Since there making a movie about Maleficent the next Disney villian who should get a movie is Chernabog. Since he is very well remembered and a huge fan favorite.
I refuse to call him anything other than Satan. Chernabog is never said in Fantasia, but "Satan and his minions" sure as hell is.
I know hes suppost to be Satan its obvious as hell. I was just calling him that for convenience. Still would like to see a movie about him or at lest him with a huge role. Though thinking about it its probably best hes left as he is cos like Maleficent I can see potential to cock it up. If they do it well though I would like to see more villain movies.
Cat is catching up on attention time.
Won't leave me alone now that he knows I'm not a work at the moment.
I remember as a kid now that sometime, when I was very young, I got scared and hid under a table.
It must of had something to do with me being in trouble.
Another memory, much more vivid since my mother reminds me of it on occasion was the time I was excluded from joining a party in nursery.
My mother went bananas over it, rightly so.
She told me the woman didn't like me that much because I wasn't like my older brother (who had went to the same nursery).
Just makes me wonder how far back my personality problems actually stretched...
Penny Arcade has some awesome stuff to say about the Walking Dead game:
"We’re at San Diego, booph 1334, so on and so forth. But we are ALSO schlepping hot jpegs and flopping them right onto your plate. Among other fabulous toys, you might have heard that there is a toy prized above all others. Well, as professional thing-sayers, we have things to say about that.
I met the creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, at San Diego Comic-Con a few years ago - Scott introduced me to him. The first thing he said, the very first thing, was that I looked like Bunsen Honeydew and he is exactly right. If you’re going talk about the Walking Dead, I feel like you have to say which Walking Deads you’re a fan of to calibrate things for people: Books Yes, Show No, Board Game No Idea, and Videogame… Yes, to the extent that it’s possible to like the things these people are constantly doing to you.
These fuckers have well and truly cracked the Episodic Nut, by requiring a reasonably priced “whole season” purchase to insure their own solvency and then rewarding you with content drops worth planning around. My son and I played through the new Monkey Island game, and we still quote it to this day; I found myself scouring feeds and counting the days until the next Walking Dead release. It can work, it turns out, but they had to spin the tumbler for awhile to find out how.
I realized about half-way through the second episode that I was no longer having what you might call “fun.” There was no enjoyment anymore. The first episode, sure - I was trying to manage a horrible situation, but there was also a clever little rodent running here and there in my skull pulling levers and trying to manipulate outcomes. That stopped almost immediately the second time around. The game also has kids in it, kids all over, and this changes the stakes for a lot of people. I have a daughter, and a son for that matter, and I know what I’m prepared to do to safeguard them. That man is out now, and he’s not going back in. He’s here for the long haul.
I’m not sure they’re making a game you can win. At best, we’ll can have a say in how we lose, and what’s left of our good intentions when we do. "
The premier of Dark Knight Rises is more important then the stupid Olympics.
I can't really disagree with this from a Canadian perspective. I'm not a fan of watching people run or swim and as a country, I only care about the couple of gold medals we'll win before coming back with our tails between our legs waiting for the winter games.
I do think it's pretty damn funny that Heineken is the official beer of the LONDON Olympics. That has to be like having another German Olympics with Coor's promotion.
So, I was planning on going to the library today and working on my video game idea, buuuut, its raining heavily.
No matter though, since its peaceful enough at home today (older brother is distracted by Naruto, younger is playing on the arcade cabinet), to work on it.
At the moment I am trying to decide HOW I should start the game off.
I'm asking questions like:
What is the first thing the player should see?
Should I tease them of future capabilites?
So the first idea I have is that it should start more traditionally.
The kid should start off in his village, maybe putting on his ceremonial clothing and putting bottles into his backpack. Rushing off with glee as the rest of the tribe look on in joy.
So he sets off into a field, waving goodbye to his family.
The player would then take control and walk forwards, (being the only option).
Then they move towards a large wooden bridge.
I know this is a bit cliche, but as he's walking the bridge breaks, and he falls.
His backpack snags onto a branch, and the kid falls into the water.
You gain full control then, as the game has truly started.
