Defending The Final Season Ending



  • Thanks

    Sarunas21 posted: »

    No Sorry. I'm a PS4 user but I don't believe I've encountered a bug on my side. Maybe contacting Skybound would help? I think Kent mentioned that any bug or other technical difficulties should be taken to them.

  • My main issue is that it happens no matter what. It doesnt really feel rewarding, it just gives it to you no matter what so it doesnt really feel like you earned this perfect ending. In fact I really like the ending, but I dont like how its the only ending no matter what because it makes it feel like nothing mattered.

    The fake out to me was obvious as hell. Clem gets bit and we have a giant ass axe but we cant even mention cutting it off. Its pretty obvious why they didnt give an option to even say something like that because they would need to give an excuse for why they dont just cut it off, and they cant give an excuse for why they wont cut off the leg just for them to cut it off later in a worst situation. So instead they just make it so you cant mention it at all so they can lead up to the fake out, theres a reason why everyone who played this game's first reaction is "CUT IT OFF." Telltale knew everyone's first thought would be that, but they cant give an excuse for why they dont, so its not mentioned. So that was the first give away for me, then followed by how fast Clem was suddenly "dying" from this bite also made it pretty clear they were going to do a fake out because it was too early in the episode, and then finally telling AJ to leave you behind, but then he says "no" and swings the axe anyway just blew it for me. I mean after that its the awkwardly hamfisted Ranch flashback where we play as Clem again, at this point it was obvious as hell for me she would still be alive.

    (also the Clem acting all sick and her skin and eyes turning wasnt well done. They were playing it as if she was already turning, and there were characters like Lee who have their arm cut off who dont start going pale from blood loss until hours after its cut off, Clem just has a slash in her leg, and then 30 minutes later is showing signs dying)

  • After thinking on it, I probably like it even less than when I played it. But I will have to go back and playthrough all the games to truly give my opinion on them. There's also no real reason to play the Final Season because it's the most linear season in the entire series, thanks to the ending not really having any branch storywise. Pretty disappointed.

  • I think people are looking for reasons to be pissed, rather than reasons to enjoy it.

    Clem's eyes could have been turning for multiple different reasons. Keep in mind, the ending of ep. 3 and all of ep 4 happen within a few hours. So, she barely has any rest. Has been through traumatic events, and is now coping with the fact she's dying. Also, she's exaughsted by jumping over a gap with one leg, climbing a rock hill with one leg, getting bit with on said leg, walking through the woods for a little bit, then fending off an entire herd. People are going to compare her bite to Lee's (naturally), but Clem was bitten, walked a little, and then had her leg cut off within a 10 minute span. That seems plausible that she would be able to live.

    Lee has an entire conversation with 3-4 people, walks through Savannah, down the tunnels, walking through the tunnels, and then to the cancer survivors hideout. That's a lot more time, and a lot more walking.

    Plus, I have no idea if Clem's injury had anything to do with her bite not spreading, but it would make sense. The bite was underneath her wound, and it would make sense to me that the bite wouldn't be able to travel through all the blood and all the natural thing the body does to protect itself with wounds like that. At least not able to travel in a quick enough pace before it was removed. Once again, I think people are looking to be mad at stuff.

    The people saying that episode 4 was directionless must hate Season 1 too. The plot goes from getting to Macon, then getting out of the Motor Inn, then getting out of the St John farm, then getting to Savannah to find a boat, then finding Clementine. The plot changes all over the place. Want to know the plot for episode 4? It's to get everyone home safe. It's to rebuild the school to make it a permanent home. It's for every kid from the school to get home alive. THATS THE DIRECTION.

    I have criticisms of episode 4 for sure. For one being the lack of explanation on how AJ got Clem out of the barn. The reddit post isn't enough for me. That was just a lame cop out that like 60% of players will see at most. It should have been in the game, even if it wasn't playable, it should have been explained.

