That reminds me, I still have a couple of the new shows to watch.
I'm assuming that you're referring to 'Futurama'? I watched a couple of the newest episodes via dodgy means... 50/50 I'd say. There was a so-so episode and yet, there was a superb episode involving an actor with a bag on his head!
Are you sure you're not talking about his university photo that's mass circulated? I've seen nothing of a mugshot anywhere.
I looked again and yeah, it is. Never mind then. Such a sad business. Here I was just screaming at someone over a video game yesterday, and now today I'm left thinking life is too short to give a shit about any of it.
They have Capital Punishment in Colorado I hope that bastard gets the Death penalty. He is evil but not insane he had to have planed this out carefully.
Here I was just screaming at someone over a video game yesterday, and now today I'm left thinking life is too short to give a shit about any of it.
It's part of life to have passions, but generally, yeah, it's a good idea to take a step back once in a while and ask yourself if arguing is really worth it when it becomes more than a debate..
Because that comic book store (called Dead Universe Comics (awesome name btw)), is having an event.
Urge to skive... rising...RISING!!!
EDIT: Goddamit! Now I'm irritated now. :X
EDIT 2: Ok. So say I have a day off coming up within the next 10 weeks (probably likely since I haven't had any time off since April. So thats 3 months without any time off).
That would mean I have about 10% chance to get the day off. There is still hope. Albeit a very small hope...
"A few weeks ago, a man by the username of ‘JamesHolmes154' posted a thread on 9gag saying he was going to ‘shoot up’ a theater. He was clearly distressed and admitted he was suffering from PTSD. He said he was going to walk in and try to take as much lifes as possible. The whole 9gag community egged him on and give him tips on what to wear, etc. They give him tips on sharp-shooting and sent him messages on how to take as much lifes as possible."
Reading the edit to it, sounds like 4chan made that for a joke. I get that 4chan is a lousy, cruel, and idiotic website, but really? Are they going to go THAT low?
Reading the edit to it, sounds like 4chan made that for a joke. I get that 4chan is a lousy, cruel, and idiotic website, but really? Are they going to go THAT low?
That's just as horrible. Making fun a situation where people who lost their lives in a slaying is awful. :mad:
Just checked their twitter. Tweet removed. Their excuse is that their PR department is not US based and only heard that the town "was trending". Really? I don't know how good foreign news is when it comes to US based events, but really? I'm sorry, but I find it rather difficult to find news that a town is "trending" and not "in shock after a shooting".
I'm I'm the market for maps of worlds that don't exist. The posters that came in the Chrono Trigger boxes. The map of Prydain that came with The Black Cauldron. Feelies from Infocom games. Anybody know of here to hunt?
There's a neat map somewhere that grouped Middle Earth, Neverland, Oz, Narnia, Wonderland, Westeros and Dinotopia all together. That's about all I know of.
I'm I'm the market for maps of worlds that don't exist. The posters that came in the Chrono Trigger boxes. The map of Prydain that came with The Black Cauldron. Feelies from Infocom games. Anybody know of here to hunt?
Do they have to be genuine feelie maps, or could you have a scan of said map printed instead? If you framed it, I'm not sure other people would notice. I've heard now that people are blaming people with PTSD about the aurora incident...I am pissed...PTSD is a horrible thing but it doesn't give anyone and or isn't an excuse to kill people.
Well thank God for the internet. There's a guy on ebay who does custom reprints of old game maps (like the sort from Nintendo Power and such) as well as posters (Out of this World poster, HEEELLLZ YAH)
I'm assuming that you're referring to 'Futurama'? I watched a couple of the newest episodes via dodgy means... 50/50 I'd say. There was a so-so episode and yet, there was a superb episode involving an actor with a bag on his head!
Be glad you didn't try this in Aurora.
I can't believe that.
Wow, that's 4.5 times better than Guybrush Threepwood!
I reckon. What a sick, cowardly shit of a person.
I looked again and yeah, it is. Never mind then. Such a sad business. Here I was just screaming at someone over a video game yesterday, and now today I'm left thinking life is too short to give a shit about any of it.
Holy shit I just read he addressed himself to authorities as the Joker and had his hair dyed bright red. F*** him.
It's part of life to have passions, but generally, yeah, it's a good idea to take a step back once in a while and ask yourself if arguing is really worth it when it becomes more than a debate..
At lest the media can't blame the films influencing him. He obviously doesn't know the first thing about the Joker.
That won't stop them.
I can not believe someone would do such a thing. Didn't a child die in the shooting?
Because that comic book store (called Dead Universe Comics (awesome name btw)), is having an event.
Urge to skive... rising...RISING!!!
EDIT: Goddamit! Now I'm irritated now. :X
EDIT 2: Ok. So say I have a day off coming up within the next 10 weeks (probably likely since I haven't had any time off since April. So thats 3 months without any time off).
That would mean I have about 10% chance to get the day off. There is still hope. Albeit a very small hope...
I hope this company crashes.
I'm going to hell for laughing.
"A few weeks ago, a man by the username of ‘JamesHolmes154' posted a thread on 9gag saying he was going to ‘shoot up’ a theater. He was clearly distressed and admitted he was suffering from PTSD. He said he was going to walk in and try to take as much lifes as possible. The whole 9gag community egged him on and give him tips on what to wear, etc. They give him tips on sharp-shooting and sent him messages on how to take as much lifes as possible."
Reading the edit to it, sounds like 4chan made that for a joke. I get that 4chan is a lousy, cruel, and idiotic website, but really? Are they going to go THAT low?
Wait, there's a... game attached to the Chao Garden HD? Sonic Adventure 2? Well I've never heard of it, but I'll try it after I see them Chaos in HD
Just checked their twitter. Tweet removed. Their excuse is that their PR department is not US based and only heard that the town "was trending". Really? I don't know how good foreign news is when it comes to US based events, but really? I'm sorry, but I find it rather difficult to find news that a town is "trending" and not "in shock after a shooting".
Do they have to be genuine feelie maps, or could you have a scan of said map printed instead? If you framed it, I'm not sure other people would notice.
Probably planning on going out of retirement.
Also, DAISHI, I sure as glob hope you got the ToMI deluxe edition.
... no, I can't. I'm just too damn sad.
Nah... I've got nothing! Sorry.
Indeed. Bless you, Coolsome; you're akin to a friendly teddy bear... you're a freddybear!
His superpowers are tough but fair.