Episode 5 finished. Need to add subtitles before I release it. It's 1 AM now at my place, gonna finish subtitles first thing in the morning! Sorry for the delay.
Episode 5 finished. Need to add subtitles before I release it. It's 1 AM now at my place, gonna finish subtitles first thing in the morning! Sorry for the delay.
Darn you, subtitles! Why oh why did I ask for you in the Sea For Two thread!?
Sorry it took so long! But hey, it's here! It may still be processing, don't worry... in a few minutes youtube will make it look good. After all, it's Full HD
Isn't this more of a Super Monkeyologist Brothers?
No. It's like Mario Bros. Kauff is Luigi.
Although, I am a big Luigi-supporter, so I have no Problem if its called Super Kauff Brothers. Because Luigi is a lot cooler than Mario!
Excellent! The commercials were once again great, and Kauff crashing was hilariously unexpected. Seems Gustav is starting to see the downfalls of running your own Monkeyologist show.
It was also great to see Super Monkeyologist Brothers show up (at least, that's the name I had in mind when I made the sprites). I'd love to try and make an actual game out of it, but I'm not sure I could do it. I'll try some things out when I get the free time and see if I can manage it, but no guarantees.
With all due respect, lombre, I wanted to credit you in the episode but I was already running late with it and didn't have time to look through the forums. No worries, you'll receive full credit in the next episode.
I was hoping the creator of those sprites would show up and say something like: "Hey! Where's my name in there??" Thanks for making it easier for me.
If you want your full name to be credited, write it here or PM me please Cheers!
Ah, and regarding the idea of making an actual game... try Adventue Games Studio. It's the best!
No problem, SWP. To be honest, I didn't even think about not being credited. I was just happy to see my sprites put to such good use in the episode! And animated, too!
I'll drop a PM by you with my full name for next episode.
As for AGS, I've been experimenting with that lately and didn't even think of using it for Super Monkeyologist Bros. I actually didn't even know you could make it work with keyboard controls, so I guess I need to experiment a lot more. It would certainly work better than the crappy program I was gonna try and use for this.
New episode... I posted in the other thread as well, since you asked for it there...eh, I may delete my post later...I dunno, just enjoy ))) http://talesofmi.net/?cat=17
So waitasecond, is our dumpling321, the guy that posts here and asks the questions, the same guy that's playing dumpling321 in the show? I mean, I assume yes, but I'm curious.
So waitasecond, is our dumpling321, the guy that posts here and asks the questions, the same guy that's playing dumpling321 in the show? I mean, I assume yes, but I'm curious.
I figured!
That's pretty awesome, man. One of the things I like about Ask a Monkeyologist is that the viewers actually are the characters. I mean, of course there's Kauff and Gustav, but those chains of questions really form into their own stories with their own characters, who sort of become a part of a big ol' Monkeyologist universe. And the fact that you actually appeared on the show just makes that connection with the viewers even cooler.
I figured!
That's pretty awesome, man. One of the things I like about Ask a Monkeyologist is that the viewers actually are the characters. I mean, of course there's Kauff and Gustav, but those chains of questions really form into their own stories with their own characters, who sort of become a part of a big ol' Monkeyologist universe. And the fact that you actually appeared on the show just makes that connection with the viewers even cooler.
...That all made sense, right?
yeah ^_^ I wen't into this thinking "Oh hey! this will be cool, i'll ask a question and maybe he'll answer it" and I ended up part of the show... tho I'm the type of person who's irritating and keeps asking question after question (at least online), I'm annoying that way xDD
Alot of the reason i'm in the show is the community reaction, SWP is a great guy who truly wants to please the telltale/MI community, when people started asking questions and commenting on dumpling I instantly received a message from him asking of I wanted to be a member of the cast.
Alot of the reason i'm in the show is the community reaction, SWP is a great guy who truly wants to please the telltale/MI community, when people started asking questions and commenting on dumpling I instantly received a message from him asking of I wanted to be a member of the cast.
