Did you guys really not mention the Maschinenmensch - Metropolis and the Android robot yet? I guess Rather Dashing hasn't seen that picture yet.
Now I want to make a big poster with all the names where each robot would be... But I don't know ALL of them so that's going to be tricky. I'm sure we can identify them all together but we need to let others know which is which. I think I'll make a template and then people can identify positions when they name the robots.
EDIT: I should probably do as I say and identify the ones I name. The top left corner one is one of the machines from Castle in the Sky aka Laputa. The Maschinenmensch is arm in arm with C3PO, third row first column. The Android android is that green thing close to the front (speaking of which, Atlas from Portal 2 isn't very far behind him).
Maybe if I have time later today, I'll go through and number all the robots so we can keep track of which ones nobody's gotten yet.
I'm actually working on a picture with numbers right now. Then people can just give numbers with the names and we can create a list.
EDIT: ok, I know it looks like crap, I'm going to work on making it look good (and of course finish the numbering) but I wanted to have something to go from. So guessing people, here are the first 43 numbered for you to make into a list. The way I numbered them might not be the way everyone would have, but let's please try and stick to the same numbering for the sake of the list.
I'll keep reupdating the picture with more and more numbers, and yes I'll make it look better with circles under each number so you can read the numbers better, position them better and so on. This is rushed so you have something to go by. Here you go.
EDIT2: I'm up to 118. I'm taking a break from numbering itself, first because it's too ugly and I want to work on placing the numbers better and making them look ok (even if the image won't ever be as good as the numberless one) but also because I'm unsure about the numbering and would like your input first:
Are 89 and 90 a set or was I right to number them separately? Is 95 actually part of someone else or is it its own robot? 110 and 113 ARE their own creatures, right?
If you spot any other mistake (same robot labeled twice, robot unlabeled except for those I haven't done yet) let me know as well. It will be a pain to move all the numbers later on, I'd rather fix any mistake and then keep going with the numbering.
Thanks for your help guys. Now to work on what I've got so far.
Better numbering up to 60, and I think we should create a specfic thread for it.
I realised I had numbered the same thing as 29 and 41 so I changed the numbers around a little bit. Correct me if I'm wrong and it was actually two different robots. I changed picture editing programs and moving the numbers around is much easier.
Better numbering up to 60, and I think we should create a specfic thread for it.
I realised I had numbered the same thing as 29 and 41 so I changed the numbers around a little bit. Correct me if I'm wrong and it was actually two different robots. I changed picture editing programs and moving the numbers around is much easier.
Don't over think you can reach a point where things are truly no longer natural. Which is ok, I'm there now, I embrace it. That's fine, but I don't recommend you take it that far. You can almost rebirth yourself within too much thought. I don't recommend it.
Is it odd that the first thought I had when a party member apparantly cut-scene died In star wars: KOTOR:II was "oh no! My items!"
Also, I Can't decide whether I want to be good or Evil. Evil just seems like so much more fun, but I spent the last game being evil, and it meant I missed out on a companion. Still I got lightning powers!
I've always wanted to do a faithful re enactment of it. It sort of looked like this but the entities were more fluid and more spirally and lanky and stream like and were all around each other and all over the place and the one on the ground crawled towards me.
Is it odd that the first thought I had when a party member apparantly cut-scene died In star wars: KOTOR:II was "oh no! My items!"
Also, I Can't decide whether I want to be good or Evil. Evil just seems like so much more fun, but I spent the last game being evil, and it meant I missed out on a companion. Still I got lightning powers!
Be evil, it's the best way to go. And you don't lose out on more characters for KOTOR II if you're evil. You just get one different one and the rest just sort of go with your general evilness.
But yeah, my evil character was sorta badass by the end. Five hundred health, four hundred force points and so much charisma that I could spam healing and lightning storm and it would hardly make a dent in my points. The ending boss went down in, like, five minutes (as opposed to my first, good, playthrough where it took me nearly half an hour).
You're going to be the sick, dying Cave Johnson, right? I mean, it fits with the wheelchair and you get to do the lemon rant. Win-win!
You've not heard my Cave Johnson impression, have you? I'll tell you: I do it far better than I wish I did. I mean, it isn't as good as my Christian Chandler impression, but it's pretty good. Dashing'll back me up on this... right buddy?
How about a video game, about destroying video games?
Well, not about destroy all of a game, but parts of it.
Imagine if you had the power to go into a video game, and be able to remove and fix certain parts of it?
Even had access to the resources to fix stuff OUTSIDE of the game too?
- Ghosts not killing Pac-man like they are supposed to? Go into the game and hunt him down. (Don't worry he has an extra guy! XD)
- One of levels is spawning enemies with glitchy sprites? Get to it agent! Find and replace that spawner!
- Player can't just seem to beat that boss? Why don't you take him down! (For a price that is! ;D)
- Whats that? Lassie? Someone dug up those copies of ET and are forcing the impressionable young to play them? You know what to do!
- An obscene mod floating around on the internet?
I think you get the picture here.
You basically play a hired hand. A mercenary of sorts, paid to fix and "fix" things.
You can choose the jobs, choose sides, but take care of what you do, you are not the only one!
One good way to forget about smoking - going to a pub and drinking there for a few hours. You know, I've never had a single problem with the smoking ban when I did smoke, and even less so now.
One problem with all that is that I start thinking about smoking once I'm back home and a little drunk.
So for now I'm just going to drink a little more, and rip more of my CDs as I go through my collection adding all the ones I don't have on my computer that I want to keep before I start attempting to sell them all.
Going through a load of old singles bought when I was at college (1998 - 2000) and it's all music that can fit into the dance/trance genre, except for one solitary CD. The Rembrandt's "I'll Be There For You". It's a bit incongruous.