At the bottom of the cliff, the player needs to get his way up to his backpack.
Its deliberately simple, just a few jumps between ledges and branches, and he gets his backpack back.
Now since the cliff is in the way, and there is no way back, the player has to move forward and try to work his way back up to the path.
He sees a lower part of the cliff-face that he can't reach, but infront of him, are some odd looking plants.
The first puzzle is an obvious one (you landed smack bang into the first clue as you fell! XD), and you need to go back and use your bottles to gather water essence to use on the plants to make them grow bigger. Enough for you to jump your way up to the ledge.
So its a little cliche, but I don't think its a bad start. It introduces you to the main mechanics, the jumping, the gathering, and the use of essences, but it doesn't exactly have that "WOW" factor.
That being said, it DOES give me control of where to place the player at the start.
Since I want the game to be fairly open-world (in the sense one needs to wonder around to collect stuff and use it, and backtrack a bit).
I'm thinking I could make the player get back on a part of the path that teases something he can do later.
(say something behind him he can't get up, but would need to remember for later)
So he still has to go right, but he knows that he can go left as well.
At the moment, I'm considering designing the game so that the player exposes themselves and gets familiar to each element.
So far I'm thinking: Water -> Earth -> Wind -> Fire -> Darkness -> Light
But of course, I don't want the path to exactly be straight like that. I would want some deviance areas that test the player's capabilites so far.
So before the darkness area, the player might have to travel through an icy area, which tests their use of the four elements gathered so far.
Likewise, there would be other smaller segments that test beforehand as well (in the form of backtracking maybe...)
I'm just toying with the idea of making the player have to collect X amount of something in order to get to the dark area. Requiring back tracking to areas they couldn't get to before.
So like a semi-open main phase of the game which then leads to a much harder, final linear segment. Where players would need to use all of their knowledge and skill so far to quickly figure out how to apply the last two elements, (as well as the essences they have so far), to get to the end of the game.
(I'm thinking of designing that last area to be temple/castle-ish themed. The ruins split up and intertwinded with darkness and light areas. With shrines that players can use to regather elements they waste in this really hard part of the game)
Again, I'm probably overthinking this.
I guess I need to think of maybe 3 or 4 other possible starts before going to mad with this direction...
SometBulbasaurmes Bulbasaur wBulbasaursh Bulbasaur dBulbasaurdn't have to lBulbasaurve Bulbasaurn a world so cruel and hopeless.
One where Bulbasaur have to rely on blBulbasaurnd luck to get a placement, or any work at all.
Bulbasaur mean come on, who would want ME to work for them. They don't see me, words can't convey that, all they see Bulbasaurs some stupBulbasaurd faBulbasaurlure on the paper.
And Bulbasaur get fBulbasaurltered out. Most of the tBulbasaurme wBulbasaurthout a reply of any kBulbasaurnd at all.
And that hurts. So much that sometBulbasaurmes Bulbasaur wBulbasaursh Bulbasaur dBulbasaurdn't exBulbasaurst at all and not have to worry about Bulbasaurt.
But thats the thBulbasaurng, Bulbasaurt could be BulbasaurnfentBulbasaursmally worse, my lBulbasaurfe, all Bulbasaur have are fBulbasaurrst world problems, and Bulbasaur should be lucky for what Bulbasaur have.
But Bulbasaurt doesn't change the fact that Bulbasaur am depressed and frustrated at my powerlessness.
That ultBulbasaurmately my exBulbasaurstance doesn't matter.
And Bulbasaur just hate beBulbasaurng selfBulbasaursh, my mBulbasaurnd punBulbasaurshes me so. For thBulbasaurnkBulbasaurng about myself, for havBulbasaurng any sort of confBulbasaurdence and bravado.
Bulbasaurt poBulbasaursons me wBulbasaurth doubts, fears, the occasBulbasauronal touch of paranoBulbasaura.
"God" couldn't help, oh yeah, let us turn to the BulbasaurmagBulbasaurnary sky man, and wBulbasaursh for raBulbasaurnbows and unBulbasaurcrons, to make all our problems go away, for the BulbasaurnvBulbasaursBulbasaurble man to kBulbasaurss our wounds, and wBulbasaursper promBulbasaurses of the great beyond.
