Not necessarily Roaming the forums, gathering hints and rumors... it's part of the fun!
Yep, me too. And that remembers me I've not even installed Texas Hold'em <:P
Changing subject: any info about the PC hardware spec requirements? I expect it could to be higher than the previous seasons...
It's the same as ToMI. My only fear of been released in PSN too, is probably now yes the game is going to suck in my old computer. Thanks godness I wanna change it ^^!
I have to admit, I'm surprised this is being released so soon. I was expecting June or July, but April? Damn! You guys kick ass. In my opinion, I think Telltale's the only gaming company doing episodic content right.
Pre-ordered the game yesterday. I forgot about the exclusive forum for Monkey Island but I won't miss Sam and Max's. I'm just a little sad because I don't think I'll be able to play the first episode until May (getting ready for senior fashion show).
It's the same as ToMI. My only fear of been released in PSN too, is probably now yes the game is going to suck in my old computer. Thanks godness I wanna change it ^^!
Ehm, I'm not sure I'm understanding your reasoning... nor your grammar, to tell the truth :D:D
The "armed lagomorph" t-shirt on your store is brilliant though!
I'm in, and this will be my first Sam & Max game :P
A bit of an off topic: what should I get with the free game coupon? maybe another Sam & Max episode?
Heh. I wasn't going to get this until the free-shipping thing, but i'm really looking forward to the game now! I just hope the atmosphere on launchday is as good as it was for Tales!
Also, did anyone notice that on the teaser page , if you click on the penal zone poster, it says "certified:3D"? A hint at Stereoscopic 3D perhaps? Or maybe because it's coming out on PSN, and sony have a 3D update planned for some time?
Well, here I am. I used my meager student-budget on this, the Monkey Island case file and a set of voodoo cards, and I'm still feeling a bit dizzy, so start with the goodness Telltale!
That trailer is seven kinds of awesome. I'm crazy excited (who isn't?) about all of this.
I asked if the car-upgrades would carry over from season 2 to season 3 in another topic, and Jake said they wouldn't. This brings me to a second question - is there something like the car-upgrades, Strong Bad's costumes or Monkey's Treasure Hunt this time around?
EDIT: About that newspaper on the teaser page, you can sort of read the article. You can see that there is something actually written there - it's not gibberish - but it's too small to really make out. Anyone with photoshop who wants to enhance that picture?
In the immortal words of nearly everyone who's posted here, I am SO psyched for this! I couldn't wait for ToMI and I get the feeling S&M will be more of the same...but hey, it's Sam and Max, who WOULDN'T be willing to wait if the alternative was nothingness? Also, thanks to the free coupon, I'm now only one episode away from having the full season of Wallace and Gromit. Thanks, Telltale! Once again, you show why you're one of the best gaming companies out there.
EDIT: About that newspaper on the teaser page, you can sort of read the article. You can see that there is something actually written there - it's not gibberish - but it's too small to really make out. Anyone with photoshop who wants to enhance that picture?
Thanks, but I actually didn't mean the movie poster. There's a newspaper you can click on on the sidewalk on the Sam & Max-page with some funny headlines, an awesome piece of art and a (as of yet) unreadable article. Unless someone manages to enhance that picture of course.
Still, thanks for going through the trouble of enlarging that picture!
Thanks, but I actually didn't mean the movie poster. There's a newspaper you can click on on the sidewalk on the Sam & Max-page with some funny headlines, an awesome piece of art and a (as of yet) unreadable article. Unless someone manages to enhance that picture of course.
Still, thanks for going through the trouble of enlarging that picture!
I can make out most of it, I'll transcribe what I can later, but I can't figure out the second and third lines of the first paragraph.
Lol, I guess that would be confusing.
But I said "bottom right", not "bottom, right". And the subtitles aren't on the right, right? :P
But yeah, sorry about the confusion. I didn't think to scroll all the way down either at first. It has the requirements for both PC and Mac if anyone is wondering.
About that newspaper on the teaser page, you can sort of read the article. You can see that there is something actually written there - it's not gibberish - but it's too small to really make out. Anyone with photoshop who wants to enhance that picture?
Does anyone else read "Indiana Jones" in the 4th column?
There are several funny approaches possible.
Crowd Sourcing
Write a clever software that segments the image into parts containing individual words and let people all over the world assign what words they think it could mean.
Image analysis
Use a variation of the method David Naccache and Claire Whelan used to decipher blackened text passages. It should obviously be a bit easier, except for the font identification. But since some words are readable quite well it should be possible.
Just for fun: 2nd Parapraph
Hello there, friends. I'm here today to tell you about a ... that affects ... all ... ... . I'm not talking about gwitting(?) ... ... a ... or a ... ... . I'm talking about gwitting(?) ... ....................................
So with a bit of Fantasy some people might be able to get through it.
