Why did Ray Bradbury have to die? Why couldn't the Fates have deprived us of someone useless, like a Kardashian or two or Pat Robertson? WHY, RAY BRADBURY!? WHY!!!!????
Why did Ray Bradbury have to die? Why couldn't the Fates have deprived us of someone useless, like a Kardashian or two or Pat Robertson? WHY, RAY BRADBURY!? WHY!!!!????
I'd rather get rid of Robert Pattinson instead of Pat Robertson...
I'd rather get rid of Robert Pattinson instead of Pat Robertson...
But 91, that's quite an age. I'll miss Bradbury.
As do I and as will I. I actually shed tears over this one. I haven't done that since the last time the fiancee left Atlanta. That's how serious this was.
Trying to book a trip to disney land for my 21st for a few days in october. We had a really good deal at one point before we realised that it was because the ruddy trains are not operating. So now it's a lot more expensive, and I doubt we'll be able to go anymore.
Also, I have a rib-eye steak in the fridge and no idea how to cook it. Any advice would be appreciated!
Let it sorta sit out until it gets close to room temp then salt and pepper both sides. Get your heaviest skillet (cast iron being best) and get it pretty dang hot but not to the point of smoking burning. Put that thang in the skillet and JUST LET IT SIT THERE AND COOK. If you're gonna move it, do not press it down. That is bad idea!
Flip it after a little bit and let it go again until it's cooked to your liking. Let it sit and rest for like, 3-5 minutes. Apply herb butter or sauteed mushrooms or onions. Good steak shouldn't need steak sauce and shouldn't need any other seasoning other than salt and pepper.
Why isn't Joss Whedon developing The Topher Brink Show? It'd be all about Fran Kranz as Topher Brink doing Topher Brink stuff. Maybe Sierra and Bennett would show up, too. What am I, a futuremancer?
Its all about the eggs. We get fresh ones delivered by a local chicken farm, and they are just fantastic!
(Not actually much more expensive than buying them from the supermarket oddly enough...)
I hardboiled 3 of them, to the point the shells were cracking (from the expansion on the inside), I then put them in cold water for a few minutes.
The shells come off fresh eggs very easily, (the chickens that lay these are young as well), so after a few taps in the pan (now filled with cold water from before), they came off easily.
The de-shelled eggs were still fairly warm and a little loose, (and a little gooey in the middle but I think thats when they are the best! ), and then I put them in an egg slicer.
(Ones of those things with the thin wires you put the egg into then pull down onto it)
I carefully sliced them and stuck them into a bowl.
I then took a small knife and diced it up further. (good to put the bowl at a slight angle towards you to keep it all together).
A tablespoon of mayonaise (regular Tesco one for me), and plently of black pepper (peppercorns in a grinder one, like you see in the restaurants), mixed up into the egg, makes a great filler for 3 sandwiches/rolls
(I had 2 bread rolls. It was very yummy for sure! (And filling):D)
Next time I might add a nice strong chilli sauce (burger shop styled one), to devil it up! HAHA!
Why isn't Joss Whedon developing The Topher Brink Show? It'd be all about Fran Kranz as Topher Brink doing Topher Brink stuff. Maybe Sierra and Bennett would show up, too. What am I, a futuremancer?
Why did Ray Bradbury have to die? Why couldn't the Fates have deprived us of someone useless, like a Kardashian or two or Pat Robertson? WHY, RAY BRADBURY!? WHY!!!!????
Venus crossed the Sun, and Ray Bradbury died. Coincidence?
Get your heaviest skillet (cast iron being best) and get it pretty dang hot but not to the point of smoking burning. Put that thang in the skillet and JUST LET IT SIT THERE AND COOK.
Awesome. I have a cheap, useless pan; and a cheap, slightly less useless pan (only because it hasn't been used often enough for the bottom to warp yet). One day I'll probably get myself a nice one... for now I guess I will stick it in the slightly-less-useless pan and see what happens. Thanks for the tips!
I'm actually going to ask the super to fix it! Stay tuned for the next exciting update in the puzzlebox kitchen saga.
My favorite way to cook a steak indoors is completely different from Tope's. I use a broiler pan, with thin metal bars on it, kind of like this:
Except mine has an even thinner top. Put some water in the bottom, and cook one side of the steak under an already-hot broiler 'til it's barely brown, to keep the juices in better, then flip it, cook as desired, and flip again to cook the first side correctly.
I prefer garlic powder instead of salt & pepper, but I'm weird.
Agreed. I generally pretend like Echo and Ballard don't exist when I'm watching the show. Or like they're these random characters from a soap opera that accidentally wandered on set and the other characters are trying to think of a polite way to make them leave.
Contacts are pretty easy. I wear them nearly constantly.
I often wear contacts too (soft ones). Once you get over the initial difficulty hump of putting them in your eyes, they're pretty easy to wear.
An added bonus is that contacts desensitise you to touching the white of your eye; which makes for a great party trick, that manages to gross everybody out. Marvelous!
my dad did it by going on a mission to taiwan for 2 years. then majoring in it in college. then continuing to speak it every day. should be pretty easy, amirite
Does trying horribly to speak it at home with Comrade Mortis count? I mean, China isn't particularly wheelchair friendly and I'm not sure if the journalism school I'm applying to even has a Chinese program.
Does trying horribly to speak it at home with Comrade Mortis count?
My friend who married a Brazillian girl takes Portuguese lessons, and writes Portuguese love notes to her during quiet periods in the office. Unfortunately he can only write using what he knows, which at one point was mostly farm animals and dirty words... those were some pretty unique love letters.
t-bone steak frites with horseradish herb butter
dash helped
I found a distinct lack of flaming men in that video, I demand my money back.
I like seeing pictures of what other people cook... maybe I'm kind of a food perve.
