There's a neat map somewhere that grouped Middle Earth, Neverland, Oz, Narnia, Wonderland, Westeros and Dinotopia all together. That's about all I know of.
James Gurney is the man, without doubt. Hope you haven't missed Journey to Chandara (the only Dinotopia book I own)? His oil paintings have risen to such an incredible perfection, it's not even bearable. I bought his two art instruction books as soon as I possibly could. The second is worth its weight in gold.
James Gurney is the man, without doubt. Hope you haven't missed Journey to Chandara (the only Dinotopia book I own)? His oil paintings have risen to such an incredible perfection, it's not even bearable. I bought his two art instruction books as soon as I possibly could. The second is worth its weight in gold.
I remember reading the Dinotopia series a few times as a kid, and absolutely loving the artwork. I could never got into the movies, though.
Watching Advent Children got me tuned onto FF7: Crisis Core. Oh my g-
That game is like the embodiment of this gif.
Huh, I had been under the impression that it was unanimously well received by the critics and fanbase. Oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to buy a PSP anyway.
Huh, I had been under the impression that it was unanimously well received by the critics and fanbase. Oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to buy a PSP anyway.
I meant it in a good way.
It has a really neat mechanic that plays a part in the story that plays out in a way that is so heart-wrenching that it could break any player invested in it. I guess it's notable then for having a mechanic feature so prominently in the story itself.
Knowing more about what happens, I thought it was a neat idea, but I don't know if the story ITSELF would matter much to anyone who didn't like FF7.
It has a really neat mechanic that plays a part in the story that plays out in a way that is so heart-wrenching that it could break any player invested in it. I guess it's notable then for having a mechanic feature so prominently in the story itself.
Knowing more about what happens, I thought it was a neat idea, but I don't know if the story ITSELF would matter much to anyone who didn't like FF7.
Oh, I see. Intriguing.
Does it rival the knife to the heart that was the death of
I wana see Dark Knight Rises over and over! I think the last time a movie got me this pumped after seeing it was The Hunger Games. Best 2 hours I ever spent sat on my arse.
Couldn't tell you. I haven't played FFVII yet. I own it, but I just haven't made the time. Crisis Core is a prequel to it.
Earlier, Corruptbiggins explained that he has never watched the 'Alien' films and now you inform me that you've never played 'FFVII'! It's like that time that one of my friends, a grown man, dropped the bombshell that he'd never seen a 'Star Wars' movie! What's the world coming to?!
Let me get this straight; you've never played one of the greatest games of all time, right? I mean I can deal with that but you started your journey into the world of Gaia with the straight-to-DVD (and spoiler heavy) sequel?! You're then surprised that you gave the film 2/10?! True, it's hardly a brilliant story but there are plenty of wonderful moments of fan service - moments which must have gone completely over your head.
Still you decide to give the games a shot so naturally you decide to start with... 'Crisis Core'?! Sure, it's a prequel to 'FFVII' but to my understanding; it's a prequel designed for those who've already played 'FFVII'.
You Sir, are one kooky customer. God's speed, you crazy bastard.
I got the fanservice moments, because they were so obvious. RPG style combos when previous characters only used swords or guns- characters from FF7 appearing in the exact same fashion- "oh noes Tifa is gonna DIE....yay I'm here to save the day" repeated over and over, Sephiroth coming back, the cell ringtone being the battle victory music, etc.
I had a friend who had once never seen Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman, Dollars trilogy, Lawrence of Arabia, and the list goes on until I made him. I really doubt having played FF7 would have made my score any higher. This is gonna blow your mind- I'm twenty minutes into Spirits Within and I'm enjoying it better than anything I saw in AC. It's not good...but it's leagues ahead of the shitstain that is AC. AC is just a consistent level of bad I couldn't BELIEVE. I got more wierded out by the animation in AC too. I even find it enjoyable in the way that stupid movies sometimes can be. AC was utterly UNENJOYABLE. The characters were so unlikeable. Friends assured me they're better in the game....but the movie almost made me not want to play 7 EVER.
I got the fanservice moments, because they were so obvious. RPG style combos when previous characters only used swords or guns- characters from FF7 appearing in the exact same fashion- "oh noes Tifa is gonna DIE....yay I'm here to save the day" repeated over and over, Sephiroth coming back, the cell ringtone being the battle victory music, etc.
