The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited April 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    It's like a fiver in my local Game shop. Still never bothered to buy it though
    coolsome wrote: »
    Buy it and sell it to scnew for $20.

    No, buy it and freaking play it, since it's one of the most rewarding gaming experiences you'll ever have.
  • edited April 2011
    For the record, You're talking about KoTOR 2 right? The sequel to an awesome game that is considerably less awesome because it wasn't finished when it was released?
  • edited April 2011
    Hayden wrote: »
    No, buy it and freaking play it, since it's one of the most rewarding gaming experiences you'll ever have.

    And then sell it over priced.
  • edited April 2011
    Joop wrote: »
    Vincent Price is so much more of a bad-ass then Will Smith.
    Will Smith aint got shit on Vincent Price! :p

    No shit, Sherlock. Next you'll tell me Jerome Howard is a better comedian than Jack Black. :p
  • edited April 2011
    Remolay wrote: »
    For the record, You're talking about KoTOR 2 right? The sequel to an awesome game that is considerably less awesome because it wasn't finished when it was released?

    I'm fully aware of that. I actually got more enjoyment out of 'KotOR II'. I know it was unfinished, but the part of it that was finished (being most of it) kicked more ass that the first one.
  • edited April 2011
    No shit, Sherlock. Next you'll tell me Jerome Howard is a better comedian than Jack Black. :p

    It was painfully obvious already. But after seeing The Last Man on Earth last night, it became even more so.
  • edited April 2011
    Someone keeps deleting all my posts.... :(
  • edited April 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Someone keeps deleting all my posts.... :(

  • edited April 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Someone keeps deleting all my posts.... :(

    You've clearly angered the mod gods. Did you forget to make your daily sacrifice?
  • edited April 2011

    You've clearly angered the mod gods. Did you forget to make your daily sacrifice?

    Any one of those people I killed could be considered sacrifices.
  • edited April 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Any one of those people I killed could be considered sacrifices.

    Did you do the chant correctly? Some of the lines can be tricky.
  • edited April 2011
    Ugh. Why is getting a learner's permit such a f
    ing pain in the ass?
  • edited April 2011
    Tom. You did make sure to where the brakedancing hedband right? Remember its the brakedancing hedband. If you wore the breakdancing headband you did it wrong.
  • edited April 2011
    hamza721 wrote: »
    guru can we get another monkey island race going please? Monkey island is starting to lose intrest

    Summer. I'll probably start the thread next month and hold the race in June. And from now on, it's one race a year. Any more than that burns everyone out on it.
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    Someone keeps deleting all my posts.... :(

    Lies. Only one of your last 25 posts has been deleted, and it was your own fault.
  • edited April 2011
    Lies. Only one of your last 25 posts has been deleted, and it was your own fault.

    He used the breakdancing headband instead of the brakedancing hedband didn't he?
  • edited April 2011
    So there was a news article on the escapist talking about Pokemon.

    Specifically the fact that no one in Nintendo wants you to be a bad guy.
    (Though I'd argue its that after XD and Colleseum moderate success, Nintendo think no-one wants to be a bad guy)

    I personally think that a Pokemon game starring a bad guy could work quite well.

    This is my idea:

    Bascially the game is split into two parts:

    - You have the main going around catching (or buying or stealing) Pokemon and fighting Gyms and trainers and exploring dungeons
    (Could all be acheived Via a disguise!)

    - The more interesting part. A turn based strategy part!

    Basically, you start off as a "chosen-one" to a obscure and fading Pokemon organisation.
    After being thrusted into leadership, its up to you to restore your team to its former glory.

    You would have to go and recruit members, capture buildings and territories, find and research into Pokemon, as well as battle rival organisations (not just bad ones. Don't forget there are Pokemon clubs and Pokemon Rangers as well!).

    As for the actual battle system in this "mode", it would be more akin to Advanced Wars/Fire Emblem/Shining Force than normal. (but the overall strategy and management part would be akin to a light X-Com/Civilisation).

    So you get units, build them into teams, then send them to different areas to capture strategic buildings (that provide bonuses), and basically aim for area domination.

    Each trainer you recruit can be modified to a certain extent (Particular pokemon can be switched or modified in stats and levels based on a unit's class (which can be upgraded as the organisation grows)).

    Now to bend the rules a bit, (since only having access to a few type of Pokemon is pretty dull), since you are a "chosen-one" (an "evil" eqiuvalent to a main Pokemon protagonist), there is no type or Pokemon restiction.
    As long as you have the resources to get and use a Pokemon you can do it.

    Storywise, (revealed later on in the game of course!), this is explained by the fact that a Legendary Pokemon had been accidentally re-activated, and its power has caused a shift in reality disturbing the balance of good and evil (in evil's favour instead of good's...). Once revealed, then the player has to choose whether to take advantage and conquer (which would then spawn "hero" characters to stop you (as your very presence is geatly disturbing the balance forcing the very defenses of the world to convert people to heroes) or try to seek redemption by trying to fix reality. (Which would obviously require trying to personally set out and catch the Legendary Pokemon and use it to fix reality).

    At this point in the game, things get even more complicated. Underlings begin to question your actions, especially if you begin to ignore responsibilities or start to do actions that are irregular, and thing can begin to go wrong.

    Some missions could fail, (due to interference), members could go missing or abandon your team.

    Its even possible that some may even try to challenge your leadership.

    At this point in the game you're probably going to have to decide on a final Pokemon team (which wouldn't be too hard since you have extra resources over the average trainer), as the battles start to get much tougher and individuals will start seeking you out more.

