People are also forgetting how different branches lead to even more branches instead of just a boring "only 2 branches." Like how Carly and Doug choice does more than just have Carly and Doug replace each other like they did with Louis and Violet. Doug is doing his own thing with gadgets and the Carly path has the whole romantic subplot and going around telling people about your past because she ask you to.
About the choices,S1's choices were more "grey" and not all black and white like most of them became later in the series.
S1 was better at … morethe illusion of choices you had a shit ton of variations,to this day there are still people that finds new things from that game which shows how amazing that game was.
But that's not it,yes choices mattered in lots of different ways that you probably don't remember.
There were choices that changed your relationship with the characters like killing or trying to save Larry,you also had the brilliant "points" system with Kenny, things like saving Duck,defending Duck or killing the woman in the street in EP3 gave you "points",all these choices would affect Kenny's decision in EP4 of going with you or leaving you.
And a lot of people seem to forget that you could let Clem decide for herself on whether she should kill or leave Lee,she would remember all of the choices you made in the game and choose for he… [view original content]
With TFS bad things can happen to both Violet and Louis if you choose not to save them and at different times. If you do save them you get to do different things with them in Episode 3 before AJ brings the Beach Ball in, and talk about different things in the Forest in the Final Episode. One of them can actually die depending on whether or not you trust AJ with his gun, branching it out even further.
People are also forgetting how different branches lead to even more branches instead of just a boring "only 2 branches." Like how Carly and … moreDoug choice does more than just have Carly and Doug replace each other like they did with Louis and Violet. Doug is doing his own thing with gadgets and the Carly path has the whole romantic subplot and going around telling people about your past because she ask you to.
Why are people actually still here? They hate TFS, they hate ANF they hate half of season 2, therefore they practically dislike most of the video game series so they are obviously not fans, they hates the show, now they think it’s ok, and sooner of later they’ll hate it again, and even then there are barely any show discussions, same goes for the comics. Like what the actual hell? I’d just like to know why people still call themselves fans and hang around a forum despite not having a single good thing to say about any of the games other than the first one. It’s honestly the dumbest logic there ever has been. It’s one thing to dislike one season, it’s another to constantly voice your complaints even though everyone has already heard them, and it’s a different thing entirely to basically shit on the entire series
After almost a week to sit on it. I actually think I like the episode more than when I just finished it. The barn scene is still cliché, but they pulled it off so well, and I didn't see Clem surviving at all after that, even though it should've been obvious af with the axe being there in the first place.
The only scene that still doesn't make sense to me is Minnie shooting in a herd full of walkers. And I don't think that will ever be reasonably explained.
About the ton of variations, heck yeah. I mean just look at the 'Stop the Train' sequence with Kenny. You could make a massive flow-chart for that scene, there's even a secret death sequence. Or the Stranger's retelling of your 'sins'. In the grand scheme of things, did that really matter? No, but it's far better than what TFS has offered as a whole, the illusion worked better there, and probably most important of all, it felt like Walking Dead. The main reason why TFS suffers from the choice-problem so much is because they can't really follow with the relationship matters thing because your group has always been your group of nobodies. The group dynamic just isn't there. It's pretty much just as bad as ANF, if not worse in that regard. Your allies are integral to the story, especially in Telltale games. That's part of why we love them. I can understand some characters not getting actual development, but those characters still have to be plot devices who are somewhat fleshed out. It's like having a group of Mikes.
About the choices,S1's choices were more "grey" and not all black and white like most of them became later in the series.
S1 was better at … morethe illusion of choices you had a shit ton of variations,to this day there are still people that finds new things from that game which shows how amazing that game was.
But that's not it,yes choices mattered in lots of different ways that you probably don't remember.
There were choices that changed your relationship with the characters like killing or trying to save Larry,you also had the brilliant "points" system with Kenny, things like saving Duck,defending Duck or killing the woman in the street in EP3 gave you "points",all these choices would affect Kenny's decision in EP4 of going with you or leaving you.
And a lot of people seem to forget that you could let Clem decide for herself on whether she should kill or leave Lee,she would remember all of the choices you made in the game and choose for he… [view original content]
I’d just like to know why people still call themselves fans and hang around a forum despite not having a single good thing to say about any of the games other than the first one. It’s honestly the dumbest logic there ever has been. It’s one thing to dislike one season, it’s another to constantly voice your complaints even though everyone has already heard them, and it’s a different thing entirely to basically shit on the entire series
Come on now, don't be so simple-minded. If you really think that's what's going on here, then I don't know what to tell ya.
Why are people actually still here? They hate TFS, they hate ANF they hate half of season 2, therefore they practically dislike most of the … morevideo game series so they are obviously not fans, they hates the show, now they think it’s ok, and sooner of later they’ll hate it again, and even then there are barely any show discussions, same goes for the comics. Like what the actual hell? I’d just like to know why people still call themselves fans and hang around a forum despite not having a single good thing to say about any of the games other than the first one. It’s honestly the dumbest logic there ever has been. It’s one thing to dislike one season, it’s another to constantly voice your complaints even though everyone has already heard them, and it’s a different thing entirely to basically shit on the entire series
I’m just saying you don’t see me hanging around the my little pony forum despite the fact that I have no clear interest in it. Quite a lot of people here haven’t been fans of the game series since the first season, others haven’t been fans since halfway through the 2nd season. That’s 2 and a half full seasons where people have disliked the game, as opposed to 1 and a half, meaning they’re mostly haters as opposed to lovers, and that’s the truth
I’d just like to know why people still call themselves fans and hang around a forum despite not having a single good thing to say about any … moreof the games other than the first one. It’s honestly the dumbest logic there ever has been. It’s one thing to dislike one season, it’s another to constantly voice your complaints even though everyone has already heard them, and it’s a different thing entirely to basically shit on the entire series
Come on now, don't be so simple-minded. If you really think that's what's going on here, then I don't know what to tell ya.
That's not the truth. At least not with everyone. I don't think (mostly) anyone would be here if they weren't interested in TFS, or at the very least wanted to show interest in it. Mostly everyone is willing to voice their complaints with credible points that stay within the pocket of the argument, which I'm absolutely fine with.
