Considering how Max vision works, you probably have to go in and out of it several times, and also wait for a little bit each time. Why do I think it works that way? Because when you look at Sam several times in the same area, sometimes he has a duck water float, and other times he has a frying pan under him. Max vision changes each time you look through his eyes.
Seeing the missing pharaoh issue in 303 I suspect he might not appear at all due to:
I think the missing pharaoh issue might be the game forcing to remove Max when turning into Max mode (because it would look odd to see Max running around during those), and since the Pharaoh IS Max' model it's probably internally flagged as such, and thus removed when switching to Max mode.
(On that account, did anyone EVER see Maximus in 301 in Max modus? We got hints where to find him, but so far no one has been able to see him IIRC. It might be the same issue preventing Maximus to appear there even with TTG intending to do so?)
Any confirmation/denying TTG? And if it's impossible to see Max/Maximus/Sammun-Mak in Max mode could this be fixed for the DVD?
Eh, I was wrong when I said I saw Maximus. It was a freakin' white pot n' pan... Me myself, I waited 10 minutes to see Maximus and saw nothing. So either it was a lie or you have to wait 20 or an hour for him.
I know I'm rather late to the game, but when you teleport yourself to Girl Stinky's cellphone the first time and end up on that random streetcorner, look in through the window. Also, when you are by Bosco Labs, click on the lamppost for a Simon and Garfunkel reference.
Not towards the moleman it seems...
Maybe the quality?
So that would only be the case if it only appears on lower settings... which seems... unlikely.
Seeing the missing pharaoh issue in 303 I suspect he might not appear at all due to:
Any confirmation/denying TTG? And if it's impossible to see Max/Maximus/Sammun-Mak in Max mode could this be fixed for the DVD?
Or 4) Jake just lied to us.
Saying things like that could get you banned in this town. Have a puzzle to forget about the whole thing :cool:
And it's not like PA is a game that can really be replayed like the S&M episodes