    I also wasn't a fan of the Ranch flashback. It had 3 episodes of buildup and THAT's what we got? That wasn't satisfying to me at all, with Clem's lack of compassion towards the Garcia's and their war with Richmond (I mean, she has the opportunity to help save the whole city with you and Kate, and now she doesn't care to protect it?) "Richmond is at war" wasn't a good enough explanation on why she shouldn't return, and also, how would she know? She's been on the road trying to find AJ.

  • same people in YT comments who begs for season 5 starring grown up aj and james dlc?

    Melton23 posted: »

    It’s only this place that doesn’t seem to like the episode as far a show I know. Just read some of the comments to some YouTube videos and you’ll find some more peace of mind that this episode actually WAS decent and not divisive ?

  • That is also what I thought.

    After thinking on it, I probably like it even less than when I played it. But I will have to go back and playthrough all the games to truly

  • Haven’t seen any of these comments yet. BUT I have seen them here during the start of season 4

    Hersani posted: »

    same people in YT comments who begs for season 5 starring grown up aj and james dlc?

  • For the last time, it's not the fact that Clem lived. It's just how it was executed. I'm not a cynic.

    A wise man once said, "A sad ending that you have to pull some kind of meaning from is dumb." I'm thrilled Clem lived. She's surrounded by

  • How you encourage AJ doesn't affect the ending. You can play in a plethora of ways regarding AJ and AJ will always do the same thing. But I actually don't mind that there weren't multiple endings, still there should've been more choices mattering and Kill Lily or Don't should've been explored more, maybe after getting out of the cave some remaining Delta soldiers come who have differing opinions over their futures.and AJ is tested. How you encourage AJ only matters in the cool end card when the credits roll.

    Well, if you romanced - Clem has a partner. If you don't trust AJ - Violet/Louis dies. If you spared Lilly - she lives. If you killed Lil

  • Idk y people expected choices to actually matter. It’s a telltale series, choices don’t matter, and have never mattered here, y’all knew this when you bought the game

    Ghetsis posted: »

    How you encourage AJ doesn't affect the ending. You can play in a plethora of ways regarding AJ and AJ will always do the same thing. But I

  • edited March 2019

    I wish they would have done a bit better with the closing part of the ending. Instead of just having AJ in the room, putting up the collectables, they should have both him and Clem.
    One would be Clem is off to the side playing with the etch a sketch, AJ hangs the collectables. When AJ puts Clem's hat on the table, they both leave the room and closes the door. Camera than pans to the etch a sketch, where it shows the message "Thank you for playing".
    If Clem takes her hat back, they're both in the room. AJ goes off to draw something, Clem puts up the collectables, after she place her hat on the table, they both leave and the door closes. Camera pans to AJ's drawing, where it says the Thank You message, along with the characters from TFS, like Tenn's drawing.
    Clem sits on her bed and watches AJ puts up the collectables, they have some random dialogues with each other or dialogues about those collectables. AJ puts Clem's hat on the table, the both leave, door closes. Camera pans to the window like how the game is and shows the Thank You message.

    I just felt we've been with Clementine for all these years watching her grow up, and in the very end she wasn't there, as if she was just thrown off to the side.

  • edited March 2019

    It was the final season,they could've made our choices matter way more and have multiple endings without worrying about ruining our endings later because they weren't gonna make another season.

    It's the most linear season we've ever had for Christ's sake. They did an awesome job with Batman S2 so i guess most people were expecting the same here,choices fucking sucked this season i have no idea what happened,i guess it was a budget thing and them being lazy.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Idk y people expected choices to actually matter. It’s a telltale series, choices don’t matter, and have never mattered here, y’all knew this when you bought the game

  • I'll definitely second this. It isn't that Clementine survived - it's the sequence of events leading up to it that leaves some people shaking their heads. I didn't like that they gave AJ the Season Two Clementine treatment of being unbelievably more capable than anyone should be under the circumstances as a barely school age kid. Rather than show the struggle he has, it's done off-screen, like everything else involving AJ prior to his appearance in TFS.