My biggest issue with some of the criticism is that every once in a while you'll get the occasional comment that shares an opinion obnoxiously, calls out the supposed laziness of the devs or speaks on how bad the writers are. It stops being about where they feel the game went wrong and starts being about how right they think they are, which kills the conversation entirely.
But it's not impossible to critique what you love. I feel most here do that well enough.
I’m just saying you don’t see me hanging around the my little pony forum despite the fact that I have no clear interest in it. Quite a lot o… moref people here haven’t been fans of the game series since the first season, others haven’t been fans since halfway through the 2nd season. That’s 2 and a half full seasons where people have disliked the game, as opposed to 1 and a half, meaning they’re mostly haters as opposed to lovers, and that’s the truth
I don’t have a problem with people who critique thinks, as long a story it’s constructive. I don’t see how targeting a writing team by calling them “lazy” just because the episode didn’t live up to your ideal is ok with some people. A large number of people here I haven’t even seen say a single good thing about the series, aside from when Done Running came out, which was the first positive thing since Kenny’s return in season 2, then it stopped. If I were a fan of something, I most certainly wouldn’t be a fan of a series if I thought that the writers were “lazy”
Now google says that the definition of fan is this: “a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.”
Keyword being strong interest. There ain’t no strong interest here, people are slamming the game to hell, even the people who worked hard behind it and were laid off a couple of months back only to come back to a series started by a company with budget issues. Despite these valid reasons, and the obvious reason for why episode 4 wasn’t as strong as some people may have liked, and even though I disagree with that personally, others feel the needs to say “this season was fucking shiiiit” rather than also pointing out the good. If you’re going to point out only the good, then that’s fine because then nobody is being put in a bad mood, but only pointing out the bad instead of the good or both is a different story entirely
That's not the truth. At least not with everyone. I don't think (mostly) anyone would be here if they weren't interested in TFS, or at the v… moreery least wanted to show interest in it. Mostly everyone is willing to voice their complaints with credible points that stay within the pocket of the argument, which I'm absolutely fine with.
My biggest issue with some of the criticism is that every once in a while you'll get the occasional comment that shares an opinion obnoxiously, calls out the supposed laziness of the devs or speaks on how bad the writers are. It stops being about where they feel the game went wrong and starts being about how right they think they are, which kills the conversation entirely.
But it's not impossible to critique what you love. I feel most here do that well enough.
This comment is so on point. You look back at S1 and S2 and their finales had very climatic build ups for the ending. No Going Back built up it’s ending very well, the whole scene with Clem entering the rest stop with the unsettling music is so well done. This is why Take Us Back felt so rushed, there was no build up, it was just things constantly happening without giving anything time to feel impactful.
The problem I had with the finale is it was entirely directionless from beginning arguably to the end. Ten minutes in I couldn't help but th… moreink what exactly are we going to do for 2+ hours since nothing had been built up towards a climatic finale.
The season as a whole failed in building towards any form of a climatic finale as S1&S2 had respectively done. The core story was concluded in EP3 leaving absolutely nothing for the finale. Delta was defeated with our group reunited and Lily either killed or defeated. What's the endgame in EP4? Getting back to camp? The finale was essentially 2 hours of aimless wandering through the forest with stuff simply happening along the way.
Clementine being bit had no point other then the false guise of potential stakes which went absolutely nowhere and was extremely rushed through.
Nothing about this episode truly felt like an actual finality to a critically acclaimed series spanning over 6-7 … [view original content]
I like how some peoples issues with the ending of TFS is how its unrealistic that AJ would be able to get Clem out of the barn.
Yet these same people had no issue with 9 year old Clem dragging a fainted grown ass man into a department store in a herd of walkers, and able to close off the store to prevent them from getting in.
TFS isn't perfect, and Ep 4 isn't either. But seriously, people need to stop thinking S1 and TFS are so different because they're not and just enjoy the parts they do and look past the stuff they don't (or hate it, thats fine too, but stop bitching about it). Season 1 has numerous flaws and people look by it today (common criticism of S2 was introducing new characters to just kill off, well what are Chuck, Mark, the St Johns, etc?) because they love the game. I'm able to do it with all 4 seasons, yet a lot of people refuse to for each season other than S1. It's annoying.
I like how some peoples issues with the ending of TFS is how its unrealistic that AJ would be able to get Clem out of the barn.
Yet these… more same people had no issue with 9 year old Clem dragging a fainted grown ass man into a department store in a herd of walkers, and able to close off the store to prevent them from getting in.
TFS isn't perfect, and Ep 4 isn't either. But seriously, people need to stop thinking S1 and TFS are so different because they're not and just enjoy the parts they do and look past the stuff they don't (or hate it, thats fine too, but stop bitching about it). Season 1 has numerous flaws and people look by it today (common criticism of S2 was introducing new characters to just kill off, well what are Chuck, Mark, the St Johns, etc?) because they love the game. I'm able to do it with all 4 seasons, yet a lot of people refuse to for each season other than S1. It's annoying.
I like how some peoples issues with the ending of TFS is how its unrealistic that AJ would be able to get Clem out of the barn.
Yet these… more same people had no issue with 9 year old Clem dragging a fainted grown ass man into a department store in a herd of walkers, and able to close off the store to prevent them from getting in.
TFS isn't perfect, and Ep 4 isn't either. But seriously, people need to stop thinking S1 and TFS are so different because they're not and just enjoy the parts they do and look past the stuff they don't (or hate it, thats fine too, but stop bitching about it). Season 1 has numerous flaws and people look by it today (common criticism of S2 was introducing new characters to just kill off, well what are Chuck, Mark, the St Johns, etc?) because they love the game. I'm able to do it with all 4 seasons, yet a lot of people refuse to for each season other than S1. It's annoying.
Absolutely S1 has several flaws and even some I still have a problem with to this day, but the problem is S1 had a superior story and narrative that helped balance out those flaws and especially when it came to the finale. The finale as a whole for the final season was so lackluster and aimless to a degree that the flaws of the episode become even more glaring then if the story and finale had been more engaging with more substance to it.
It's like watching a good movie that has flaws which are there, however because of the quality of the film those flaws are more acceptable opposed to a poor film where you often times notice and nitpick more of the film then you normally would from one in which you were engaged with and enjoyed. That's not excusing the flaws of either season, but its more of a example of how the substance and quality of the episode greatly affects how much the shortcomings of the episode are exposed or become more centered.