Did it fill you with joy seeing the game's post credits ending cutscene, re-rendered in gorgeous high definition? Did you recognise the locations from the game? Did seeing the church and that patch of flowers within it hold any significance for you? Did hearing beautiful orchestral renditions of the game's soundtrack pull at your heartstrings? Did hearing these characters voices (for what should have been the first time) happily live up to expectations? Did finally getting closure on the death of a much loved character from the game fill the void you'd felt for so long?
You may have got the fanservice moments which are true to the 'Final Fantasy'games in general. However, I seriously doubt that you got the fanserice moments which are specific to 'FFVII'.
I want to make it clear that I don't consider 'Advent Children' a particularly good film (heck, my second episode of 'Henious Hollywood' will attest to that) but I'd be very surprised if you didn't up your rating of 'Advent Children' to at least a 3 or 4 out of 10, having played 'FFVII'.
Heh, we'll see. Eventually. I couldn't really hear the musical cues in AC at all. The sound effects and dialogue were drowning them out for some reason.
Earlier, Corruptbiggins explained that he has never watched the 'Alien' films and now you inform me that you've never played 'FFVII'! It's like that time that one of my friends, a grown man, dropped the bombshell that he'd never seen a 'Star Wars' movie! What's the world coming to?!
I almost don't have the heart to tell you that I've never played FFVII either, or any Final Fantasy game nor do I have any intention of doing so now or in the future.
I almost don't have the heart to tell you that I've never played FFVII either, or any Final Fantasy game nor do I have any intention of doing so now or in the future.
Just don't tell anyone you've never played the King's Quest games. People in here have an allergic reaction to this as far as I recall.
I almost don't have the heart to tell you that I've never played FFVII either, or any Final Fantasy game nor do I have any intention of doing so now or in the future.
HAHA! I just love the feeling you get when you win by sucessfully pulling of a long-ploy in a card game.
I was playing Fire deck vs Fire Deck in Magic 2013, and my CPU opponent had a goblin deck.
He was summoning monsters really quickly and had some annoying cards that stopped me from doing much.
The last few matches I lost using this fire deck, but I knew it could be the best bet at beating it.
I barely even had any monsters in play at all.
But I did have some nasty field clearing spells.
My strategy was to simply hold out until he had a large amount of low-level monsters in play then wipe them all out with a spell.
One monster card has an ability to come back to your hand after its destroyed, once you play a spell card, so I got it onto the field to chip away, deliberately knowing my enemy had a spell card to destroy it.
Then once I cleared the stage I brought this monster back with a vengence!
(And by then I had some monster and player damaging spells in my hand)
Then I simply picked off every monster he quickly put in play to defend with spell cards, (that also damage the opponent as well) then wiped the floor with him with this 2/2 monster.
I only had 2 health left at the end. It definately was a close match, but in just a few turns I managed to come back and crush him!
Man. I definately am considering getting into the physical game as well.
(I may have to go up town and purchase some cards from the Comic shop and maybe order a core deck to build from. Planeswalker has given me an idea on the sort of decks I could build! XD)
Well that's everything that's wrong with TF2 now in 4 words.
And it has been for so long now.
>Missing Tamriel
>Inherently worthless
>Entirely worthless
For those map guys.
>Still no Tamriel or Amestris
...oh, would someone just get a huge green crayon and write "Tanryal" or "Analstris" over some map so the Comrade has his day?
I think I'd be able to make it so awesome. I have so many cool ideas.
(Both technology and event based ideas!
Fawful gets another medal.
^ This is in my head now...
I remember reading the Dinotopia series a few times as a kid, and absolutely loving the artwork. I could never got into the movies, though.
That game is like the embodiment of this gif.
Huh, I had been under the impression that it was unanimously well received by the critics and fanbase. Oh well, it's not like I'm ever going to buy a PSP anyway.
I meant it in a good way.
It has a really neat mechanic that plays a part in the story that plays out in a way that is so heart-wrenching that it could break any player invested in it. I guess it's notable then for having a mechanic feature so prominently in the story itself.
Knowing more about what happens, I thought it was a neat idea, but I don't know if the story ITSELF would matter much to anyone who didn't like FF7.
Oh, I see. Intriguing.
