Are you able to watch subtitled anime at all? I mean, is there a font size or something we could work out if we got you a video with a properly timed sub file, or is that pretty much a crapshoot?
Are you able to watch subtitled anime at all? I mean, is there a font size or something we could work out if we got you a video with a properly timed sub file, or is that pretty much a crapshoot?
Fandub. Find me scripts and I will show you that this is a wonderbad idea.
Are you able to watch subtitled anime at all? I mean, is there a font size or something we could work out if we got you a video with a properly timed sub file, or is that pretty much a crapshoot?
I sat through most of the first episode; it's available on Funimation's site directly. For the first 5-10 minutes I attempted to listen, but when that failed, I maxed it on my 22 inch monitor and tried to read the subtitles. It's just too fast for my eyes to process. I'd need a transcript or something, and even then, probably have to read it beforehand. I'm not sure that its worth it.
I sat through most of the first episode; it's available on Funimation's site directly. For the first 5-10 minutes I attempted to listen, but when that failed, I maxed it on my 22 inch monitor and tried to read the subtitles. It's just too fast for my eyes to process. I'd need a transcript or something, and even then, probably have to read it beforehand. I'm not sure that its worth it.
A transcript I'd be able to provide if you wanted. It's by far my favorite television anime, bar none.
It's not easy to watch, I often paused the show while it was playing(sometimes several times per minute) and watched each episode a couple times, so I KNOW it's hard to watch, especially with visual issues(though yours are worse than mine, far as I can tell), but I personally found it very well worth it.
Fawful, don't torture him. Seriously. Lest I pull out my old Edward Elric- or better yet, ulquiorra- fom the days of being a convention booth coaplayer and iunno, embarass you in public?
A few posts ago, I acquired a dream; a dream to create a fandub of Tatami Galaxy starring myself as all the main characters.
Now, in the year 2012, I have assembled a demo of this marvelous project. And so, if you'll abide me, I'd like to present an audio only excerpt from...
Okay but no seriously I enjoy it because I like dumb sitcoms.
It's not like Community which is actually a really smart and witty sitcom, but you know I'll watch any cheap american comedy show at least a couple times. Every once and awhile the show will pull out a smart joke(which is supposed to translate to most of their audience as "big words ha ha"), and the show actually has some smart background gags, but yeah the vast majority of their content is really dumb.
Chuck Lorre did Two and a Half Men before this so honestly I consider this a step up.
Stressed and a bit down. Aren't we all. Aren't we all.
Major fuck up at work(not directly involving myself, but still involving my position). I get to hear about and deal with the aftermath in a little over an hour. Joy.
When I left home it was running fine, but when I came back it was dead with the power light flashing. I turned it back on, but it would shut off about one full second afterward. Turns out that it was the power supply, which I just now replaced and everything is working fine.
My entire body hurts... muscles are so sore I can barely walk. I'm not doing ANYTHING this evening besides crawling home to spend a long time soaking in a hot bath.
My entire body hurts... muscles are so sore I can barely walk. I'm not doing ANYTHING this evening besides crawling home to spend a long time soaking in a hot bath.
Now THAT sounds like a plan. Hey, PB, what are you planning for your first Memorial Day?
In Japan, you shower first and then soak in the tub; it's less a bath and more like a chlorine free Jacuzzi.
Where do you people find the time? -_-
EDIT: Also at work, I talked to a lady who had a bag with a stitching of Totoro on it.
We had a nice conversation about Studio Ghibli.
(Which movies we liked and whether english or japanese dubs were preferred (I would prefer the japanese dub with subs, because hearing famous people doing the lines of the characters distracts me from whats going on in the film, whereas she argued that the famous actors added a level of quality to it))
It made my day thats for sure.
(Though to be honest I haven't actually seen My Neighbor Totoro (I need to fix that at some point! ), but the character is so iconic on the net and with cameos all over, I can instantly recognise it)
What I like about Studio Ghibli works is that they have a sort of overall appeal.
Its not targeted to an audience in particular. The focus is on the storytelling and characters.
Its art really, (well... compared to most Anime's I've seen...).
Its what I'd like videogames to be more like these days.
A focus on an overall experience. A quality that is timeless.
Nintendo still has some of that magic. (Though the market pressures and a little misguidance in management are stopping that talent from reaching its potential)
The indie's and the vets have some of it.
Everything else in the industry has just lost it. And that is just sad really.
Here's an analogy:
Which would you prefer?
