intrigue to the lore. Clem can ask about her several different times to strangers but has no luck, in the apocalypse people can just disappear and you can never find them or know what happened to them.

  • edited January 2019

    I already wrote way, and I don't want to write it again because it's pretty long so just look this old thread I made back in october at page 1 and 2 if you want to know.

    Why do you and @Sebastian 4002 dislike her?

  • edited January 2019

    I think the hat has a far better chance to happen than Christa. It can literally happen before the final battle or whatever, and Clem can pull AJ aside and say "I've been waiting for a special occasion to give this to you." Brief explanation of why it's important and bang. All done. That's far easier than Christa, who unless she's the leader of the delta, has zero chance of returning.

  • I thought there was speculation that Mike was going to appear, no?

  • Christa was an ok character, but I don’t get why so many people want to see what happened to her. She’s no more interesting than someone like Molly, and nobody gives a damn about Molly.

  • Harsh, she did take care of the person who indirectly got her baby daddy killed, and taught her how to stitch wounds.

    Fuck Christa she is dead, and good riddance.

  • What's even more depressing is that AJ doesn't even mention his name AT ALL this wtf he mentioned Lee like 3 fucking times Kenny was the one who took care of him for years still no mention or a conversation about him(I get it, It maybe happened before the game started) but mention is all I ask.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Kenny's hat is 100% gone, which really sucks, was it really too hard to just make Aj wear a hat? Christa I honestly wont be surprised if

  • edited January 2019

    Hey i wanted to get a Luke reference this season,i guess we can't all have what we want.

    But we did get a Chuck mention in EP3 so maybe there's still a chance?..

    What's even more depressing is that AJ doesn't even mention his name AT ALL this wtf he mentioned Lee like 3 fucking times Ke

  • What does luke have to do with AJ....luke didn't last 1 day with him Kenny raised that fucking kid for years.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Hey i wanted to get a Luke reference this season,i guess we can't all have what we want. But we did get a Chuck mention in EP3 so maybe there's still a chance?..

  • edited January 2019

    I want her to talk to AJ about Kenny or Jane too but i was saying that i wanted to have a Luke reference/mention somewhere in the game not when we talk to AJ.

    What does luke have to do with AJ....luke didn't last 1 day with him Kenny raised that fucking kid for years.

  • I swear to cripes I thought this was someone asking if Christa ever touched Ed's hat. It's like, you seriously made a thread to ask that malarkey?

    Anyway, Christa would indeed be super last minute at this point and that dirty sunblocker is unnecessary trailer trash.

  • I know, which is why the excuse they use of the "budget machine broke" doesnt feel super legit. It doesnt cost millions to add in a line or two that mentions Kenny or Jane or any of your endings. I just find it super disappointing we cant even talk about the past about before we met him at all. I really do want to tell him about his real parents and like what Kenny said, everyone who died to protect him.

    What's even more depressing is that AJ doesn't even mention his name AT ALL this wtf he mentioned Lee like 3 fucking times Ke

  • Sounds like a better topic. Has she ever laid her fingers on the hat?

    DabigRG posted: »

    I swear to cripes I thought this was someone asking if Christa ever touched Ed's hat. It's like, you seriously made a thread to ask that mal

  • edited January 2019

    Doubtful. Christa wasn't really one for close contact--more stern hip.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Sounds like a better topic. Has she ever laid her fingers on the hat?

  • I feel like it's just them pandering to casuals/how it'd confuse them if there were so many mentions of different characters. All we get is Lee, and it's become to such a point where when James asks if anyone Clem cares about has turned AJ answers Lee, even though Clem can shoot Lee, it defeats the purpose and AJ isn't that retarded, he understood the question. That right there, that would have been an oppurtunity for 3 different dialogue options for Clem to answer the question. Honestly it's insane that it seems Clem hasn't mentioned all these important people to AJ. There's so much more to her story than Lee.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I know, which is why the excuse they use of the "budget machine broke" doesnt feel super legit. It doesnt cost millions to add in a line or

  • That is probably the reason, for some fucking reason Telltale kept pandering to "new players" in their sequel games. It makes no sense. Congrats, like 1% of everyone playing the Final Season has not played any other Walking Dead games. People just dropped off and stop buying them because 1: choices became obvious to not matter, so just watch on youtube if still care. And then 2: every season acts like a reboot. People want a continuation, and its not like people are asking for crazy outcomes like Kenny still being alive in season 4 and shit like that. Just open up some dialogue options based on choices. Like you said, she could have answered more than just Lee. Like if you got the Jane endings you could say how you had to put down a walker Jane, which works with what James was saying about putting down walkers.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I feel like it's just them pandering to casuals/how it'd confuse them if there were so many mentions of different characters. All we get is

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