"It's About Time" REVIEW thread



  • edited January 2011
    See, I've had no problems with Poker Night or Back to the Future. Surprising I know, but there it is.

    Same here!

    I get the feeling that the first episode is more of a place-setter. Just to get those who aren't familiar with TTG a taste of what is to come. Too easy? Sure, alot of us here will believe so, but to those who rarely play P'n'C games maybe not so much.
    I think all of TTG first episodes have been mediocre(perhaps not the right word, don't get me wrong, I still believe they're excellent) compared to their seasons, so I'm thinking we will only go up from here.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    ...and here it is, the altogether predictable, slight shift in topic, that makes all future posts belong in the "Review" thread. ;)
  • edited January 2011
    :D I had that thought but no one talks much to me in the real world so I some times make my own threads any ways. Actually most people don't like me in the real world, not even to make friends any ways. LOL I'm humanizing myself and you but not intentionally. Do what you have to do, I had my fun and replys.
  • edited January 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    :D I had that thought but no one talks much to me in the real world so I some times make my own threads any ways. Actually most people don't like me in the real world, not even to make friends any ways. LOL I'm humanizing myself and you but not intentionally. Do what you have to do, I had my fun and replys.

    What's wrong with humanizing humans? :p
  • edited January 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    That's only the first episode. You paid $25 for all five, which will be coming out monthly.

    oh, THANK goodness... I was really worried that I would have to pay for each episode separately. THANK YOU THERE IS A GAMING GOD OUT THERE!

    Love u, Telltale Games
  • edited January 2011
    I hope there aren't a bunch of people repurchasing the game when Episode 2 comes out (though I'm sure Telltale wouldn't mind :p). You're not the first person I've seen, and probably won't be the last, who's thought that it was $25 for just the first episode.
  • edited January 2011
    That's probably why they redubbed buying BttF to BttF Season [5 episode series]... (noticed that when looking through my invoices of stuff I bought). :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Origami wrote: »
    The lack of citizens didn't bother me much. It came across as an early time around 10:00 AM. It just felt naturally quiet...

    It wasn't intended, though. When Marty arrives at the scene, a cutscene shows us that the town square is bustling with activity. But the second you get to control Marty, everything empties as if Buford had arrived.
    markeres wrote: »
    Here's a pretty funny video review of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK8zJpTGeHA

    He didn't really like it and only gave it 2/5, but the review still had me laughing, the world's fastest walkthrough in particular.

    That's a brutal review, but I feel that the reviewer is absolutely right, except maybe for the "laugh" bit. Finally, someone also addresses that the Doc model is a win in terms of gesture, but an epic fail in terms of facial expression and likeness.
  • edited January 2011
    At first I thought there was a mistake when I seen the car. How is this taking place after the third movie. Since in the third movie the car is destroyed. But then I seen Einstein noticed what has happened. I actually thought Micheal J. Fox was talking for Marty in the game. The actor talking for Marty has done a really good impersonation of Micheal from the movie. I was pleased with this that he sounded just like Micheal. I think if they didn't find someone that sound like Micheal this would of thrown the game off. I'm pleased they was able to get Christopher for Dr Brown for the game.
  • edited January 2011
    I have not played the game yet as i will be getting the game on ps3, Althought i have seen many detailed videos of gameplay.

    I take in mind ttg develops games for adventure gamers but i feel it focuses to much on adventure gamers more than fans of the bttf franchise.
    The beggining was intresting and aj Does a fantastic job at marty and there are a few hints of bttf style but not as much as people say,

    1: Marty is way to responsible whilse doc suddenly becomes clumsy and doest seem to care much about creating paradoxes.

    2: Its not got much comedy or funny jokes about time travel etc.


    3: The thought of a automatical retrival thing doesnt seem very bttf

    Im not expecting telltale to start making delorean mini games because that would be really stupid, but it seems to lack the bttf charm its to much 'adventure'. Also i want to add these are not the only reasons of why i think this (im not saying the game sucks eggs and im not gonna buy it and then start spamming that its crap I am only saying this because i feel that many people are being a bit to enthusiastic when they say 'Its as true to the movies as you can get, Aj is better than michael j fox [how is that possible].)

    Please dont send comments reffering to sam & max or tales of monkey island because I havnt played them and i have no reason to im a bttf fan not a ttg fan. :cool:
  • edited January 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    I take in mind ttg develops games for adventure gamers but i feel it focuses to much on adventure gamers more than fans of the bttf franchise.
    I think many people here would say it's actually the other way around.
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    Aj is better than michael j fox
    I don't recall anybody saying that. :confused: I think what they were saying is, AJ does a better Marty McFly today than Michael J. Fox would be able to do.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't recall anybody saying that. :confused: I think what they were saying is, AJ does a better Marty McFly today than Michael J. Fox would be able to do.[/QUOTE]

    You have a valid point but what i ment as in a way where people dont take in mind that michael j fox was the orginal marty mcfly and ttg fans think there beloved ttg had suddenly made a icon of the gaming and filming companys
  • edited January 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    You have a valid point but what i ment as in a way where people dont take in mind that michael j fox was the orginal marty mcfly and ttg fans think there beloved ttg had suddenly made a icon of the gaming and filming companys
    I don't recall anybody saying that either. Can you quote a specific post where you felt somebody was saying this?
  • edited January 2011
    it's great!
  • edited January 2011
    markeres wrote: »
    I don't recall anybody saying that either. Can you quote a specific post where you felt somebody was saying this?