A muffin from Tesco, that has been machine produced with standardised ingredients
A muffin homemade by a skilled baker with fresh ingredients.
^ You see, that is what we are missing! That soul. That heart.
I watch a Studio Ghibli film or play Super Mario World and I get a slice of that back.
Tesco muffins are good, mostly. They fill in the gaps, but they could never truly satisfy. They are forgetable..
The baked muffin, with all the pazazz and freshness. That is something you'll remember.
(Video Games definately need that guided vision. The artist. The storyteller. The Dungeon Master! XD)
Now THAT sounds like a plan. Hey, PB, what are you planning for your first Memorial Day?
Maybe hopefully going to the beach! A friend mentioned renting a car and driving somewhere nice for the day. The weather had better improve if we're going to do that though.
I wanted to make the most of the long weekend and go away somewhere properly, but also wanted to save money. Lack of real motivation means the latter won out... fiscal responsibility through laziness ftw.
Though to be honest I think showers are better.
(Not soaking in your own filth then! XD)
Shower is my regular go-to for getting clean, but I want to relax in hot water and not move tonight (and maybe feel all girly and special).
I'd normally shower before a bath, depends on the grime level though. In this case I showered this morning and have been in the office all day... not like I've been rolling around in the dirt or running marathons.
Heh! My old man would moan that water's being wasted if anyone did that here! XD
Haha, wasting water. I grew up on a property that used tank water (couldn't connect to the catchment reservoir, too far away) and there were several years of drought during my childhood. We had to check the water level in the tank regularly, when it started getting low we'd start cutting back on water usage... yes, to the point of having to share bath water. Mostly the dirtiest kid had to go last, so they didn't dirty up the tub for the rest of us. Getting the last turn sucked because if the others took too long the water would get cold and horrible.
At the time I didn't even realise that other people didn't have to put up with such things.
Haha, wasting water. I grew up on a property that used tank water (couldn't connect to the catchment reservoir, too far away) and there were several years of drought during my childhood. We had to check the water level in the tank regularly, when it started getting low we'd start cutting back on water usage... yes, to the point of having to share bath water. Mostly the dirtiest kid had to go last, so they didn't dirty up the tub for the rest of us. Getting the last turn sucked because if the others took too long the water would get cold and horrible.
At the time I didn't even realise that other people didn't have to put up with such things.
We've shared water a few times as kids. I can relate! XD
(Though my parents did it for convenience and time, more than actual cost... ¬_¬)
A few posts ago, I acquired a dream; a dream to create a fandub of Tatami Galaxy starring myself as all the main characters.
Now, in the year 2012, I have assembled a demo of this marvelous project. And so, if you'll abide me, I'd like to present an audio only excerpt from...
Fandub. Find me scripts and I will show you that this is a wonderbad idea.
I sat through most of the first episode; it's available on Funimation's site directly. For the first 5-10 minutes I attempted to listen, but when that failed, I maxed it on my 22 inch monitor and tried to read the subtitles. It's just too fast for my eyes to process. I'd need a transcript or something, and even then, probably have to read it beforehand. I'm not sure that its worth it.
It's not easy to watch, I often paused the show while it was playing(sometimes several times per minute) and watched each episode a couple times, so I KNOW it's hard to watch, especially with visual issues(though yours are worse than mine, far as I can tell), but I personally found it very well worth it.
Cool. Stare at this.
Fawful, don't torture him. Seriously. Lest I pull out my old Edward Elric- or better yet, ulquiorra- fom the days of being a convention booth coaplayer and iunno, embarass you in public?
But I do approve of Mononoke. Greatly.
Now, in the year 2012, I have assembled a demo of this marvelous project. And so, if you'll abide me, I'd like to present an audio only excerpt from...
...I'm sorry. Are you okay?
...well that took out the conversation.
Okay but no seriously I enjoy it because I like dumb sitcoms.
It's not like Community which is actually a really smart and witty sitcom, but you know I'll watch any cheap american comedy show at least a couple times. Every once and awhile the show will pull out a smart joke(which is supposed to translate to most of their audience as "big words ha ha"), and the show actually has some smart background gags, but yeah the vast majority of their content is really dumb.
Chuck Lorre did Two and a Half Men before this so honestly I consider this a step up.
Major fuck up at work(not directly involving myself, but still involving my position). I get to hear about and deal with the aftermath in a little over an hour. Joy.
I'm getting really pissed off about it.