Even these scrummy pancakes can't help me. They do a better job, for they are delBulbasaurcBulbasaurous, but they can't gBulbasaurve me a placement, or self-confBulbasaurdence.
Bulbasaurf Bulbasaur was crazBulbasaurer then they could gBulbasaurve me frBulbasaurendshBulbasaurp, but alas, all they provBulbasaurde me wBulbasaurth Bulbasaurs a temporary feelBulbasaurng of warmth, and 1.7g of fat per cake!
Bulbasaur guess Bulbasaur should make some dBulbasaurnner or apply to a placement or somethBulbasaurng, but to be honest Bulbasaur don't really feel lBulbasaurke Bulbasaurt.
DrownBulbasaurng myself Bulbasaurn musBulbasaurc and cranberry juBulbasaurce, and a few Galaxy MBulbasaurnstrels sounds lBulbasaurke somethBulbasaurng more enjoyable.
EscapBulbasaursm, the fBulbasaurrst and last resort.
EDBulbasaurT: Maybe Bulbasaur should sectBulbasauron myself.
NothBulbasaurng out there worth seeBulbasaurng or doBulbasaurng Bulbasaurs there?
Actually, Bulbasaur bet there Bulbasaurs. But old ChBulbasaurcken nuts here Bulbasaursn't goBulbasaurng to see anythBulbasaurng of Bulbasaurt anytBulbasaurme soon.
Probably better off Bulbasaurn a comfy padded room, havBulbasaurng a tea party wBulbasaurth Mr. Hatter.
From what I've seen of it, their Joker is a bit off but I'll give it a shot.
Not really. It's a different universe. He's actually pretty great in that universe. The art sucks horrendously for the first few episodes, and gets better as the show continues. It probably has the most drastic design changes over the course of any WB Kids show.
Right here. I believe in constant perfection of the physical body as well as the mental self, and enjoy watching others compete at the peak of their craft.
I think the Devil in Fantasia might be the bigger bad of the entire Disney universe hes not just the source of evil in that movie alone like according to the bible Satan is the bigger bad to our universe.
I think the Devil in Fantasia might be the bigger bad of the entire Disney universe hes not just the source of evil in that movie alone like according to the bible Satan is the bigger bad to our universe.
Don't click! It's a trap! TVtropes, devourer of time! I curse thee!
I just wished I knew what to do with my life. What I really would be good at doing, you know.
Sometimes I just wish I had an obvious talent. Something to attatch myself to, something to nurture, develop, build a trade from. Thats what I really want. But I don't really have anything. Do I? Just a talentless hack. (And one with just too much heart to really be scrappy)
EDIT: Did a typing test. Got around 45-50 words per minute, which is pretty good considering I don't touch type.
Made mistakes though, that I have to go back and fix, so if I could get over that, and have some more practice. I would be pretty fast.
/edit: Found some review posts of yours... but they weren't huge.
I had double the amount of text of my first review on the first hour of the game alone. This was the short version I made while a malware scanner checked my harddrive vor remnants of that nasty trojan that infected my system.:cool:
If it's the tomato juice, I was stuck on that for a while too. The solution was actually a bit clever in my opinion. But the last solution to the drink is the only real odd logic puzzle I encountered in the game, although I guess you could say it makes sense since it is a dream, so real world physics wouldn't apply. Still a bit weird though.
Yeah. And I think he'd be up to it as well.
(He likes Maleficent's work afterall! XD)
I know hes suppost to be Satan its obvious as hell. I was just calling him that for convenience. Still would like to see a movie about him or at lest him with a huge role. Though thinking about it its probably best hes left as he is cos like Maleficent I can see potential to cock it up. If they do it well though I would like to see more villain movies.
Won't leave me alone now that he knows I'm not a work at the moment.
I remember as a kid now that sometime, when I was very young, I got scared and hid under a table.
It must of had something to do with me being in trouble.
Another memory, much more vivid since my mother reminds me of it on occasion was the time I was excluded from joining a party in nursery.
My mother went bananas over it, rightly so.