    I don't hate the final season. I dislike portions of it. It's a struggle for people to use an old axe to chop through human bone, the leg bone would take more than one swing. ( Axes sometimes struggled through the neck at executions, that's why nobles requested a skilled swordsman for more merciful executions. ) Grown adults struggled through Lee's hand to chop it off.

    There are times I feel denied the ability to really sympathize with AJ. At times he's a whole lot more like Rey from SW - because unlike Clementine we're denied the opportunity to see his journey to become badass. He's just sassy because he is, the best shot ever because we say so, and nothing we teach him honestly matters except some text we see at the end of the game.

    The final season has some great moments, and maybe some people didn't care for a lot of the characters but I really did. I was disappointed that we'd never get to play Ericsons from the tragedy's beginning because that would have been one hell of a story to watch it descend into Lord of the Flies territory.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    For the last time, it's not the fact that Clem lived. It's just how it was executed. I'm not a cynic.

  • edited March 2019

    How can it be the budget AND them being lazy? They wouldn’t be able to make a red dead 2 standard game off of peanuts, could they?

    Most of your complaints are about plot issues. That isn’t laziness, that’s either just you looking too hard for things to hate or the plot going in a direction that the minority seemed to dislike

    iFoRias posted: »

    It was the final season,they could've made our choices matter way more and have multiple endings without worrying about ruining our endings

  • You've gotta be taking the mick, right? The endings we all thought it would be were Clem lives/AJ dies and Clem dies/AJ lives. Good that the writers are being creative and doing things no-one expected, me personally I don't mind not having multiple endings, but I wish AJ could change more based on your actions rather than just in the cave (for kill Lily or Don't), also, many people dismiss their innovation because the premise was good but the execution was terrible.

    Right! People wanted an ending where she would die, but who the fuck would actually want that ending? Nobody. So why are people complaint about something they don't want?

  • There's no-where else to discuss them properly, this is the best place.

    I got respect for you, fam. But let's discuss these kinds of things elsewhere.

  • Clem's eyes could have been turning for multiple different reasons. Keep in mind, the ending of ep. 3 and all of ep 4 happen within a few hours. So, she barely has any rest. Has been through traumatic events, and is now coping with the fact she's dying. Also, she's exaughsted by jumping over a gap with one leg, climbing a rock hill with one leg, getting bit with on said leg, walking through the woods for a little bit, then fending off an entire herd. People are going to compare her bite to Lee's (naturally), but Clem was bitten, walked a little, and then had her leg cut off within a 10 minute span. That seems plausible that she would be able to live.

    None of that timing stuff matters. What matters is what she looked like before getting axed. You're delusional if you blame that shit on a fever or blood loss. It was a fakeout, the writers knew about this and went through with it so that no-one would even suggest 'cut it off' at that point. But there was no point in doing that because the axe was the only weapon, it was never suggested beforehand, and AJ shouts 'NO!' and he said I've been thinking and I don't agree with Clem all the time anymore, and Never Go Alone. Had it not have been for her walker infected face, it would have been painfully obvious what AJ was going to do.

    gta3demon posted: »

    I think people are looking for reasons to be pissed, rather than reasons to enjoy it. Clem's eyes could have been turning for multiple di

  • and them being lazy.