Sent YET ANOTHER string of complaints to them.
Its almost been 2 weeks now, and its getting ridiculous.
Financial troubles be damned!
If you continue to sell, then be prepared to deal with customers properly.
I'm tempted to phone them up at this point.
I don't want to, but it appears their online staff are completely incompetent.
Grrrr... >:X
o_0 I think my brain exploded.
And then watch it again.
I might like this show too much.
There's still a slim chance for a new Monkey Island game!
So what you're saying is that you'll join the voice cast?
Sure, why not? It's been too long since I've done voicework.
When I left home it was running fine, but when I came back it was dead with the power light flashing. I turned it back on, but it would shut off about one full second afterward. Turns out that it was the power supply, which I just now replaced and everything is working fine.
I'm happy.
Good, good. Now we just need... Every other character. Also, a miracle that makes this project actually workable.
Now THAT sounds like a plan. Hey, PB, what are you planning for your first Memorial Day?
Though to be honest I think showers are better.
(Not soaking in your own filth then! XD)
Then again, we do have a shower cubicle from a converted cupboard so I probably am quite biased on that account...
In Japan, you shower first and then soak in the tub; it's less a bath and more like a chlorine free Jacuzzi.
Where do you people find the time? -_-
EDIT: Also at work, I talked to a lady who had a bag with a stitching of Totoro on it.
We had a nice conversation about Studio Ghibli.
(Which movies we liked and whether english or japanese dubs were preferred (I would prefer the japanese dub with subs, because hearing famous people doing the lines of the characters distracts me from whats going on in the film, whereas she argued that the famous actors added a level of quality to it))
It made my day thats for sure.
(Though to be honest I haven't actually seen My Neighbor Totoro (I need to fix that at some point!
What I like about Studio Ghibli works is that they have a sort of overall appeal.
Its not targeted to an audience in particular. The focus is on the storytelling and characters.
Its art really, (well... compared to most Anime's I've seen...).
Its what I'd like videogames to be more like these days.
A focus on an overall experience. A quality that is timeless.
Nintendo still has some of that magic. (Though the market pressures and a little misguidance in management are stopping that talent from reaching its potential)
The indie's and the vets have some of it.
Everything else in the industry has just lost it. And that is just sad really.
Here's an analogy:
Which would you prefer?
A muffin from Tesco, that has been machine produced with standardised ingredients
A muffin homemade by a skilled baker with fresh ingredients.
^ You see, that is what we are missing! That soul. That heart.
I watch a Studio Ghibli film or play Super Mario World and I get a slice of that back.
Tesco muffins are good, mostly. They fill in the gaps, but they could never truly satisfy. They are forgetable..
The baked muffin, with all the pazazz and freshness. That is something you'll remember.
(Video Games definately need that guided vision. The artist. The storyteller. The Dungeon Master! XD)
Maybe hopefully going to the beach! A friend mentioned renting a car and driving somewhere nice for the day. The weather had better improve if we're going to do that though.
I wanted to make the most of the long weekend and go away somewhere properly, but also wanted to save money. Lack of real motivation means the latter won out... fiscal responsibility through laziness ftw.
Shower is my regular go-to for getting clean, but I want to relax in hot water and not move tonight (and maybe feel all girly and special).
I'd normally shower before a bath, depends on the grime level though. In this case I showered this morning and have been in the office all day... not like I've been rolling around in the dirt or running marathons.
(I don't think anyone could actually fit into our bath. (Its just for show and washing the cat! XD))
Haha, wasting water. I grew up on a property that used tank water (couldn't connect to the catchment reservoir, too far away) and there were several years of drought during my childhood. We had to check the water level in the tank regularly, when it started getting low we'd start cutting back on water usage... yes, to the point of having to share bath water. Mostly the dirtiest kid had to go last, so they didn't dirty up the tub for the rest of us. Getting the last turn sucked because if the others took too long the water would get cold and horrible.
At the time I didn't even realise that other people didn't have to put up with such things.
We've shared water a few times as kids. I can relate! XD
(Though my parents did it for convenience and time, more than actual cost... ¬_¬)
This video frightens and confuses me.
YES! That means a chance at a full-on Star Wars kinect dancer instead of it being just a minigame! I gotta go write down my songs to send to Lucasarts
*Rebecca black*
Kill Jedi! Jedi! Gotta kill all the Jedi!
*Sexy and I know it*
I'm Chewy and I know it! Gnaaaaah. I help Hon.