You have crafted a pretty hilarious character for yourself, dumpling. I've been wondering for a while if you were gonna ever show up as an official member of the cast.
It'll certainly be great to watch your interactions with Kauff and Gustav. Bonus points if it's revealed that you got a Monkeyologist license to annoy Kauff.
Adam Harrington also deserves a mention for his cameo as the narrator, which was a great surprise.
What does that mean? Well, they can answer your questions live! ...when they're online!
Check them out, or search for them...
Who knows, you might end up in the next Monkeyologist video, haha!
Stop tempting meeeeeeeeee!
Darn you, subtitles! Why oh why did I ask for you in the Sea For Two thread!?
'How is Twitter powered?'
Exactly like this.
(So that's why it's called Twitter!)
Haha! This is exactly the sort of response I would have expected. Only I'm sure they would have mentioned a monkey rather than a bird.
Sorry it took so long! But hey, it's here!
We got some Easter decoration the other day. We bought two fluffy sheep and named them Kauf und Gustav, haha
Isn't this more of a Super Monkeyologist Brothers?
And if yes, will we have a "Star Wars"-type blood relationship revelation between the brothers Kauff & Gustav von Diefendorff-Schneider?
Although, I am a big Luigi-supporter, so I have no Problem if its called Super Kauff Brothers. Because Luigi is a lot cooler than Mario!
Haha, what's in a name, I don't care if Kauff is Mario or Luigi! I just wanna play it with both!
Seriously, would someone give it a shot?
And I think I like "The Monkeyologist Brothers"!
Ok, excuse me, having a Doctor Who marathon. Almost finished Season 2.
It was also great to see Super Monkeyologist Brothers show up (at least, that's the name I had in mind when I made the sprites). I'd love to try and make an actual game out of it, but I'm not sure I could do it. I'll try some things out when I get the free time and see if I can manage it, but no guarantees.
With all due respect, lombre, I wanted to credit you in the episode but I was already running late with it and didn't have time to look through the forums. No worries, you'll receive full credit in the next episode.
I was hoping the creator of those sprites would show up and say something like: "Hey! Where's my name in there??"
If you want your full name to be credited, write it here or PM me please
Ah, and regarding the idea of making an actual game... try Adventue Games Studio. It's the best!
Here's a link:
You can make the controls to work only on keyboard, not just mouse
I'll drop a PM by you with my full name for next episode.
As for AGS, I've been experimenting with that lately and didn't even think of using it for Super Monkeyologist Bros. I actually didn't even know you could make it work with keyboard controls, so I guess I need to experiment a lot more.
Eh, that's too easy. :rolleyes:
That ending... dumpling321! I can't wait to see where this goes!
Einfach spitze!
me too!!
yup yup yup! totally ^_^
Good for you Apenpaap!
I figured!
That's pretty awesome, man. One of the things I like about Ask a Monkeyologist is that the viewers actually are the characters. I mean, of course there's Kauff and Gustav, but those chains of questions really form into their own stories with their own characters, who sort of become a part of a big ol' Monkeyologist universe. And the fact that you actually appeared on the show just makes that connection with the viewers even cooler.
...That all made sense, right?
yeah ^_^ I wen't into this thinking "Oh hey! this will be cool, i'll ask a question and maybe he'll answer it" and I ended up part of the show... tho I'm the type of person who's irritating and keeps asking question after question (at least online), I'm annoying that way xDD
Alot of the reason i'm in the show is the community reaction, SWP is a great guy who truly wants to please the telltale/MI community, when people started asking questions and commenting on dumpling I instantly received a message from him asking of I wanted to be a member of the cast.
Thanks for the kind words, guys
ARR! :mad::winslow:
You have crafted a pretty hilarious character for yourself, dumpling. I've been wondering for a while if you were gonna ever show up as an official member of the cast.
It'll certainly be great to watch your interactions with Kauff and Gustav. Bonus points if it's revealed that you got a Monkeyologist license to annoy Kauff.