Wow.. Episode 3 was really bad
Obviously season one with Lee was the best. Nobody thinks differently. But despite criticism from some, I’ve enjoyed every episode of every season. Never stopped enjoying it.
TFS episode 3 is the first one that has been absolute turd and I’d never play again. What the hell was that? Nothing happened. They went to a boat. That was it. No development at all.
And this was the “go home” to the last episode ever? Christ alive. I literally could have written a better episode by myself, in 10 minutes. So could any of you.
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The Lee/Clementine thing fell flat on its face too.
Predominantly because they didn’t look anything like Lee and Clementine
And the dialogue wasn’t reflective of them. Aside from Lee saying “sweet pea” a few times!
Rant over for now!
I actually don't think the episode overall is bad, per say, but that third act you call out is such a massive phone-in that it does slightly make you back at the rest with a few question marks.
Don’t take this the wrong way but I’d honestly like to see you write a better episode in 10 minutes. I’ll be waiting for it ☺️
There is something wrong with you if you think Episode 3 is worse than A New Frontier.
Just be glad we got episode 3 skybound our are savours
Agreed? The only good thing about ANF was that Joan liked baking cakes

While I agree on the pacing was off and the boat heist didn't need a whole episode to conclude on I strongly disagree with the fact this was a bad episode, It had well made dialogues and some of the most heartwarming scenes in this season also we got to get to know the past of the children and our choices are having some variety on the story, This episode wasn't the best but definitely isn't the worst.
In no way was it a bad episode, but ok then...
He didn't say anything about that.
Op said
but then went on to say
He basically said 403 was worse than all of ANF
Technically, he said he enjoyed everything episode that came before.
Also, he said season, so ANF probably doesn't clock in for all we've been told.
Where did he say that?
Pretty sure ANFs included
Shut up and look at the release dates.
Eh, whatever. That's his declaration.
Did we play the same episode?
Or watch, for that matter.
I mean I liked episode 3 overall, but the ending to me is just really weak with Lilly and all that. It also doesnt really have that great of a set up for episode 4.
That being said, I enjoyed most of it, its really just the ending to me that fell flat. Everything else was pretty lit.
Also how can you think ANF's episodes were better than this episode?
No character development? Did you miss the entire second act where Louis/Violet have their moment with Clem and follow up with telling their backstory? Telltale is dead. Be thankful this game is even getting finished. Skybound saved the Walking Dead. They're the only reason any of us are still here to bitch about it.
Entire fan base: I don't want Telltale to die. Thank you, Skybound for finishing the game. I'm so glad Ep.3 is going to be released.
Half the fan base: Oh my god, that episode sucked. The Walking Dead sucks. Fuck Telltale. They deserved to shut down and have everyone lose their jobs.
The level of disrespect, bitching, and complaining on this site is insane. The people who shit talk this game and fucking insane. You know Telltale is gone. Have some fucking gratitude that Skybound was generous enough to finish this game. They did this for the fans. Telltale worked hard to please us, to make us happy, and people just pissed in their faces.
That doesn't really excuse it from some criticism, though Robert and Stewart are pretty flat about their statements.
Yeah, but think about that skeleton crew of 12 people that worked for hours everyday to get this game done. People are constantly belittling their hard work and sacrifices. Everyone at Telltale deserved better. But people don't seem to care about their sacrifices. Try to imgaine if that was you. Working for hours and hours everyday while your company is fading away; only to have people shit talk your work.
Was a skeleton crew working on this game too?
Episode 3. Yeah.
I was under the impression it was just Minecraft StoryMode.
No. I said a skeleton crew was working on Ep.3 as Telltale was closing down.
Well that's odd. I seem to recall it being said the skeleton crew that was on the premises during that time were finishing up the Minecraft Story Mode port for Netflix, but you're telling me they were working on TFS.
StillNotBitten team. Yeah. Look it up if you dont believe me. Why are we even arguing about this? I want people to be grateful for what Telltale has done for us. I don't know why it's so hard for people to acknowledge that.
We aren't.
This just comes as a surprise to me.
But almost all of the criticism of the game has to to with the script. And the script was basically done way before all the shit with Telltale. I almost never see anyone complain about the visuals, the animation or the voice acting, and that is the real hard work the employees had to do after Telltales shut down.
But I do agree with you, some people are really ungrateful to Skybound for saving the game. But that doesn't mean the game doesn't deserves some criticism.
I agree, there are some things I didn't like about it. It derseves some criticism, but some people call it absolute shit and the worst episode of the Walking Dead ever. That's what annoys me the most.
I honestly love the episode to be honest love Action sequence in the episode.
I really liked episode 3. I've loved the entirety of TFS so far.
Favorite part and why?
Favorite part of Ep.3?
This should be decent.
If you liked EP1 and EP2, then you should like EP3 too.
If you disliked EP1 and EP2, why are you even playing this game?
I like how she doesn't change her clothes
Everyday is Christmas down here, ti̍t-á.
This episode was better than episode 2,i thought the pacing was better too some great moments.
My main complaint is the plot honestly,i fucking hate this dumb plot and Lilly it's just ruining the game for me and many others thinks the same.
That and how the episode ended,probably one of the weakest Telltale cliffhangers i've ever seen,no setup or anything it was pathetic.
So basically,the first two acts are great,then we sneak into the Delta and i loved that part too,and then everything goes downhill.
Allow me to swoop in and inject some healthy positivity to this thread: 403 is one of my all-time favorites now.
That's right, I'm hijacking this thread to say something good and nobody is going to stop me
Good for you
The only good episode wich is at Season 1 level of greatness is 1, after the first episode it all went downhill