Alpha 5 is directly above GIR, standing next to Robot Jones.
Now I want to make a big poster with all the names where each robot would be... But I don't know ALL of them so that's going to be tricky. I'm sure we can identify them all together but we need to let others know which is which. I think I'll make a template and then people can identify positions when they name the robots.
EDIT: I should probably do as I say and identify the ones I name. The top left corner one is one of the machines from Castle in the Sky aka Laputa. The Maschinenmensch is arm in arm with C3PO, third row first column. The Android android is that green thing close to the front (speaking of which, Atlas from Portal 2 isn't very far behind him).
Maybe if I have time later today, I'll go through and number all the robots so we can keep track of which ones nobody's gotten yet.
Ah, sorry I missed it.
I'm actually working on a picture with numbers right now. Then people can just give numbers with the names and we can create a list.
EDIT: ok, I know it looks like crap, I'm going to work on making it look good (and of course finish the numbering) but I wanted to have something to go from. So guessing people, here are the first 43 numbered for you to make into a list. The way I numbered them might not be the way everyone would have, but let's please try and stick to the same numbering for the sake of the list.
I'll keep reupdating the picture with more and more numbers, and yes I'll make it look better with circles under each number so you can read the numbers better, position them better and so on. This is rushed so you have something to go by.
Here you go.
EDIT2: I'm up to 118. I'm taking a break from numbering itself, first because it's too ugly and I want to work on placing the numbers better and making them look ok (even if the image won't ever be as good as the numberless one) but also because I'm unsure about the numbering and would like your input first:
Are 89 and 90 a set or was I right to number them separately? Is 95 actually part of someone else or is it its own robot? 110 and 113 ARE their own creatures, right?
If you spot any other mistake (same robot labeled twice, robot unlabeled except for those I haven't done yet) let me know as well. It will be a pain to move all the numbers later on, I'd rather fix any mistake and then keep going with the numbering.
Thanks for your help guys. Now to work on what I've got so far.
Best version of Guile's Theme EVER!!
EDIT: In fact, the Neo Geo Pocket Color had such fantastic music overall:
Also this guy doesn't know what he's talking about (music wise...):
This review is nice and technical
I realised I had numbered the same thing as 29 and 41 so I changed the numbers around a little bit. Correct me if I'm wrong and it was actually two different robots. I changed picture editing programs and moving the numbers around is much easier.
EDIT: new thread created.
BTW, I found Wall-E! He's next to the Bad Robot Mascot.
Oh wait, I didn't see Avi's post. Never mind.
I was just happy to find BLINKY. That's who we were trying to find, right?
Also, I Can't decide whether I want to be good or Evil. Evil just seems like so much more fun, but I spent the last game being evil, and it meant I missed out on a companion. Still I got lightning powers!
Some people over react to this, just to tell you. I saw this years ago in my TV set.
I've always wanted to do a faithful re enactment of it. It sort of looked like this but the entities were more fluid and more spirally and lanky and stream like and were all around each other and all over the place and the one on the ground crawled towards me.
I've been told that stops with marriage.
Be evil, it's the best way to go. And you don't lose out on more characters for KOTOR II if you're evil. You just get one different one and the rest just sort of go with your general evilness.
But yeah, my evil character was sorta badass by the end. Five hundred health, four hundred force points and so much charisma that I could spam healing and lightning storm and it would hardly make a dent in my points. The ending boss went down in, like, five minutes (as opposed to my first, good, playthrough where it took me nearly half an hour).
You've not heard my Cave Johnson impression, have you? I'll tell you: I do it far better than I wish I did. I mean, it isn't as good as my Christian Chandler impression, but it's pretty good. Dashing'll back me up on this... right buddy?
Don't insult her too much, regardless of alignment, because having good influence over her gives you some pretty neat stuff.
Don't you talk about Halla that way!
[Guess what I'm reading]
*clicks with trepidation*
"... Goddammit, Pants."
*keeps watching*
"Me gusta."
Much better then I was expecting the pilot to be.
How about a video game, about destroying video games?
Well, not about destroy all of a game, but parts of it.
Imagine if you had the power to go into a video game, and be able to remove and fix certain parts of it?
Even had access to the resources to fix stuff OUTSIDE of the game too?
- Ghosts not killing Pac-man like they are supposed to? Go into the game and hunt him down. (Don't worry he has an extra guy! XD)
- One of levels is spawning enemies with glitchy sprites? Get to it agent! Find and replace that spawner!
- Player can't just seem to beat that boss? Why don't you take him down! (For a price that is! ;D)
- Whats that? Lassie? Someone dug up those copies of ET and are forcing the impressionable young to play them? You know what to do!
- An obscene mod floating around on the internet?
I think you get the picture here.
You basically play a hired hand. A mercenary of sorts, paid to fix and "fix" things.
You can choose the jobs, choose sides, but take care of what you do, you are not the only one!
EDIT: Why are my ideas so gosh darn insane!?!
*Le derping around*
*Sees this, klicks*
*Comes back*
Pants, go die in a hole.
Glad you liked it, buddy!
One problem with all that is that I start thinking about smoking once I'm back home and a little drunk.
So for now I'm just going to drink a little more, and rip more of my CDs as I go through my collection adding all the ones I don't have on my computer that I want to keep before I start attempting to sell them all.
I'm sorry, but that's not Seth Macfarlene's version. Way too high quality.
Don't tempt him, Fawful.
I'm sick of the lightning every night in my area. It's like something out of a cheesy horror movie.
Use the lightning! Use it to bring Mr. Hidden to life and then sic your creation upon the unsuspecting world! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
My name is not Oswald! It's Penguin! I am not a human being! I am an animal. Cold-blooded!
is what
is on my mind