    There isnt any that i know of on ttg website but theres quite a few on youtube look for yourself because im too lazy to show you :D
  • edited January 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    There isnt any that i know of on ttg website but theres quite a few on youtube look for yourself because im too lazy to show you :D
    Eh, well, YouTube commenters don't count. :p
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2011
    markeres wrote: »
    Eh, well, YouTube commenters can't count. :p

  • edited January 2011
    markeres wrote: »
    Eh, well, YouTube commenters don't count. :p

  • edited January 2011
    Great production value.

    I am loving it. Its an awesome game so far...
  • edited January 2011
    Ok so i was fed up of waiting weeks for the ps3 version i purchased the whole five episode series and have to say it is quite good but i still agree with the stuff i said before but definatley think telltale did a great job and i cant wait to find out what happens next.


    It doesnt work very well on my computer In the intense scenes it really lags and keeps bouncing, anyone have any tips to fix this? Except from buying a graphics card?!!!
  • edited January 2011
    You've tried lowering your Graphics settings, right?
  • edited January 2011
    You've tried lowering your Graphics settings, right?

    Yeah iv tried everything like that!!!
  • edited January 2011
    Updating things like your graphics and audio drivers and DirectX. Empty the Windows temp folder to keep programs from starting in the background and running alongside your game, hogging resources. On Vista, you:

    1. Click Start
    2. Type %temp% in the search box
    3. Press ENTER.
    4. Go to the Edit menu on the top bar
    5. Click Select All
    6. On the File menu, choose "Delete"
    7. Click Yes.

    Restart the computer and play the game. This will allow a clean boot.

    Another option is to go into Computer, right-click a blank spot in the folder, go to Properties, and under Advanced System Settings in Performance tell windows to "Adjust for best performance".
  • edited January 2011
    yoman45135 wrote: »
    Yeah iv tried everything like that!!!

    Do a disc defragmentation and download a free program called crap cleaner.

    Clean up your PC and then make sure all those obnoxious back ground programs aren't running in the back ground when you play the game.

    You can also right click the the game and change the resolution. Have you messed around with the in game resolution settings?

    Unless your computer is very old I don't see why if you use the in game settings, turn them down to one even if you need to why the game wouldn't run smoothly.

    Go into settings in game, and click on the big arrows on the top, there's a left and a right go into Graphics, if you haven't done this already...

    Turn off the shadows, turn down the graphic quality to one,turn the effects off...

    Not sure what ani aliasing is but you probably don't need it. You can also play around with the resolution here...

    You can also select the simple graphics choice and choose low quality. Chose the 640X480 graphic resolution option. If you're still lagging hard core then turn off the music.

    And if you're really desperate then turn off the effects too, or even the dialog or even the subtitles...whatever you please.

    If you can't run this game with these settings then your computer is just too damn old...
  • edited January 2011
    Unless your computer is very old I don't see why if you use the in game settings

    It is windows vista from 2007 its not as old as some of the people who play the game and they havnt got any problems
  • edited January 2011
    Scrawffler wrote: »
    I actually played it just a couple of days after Christmas Day, but I think the memories are still pretty fresh in my mind. (might replay it actually!)

    Overall I was very impressed. There was only one downside for me really so I'll get that over with now, and that was the length of the game. Maybe it was due to the difficulty level, but I found it was over too soon. I pretty much breezed through the puzzles and didn't get "stuck" at any point trying to figure something out, and that's with the hint system turned off. Sometimes adventure games can be frustrating and this game was free of that, but I did feel it wasn't too challenging. And maybe because of that, it didn't take long to complete and was over before I knew it.

    However, what was there was great. Although the puzzles were simple, there were some entertaining solutions and all were logical and well-planned.

    And Telltale's storytelling just keeps getting better and better with every series. I thought Monkey Island was excellent. Then I played The Devil's Playhouse and was immediately impressed with how much the game felt like a movie. And now this!

    The presentation was spot-on throughout. The animation - including the cut-scenes, the soundtrack, the voice acting and the script. Every area to do with the presentation and atmosphere was perfectly in tune with each other. Now, I'm not one of these people that judges a game solely on its presentation - I understand that gameplay is very important - but I do think that presentation is important, and when done well it does actually make the game a whole lot more enjoyable. And I really think the company's nailed this, so kudos to Telltale!

    Overall, very impressed and looking forward to the next chapter. Could have done with some more challenging puzzles, but I have faith in the company and expect the series will get more difficult as it progresses.

    Great stuff!!