Does it rival the knife to the heart that was the death of
Couldn't tell you. I haven't played FFVII yet. I own it, but I just haven't made the time. Crisis Core is a prequel to it.
Earlier, Corruptbiggins explained that he has never watched the 'Alien' films and now you inform me that you've never played 'FFVII'! It's like that time that one of my friends, a grown man, dropped the bombshell that he'd never seen a 'Star Wars' movie! What's the world coming to?!
Let me get this straight; you've never played one of the greatest games of all time, right? I mean I can deal with that but you started your journey into the world of Gaia with the straight-to-DVD (and spoiler heavy) sequel?! You're then surprised that you gave the film 2/10?! True, it's hardly a brilliant story but there are plenty of wonderful moments of fan service - moments which must have gone completely over your head.
Still you decide to give the games a shot so naturally you decide to start with... 'Crisis Core'?! Sure, it's a prequel to 'FFVII' but to my understanding; it's a prequel designed for those who've already played 'FFVII'.
You Sir, are one kooky customer. God's speed, you crazy bastard.
I had a friend who had once never seen Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman, Dollars trilogy, Lawrence of Arabia, and the list goes on until I made him. I really doubt having played FF7 would have made my score any higher. This is gonna blow your mind- I'm twenty minutes into Spirits Within and I'm enjoying it better than anything I saw in AC. It's not good...but it's leagues ahead of the shitstain that is AC. AC is just a consistent level of bad I couldn't BELIEVE. I got more wierded out by the animation in AC too. I even find it enjoyable in the way that stupid movies sometimes can be. AC was utterly UNENJOYABLE. The characters were so unlikeable. Friends assured me they're better in the game....but the movie almost made me not want to play 7 EVER.
Did it fill you with joy seeing the game's post credits ending cutscene, re-rendered in gorgeous high definition? Did you recognise the locations from the game? Did seeing the church and that patch of flowers within it hold any significance for you? Did hearing beautiful orchestral renditions of the game's soundtrack pull at your heartstrings? Did hearing these characters voices (for what should have been the first time) happily live up to expectations? Did finally getting closure on the death of a much loved character from the game fill the void you'd felt for so long?
You may have got the fanservice moments which are true to the 'Final Fantasy'games in general. However, I seriously doubt that you got the fanserice moments which are specific to 'FFVII'.
I want to make it clear that I don't consider 'Advent Children' a particularly good film (heck, my second episode of 'Henious Hollywood' will attest to that) but I'd be very surprised if you didn't up your rating of 'Advent Children' to at least a 3 or 4 out of 10, having played 'FFVII'.
This link working?
I almost don't have the heart to tell you that I've never played FFVII either, or any Final Fantasy game nor do I have any intention of doing so now or in the future.
Just don't tell anyone you've never played the King's Quest games. People in here have an allergic reaction to this as far as I recall.
In all honesty, though I do own the 'King's Quest' collection; I've never played any thing of it, aside from 1/3rd of VI and 5 minutes of VII.
I guess that balances things out a little. All is right in the world once more.
... I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person who ran in circles for half of the game!
I was playing Fire deck vs Fire Deck in Magic 2013, and my CPU opponent had a goblin deck.
He was summoning monsters really quickly and had some annoying cards that stopped me from doing much.
The last few matches I lost using this fire deck, but I knew it could be the best bet at beating it.
I barely even had any monsters in play at all.
But I did have some nasty field clearing spells.
My strategy was to simply hold out until he had a large amount of low-level monsters in play then wipe them all out with a spell.
One monster card has an ability to come back to your hand after its destroyed, once you play a spell card, so I got it onto the field to chip away, deliberately knowing my enemy had a spell card to destroy it.
Then once I cleared the stage I brought this monster back with a vengence!
(And by then I had some monster and player damaging spells in my hand)
Then I simply picked off every monster he quickly put in play to defend with spell cards, (that also damage the opponent as well) then wiped the floor with him with this 2/2 monster.
I only had 2 health left at the end. It definately was a close match, but in just a few turns I managed to come back and crush him!
Man. I definately am considering getting into the physical game as well.
(I may have to go up town and purchase some cards from the Comic shop and maybe order a core deck to build from. Planeswalker has given me an idea on the sort of decks I could build! XD)