I like how some peoples issues with the ending of TFS is how its unrealistic that AJ would be able to get Clem out of the barn.
Yet these… more same people had no issue with 9 year old Clem dragging a fainted grown ass man into a department store in a herd of walkers, and able to close off the store to prevent them from getting in.
TFS isn't perfect, and Ep 4 isn't either. But seriously, people need to stop thinking S1 and TFS are so different because they're not and just enjoy the parts they do and look past the stuff they don't (or hate it, thats fine too, but stop bitching about it). Season 1 has numerous flaws and people look by it today (common criticism of S2 was introducing new characters to just kill off, well what are Chuck, Mark, the St Johns, etc?) because they love the game. I'm able to do it with all 4 seasons, yet a lot of people refuse to for each season other than S1. It's annoying.
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Louis, Tenn or Violet.
Also: This ending gives Skybound or who ever wants to do it, the opportunity to make a 5th Season or DLC with Clem defending her new home. With an ending where she could be dead or alive, there wouldn't be any chance for this to happen. You can see what happens, if we can decide who dies or not, in ANF. Kenny or Jane. You only see them in some flashbacks. But nothing else.
In addition to that: I have watched many videos on YouTube about the last episode. There are only a few… very few people who are not happy with this episode. But the majority just cried. Since Clem got bit, everyone was so sad. And everyone were so happy as they saw Clem alive. If a game can do things like that, it has to be good. If a game can bring up real emotions, is has to be great. This episode was an emotional rollercoaster.
For myself: I still have some tears in my eyes, when I watch some of those scenes or playing them again by myself. Even though I know, how it ends.
Remember: This is my opinion and it's totally fine when you guys will disagree with me here. But still, think about it. Does a true fan, wants a dead Clem? I don't think so.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Louis, Tenn or Violet.
I'd have to disagree on this point alone. In The Walking Dead, there are several characters who's only goal remaining is to protect their loved ones, and find a safe place for them to restart society including the main protagonist Rick Grimes. In the Walking Dead, this is a pretty dream in a grizzly reality.
A great deal of characters in the series as a whole have lost their children/loved ones to the dead before they're introduced, and the majority lose loved ones including the main protagonist. There are no 'real fans' or 'true fans' -- just fans. There's absolutely nothing wrong with some people loving the ending, and others not loving the ending.
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or… more the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Lou… [view original content]
This reminds me of how people complained about Caulifla getting Super Saiyan so quickly in Dragon Ball Super despite it being explained that Universe 6 Saiyans evolved differently. No matter how much the ending gets explained people who desperately wanted Clem to die are gonna complain. They don't care about explaining. They just wanted her to die.
I agree that having one definitive ending where Clem lives 'Safe and Sound' is the right call and that TFS ended great, but you're coming across as quite gatekeeper-y by saying people who disagree aren't true fans
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or… more the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Lou… [view original content]
Has anyone else noticed a lot of the large youtubers still haven't played ep 4 yet? The ones who have seem to have such a meh attitude to the episode or just not that much investment. (Smaller channels will obviously go much further from their reaction cuz views and subs, bigger channels dont need to worry about gaining)
Theres only 2 big youtubers I've seen play episode 4 who are "true fans" who have played all the way from Season 1 in 2012, those being RadBrad and Uberhaxornova. RadBrad at the end of his play through says how if Clem died the way they were going with the fake out he would have just been more mad than emotionally upset due to her death because it wouldnt feel like the correct way to end her character, but then was ok with it because she turned out alive in the end, but he expresses he isnt sure what to even think about it. I mean when Clem gets bit he doesnt even react, he just talks about the music lmao. Uberhaxornova if you watch his playthrough talks about how he felt really underwhelmed and how it feels like nothing even happened by the end of the game and also had no real reaction to Clem's "death" and was more annoyed by the "bite" thing because no choice to cut it off, as well as finding it weird to have her bit while climbing rocks.
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or… more the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Lou… [view original content]
I was talking specificly only for the game. Not the whole franchise. But how I see it, since we started in this game, we only wanted to have a save home for Clem. First as Lee, then as herself. Of course we had other Characters having a goal for themself. But since Clem loses nearly anyone she knows, she pretty much just want shelter. For her and AJ. The one that should be the final one, not to die.
Maybe I didn't got my point in the way across, how I meant it, since English is not my first language.
My point is, how can anyone who played Clem for the last 7 Years and feel emotional attached to her say, that they want a dead Clem in the end? My text was directed to those people, who complains all the time. I'm not here to judge who is a "true fan" or not. But I just don't get it, how people can say, that they love Clem but still want a bad ending for her. The ending we got, is the best we could ask for. Well... except of the leg.
I think, a fan, who played for 7 Years and really is attached to Clem, would just be happy, that Clem finally got that what she all the time wanted. Of course it need explanation how Clem survived, but we got that already.
Of course, it is ok that people have different opinions about the ending. But I hate it if people from the other side, want to make it bad for other people. Especially in this Forum are people on the move, who just so damn toxic. And my post was aiming on them, not on all of you guys
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the seri… morees. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Louis, Tenn or Violet.
I'd have to disagree on this point alone. In The Walking Dead, there are several characters who's only goal remaining is to protect their loved ones, and find a safe place for them to restart society including the main protagonist Rick Grimes. In the Walking Dead, this is a pretty dream in a grizzly reality.
A great deal of characters in the series as a whole have lost their children/loved ones to the dead before they're introduced, and the majority lose loved ones including the main protagonist. There are n… [view original content]
Uk s scouts is a big youtuber and he liked episode 4, and he felt disappointed after believing Clementine would die, but after the cop out he was overjoyed. Jacksepticeye hasn’t uploaded yet, but he said that he enjoyed all of the season 4 episodes, so his video’s release isn’t delayed due to a lack of motivation. It rlly sounds like you’re just assuming here without know the true reasons behind video release scheudles. Not everything needs to be rushed out.
A lot wrong with this my man.
