And The Heavy as Hannibal Smith looks great (his hands' position helps to the cigar effect) but... who exactly are Max and Tycho?
The obvious guess maybe is that Max is Murdock and Tycho is Face, but looking at their faces, Tycho seems more madman to me...
And The Heavy as Hannibal Smith looks great (his hands' position helps to the cigar effect) but... who exactly are Max and Tycho?
The obvious guess maybe is that Max is Murdock and Tycho is Face, but looking at their faces, Tycho seems more madman to me...
I had fun making it. XD
Oh, and that Futurama one should totally win, solely for the Zoidberg/Strongbad mash-up. XD
Apocalypse at the Inventory
Rabbids at the inventory:
Hope it won't be my last work, have at least 2 more tries
Space travel at the inventory:
With tycho as daniel jackson
and max as col. jack o'neil
I bet you can't do worse!
I was just looking for a suitable Stargate picture. Grrrrrr.
I'd buy 10 copies of that XD
Poker Fighter at the inventory
P.S.: Sorry for bad editing, haven't got normal editor on my work's PC. I'm working in big company as sysadmin... so now you know
I'd totally play a telltale fighting game. XD
Also, re-reading the thread, I noticed a few were asking for transparent cutouts of the characters.
Now, go forth and photoshop. XD
Thanks for this. This is a huge help!
and Now: Doctor Who at the Iventory
Poker Night in the Tardis.
Okay, It's not really that small, but is good, right?
It was a long war with photoshop
Behold - The A-team at the inventory
Also 1*023 x 1*024 version here - (like it more).
Good luck to all participants!
The obvious guess maybe is that Max is Murdock and Tycho is Face, but looking at their faces, Tycho seems more madman to me...
It's your turn to choose
Uploaded with
First entry
I wouldn't let them take care of my babies (if I had any)
Yay for bad puns!
Entry 2!
My Entry. I already have all the games, though, so this entry is pointless.
The Inventory of the Dead
Awesome entries everybody! Great job!
Here are mine:
Dark Night at the Inventory:
Dark Knight at the Inventory:
At the first one, I was like "Ok, this is minimal..."
And then I saw the second one and literally lol-ed. Nice work.
My favorites are (in order of posting):
Laundry Night at the Inventory
Poker's Angels
The Inventory of the Dead
Dark Knight at the Inventory.
The title says it all about my entry.
But all these entries are so good.