Damn you Telltale! I really can't hold onto my money when you release new stuff (S&M pre-order and some MI stuff today) Well, what has to be done has to be done. I'm really drooling for the new Sam & Max!
35 bucks for three weeks of food? If you're eating a balanced, healthy diet, I'd like tips please!
Two things on that:
1) It was more than $35 I spent. I gullibly bought a hold load of other stuff.
2) Students on average don't eat balanced healthy diets: most of the money would have gone on decidedly unhealthy scotch and beer down the club, though some of the rest would have gone on inedible fencing equipment.
Shame I can't use the free episode code, already got everything.
Not necessarily
Yep, me too. And that remembers me I've not even installed Texas Hold'em <:P
Changing subject: any info about the PC hardware spec requirements? I expect it could to be higher than the previous seasons...
Looking forward to the special content we get here!
np: Pluramon ft. Julee Cruise - Flageolea (Dreams Top Rock)
It's the same as ToMI. My only fear of been released in PSN too, is probably now yes the game is going to suck in my old computer. Thanks godness I wanna change it ^^!
Amen to that my friend. Keep up the good work guys!:)
Bye that I'm complaining I just didn't expect this until maybe May or June.
Oh on!!!!!!
Ehm, I'm not sure I'm understanding your reasoning... nor your grammar, to tell the truth
The "armed lagomorph" t-shirt on your store is brilliant though!
And now for something completely different...
Give it to a friend! Spread joy all over the world!
A bit of an off topic: what should I get with the free game coupon? maybe another Sam & Max episode?
35 bucks for three weeks of food? If you're eating a balanced, healthy diet, I'd like tips please!
The requirements, you mean the things that are written on the bottom right?
According to Will, they're higher than for Monkey Island, but not by much.
Also, did anyone notice that on the teaser page , if you click on the penal zone poster, it says "certified:3D"? A hint at Stereoscopic 3D perhaps? Or maybe because it's coming out on PSN, and sony have a 3D update planned for some time?
That trailer is seven kinds of awesome. I'm crazy excited (who isn't?) about all of this.
I asked if the car-upgrades would carry over from season 2 to season 3 in another topic, and Jake said they wouldn't. This brings me to a second question - is there something like the car-upgrades, Strong Bad's costumes or Monkey's Treasure Hunt this time around?
EDIT: About that newspaper on the teaser page, you can sort of read the article. You can see that there is something actually written there - it's not gibberish - but it's too small to really make out. Anyone with photoshop who wants to enhance that picture?
Oh, and I love Ryan.
How exclusive-y.
I had a look at the screenshots and it seems you found out someone a bit more sexy than Bosco. ;o)
The graphics seems realy nice.
There you go
Still, thanks for going through the trouble of enlarging that picture!
I can make out most of it, I'll transcribe what I can later, but I can't figure out the second and third lines of the first paragraph.
For a long moment I thought you were talking about subtitles :rolleyes:
("written at the bottom", even "higher than")
Then I've got it and gone to the store: when I pre-ordered I haven't seen they were there specified at the bottom near the screenshots! Thanks
But I said "bottom right", not "bottom, right". And the subtitles aren't on the right, right? :P
But yeah, sorry about the confusion. I didn't think to scroll all the way down either at first. It has the requirements for both PC and Mac if anyone is wondering.
Does anyone else read "Indiana Jones" in the 4th column?
There are several funny approaches possible.
Crowd Sourcing
Write a clever software that segments the image into parts containing individual words and let people all over the world assign what words they think it could mean.
Image analysis
Use a variation of the method David Naccache and Claire Whelan used to decipher blackened text passages. It should obviously be a bit easier, except for the font identification. But since some words are readable quite well it should be possible.
Just for fun: 2nd Parapraph
Hello there, friends. I'm here today to tell you about a ... that affects ... all ... ... . I'm not talking about gwitting(?) ... ... a ... or a ... ... . I'm talking about gwitting(?) ... ....................................
So with a bit of Fantasy some people might be able to get through it.
Asking Jake
(I assume he means the sad plight, etc)
Too easy! I am a computer scientist, people expect me to find elaborate unnecessarily complicated solutions for simple problems!
Also it's more fun
Is the full text available somewhere?
It's mentioned in the blog but the link is dead.
EDIT: Here is The Sad Plight of the Adventure Game Bum
Now I'm curious.
Obviously this whole Sam & Max 3 thing was just a pretext to pitch his blog post!
EDIT: neat, thanks!
Trust me, people do not expect that
That's different!
Hi I'm Remolay, and I'm a freelance police addict.
But we computer scientists like to pretend to expect people are expecting that. So that we can have fun
Totally seeing through the algorithm that you made here.
Two things on that:
1) It was more than $35 I spent. I gullibly bought a hold load of other stuff.
2) Students on average don't eat balanced healthy diets: most of the money would have gone on decidedly unhealthy scotch and beer down the club, though some of the rest would have gone on inedible fencing equipment.