Has anyone else noticed a lot of the large youtubers still haven't played ep 4 yet? The ones who have seem … moreto have such a meh attitude to the episode or just not that much investment. (Smaller channels will obviously go much further from their reaction cuz views and subs, bigger channels dont need to worry about gaining)
Theres only 2 big youtubers I've seen play episode 4 who are "true fans" who have played all the way from Season 1 in 2012, those being RadBrad and Uberhaxornova. RadBrad at the end of his play through says how if Clem died the way they were going with the fake out he would have just been more mad than emotionally upset due to her death because it wouldnt feel like the correct way to end her character, but then was ok with it because she turned out alive in the end, but he expresses he isnt sure what to even think about it. I mean when Clem gets bit he doesnt even react, he just talks about… [view original content]
A lot wrong with this my man.
Has anyone else noticed a lot of the large youtubers still haven't played ep 4 yet? The ones who have seem … moreto have such a meh attitude to the episode or just not that much investment. (Smaller channels will obviously go much further from their reaction cuz views and subs, bigger channels dont need to worry about gaining)
Theres only 2 big youtubers I've seen play episode 4 who are "true fans" who have played all the way from Season 1 in 2012, those being RadBrad and Uberhaxornova. RadBrad at the end of his play through says how if Clem died the way they were going with the fake out he would have just been more mad than emotionally upset due to her death because it wouldnt feel like the correct way to end her character, but then was ok with it because she turned out alive in the end, but he expresses he isnt sure what to even think about it. I mean when Clem gets bit he doesnt even react, he just talks about… [view original content]
As well as finding it weird to have her bit while climbing rocks.
I actually did watch Nova's playthrough. I completely disagree. It made perfect sense for Clem to get bitten there as she was already injured from the fight with Minerva and was forced to climb. Clem could've avoided the bite completely if Minnie hadn't cut her leg. "So close," I thought. Under normal circumstances that wouldn't have happened. In this case, Clem was vulnerable.
A lot wrong with this my man.
Has anyone else noticed a lot of the large youtubers still haven't played ep 4 yet? The ones who have seem … moreto have such a meh attitude to the episode or just not that much investment. (Smaller channels will obviously go much further from their reaction cuz views and subs, bigger channels dont need to worry about gaining)
Theres only 2 big youtubers I've seen play episode 4 who are "true fans" who have played all the way from Season 1 in 2012, those being RadBrad and Uberhaxornova. RadBrad at the end of his play through says how if Clem died the way they were going with the fake out he would have just been more mad than emotionally upset due to her death because it wouldnt feel like the correct way to end her character, but then was ok with it because she turned out alive in the end, but he expresses he isnt sure what to even think about it. I mean when Clem gets bit he doesnt even react, he just talks about… [view original content]
I can see where you're coming from. There are a lot of people who picked up the game 7 years ago because they had already been fans of either the comics or the tv show. It may come off as harsh, cynical, or just cruel in their criticisms of the 'happily ever after' for Clementine and AJ, but really they're just coming from a different place.
At the end of the day, you like what you like. No one can take that away from you except you. ( Provided what you like isn't anything illegal. ) If we ever all loved the same things, we'd live in a stagnant society. I'm glad there are people who really liked the ending because Skybound went above and beyond to finish this thing with the TellTale staff because fans begged them to. Whether it was what everyone wanted, their devotion to their fans is undeniable and heartwarming.
I was talking specificly only for the game. Not the whole franchise. But how I see it, since we started in this game, we only wanted to have… more a save home for Clem. First as Lee, then as herself. Of course we had other Characters having a goal for themself. But since Clem loses nearly anyone she knows, she pretty much just want shelter. For her and AJ. The one that should be the final one, not to die.
Maybe I didn't got my point in the way across, how I meant it, since English is not my first language.
My point is, how can anyone who played Clem for the last 7 Years and feel emotional attached to her say, that they want a dead Clem in the end? My text was directed to those people, who complains all the time. I'm not here to judge who is a "true fan" or not. But I just don't get it, how people can say, that they love Clem but still want a bad ending for her. The ending we got, is the best we could ask for. Well... except of the leg.
I think, … [view original content]
It really isnt that great of a scene. They are climbing rocks to essentially get up a hill. They arnt dangling over that bridge or anything, its just a weird spot to do something so dramatic and "big" in the story. Nova also brings up some pretty good points at the end like how its kinda bad how literally everyone talks about how bad they want to see Lee or Kenny again and stuff like that as it really shows how all the characters since season 1 have been more and more forgettable each episode installment.
As well as finding it weird to have her bit while climbing rocks.
I actually did watch Nova's playthrough. I completely disagree. It… more made perfect sense for Clem to get bitten there as she was already injured from the fight with Minerva and was forced to climb. Clem could've avoided the bite completely if Minnie hadn't cut her leg. "So close," I thought. Under normal circumstances that wouldn't have happened. In this case, Clem was vulnerable.
I haven't given my opinion on this episode because right after I finished the last episode, I couldn't access my account here and I thought it was over, but somehow it worked agian, anyways I adored this episode especially at the end, the immense happiness I felt seeing clem not dead was like seeing Kenny alive in s2, I do agree with its flaws but I thought it could've been worse, choices not having branching especially for aj's shaping was my huge disappointment with this episode, but the most time I had to think of doing a choice was killing clem or not, fuck sake it took me 5 min to make up my mind.
I haven’t been here since the end of season 2 because that ending just caused so much negativity that it just seemed unpleasant. From what I can gather, not much changed during season 3 and 4 either! Not sure why most people stuck with the series, to be honest.
But I thought the ending was strong and it had the closure I wanted. The pacing of the final episode was definitely patchy and I suspect they were working under very difficult circumstances given what happened and compromises were made. As it is, we’re very lucky to have had an ending at all and I’m hugely thankful to the team and Skybound for making that happen. Taking that into account, I couldn’t have wanted for much more in the ending. It fit with the season, which was a far less mean-spirited than the early seasons. I felt like it was time we saw things going right for some people rather than torment after torment and that really worked for me across the whole season. No doubt it is smaller in every way, including the drama, but I was okay with that.
There wasn’t a huge amount to the final episode, to be honest. They just had to get Clem home and bring it to a close. When Clem was sitting there and AJ had that axe, I didn’t want him to do what it looked like he was going to do. Because when we saw the wound, her whole lower leg was split right open and it looked like the bite was right on the edge in a chunk of skin - in a world where we know people survive bites, I didn’t think she was infected. But then I figured I read that wrong and so the fake out worked for me because I thought AJ had done what it looked like he was doing. I was so happy to see her alive and it gave me all the feels in a way that was the polar opposite of how I felt at the end of season 1.