She told me the woman didn't like me that much because I wasn't like my older brother (who had went to the same nursery).
Just makes me wonder how far back my personality problems actually stretched...
Oh, so you two are on a first name basis now, eh, Dashing?
And the weather grew mean
Twas three in the morning
And I was stranded in Queens!
The tavern grew empty
The gas lights grew dim
The horse-drawn carriages
Were all but snowed in
Last call was approaching
And my fortunes looked bleak
Then I turned to my left
And stifled a shriek!
She had a peach-fuzz beard
And weighed sixteen stone
She gobbled up hot wings
And swallowed the bones
I muffled a scream
And threw up in my mouth
I asked, "Where do you live?"
And she said, "One block south."
I swallowed my pride
And six shots of Whiskey
And prayed to the gods
That she wasn't too frisky
Back in her cave
She prepared us a snack
Neath her mighty hooves
The floorboards did crack
But when she returned
She found a sound sleeper
And thus she became
The sexless innkeeper
"We’re at San Diego, booph 1334, so on and so forth. But we are ALSO schlepping hot jpegs and flopping them right onto your plate. Among other fabulous toys, you might have heard that there is a toy prized above all others. Well, as professional thing-sayers, we have things to say about that.
I met the creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, at San Diego Comic-Con a few years ago - Scott introduced me to him. The first thing he said, the very first thing, was that I looked like Bunsen Honeydew and he is exactly right. If you’re going talk about the Walking Dead, I feel like you have to say which Walking Deads you’re a fan of to calibrate things for people: Books Yes, Show No, Board Game No Idea, and Videogame… Yes, to the extent that it’s possible to like the things these people are constantly doing to you.
These fuckers have well and truly cracked the Episodic Nut, by requiring a reasonably priced “whole season” purchase to insure their own solvency and then rewarding you with content drops worth planning around. My son and I played through the new Monkey Island game, and we still quote it to this day; I found myself scouring feeds and counting the days until the next Walking Dead release. It can work, it turns out, but they had to spin the tumbler for awhile to find out how.
I realized about half-way through the second episode that I was no longer having what you might call “fun.” There was no enjoyment anymore. The first episode, sure - I was trying to manage a horrible situation, but there was also a clever little rodent running here and there in my skull pulling levers and trying to manipulate outcomes. That stopped almost immediately the second time around. The game also has kids in it, kids all over, and this changes the stakes for a lot of people. I have a daughter, and a son for that matter, and I know what I’m prepared to do to safeguard them. That man is out now, and he’s not going back in. He’s here for the long haul.
I’m not sure they’re making a game you can win. At best, we’ll can have a say in how we lose, and what’s left of our good intentions when we do. "
I can't really disagree with this from a Canadian perspective. I'm not a fan of watching people run or swim and as a country, I only care about the couple of gold medals we'll win before coming back with our tails between our legs waiting for the winter games.
I do think it's pretty damn funny that Heineken is the official beer of the LONDON Olympics. That has to be like having another German Olympics with Coor's promotion.
No matter though, since its peaceful enough at home today (older brother is distracted by Naruto, younger is playing on the arcade cabinet), to work on it.
At the moment I am trying to decide HOW I should start the game off.
I'm asking questions like:
What is the first thing the player should see?
Should I tease them of future capabilites?
So the first idea I have is that it should start more traditionally.
The kid should start off in his village, maybe putting on his ceremonial clothing and putting bottles into his backpack. Rushing off with glee as the rest of the tribe look on in joy.
So he sets off into a field, waving goodbye to his family.
The player would then take control and walk forwards, (being the only option).
Then they move towards a large wooden bridge.
I know this is a bit cliche, but as he's walking the bridge breaks, and he falls.
His backpack snags onto a branch, and the kid falls into the water.
You gain full control then, as the game has truly started.
At the bottom of the cliff, the player needs to get his way up to his backpack.
Its deliberately simple, just a few jumps between ledges and branches, and he gets his backpack back.
Now since the cliff is in the way, and there is no way back, the player has to move forward and try to work his way back up to the path.
He sees a lower part of the cliff-face that he can't reach, but infront of him, are some odd looking plants.