Also, I have a rib-eye steak in the fridge and no idea how to cook it. Any advice would be appreciated!
I'd rather get rid of Robert Pattinson instead of Pat Robertson...
But 91, that's quite an age. I'll miss Bradbury.
As do I and as will I. I actually shed tears over this one. I haven't done that since the last time the fiancee left Atlanta. That's how serious this was.
Let it sorta sit out until it gets close to room temp then salt and pepper both sides. Get your heaviest skillet (cast iron being best) and get it pretty dang hot but not to the point of smoking burning. Put that thang in the skillet and JUST LET IT SIT THERE AND COOK. If you're gonna move it, do not press it down. That is bad idea!
Flip it after a little bit and let it go again until it's cooked to your liking. Let it sit and rest for like, 3-5 minutes. Apply herb butter or sauteed mushrooms or onions. Good steak shouldn't need steak sauce and shouldn't need any other seasoning other than salt and pepper.
Turned out great actually!
Its all about the eggs. We get fresh ones delivered by a local chicken farm, and they are just fantastic!
(Not actually much more expensive than buying them from the supermarket oddly enough...)
I hardboiled 3 of them, to the point the shells were cracking (from the expansion on the inside), I then put them in cold water for a few minutes.
The shells come off fresh eggs very easily, (the chickens that lay these are young as well), so after a few taps in the pan (now filled with cold water from before), they came off easily.
The de-shelled eggs were still fairly warm and a little loose, (and a little gooey in the middle but I think thats when they are the best!
(Ones of those things with the thin wires you put the egg into then pull down onto it)
I carefully sliced them and stuck them into a bowl.
I then took a small knife and diced it up further. (good to put the bowl at a slight angle towards you to keep it all together).
A tablespoon of mayonaise (regular Tesco one for me), and plently of black pepper (peppercorns in a grinder one, like you see in the restaurants), mixed up into the egg, makes a great filler for 3 sandwiches/rolls
(I had 2 bread rolls. It was very yummy for sure! (And filling):D)
Next time I might add a nice strong chilli sauce (burger shop styled one), to devil it up! HAHA!
It should also have Adelle.
I mean, how could you pass up a scene like this:
Or this?
Maybe Victor and Alpha as well.
It would help if your oven worked.
Venus crossed the Sun, and Ray Bradbury died. Coincidence?
Awesome. I have a cheap, useless pan; and a cheap, slightly less useless pan (only because it hasn't been used often enough for the bottom to warp yet). One day I'll probably get myself a nice one... for now I guess I will stick it in the slightly-less-useless pan and see what happens. Thanks for the tips!
I'm actually going to ask the super to fix it! Stay tuned for the next exciting update in the puzzlebox kitchen saga.
My favorite way to cook a steak indoors is completely different from Tope's. I use a broiler pan, with thin metal bars on it, kind of like this:
Except mine has an even thinner top. Put some water in the bottom, and cook one side of the steak under an already-hot broiler 'til it's barely brown, to keep the juices in better, then flip it, cook as desired, and flip again to cook the first side correctly.
I prefer garlic powder instead of salt & pepper, but I'm weird.
Ah yes, them too.
Okay, everyone except Echo.
Agreed. I generally pretend like Echo and Ballard don't exist when I'm watching the show. Or like they're these random characters from a soap opera that accidentally wandered on set and the other characters are trying to think of a polite way to make them leave.
freddy's sweater pizza
verdict: pretty good
I got up this morning and picked up my cat, who has been rather ill this past week. She shat on my arm! Off to the vet with her tomorrow.
I then went outside to have a cigarette (in the pouring rain) and accidentally dropped my cigarette into a puddle. That's one wasted smoke!
Next, my cat brings a baby mouse in from the garden. The poor thing died from shock.
Like I said, it's one of those days. I dread to think what else the day will bring my way.
I often wear contacts too (soft ones). Once you get over the initial difficulty hump of putting them in your eyes, they're pretty easy to wear.
An added bonus is that contacts desensitise you to touching the white of your eye; which makes for a great party trick, that manages to gross everybody out. Marvelous!
Does trying horribly to speak it at home with Comrade Mortis count? I mean, China isn't particularly wheelchair friendly and I'm not sure if the journalism school I'm applying to even has a Chinese program.
I know at least five are missing.
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Wario Ware
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Party 8
I know I haven't sold/traded them in, since I still have the Wii Wheel!
They might be up in the loft somewhere. I need to look into it.
Well now I guess I have a good reason to get the oven fixed. At some point I shall try both methods and report back!
My friend who married a Brazillian girl takes Portuguese lessons, and writes Portuguese love notes to her during quiet periods in the office. Unfortunately he can only write using what he knows, which at one point was mostly farm animals and dirty words... those were some pretty unique love letters.
What I always like about Brentalfloss is that he always reworks all the songs for his albums.
(Not just a copy-pasta or just overlay the finished song on the video like other people do)
This album is just fantastic so far. Hard to tell if its better than the first though...
EDIT: Its so close, (since the first is epic) but I think its better.
If you don't have this album, and you are a fan of classic videogames, then you should be ashamed of yourself and go get it!
(No don't pirate it! Actually... yeah.. pirate it, then buy it.. hehehe....)
Can't wait for my CD to get here.
EDIT 2: I'm listening to the whole thing again!
Non-Specific Action Figure is Best Action Figure.
chocolate potato donut with creme anglaise
verdict: pretty good will eat more next time
Newest Nintendo mascot right there.
My latest programming project.
In case you need to know:
Oh! So THAT'S what all those pictures of the same gun strategically placed in every single location everywhere were about!
I thought you were advertising your new interest in fishing.
That's my RIA M1911 official collapsible fishing pole. The gun is actually different.