The flashback was somewhat oddly placed. It worked for my play of Clem because I was desperately trying to make AJ into a nicer kid (he was hard to like at the start) but then that was contrasted very strongly by Clem’s actions in that section. So that worked but maybe it would be different had your Clem been more of a hardass.
So yeah, I reckon the final episode was probably compromised in what was already a low key season but it worked for me. It gave me an ending and one I was happy with. And I’m just thankful that we got that. I didn’t think we would at one point and, as much as some others seem to have nothing but disdain for most of the series, I have really enjoyed the whole journey and I’m glad I got to spend that time with all these characters.
What I care about is GOOD, powerful writing. Actual narrative substance. Not cheap emotional sentiments. Season 1 wasn't just "oh no Lee died". It was deeper than that.
To say that I don't like Clem because I don't like the linear, lazily written ending is manipulative as hell and grasping at straws.
People's assessment of EP4 rests on their sentiments to Clem, not on the actual strength of the storytelling.
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or… more the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Lou… [view original content]
A good narrative isn’t “kill off this character rn, that’ll really get things cooking” imo it’s just a half assed way to get fans invested, but there isn’t anything more false than that statement right there. A good narrative is bringing out the emotions of the player, a good narrative is making the player care for the characters, a good narrative makes the player feel a real emotional bond for the characters, and if the final season managed to make a large fucking bulk of the community over joyed with Clementine’s survival, despite the wonky episode then you know that they did something right.
The writers made us care for Clementine as if she was a real person, I’ve seen a lot of comments where people would even call her their daughter, and similarly to a real daughter, you want them to live no matter what. The writers did good keeping Clementine alive, even though I would have liked to have seen other endings to the game, this one is the most emotionally satisfying, because it shows how connected with the universe the fans can be, and how strong a narrative the walking dead game pushes as a whole. Taking the easy way out and killing off a beloved character just because the death of a favourite is always devastating is not the best way to go at all, and it’d just be cliché for the end of a zombie story to kill off an influential character towards the end just because “oH, iT’s A zA, tHiS iS jUsT wHaT hApPeNs SoMeTiMeS”. Honestly that way of thinking is bullshit, because not every zombie story needs to end with the death of a major character, or even with characters dying at all. As long as we can relate to the characters and emotions, good or bad, are brought out of us, then that’s how you know the narrative works.
Ugh, just poor reasoning this entire thread.
What I care about is GOOD, powerf… moreul writing. Actual narrative substance. Not cheap emotional sentiments. Season 1 wasn't just "oh no Lee died". It was deeper than that.
To say that I don't like Clem because I don't like the linear, lazily written ending is manipulative as hell and grasping at straws.
People's assessment of EP4 rests on their sentiments to Clem, not on the actual strength of the storytelling.
I would have loved to experienced the actual events of AJ saving Clem. That would have heightened the level of writing this episode if they pulled off in a believable and powerful away.
The fakeout diminished what felt like was going to be a decent ending 1 hour in. So unnecessary.
A good narrative isn’t “kill off this character rn, that’ll really get things cooking” imo it’s just a half assed way to get fans invested, … morebut there isn’t anything more false than that statement right there. A good narrative is bringing out the emotions of the player, a good narrative is making the player care for the characters, a good narrative makes the player feel a real emotional bond for the characters, and if the final season managed to make a large fucking bulk of the community over joyed with Clementine’s survival, despite the wonky episode then you know that they did something right.
The writers made us care for Clementine as if she was a real person, I’ve seen a lot of comments where people would even call her their daughter, and similarly to a real daughter, you want them to live no matter what. The writers did good keeping Clementine alive, even though I would have liked to have seen other endings to the game, this one is the… [view original content]
What I care about is GOOD, powerful writing. Actual narrative substance. Not cheap emotional sentiments
People's assessment of EP4 rests on their sentiments to Clem, not on the actual strength of the storytelling.
You didn’t explain how the narrative could even be good if she lived, you instantly shot right to the point being “you only like the ending because of your sentiments to Clem, not because of how good the story is being told” which is you obviously pointing out that people liked the ending because of the fact that she lived. What’s wrong with that can I just ask? It wasn’t lazy writing at all, it was quite the opposite. “Clementine’s story is ending” so yeah, the obvious answer would be just to kill her off, but no, they decided to end her story in a way that nobody expected, and that was to have her live the rest of her days as the leader of a school, with one leg, feet kicked up within the walls for the rest of her life in peace. Lazy writing would be to kill of the protagonist at the end of their zombie story, not to mention how predictable it would be.
Not to mention the fact that the company literally collapsed during the production of this episode and the one prior, the fact that the episode actually went over well with the majority of the players was a miracle in itself, on top of how skybound went out of their way to finish it, despite other obvious fact that they’d make fuck all out of it. Expecting the episode to be on-par with season 1 is just unreasonable, it’s physically impossible if you can actually look at how behind the scenes production works rather than expecting that writing a strong narrative is completely free. We don’t see how Clementine dragged Lee into the jewellery store, but people being people they’re all “Oh, It’S oNlY sEaSoN oNe So It’S aLlOwEd”. At least we had a reasonable answer to how AJ actually got her back to the school. In season 1 the screen just cuts to black, Lee is suddenly indoors and that’s the end of it. No further explanation.
Now ask yourself this, would you rather have Clementine’s story end with her standing over a subdued Abel while her friends have been kidnapped and evil has triumphed, or would you rather it have ended the way it did? Be thankful it even got finished at all.
Point out where I said Clem had to die.
See, you're going off your gushy sentimentality.
My problem is not strictly with a linear endi… moreng.
I would have loved to experienced the actual events of AJ saving Clem. That would have heightened the level of writing this episode if they pulled off in a believable and powerful away.
The fakeout diminished what felt like was going to be a decent ending 1 hour in. So unnecessary.
People are also forgetting how different branches lead to even more branches instead of just a boring "only 2 branches." Like how Carly and Doug choice does more than just have Carly and Doug replace each other like they did with Louis and Violet. Doug is doing his own thing with gadgets and the Carly path has the whole romantic subplot and going around telling people about your past because she ask you to.