The first puzzle is an obvious one (you landed smack bang into the first clue as you fell! XD), and you need to go back and use your bottles to gather water essence to use on the plants to make them grow bigger. Enough for you to jump your way up to the ledge.
So its a little cliche, but I don't think its a bad start. It introduces you to the main mechanics, the jumping, the gathering, and the use of essences, but it doesn't exactly have that "WOW" factor.
That being said, it DOES give me control of where to place the player at the start.
Since I want the game to be fairly open-world (in the sense one needs to wonder around to collect stuff and use it, and backtrack a bit).
I'm thinking I could make the player get back on a part of the path that teases something he can do later.
(say something behind him he can't get up, but would need to remember for later)
So he still has to go right, but he knows that he can go left as well.
At the moment, I'm considering designing the game so that the player exposes themselves and gets familiar to each element.
So far I'm thinking: Water -> Earth -> Wind -> Fire -> Darkness -> Light
But of course, I don't want the path to exactly be straight like that. I would want some deviance areas that test the player's capabilites so far.
So before the darkness area, the player might have to travel through an icy area, which tests their use of the four elements gathered so far.
Likewise, there would be other smaller segments that test beforehand as well (in the form of backtracking maybe...)
I'm just toying with the idea of making the player have to collect X amount of something in order to get to the dark area. Requiring back tracking to areas they couldn't get to before.
So like a semi-open main phase of the game which then leads to a much harder, final linear segment. Where players would need to use all of their knowledge and skill so far to quickly figure out how to apply the last two elements, (as well as the essences they have so far), to get to the end of the game.
(I'm thinking of designing that last area to be temple/castle-ish themed. The ruins split up and intertwinded with darkness and light areas. With shrines that players can use to regather elements they waste in this really hard part of the game)
Again, I'm probably overthinking this.
I guess I need to think of maybe 3 or 4 other possible starts before going to mad with this direction...
(Man, does this joke feel lame.)
I agree entirely. Who honestly gives two shits about the Olympics, anyway?
Also, found this, immediately began wishing for more Dini/Timm Batman episodes.
Watch The Batman. The first season is merely good, but it gets better as it goes on.
From what I've seen of it, their Joker is a bit off but I'll give it a shot.
Okay, go back to regularly scheduled activities now.
One where Bulbasaur have to rely on blBulbasaurnd luck to get a placement, or any work at all.
Bulbasaur mean come on, who would want ME to work for them. They don't see me, words can't convey that, all they see Bulbasaurs some stupBulbasaurd faBulbasaurlure on the paper.
And Bulbasaur get fBulbasaurltered out. Most of the tBulbasaurme wBulbasaurthout a reply of any kBulbasaurnd at all.
And that hurts. So much that sometBulbasaurmes Bulbasaur wBulbasaursh Bulbasaur dBulbasaurdn't exBulbasaurst at all and not have to worry about Bulbasaurt.
But thats the thBulbasaurng, Bulbasaurt could be BulbasaurnfentBulbasaursmally worse, my lBulbasaurfe, all Bulbasaur have are fBulbasaurrst world problems, and Bulbasaur should be lucky for what Bulbasaur have.
But Bulbasaurt doesn't change the fact that Bulbasaur am depressed and frustrated at my powerlessness.
That ultBulbasaurmately my exBulbasaurstance doesn't matter.
And Bulbasaur just hate beBulbasaurng selfBulbasaursh, my mBulbasaurnd punBulbasaurshes me so. For thBulbasaurnkBulbasaurng about myself, for havBulbasaurng any sort of confBulbasaurdence and bravado.
Bulbasaurt poBulbasaursons me wBulbasaurth doubts, fears, the occasBulbasauronal touch of paranoBulbasaura.
"God" couldn't help, oh yeah, let us turn to the BulbasaurmagBulbasaurnary sky man, and wBulbasaursh for raBulbasaurnbows and unBulbasaurcrons, to make all our problems go away, for the BulbasaurnvBulbasaursBulbasaurble man to kBulbasaurss our wounds, and wBulbasaursper promBulbasaurses of the great beyond.