    I totally agree with this review. I had really been hoping for more play time. I played for maybe a total of 6 or 7 hours and was finished. I thought the game was really well done but was disappointed when the "To be continued" showed up. I hope the next installments are much longer.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey Guys,

    Was a big time non-registered lurker for awhile but signed up when one of my favorite franchises was made into a game. I searched around but couldn't find what the rules are about this so...

    I write for a new gaming website and personally wrote up our Back to the Future Ep One review. Understandably it's too large to paste here so I'll link:


    I'd love to hear your thoughts on our site and the review. We're pretty huge fans of Telltales work and with the exception of more Future I'm most excited for Jurassic Park this year.
  • edited January 2011
    Also, as long TTG's on this accessibility kick, I recommend the devs give reason in-game--either a hint or dialogue from Marty--why the player can't travel outside the designated area.

    Among other issues with the mouse controls, my friend who is a noob to adventure games (and games in general) spent quite some time running up against artificial barriers wondering why she couldn't see the rest of Hill Valley. Maybe something like "Y'know, most of the important stuff in Hill Valley tends to happen around this square. It'll be pretty obvious when I need to head elsewhere."

    S&M lampshaded this, Monkey Island the restrictions were either explained through dialogue or the design of the area had clear ends to the paths, and Strong Bad...was Strong Bad.
  • edited February 2011
    I just now finished the first episode, and I actually really enjoyed it. It really felt like a legit continuation of Back to the Future.
    As far as puzzles go, my opinion is quite literally split 50/50. The first half of the game was honestly puzzle-less (puzzless?). But right around the halfway mark, starting with the soup kitchen puzzle, things ramped up and the puzzles were honestly quite good. They were still pretty dang easy and Telltale needs to start upping the difficulty, don't get me wrong, but I don't think they were any easier than say... They Stole Max's Brain or City That Dares Not Sleep.

    I'd say my favorite part of the episode was constructing the rocket drill. It was a pretty simple puzzle, but the hectic nature of the whole thing just made it really fun for me.

    Also, I gotta tell people to go feed the ducks more often. I forgot what a wonderful comeback it is.
  • edited February 2011
    lombre wrote: »
    Also, I gotta tell people to go feed the ducks more often. I forgot what a wonderful comeback it is.
    Was that in the game? I don't remember that line. :confused:
  • edited February 2011
    markeres wrote: »
    Was that in the game? I don't remember that line. :confused:

    It was one of the things Young Emmett shouts at his dad during that puzzle in his lab. Given the random nature of what he shouts, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't hear it.
  • edited February 2011
    Hey guys,

    I found this review quite interesting, what do you all think?


    I really agree with the point that Marty seems nervous all the time. I liked the game a lot, but that did stand out as strange to me.

    Can't wait for Episode 2 however!
  • edited February 2011
    Your review is a bit misleading. It suggest episode 1 cost 25 dollars. But that's the price for all 5 episodes.

    I doubt though that you'll read this post. Since you probably only came here to post your review.
  • edited February 2011
    Well, it isn't my review :)

    I just thought it was interesting in contrast to every review saying everything was amazing.
  • edited February 2011
    I thought it was rubbish.

    The voiceacting is good, the graphics are nice, the story is good.... but there was hardly any game. The puzzles were to easy and one was even used twice (voice recording).

    To be completely honest this felt like a BTTF cartoon that I watched on my computer, which wouldn't have been so bad had there been more gameplay elements.

    There was also a glitch with the soup kitchen cut-scene not showing up on my computer which was infuriating as you can only "hit the pipe" after this scene shows.

    Here's to hoping they improve upon the remaining episodes.
  • edited February 2011
    Puisque je passe par là, je poste ma critique du premier épisode, en français évidemment. Ca date un peu déjà.

    (The link above is just a link to my review of the first episode. You can have a look if you want to, though the article is all in french)
  • edited February 2011
    DocGreen wrote: »
    Well, it isn't my review :)

    I just thought it was interesting in contrast to every review saying everything was amazing.

    Owh oops...my mistake. ^^
  • edited February 2011
    PS3 Review

    This is how a Back To The Future game should be, it makes perfect sense, a fourth part to the movie series in an interactive video game form. I enjoyed it, there's not much I can say, anyone who plays it will know this hits all the right heartstrings for fans.

    I found the movement controls a little akward at times. I wish when you are following Einstein after he sniffs the shoe you could have rode a skateboard through the street for a bit, other then that no complaints. Some people are saying the game is too easy, I would say turn off all hints so that you are completely on your own and it makes things a little more difficult. At the end of the day I don't think we are meant to struggle too much with this game, it's more about enjoying the story as it unfolds in front of you.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Finally, PS3 reviews in! :D

    I'll keep this thread a sticky although episode 2 is out for PC. Another two weeks for all you iPad or PS3 gamers to get your reviews in certainly can't hurt. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    Huskies4 wrote: »
    I played for maybe a total of 6 or 7 hours and was finished.


    Not even Sam and Max s2 episodes were that long.
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