With TFS bad things can happen to both Violet and Louis if you choose not to save them and at different times. If you do save them you get to do different things with them in Episode 3 before AJ brings the Beach Ball in, and talk about different things in the Forest in the Final Episode. One of them can actually die depending on whether or not you trust AJ with his gun, branching it out even further.
Why are people actually still here? They hate TFS, they hate ANF they hate half of season 2, therefore they practically dislike most of the video game series so they are obviously not fans, they hates the show, now they think it’s ok, and sooner of later they’ll hate it again, and even then there are barely any show discussions, same goes for the comics. Like what the actual hell? I’d just like to know why people still call themselves fans and hang around a forum despite not having a single good thing to say about any of the games other than the first one. It’s honestly the dumbest logic there ever has been. It’s one thing to dislike one season, it’s another to constantly voice your complaints even though everyone has already heard them, and it’s a different thing entirely to basically shit on the entire series
After almost a week to sit on it. I actually think I like the episode more than when I just finished it. The barn scene is still cliché, but they pulled it off so well, and I didn't see Clem surviving at all after that, even though it should've been obvious af with the axe being there in the first place.
The only scene that still doesn't make sense to me is Minnie shooting in a herd full of walkers. And I don't think that will ever be reasonably explained.
About the ton of variations, heck yeah. I mean just look at the 'Stop the Train' sequence with Kenny. You could make a massive flow-chart for that scene, there's even a secret death sequence. Or the Stranger's retelling of your 'sins'. In the grand scheme of things, did that really matter? No, but it's far better than what TFS has offered as a whole, the illusion worked better there, and probably most important of all, it felt like Walking Dead. The main reason why TFS suffers from the choice-problem so much is because they can't really follow with the relationship matters thing because your group has always been your group of nobodies. The group dynamic just isn't there. It's pretty much just as bad as ANF, if not worse in that regard. Your allies are integral to the story, especially in Telltale games. That's part of why we love them. I can understand some characters not getting actual development, but those characters still have to be plot devices who are somewhat fleshed out. It's like having a group of Mikes.
Come on now, don't be so simple-minded. If you really think that's what's going on here, then I don't know what to tell ya.
I’m just saying you don’t see me hanging around the my little pony forum despite the fact that I have no clear interest in it. Quite a lot of people here haven’t been fans of the game series since the first season, others haven’t been fans since halfway through the 2nd season. That’s 2 and a half full seasons where people have disliked the game, as opposed to 1 and a half, meaning they’re mostly haters as opposed to lovers, and that’s the truth
That's not the truth. At least not with everyone. I don't think (mostly) anyone would be here if they weren't interested in TFS, or at the very least wanted to show interest in it. Mostly everyone is willing to voice their complaints with credible points that stay within the pocket of the argument, which I'm absolutely fine with.
My biggest issue with some of the criticism is that every once in a while you'll get the occasional comment that shares an opinion obnoxiously, calls out the supposed laziness of the devs or speaks on how bad the writers are. It stops being about where they feel the game went wrong and starts being about how right they think they are, which kills the conversation entirely.
But it's not impossible to critique what you love. I feel most here do that well enough.
I don’t have a problem with people who critique thinks, as long a story it’s constructive. I don’t see how targeting a writing team by calling them “lazy” just because the episode didn’t live up to your ideal is ok with some people. A large number of people here I haven’t even seen say a single good thing about the series, aside from when Done Running came out, which was the first positive thing since Kenny’s return in season 2, then it stopped. If I were a fan of something, I most certainly wouldn’t be a fan of a series if I thought that the writers were “lazy”
Now google says that the definition of fan is this: “a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.”
Keyword being strong interest. There ain’t no strong interest here, people are slamming the game to hell, even the people who worked hard behind it and were laid off a couple of months back only to come back to a series started by a company with budget issues. Despite these valid reasons, and the obvious reason for why episode 4 wasn’t as strong as some people may have liked, and even though I disagree with that personally, others feel the needs to say “this season was fucking shiiiit” rather than also pointing out the good. If you’re going to point out only the good, then that’s fine because then nobody is being put in a bad mood, but only pointing out the bad instead of the good or both is a different story entirely
This comment is so on point. You look back at S1 and S2 and their finales had very climatic build ups for the ending. No Going Back built up it’s ending very well, the whole scene with Clem entering the rest stop with the unsettling music is so well done. This is why Take Us Back felt so rushed, there was no build up, it was just things constantly happening without giving anything time to feel impactful.
I like how some peoples issues with the ending of TFS is how its unrealistic that AJ would be able to get Clem out of the barn.
Yet these same people had no issue with 9 year old Clem dragging a fainted grown ass man into a department store in a herd of walkers, and able to close off the store to prevent them from getting in.
TFS isn't perfect, and Ep 4 isn't either. But seriously, people need to stop thinking S1 and TFS are so different because they're not and just enjoy the parts they do and look past the stuff they don't (or hate it, thats fine too, but stop bitching about it). Season 1 has numerous flaws and people look by it today (common criticism of S2 was introducing new characters to just kill off, well what are Chuck, Mark, the St Johns, etc?) because they love the game. I'm able to do it with all 4 seasons, yet a lot of people refuse to for each season other than S1. It's annoying.
I’ve made this point countless times but unfortunately nobody wants to see reason
Absolutely S1 has several flaws and even some I still have a problem with to this day, but the problem is S1 had a superior story and narrative that helped balance out those flaws and especially when it came to the finale. The finale as a whole for the final season was so lackluster and aimless to a degree that the flaws of the episode become even more glaring then if the story and finale had been more engaging with more substance to it.
It's like watching a good movie that has flaws which are there, however because of the quality of the film those flaws are more acceptable opposed to a poor film where you often times notice and nitpick more of the film then you normally would from one in which you were engaged with and enjoyed. That's not excusing the flaws of either season, but its more of a example of how the substance and quality of the episode greatly affects how much the shortcomings of the episode are exposed or become more centered.
Keep in mind, that his is my opinion on the whole situation about the last episode.
Everyone who says, that this was not a good ending or the season wasn't good, isn't a real fan of the series.
The overall goal for this series was, to find a home for Clem. Where she is protected and safe. And the Final Season gave us exactly that. That's the reason why I say that the last episode is by far the best one. Sure it has flaws, but still. It gives us the end we all wanted (as true fans) for Clem. A place where she can live and be happy.