Even these scrummy pancakes can't help me. They do a better job, for they are delBulbasaurcBulbasaurous, but they can't gBulbasaurve me a placement, or self-confBulbasaurdence.
Bulbasaurf Bulbasaur was crazBulbasaurer then they could gBulbasaurve me frBulbasaurendshBulbasaurp, but alas, all they provBulbasaurde me wBulbasaurth Bulbasaurs a temporary feelBulbasaurng of warmth, and 1.7g of fat per cake!
Bulbasaur guess Bulbasaur should make some dBulbasaurnner or apply to a placement or somethBulbasaurng, but to be honest Bulbasaur don't really feel lBulbasaurke Bulbasaurt.
DrownBulbasaurng myself Bulbasaurn musBulbasaurc and cranberry juBulbasaurce, and a few Galaxy MBulbasaurnstrels sounds lBulbasaurke somethBulbasaurng more enjoyable.
EscapBulbasaursm, the fBulbasaurrst and last resort.
EDBulbasaurT: Maybe Bulbasaur should sectBulbasauron myself.
NothBulbasaurng out there worth seeBulbasaurng or doBulbasaurng Bulbasaurs there?
Actually, Bulbasaur bet there Bulbasaurs. But old ChBulbasaurcken nuts here Bulbasaursn't goBulbasaurng to see anythBulbasaurng of Bulbasaurt anytBulbasaurme soon.
Probably better off Bulbasaurn a comfy padded room, havBulbasaurng a tea party wBulbasaurth Mr. Hatter.
Oh, why thank you, Bulbasaur would lBulbasaurke another cup! 2 Sugars thBulbasaurs tBulbasaurme.
EDBulbasaurT: Oh hello!
Bulbasaur thBulbasaurnk we just found the poBulbasaurnt where the depressBulbasauron begBulbasaurns to affect personalBulbasaurty.
Bulbasaur wonder how long Bulbasaurt gets before lBulbasaurttle Retro here has a full-on breakdown.
[Bulbasaur]Place yer bets! Place yer bets! HAHAHA!![/Bulbasaur]
EDBulbasaurT 2: Lets replace every "Bulbasaur" wBulbasaurth Bulbasaur.
Because Bulbasaur can! Teee Heee
And this is why I don't touch shrooms.
Bulbasaur doesn't take drugs.
He was hatched this way! HAHA!
Its fun to watch isn't it!
Oooh! Ooh! Lets laser cat!
Its "therapy". (DIE DIE DIE!! HA HA!)
Nuke Megaton!:D
Not really. It's a different universe. He's actually pretty great in that universe. The art sucks horrendously for the first few episodes, and gets better as the show continues. It probably has the most drastic design changes over the course of any WB Kids show.
Right here. I believe in constant perfection of the physical body as well as the mental self, and enjoy watching others compete at the peak of their craft.
...It's the sweaty men isn't it?
Hehe, yeah.
Don't click! It's a trap! TVtropes, devourer of time! I curse thee!
TVTropes is the bigger bad of the internet!
... Sorry but the law dictates that I must post this image, no matter how over-used it may be!
Maybe I should just drop out of uni.
I think its actually making me crazy.
I just wished I knew what to do with my life. What I really would be good at doing, you know.
Sometimes I just wish I had an obvious talent. Something to attatch myself to, something to nurture, develop, build a trade from. Thats what I really want. But I don't really have anything. Do I? Just a talentless hack. (And one with just too much heart to really be scrappy)
EDIT: Did a typing test. Got around 45-50 words per minute, which is pretty good considering I don't touch type.
Made mistakes though, that I have to go back and fix, so if I could get over that, and have some more practice. I would be pretty fast.
Oh fucking shit. Try again, please.
/edit: Found some review posts of yours... but they weren't huge.
I had double the amount of text of my first review on the first hour of the game alone. This was the short version I made while a malware scanner checked my harddrive vor remnants of that nasty trojan that infected my system.:cool:
Now it is.:D
That's the program that got rid of this crap.
I must be right at the end of that puzzle segment too.
Do you want a hint? If its the Bloody Mary:
EDIT: If you still can't figure it out after that clue: