TOP5 characters from the whole TWD game?

  1. Louis
  2. Chairles
  3. Javi
  4. Clementine
  5. Lee


  • I should probably think about if I should do this.

  • You should. It's going to be one of the most important decisions in your whole life.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I should probably think about if I should do this.

  • 1 Lee 2 Clementine 3 violet 4 Kenny 5 Lilly

  • Jane;

    Oh and Jane. ?

    1. Clementine (Its Clementine do I need to say more?)
    2. Lee( Same thing with Lee. Its Lee)
    3. Kenny (He is the boat GOD)
    4. Larry (Easy the best character to hate)
    5. Peter Joseph Randall (Got killed of way to fast)
  • I don't know what should I feel more bad of. Your chocies or that Kate in your photo :D

    Jane; Jane; Jane; Jane; Oh and Jane. ?

  • Well THAT's encouraging.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    You should. It's going to be one of the most important decisions in your whole life.

  • Top 10 Characters nobody misses
    Number 1

    Jane; Jane; Jane; Jane; Oh and Jane. ?

    1. Lee
    2. Clem
    3. Kenny
    4. Javi
    5. Luke
  • 1.Lee


    3.AJ (TFS AJ)



  • It was Jane, but I fancied a change.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't know what should I feel more bad of. Your chocies or that Kate in your photo

  • ¡Venga! Look at your username. Of course someone like you will make a remark like that.

    Top 10 Characters nobody misses Number 1

  • Clem AJ Lee Javier Kenny

  • Also, you need a colon after ‘of’ and it is ‘choices’; not ‘chocies’. Are you hungry for some chocies?

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't know what should I feel more bad of. Your chocies or that Kate in your photo

  • edited January 2019
    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Luke
    4. Kenny
    5. Louis
  • ...Wait, you can see his profile pic?

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    I don't know what should I feel more bad of. Your chocies or that Kate in your photo

  • I can see yours.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Wait, you can see his profile pic?

  • Yeah? No shit. :smirk:

    I can see yours.

  • Haha.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah? No shit.

  • edited January 2019
    1. Clem (duh)
    2. Lee
    3. Kenny
    4. Carver
    5. Louis

    Honorable Mentions: Chuck, Pete, Alvin, Omid, AJ, Violet

  • edited January 2019
    1. Clementine
    2. Lee
    3. Luke
    4. Kenny
    5. A tie between Violet and Louis

    Honorable mentions : Rosie, AJ, Pete, Chuck, Carley, Omid, Christa, Jane, Carver, Molly, James

  • Couldn't find smaller images?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    * Clementine * Lee * Luke * Kenny * A tie between Violet and Louis Honorable mentions : Rosie, AJ, Pete, Chuck, Carley, Omid, Christa, Jane, Carver, Molly, James

    1. Clementine
    2. Sarah
    3. Lee
    4. Kenny
    5. Louis
  • edited January 2019
    1. Clem
    2. Lee
    3. Kenny
    4. Omid
    5. Louis
    1. Kenny

    The boat god himself. The all boatly one. His boatness. The one and boatly. Without Kenny, Clementine would have died in season 2. Kenny carried an entire season on his back. He's the alpha. The leader. The loving loyal hero whoms love never wavered from Clementine. He did everything in his power and was Lee's right hand man until the very end. Who was it that came rescuing Lee out of that walker swarmed building after the Larry punch? Kenny.... Who was it that was beat until within an inch of his life until his orbital bone fracutured into a paste in his face so Clem wouldn't have to? Kenny. And who was it that walked in the freezing wilderness, to find sanctuary for AJ and Clem and left to die so they could find new home? Kenny. Kenny risked his life for Ben after all Ben did to cause him pain. He stared into the eyes of death, he spit in the face of the devil, he walked through the storm of 2 family deaths, 1 suicide, losing his friend and the death of his new wife all in 5 years time and came out a man on the other side. No video game character mounts up to an 8th of what Kenny is. Kenny is god. He is the boat lord. And he is the reason Clementine is what she is.

    1. AJ

    Oh yes, I never thought i'd say this looking back at episode 1. But AJ is the fucking man. AJ has the quick decision making of a leader, the empathy of a good person with the strength to do what needs to be done in the face of death. He is Lee reincarnated but even more tough and witty. And he's only a kid still. His love and loyalty for those who need him is ridiculous for his age. He is one hundred percent a warrior. 3 adults and 2 other kids froze when the moment came for them to save a life, froze when what was needed of them was right in the palm of their hand. AJ bit the guards ear off saving Violet, fought Lilly freeing up Clem and ultimately didn't shy away from killing his advisaries when the group needed it. Something you can't say for many others. He's hard core af. And a pure soul. I love AJ.

    1. Clementine

    Of course Clem, she's a fantastic mom for AJ, A lot of AJ's traits were bestowed in him by great leadership. Clementine is often outpowered but she shows that reseliance and will power can carry you through any nightmare. She's loving, caring, loyal, honest and most of all brave. Plus pretty hot.... :wink: lol

    1. Lee

    Lee was a great man with a troubled past. Someone who could dictate a room without being abrasive. Someone who was a born leader. Not many people have that. And it is very much a rarity. He was a voice of reason when their was a lot of people depending on him and he did all he could until the very end for a child he didn't even know. A brave man.

    1. Violet

    I really don't know why I like Vi so much. She just is unique, and pretty cool as a person. She goes to bat for those she loves and she is very amazing companion for Clementine. She was willing to put an arrow through her own ex/best friends shoulder for Clem and is extremely hardcore. Plus the romance scenes are pretty adorable.

    Honorable Mentions

    1. Louis
    2. Tenn
    3. Carly
  • Ope. Guess it's not worth picking five out now.

  • I'm not gonna say Clementine and Lee because that's obvious. Besides them, my top 5 is:

    1. Marlon
    2. Louis
    3. Kenny
    4. AJ
    5. David

    This isn't necessarily in terms of favorites or to say that I totally love them, but just that I find them to be complex characters and I've enjoyed learning about them the most.

  • edited January 2019
    1. Violet
    2. Louis
    3. A.J.
    4. Kenny
    5. Michonne
    1. Clem
    2. AJ
    3. Lee
    4. Molly
    5. Violet
  • Sorry to do this do you, Maikel, but I'm just gonna post the collection of characters I at least liked[ within memory].

    AJ Tenn Willy Ruby Louis Aasim Abel Dorian
    Gabe Kate Max Conrad Ava Joan Lingard BaseballKid
    Oak Randall Norma
    Michelle Luke Sarah Alvin Mike/"Ralph" Arvo
    Danny Russell Shel
    Lee Lilly Larry Doug Ben Brenda Jolene Stranger

  • 1 - Lee
    2 - Clem
    3 - Luke
    4 - Javi
    5 - Dunno... it's a fight between Kenny, Lilly, Tripp, Louis and Pete.

  • Clementine, Lee, Kenny, AJ, Louis

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