Everyone who says, that this ending is disappointing because it only has a good ending and no bad ending, didn't get the purpose of the series. Since Season 1 Episode 1, we are trying to find a home for Clem. How can anyone say, that they are fans of the series, when they want a dead Clem? And don't bring up that argument, that our decisions wouldn't be relevant in this episode or season. Tell that James, Louis, Tenn or Violet.
Also: This ending gives Skybound or who ever wants to do it, the opportunity to make a 5th Season or DLC with Clem defending her new home. With an ending where she could be dead or alive, there wouldn't be any chance for this to happen. You can see what happens, if we can decide who dies or not, in ANF. Kenny or Jane. You only see them in some flashbacks. But nothing else.
In addition to that: I have watched many videos on YouTube about the last episode. There are only a few… very few people who are not happy with this episode. But the majority just cried. Since Clem got bit, everyone was so sad. And everyone were so happy as they saw Clem alive. If a game can do things like that, it has to be good. If a game can bring up real emotions, is has to be great. This episode was an emotional rollercoaster.
For myself: I still have some tears in my eyes, when I watch some of those scenes or playing them again by myself. Even though I know, how it ends.
Remember: This is my opinion and it's totally fine when you guys will disagree with me here. But still, think about it. Does a true fan, wants a dead Clem? I don't think so.
I'd have to disagree on this point alone. In The Walking Dead, there are several characters who's only goal remaining is to protect their loved ones, and find a safe place for them to restart society including the main protagonist Rick Grimes. In the Walking Dead, this is a pretty dream in a grizzly reality.
A great deal of characters in the series as a whole have lost their children/loved ones to the dead before they're introduced, and the majority lose loved ones including the main protagonist. There are no 'real fans' or 'true fans' -- just fans. There's absolutely nothing wrong with some people loving the ending, and others not loving the ending.
This reminds me of how people complained about Caulifla getting Super Saiyan so quickly in Dragon Ball Super despite it being explained that Universe 6 Saiyans evolved differently. No matter how much the ending gets explained people who desperately wanted Clem to die are gonna complain. They don't care about explaining. They just wanted her to die.
I agree that having one definitive ending where Clem lives 'Safe and Sound' is the right call and that TFS ended great, but you're coming across as quite gatekeeper-y by saying people who disagree aren't true fans
A lot wrong with this my man.
Has anyone else noticed a lot of the large youtubers still haven't played ep 4 yet? The ones who have seem to have such a meh attitude to the episode or just not that much investment. (Smaller channels will obviously go much further from their reaction cuz views and subs, bigger channels dont need to worry about gaining)
Theres only 2 big youtubers I've seen play episode 4 who are "true fans" who have played all the way from Season 1 in 2012, those being RadBrad and Uberhaxornova. RadBrad at the end of his play through says how if Clem died the way they were going with the fake out he would have just been more mad than emotionally upset due to her death because it wouldnt feel like the correct way to end her character, but then was ok with it because she turned out alive in the end, but he expresses he isnt sure what to even think about it. I mean when Clem gets bit he doesnt even react, he just talks about the music lmao. Uberhaxornova if you watch his playthrough talks about how he felt really underwhelmed and how it feels like nothing even happened by the end of the game and also had no real reaction to Clem's "death" and was more annoyed by the "bite" thing because no choice to cut it off, as well as finding it weird to have her bit while climbing rocks.
I was talking specificly only for the game. Not the whole franchise. But how I see it, since we started in this game, we only wanted to have a save home for Clem. First as Lee, then as herself. Of course we had other Characters having a goal for themself. But since Clem loses nearly anyone she knows, she pretty much just want shelter. For her and AJ. The one that should be the final one, not to die.
Maybe I didn't got my point in the way across, how I meant it, since English is not my first language.
My point is, how can anyone who played Clem for the last 7 Years and feel emotional attached to her say, that they want a dead Clem in the end? My text was directed to those people, who complains all the time. I'm not here to judge who is a "true fan" or not. But I just don't get it, how people can say, that they love Clem but still want a bad ending for her. The ending we got, is the best we could ask for. Well... except of the leg.
I think, a fan, who played for 7 Years and really is attached to Clem, would just be happy, that Clem finally got that what she all the time wanted. Of course it need explanation how Clem survived, but we got that already.
Of course, it is ok that people have different opinions about the ending. But I hate it if people from the other side, want to make it bad for other people. Especially in this Forum are people on the move, who just so damn toxic. And my post was aiming on them, not on all of you guys
Uk s scouts is a big youtuber and he liked episode 4, and he felt disappointed after believing Clementine would die, but after the cop out he was overjoyed. Jacksepticeye hasn’t uploaded yet, but he said that he enjoyed all of the season 4 episodes, so his video’s release isn’t delayed due to a lack of motivation. It rlly sounds like you’re just assuming here without know the true reasons behind video release scheudles. Not everything needs to be rushed out.
What about RabidRetrospectGames, MKIceAndFire, AFGuidesHD, BabyZone and other well-known channels?
I actually did watch Nova's playthrough. I completely disagree. It made perfect sense for Clem to get bitten there as she was already injured from the fight with Minerva and was forced to climb. Clem could've avoided the bite completely if Minnie hadn't cut her leg. "So close," I thought. Under normal circumstances that wouldn't have happened. In this case, Clem was vulnerable.
I can see where you're coming from. There are a lot of people who picked up the game 7 years ago because they had already been fans of either the comics or the tv show. It may come off as harsh, cynical, or just cruel in their criticisms of the 'happily ever after' for Clementine and AJ, but really they're just coming from a different place.
At the end of the day, you like what you like. No one can take that away from you except you. ( Provided what you like isn't anything illegal. ) If we ever all loved the same things, we'd live in a stagnant society. I'm glad there are people who really liked the ending because Skybound went above and beyond to finish this thing with the TellTale staff because fans begged them to. Whether it was what everyone wanted, their devotion to their fans is undeniable and heartwarming.
The majority of those channels don’t provide commentary
Yes, but they still have played the game.
It really isnt that great of a scene. They are climbing rocks to essentially get up a hill. They arnt dangling over that bridge or anything, its just a weird spot to do something so dramatic and "big" in the story. Nova also brings up some pretty good points at the end like how its kinda bad how literally everyone talks about how bad they want to see Lee or Kenny again and stuff like that as it really shows how all the characters since season 1 have been more and more forgettable each episode installment.