    Why is it when you criticize the writing, it tends to start off constructive, but then just trickles into this place where you begin to make it about the development team and their work ethic/writing talent? Is it so hard to just keep it about the game and where you feel they went wrong?

    iFoRias posted: »

    It was the final season,they could've made our choices matter way more and have multiple endings without worrying about ruining our endings

  • I don't want to go off and write a lot so I'll keep it short. I know that choices don't matter but TT/SnB/Skybound did have the budget and especially time to add another scene before The Bridge that explored AJ's state more. It was possible. Clearly a lot of the budget for this episode was wasted on the 20fps QTE's at the start and the stunning Fort McCaroll scene.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Idk y people expected choices to actually matter. It’s a telltale series, choices don’t matter, and have never mattered here, y’all knew this when you bought the game

  • Well I believe they had a relatively sizeable budget during season 1 and going into season 2, choices still never mattered, we’re only here just so we can choose the dialogue ourselves rather than worrying about a YouTube choosing the wrong choices

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I don't want to go off and write a lot so I'll keep it short. I know that choices don't matter but TT/SnB/Skybound did have the budget and e

  • edited March 2019

    The problem I had with the finale is it was entirely directionless from beginning arguably to the end. Ten minutes in I couldn't help but think what exactly are we going to do for 2+ hours since nothing had been built up towards a climatic finale.

    The season as a whole failed in building towards any form of a climatic finale as S1&S2 had respectively done. The core story was concluded in EP3 leaving absolutely nothing for the finale. Delta was defeated with our group reunited and Lily either killed or defeated. What's the endgame in EP4? Getting back to camp? The finale was essentially 2 hours of aimless wandering through the forest with stuff simply happening along the way.

    Clementine being bit had no point other then the false guise of potential stakes which went absolutely nowhere and was extremely rushed through.

    Nothing about this episode truly felt like an actual finality to a critically acclaimed series spanning over 6-7 years with memorable and emotional endings such as S1&S2. This ending in my opinion is nowhere near the emotional climax that S1&S2 managed to involve which is completely removed in this finale. It felt more like a filler episode for the writers to further elaborate as to what the rest of the season should be opposed to a finale.

    Although I suppose it's quite fitting Clementine ended up losing a leg since this series was barely able to crawl past the finish line.

  • Although I suppose it's quite fitting Clementine ended up losing a leg since this series was barely able to crawl past the finish line.

    Is that a pun?

    Chibikid posted: »

    The problem I had with the finale is it was entirely directionless from beginning arguably to the end. Ten minutes in I couldn't help but th

  • I suppose it could be.

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    Although I suppose it's quite fitting Clementine ended up losing a leg since this series was barely able to crawl past the finish line. Is that a pun?

  • Season 1 in no way directionless. You'll notice a common theme in Telltale's best games that the villian is kept last. Season 1 had plenty of direction. Just because you travelled from a few areas doesn't mean there's a lack of it. Directionless is Amid the Ruins or this episode.

    gta3demon posted: »

    I think people are looking for reasons to be pissed, rather than reasons to enjoy it. Clem's eyes could have been turning for multiple di

  • Preach.

    Chibikid posted: »

    The problem I had with the finale is it was entirely directionless from beginning arguably to the end. Ten minutes in I couldn't help but th

  • I don't think S1 is directionless. I'm pointing out that Episode 4 is consistent. If you think Ep 4 is directionless, then season 1 must be as well.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Season 1 in no way directionless. You'll notice a common theme in Telltale's best games that the villian is kept last. Season 1 had plenty

  • If she cuts off the leg in the woods where she's bit, she's going to die right there from blood loss or by being unable to escape the walkers. By waiting for the barn when they are secured, she's able to get out with AJ.

    The timing absolutely matters. Again, people are just looking for things to be mad about.

    If you saw it coming, then bravo. There are also a significant portion of people who didn't, and you can't fake everyone out. So, I think the staff did a fine job.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Clem's eyes could have been turning for multiple different reasons. Keep in mind, the ending of ep. 3 and all of ep 4 happen within a few ho

  • Ikr ?

    Bruner is to blame for how good the ending was? ?

  • I like reading your posts.

    Chibikid posted: »

    The problem I had with the finale is it was entirely directionless from beginning arguably to the end. Ten minutes in I couldn't help but th

  • This forum is not representative of the majority of the people who play these games, not by a longshot. Only the squeakiest of wheels bother to sign up and post about stuff. Official forums are especially toxic places full of miserable people who don't know anything about writing or video game development but think they do.