    So yeah. Thats a Pokemon game I would wanna play! :D
  • edited April 2011
    Ugh. Why is getting a learner's permit such a f
    ing pain in the ass?
    It is? What do you have to do? Back in my day, we had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow to the DMV, where we just had to answer like 30 easy questions to get a permit.
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    It is? What do you have to do? Back in my day, we had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow to the DMV, where we just had to answer like 30 easy questions to get a permit.

    I remember one of my questions was 'What do you do when you see this sign?'


    Good times...
  • edited April 2011
    I remember one of my questions was 'What do you do when you see this sign?'


  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    It is? What do you have to do? Back in my day, we had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow to the DMV, where we just had to answer like 30 easy questions to get a permit.

    Both times I took the permit test, I got the question that asked about whether you should go the speed limit or the speed of the traffic wrong. I still disagree with the DMV on that one.
  • edited April 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Tom. You did make sure to where the brakedancing hedband right? Remember its the brakedancing hedband. If you wore the breakdancing headband you did it wrong.

    Shoot. I thought it was the heddancing breakband...

    Lies. Only one of your last 25 posts has been deleted, and it was your own fault.

    Why?! Oh, the misery! They were so young! *weep sob choke*
  • edited April 2011
    Both times I took the permit test, I got the question that asked about whether you should go the speed limit or the speed of the traffic wrong. I still disagree with the DMV on that one.

    I believe it's the speed of traffic.
  • edited April 2011

    Specifically the fact that no one in Nintendo wants you to be a bad guy.

    What about Mario? That guy's downright evil.

    He invades a bizarre kingdom of mushrooms and turtles, discovers his girlfriend is "captured" by the king (riiight... captured...), and goes batshit insane. He starts curbstomping absolutely anything that gets in his way, steals their money (which he doesn't even NEED), and even goes so far as to devour the citizens that are hiding behind the blocks.

    He enters castle after castle, and deludes himself into thinking that the remaining survivors are actually THANKING him for the wholesale destruction he has wrought.

    Even after he murders the poor king by dunking him in lava and forcibly "rescues" his girlfriend, he continues his reign of terror for more than 20 years hence, just because his "princess" has a lizard fetish.

    And let's not even get started on Luigi.
  • edited April 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »
    What about Mario? That guy's downright evil.

    He invades a bizarre kingdom of mushrooms and turtles, discovers his girlfriend is "captured" by the king (riiight... captured...), and goes batshit insane. He starts curbstomping absolutely anything that gets in his way, steals their money (which he doesn't even NEED), and even goes so far as to devour the citizens that are hiding behind the blocks.

    He enters castle after castle, and deludes himself into thinking that the remaining survivors are actually THANKING him for the wholesale destruction he has wrought.

    Even after he murders the poor king by dunking him in lava and forcibly "rescues" his girlfriend, he continues his reign of terror for more than 20 years hence, just because his "princess" has a lizard fetish.

    And let's not even get started on Luigi.

    I was reffering specifically to Pokemon....

    Awesome description of Mario.
    Besides if Nintendo didn't want any bad guys then there wouldn't be the Wario Land series! XD
  • edited April 2011

    In the naaaaaaaaame of love!
  • edited April 2011
    'What do you do when you see this sign?'

    Guess what needs to stop?
  • edited April 2011
    It's my fault for setting up such an obvious joke. I will accept my punishment with dignity. Bring in more bad 'Stop' jokes, I can take them.
  • edited April 2011
  • edited April 2011
    It's my fault for setting up such an obvious joke. I will accept my punishment with dignity. Bring in more bad 'Stop' jokes, I can take them.

    I was going to do another because you said this, but now I have to go play D&D.

    You got lucky.

  • edited April 2011
    I believe it's the speed of traffic.

    That's what I said. It ruined my perfect score.
  • edited April 2011
    I just saw Count Arthur strong.
  • edited April 2011
    That's what I said. It ruined my perfect score.

    I happened to get a perfect score on my examination which gives me the right to call bullsh*t on your testing center.
  • edited April 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    It is? What do you have to do? Back in my day, we had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow to the DMV, where we just had to answer like 30 easy questions to get a permit.

    I have to go to the DMV and give them the following:
    *My Passport/Some Sort of ID
    *Proof of My full Name
    *A Verification of my address
    *40 bucks up front just to take a F
  • edited April 2011
    I have to go to the DMV and give them the following:
    *My Passport/Some Sort of ID
    *Proof of My full Name
    *A Verification of my address
    *40 bucks up front just to take a F

    Look on the bright side. Somebody working for the DMV dies every 27 minutes.
  • edited April 2011
    I happened to get a perfect score on my examination which gives me the right to call bullsh*t on your testing center. sucked. Also, they wouldn't except my government ID! Grr...just thinking about the DMV makes me upset.
  • edited April 2011
    Opinion time! Which of these do you like better?


  • edited April 2011
    what happened to Lonnie? why did he get banned? (not that i am complaining)
  • edited April 2011
    First one makes it look more impressive and original the 2nd looks like The day after tomorrow type film.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, I guess so. I like the logo on the second one, but I like how to first one says July 16th instead of just 2010. (Yes, every little thing matters. :p)
  • edited April 2011
    OMG OMG OMG! Drew Carey's new improv show, which could be the closest thing to the revival of my favorite show of all time(Whose Line is it Anyway) airs in a half an hour. Ive been waiting 5 years(the last episode of Whose Line Aired in 2006) for a revival, and this is the best Ill get.
    Peoples this show needs good ratings so it lasts more than a season.
This discussion has been closed.