But we don’t know their opinions
Ask in the comments then. xo
When I read the YT comments, hardly anyone disliked the season
I haven't given my opinion on this episode because right after I finished the last episode, I couldn't access my account here and I thought it was over, but somehow it worked agian, anyways I adored this episode especially at the end, the immense happiness I felt seeing clem not dead was like seeing Kenny alive in s2, I do agree with its flaws but I thought it could've been worse, choices not having branching especially for aj's shaping was my huge disappointment with this episode, but the most time I had to think of doing a choice was killing clem or not, fuck sake it took me 5 min to make up my mind.
I haven’t been here since the end of season 2 because that ending just caused so much negativity that it just seemed unpleasant. From what I can gather, not much changed during season 3 and 4 either! Not sure why most people stuck with the series, to be honest.
But I thought the ending was strong and it had the closure I wanted. The pacing of the final episode was definitely patchy and I suspect they were working under very difficult circumstances given what happened and compromises were made. As it is, we’re very lucky to have had an ending at all and I’m hugely thankful to the team and Skybound for making that happen. Taking that into account, I couldn’t have wanted for much more in the ending. It fit with the season, which was a far less mean-spirited than the early seasons. I felt like it was time we saw things going right for some people rather than torment after torment and that really worked for me across the whole season. No doubt it is smaller in every way, including the drama, but I was okay with that.
There wasn’t a huge amount to the final episode, to be honest. They just had to get Clem home and bring it to a close. When Clem was sitting there and AJ had that axe, I didn’t want him to do what it looked like he was going to do. Because when we saw the wound, her whole lower leg was split right open and it looked like the bite was right on the edge in a chunk of skin - in a world where we know people survive bites, I didn’t think she was infected. But then I figured I read that wrong and so the fake out worked for me because I thought AJ had done what it looked like he was doing. I was so happy to see her alive and it gave me all the feels in a way that was the polar opposite of how I felt at the end of season 1.
The flashback was somewhat oddly placed. It worked for my play of Clem because I was desperately trying to make AJ into a nicer kid (he was hard to like at the start) but then that was contrasted very strongly by Clem’s actions in that section. So that worked but maybe it would be different had your Clem been more of a hardass.
So yeah, I reckon the final episode was probably compromised in what was already a low key season but it worked for me. It gave me an ending and one I was happy with. And I’m just thankful that we got that. I didn’t think we would at one point and, as much as some others seem to have nothing but disdain for most of the series, I have really enjoyed the whole journey and I’m glad I got to spend that time with all these characters.
Ugh, just poor reasoning this entire thread.
What I care about is GOOD, powerful writing. Actual narrative substance. Not cheap emotional sentiments. Season 1 wasn't just "oh no Lee died". It was deeper than that.
To say that I don't like Clem because I don't like the linear, lazily written ending is manipulative as hell and grasping at straws.
People's assessment of EP4 rests on their sentiments to Clem, not on the actual strength of the storytelling.
A good narrative isn’t “kill off this character rn, that’ll really get things cooking” imo it’s just a half assed way to get fans invested, but there isn’t anything more false than that statement right there. A good narrative is bringing out the emotions of the player, a good narrative is making the player care for the characters, a good narrative makes the player feel a real emotional bond for the characters, and if the final season managed to make a large fucking bulk of the community over joyed with Clementine’s survival, despite the wonky episode then you know that they did something right.
The writers made us care for Clementine as if she was a real person, I’ve seen a lot of comments where people would even call her their daughter, and similarly to a real daughter, you want them to live no matter what. The writers did good keeping Clementine alive, even though I would have liked to have seen other endings to the game, this one is the most emotionally satisfying, because it shows how connected with the universe the fans can be, and how strong a narrative the walking dead game pushes as a whole. Taking the easy way out and killing off a beloved character just because the death of a favourite is always devastating is not the best way to go at all, and it’d just be cliché for the end of a zombie story to kill off an influential character towards the end just because “oH, iT’s A zA, tHiS iS jUsT wHaT hApPeNs SoMeTiMeS”. Honestly that way of thinking is bullshit, because not every zombie story needs to end with the death of a major character, or even with characters dying at all. As long as we can relate to the characters and emotions, good or bad, are brought out of us, then that’s how you know the narrative works.
Point out where I said Clem had to die.
See, you're going off your gushy sentimentality.
My problem is not strictly with a linear ending.
I would have loved to experienced the actual events of AJ saving Clem. That would have heightened the level of writing this episode if they pulled off in a believable and powerful away.
The fakeout diminished what felt like was going to be a decent ending 1 hour in. So unnecessary.
Dude, do you not see the implications you made?
You didn’t explain how the narrative could even be good if she lived, you instantly shot right to the point being “you only like the ending because of your sentiments to Clem, not because of how good the story is being told” which is you obviously pointing out that people liked the ending because of the fact that she lived. What’s wrong with that can I just ask? It wasn’t lazy writing at all, it was quite the opposite. “Clementine’s story is ending” so yeah, the obvious answer would be just to kill her off, but no, they decided to end her story in a way that nobody expected, and that was to have her live the rest of her days as the leader of a school, with one leg, feet kicked up within the walls for the rest of her life in peace. Lazy writing would be to kill of the protagonist at the end of their zombie story, not to mention how predictable it would be.
Not to mention the fact that the company literally collapsed during the production of this episode and the one prior, the fact that the episode actually went over well with the majority of the players was a miracle in itself, on top of how skybound went out of their way to finish it, despite other obvious fact that they’d make fuck all out of it. Expecting the episode to be on-par with season 1 is just unreasonable, it’s physically impossible if you can actually look at how behind the scenes production works rather than expecting that writing a strong narrative is completely free. We don’t see how Clementine dragged Lee into the jewellery store, but people being people they’re all “Oh, It’S oNlY sEaSoN oNe So It’S aLlOwEd”. At least we had a reasonable answer to how AJ actually got her back to the school. In season 1 the screen just cuts to black, Lee is suddenly indoors and that’s the end of it. No further explanation.
Now ask yourself this, would you rather have Clementine’s story end with her standing over a subdued Abel while her friends have been kidnapped and evil has triumphed, or would you rather it have ended the way it did? Be thankful it even got finished at all.