  • You are not referring to me, right?

    This forum is not representative of the majority of the people who play these games, not by a longshot. Only the squeakiest of wheels bother

  • Lol what a fucking joke.

    This forum is not representative of the majority of the people who play these games, not by a longshot. Only the squeakiest of wheels bother

  • What about the people that wanted Clem to live and got her to die? They would be extremelly upset and would have to look for the ending they want on the internet but at that point it would completely kill the imersion and emotional aspect of the game. It isn't just the same as season 2 and 3 where you basically choose sides. This time around, the ending revolves around Clem's fate and 99% of players wanted her alive at the end. They would have to make the choices for the endings pretty obvious to guarantee everyone would get the ending they want, but I can't see how that could work on a decent way.

    I thought the ending could've been better. The barn scene felt too much like Lee's death and I didn't like that, but they made it up with the twist (you got it right away, but I and others didn't). I feel determinant endings would ruin the finale for a significant portion of the players.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    My main issue is that it happens no matter what. It doesnt really feel rewarding, it just gives it to you no matter what so it doesnt really

  • They would have to make the choices for the endings pretty obvious to guarantee everyone would get the ending they want, but I can't see how that could work on a decent way.

    Actually that would be much simpler than you think. Like for instance, have her still get bitten, AJ chop her leg off right away, have Clem lean on AJ on the way back to the boarding school, then once she's back, give her a choice between ending her suffering whilst also giving all the other kids a chance to say goodbye beforehand, or letting her live the rest of her life crippled as with the Ending we wound up with. Think of Life is Strange with the Alternate timeline with the Paralyzed Chloe.

    Archielan posted: »

    What about the people that wanted Clem to live and got her to die? They would be extremelly upset and would have to look for the ending they

  • the ending was 'written' to get the player all misty eyed, didn't work on me,thought it was piss poor!
    How the hell can a group of teenagers go and sink a ship (without guns) take on a crew of adults with guns, run roughshot over them destroying everything, and even avoid all the zombies on the way back so they can all sit around the dinner table laughing?

    Clem still being alive , ok i can live with that, but shes alive ,Lee's alive also, and possible Omid(he's just resting)

    glad it's over!

  • you work for Skybound right? or ex telltale sour puss? xD actually einstein this forum is the reason people who feel passionately about the game sign up to talk about every aspect of it, and in a lot of ways people complain about it on here because they care so much about it.

    This forum is not representative of the majority of the people who play these games, not by a longshot. Only the squeakiest of wheels bother

  • In some ways, yes that could work. The only thing is that Clem wouldn't give up on AJ unless she knew she was done for. Chopping off her leg immediately almost guarantees her survival from the bite, so for them to decide for her to die like that would be unreasonable. Funny for some, but unreasonable.

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    They would have to make the choices for the endings pretty obvious to guarantee everyone would get the ending they want, but I can't see how

  • Well it depends on how they would explain it. She could reason like she did on the steps with her crutches that she wouldn't be able to defend herself anymore. She could also say that she's wanted to die for a long time, if anything so that she would be with Lee once more. Know what I mean?

    In some ways, yes that could work. The only thing is that Clem wouldn't give up on AJ unless she knew she was done for. Chopping off her leg

  • Ahh. Her wanting to die for the latter reason makes me chuckle, but her feeling like she would be a liability does make sense. Still, she didn't give up on the group when they were in trouble, what stops them from returning the favor?

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    Well it depends on how they would explain it. She could reason like she did on the steps with her crutches that she wouldn't be able to defe

  • I love the final season. I love this series. I know we're all glad that it came into our lives. And I've actually learned good life lessons from playing the Walking Dead. Like true friendship and how important it is to have people in life you can trust. 6 best years of all time. I will always remember Clementine.

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