I have been obsessively checking the TellTale site EVERY DAY after finishing TOMI waiting for news on Sam and Max....today I get to preorder S&M AND my TOMI collectors disk! This might be one of the best Fridays I've had in a while!
I'm in, and this will be my first Sam & Max game :P
A bit of an off topic: what should I get with the free game coupon? maybe another Sam & Max episode?
Oh I'd definitely try and play through the first two seasons if you haven't had a chance. I mean each season is self contained, as is each episode. But each episode also has fun references to the old stuff.
But I'd be remiss if I didn't say you should try out Tales of Monkey Island. Grab the first ep and see if its to your liking. Mind you its serial episodic so you probably shouldn't jump around (like buying ep 3) first.
If I had a favorite Sam 'n Max ep... and its been awhile since I've played 'em, I'd probably pick either... Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0 or Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead.
Despite the fact that the new season premieres in and proceeds well into what is considered the most hectic and excruciatingly dreadful semester of my entire six year education, I am looking forward to being able to sneak away from neurobiology for a minute every now and then to glimpse into the mind of a sociopathic lagomorph.
Thanks Telltale for turning a dull, cold and rainy day into the best day ever!!!! Couldn't wait a single second to pre-order it. Now I just need a time travelling machine and go to April the 15th... can't wait for Banangness!!!! You truly are the best game developers ever, after the amazing Tales of Monkey Island you're bringing back everyone's favourite Freelance Police.
Hehehe. I see this private forum seems to be a place where we can come and giggle excitedly while not feeling embarassed, because everyone else is giggling excitedly too. Glad to be aboard this
Say, we got a free episode with the order. What are you guys going to be getting with it? I'm still undecided.
Say, we got a free episode with the order. What are you guys going to be getting with it? I'm still undecided.
I'm not sure yet - it's either a Bone chapter or a Strongbad episode for me. I guess the Strongbad humor is not my kind of thing, but since Bone is kind of 'unfinished'... well, we'll see.
Anyway: A new Sam and Max season awaits! The trailer and gameplay footage shown on Gamespot look amazing!
I'm not sure yet - it's either a Bone chapter or a Strongbad episode for me. I guess the Strongbad humor is not my kind of thing, but since Bone is kind of 'unfinished'... well, we'll see.
Anyway: A new Sam and Max season awaits! The trailer and gameplay footage shown on Gamespot look amazing!
I went for Bone (ep 2). The way i see it, you are getting the season for half price, or if you wait for another free episode, all for nothing!
Ehm, I'm not sure I'm understanding your reasoning... nor your grammar, to tell the truth :D:D
Second Languaje here. No, it's just, for ToMI, they have to work a little because the first ep was too slow on Wii. And my computer lack processing power. Thanks to that work, the next episodes display decently in my computer. Now, the game is for PSN, probably they won't have to do any tweaks for make the game less processing demanding, so, those episodes will suck in my computer. That all.
Hey, guys Secret Fawful in the house! I'm working on making the text on that newspaper legible, because, frankly, it's absolutely hilarious. Yes, something really is written on it. You'll see.
Hey, guys Secret Fawful in the house! I'm working on making the text on that newspaper legible, because, frankly, it's absolutely hilarious. Yes, something really is written on it. You'll see.
I have the whole text if you want. But I kinda feel bad if you put all that work into it...
right time to use my shiny promo code to pick up the first bone game. Ta again Tell Tale! One deluxe MI dvd in the post and Sam & Max season 3. Pretty good way to finish off friday night. well saturday morning now.
Hey er' body! My name is Ryan Jones and I have love to give. I've been drawing stuff for SnM:TDP, but haven't seen much of the game.. man, the trailer makes ME excited to play it! I got to meet Steve Purcell a couple times and man, what a nice dude. Super talented! I've always admired his work and kind of draw similar to him with my own stuff, so doing this project wasn't a stretch at all.. super fun. And you all can have fun to if you buy our game! Wait, you already did or else you wouldn't be reading this... Keep it real.
The first paragraph of the newspaper is, as previously said, something else. The best I can manage is:
Sam and Max save the
world! ??????? ????????
??????? Some people also
did some things and it was
good. Also you are playing
this game and that's a good
thing. I like games. Games
are fun, and I enjoy them.
Dunno, but I know who said it didn't
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes" ~ Likely paraphrased from The Doctor, Doctor Who
I really should just hand over my bank account to Telltale. I think the only thing I haven't gotten is the poker and CSI stuff.
So are there going to be neat interview posts and stuff like on the TMI private board?
Oh I'd definitely try and play through the first two seasons if you haven't had a chance. I mean each season is self contained, as is each episode. But each episode also has fun references to the old stuff.
But I'd be remiss if I didn't say you should try out Tales of Monkey Island. Grab the first ep and see if its to your liking. Mind you its serial episodic so you probably shouldn't jump around (like buying ep 3) first.
If I had a favorite Sam 'n Max ep... and its been awhile since I've played 'em, I'd probably pick either... Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0 or Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving Dead.
Not yours. I live in Turkey.
Though, it's said that some countries have made some importation of some stuff from us so, if you live in one of them...
It was one helluva sweet money spending yo'.
Say, we got a free episode with the order. What are you guys going to be getting with it? I'm still undecided.
I'm going to spend it on Wallace and Gromit episode 2
I'm not sure yet - it's either a Bone chapter or a Strongbad episode for me. I guess the Strongbad humor is not my kind of thing, but since Bone is kind of 'unfinished'... well, we'll see.
Anyway: A new Sam and Max season awaits! The trailer and gameplay footage shown on Gamespot look amazing!
I went for Bone (ep 2). The way i see it, you are getting the season for half price, or if you wait for another free episode, all for nothing!
Not that I really have any other way to get money until I get better...
Second Languaje here. No, it's just, for ToMI, they have to work a little because the first ep was too slow on Wii. And my computer lack processing power. Thanks to that work, the next episodes display decently in my computer. Now, the game is for PSN, probably they won't have to do any tweaks for make the game less processing demanding, so, those episodes will suck in my computer. That all.
Thanks a lot!
Man, I want to pre-order this for the PS3 too...
I have both my friend, I have both
I have the whole text if you want. But I kinda feel bad if you put all that work into it...
But here is the link http://www.telltalegames.com/community/blogs/id-2
Sam and Max save the
world! ??????? ????????
??????? Some people also
did some things and it was
good. Also you are playing
this game and that's a good
thing. I like games. Games
are fun, and I enjoy them.