"It's About Time" REVIEW thread



  • edited January 2011
    Hello all,
    Bought the game yesterday on steam and quickly played through. Having been a long-time BTTF fan I was pretty happy with the game over all. I am looking forward to the other episodes to see where the story line goes! It feels like this is another episode of the movie, only I get to contol it. As others have said, there are a few minor details that could make this game way better. I agree that the world felt a bit lonely. There should be more people hustling and bustling about the town. The game was pretty short too, I beat it in around 2 hours. Other than that, it was pretty enjoyable.
  • edited January 2011
    Hadn't chimed in, but I finished the game a couple of days after it was released, and I found it simply great!

    I loved the dialogue, the ambient, those little details that kept coming around (like the zombie newspaper, or the lawyer's names)... I don't think it was too short, it was the perfect size for an episode, in my point of view, and the puzzles were simply spot on.

    The wait until episode 2 will be way too long... anyone has a time machine to travel to the future and bring back the episode?

    Telltale, thanks for the experience! I hope the Jurassic Park game is just as good or even better than this one!
  • edited January 2011
    Finished it yesterday. I wouldn't say it was too short either, considering there are a lot more episodes to come. Yet I agree with those people saying there were way too few and easy puzzles.

    I'm quite sure I will download EP2 the day it comes out, yet I'm not exactly as excited as I was inbetween the TOMI releases, but then again, I can't compare these two games.

    After I played the game I reached into my DVD rack to actually watch BTTF again; it really put me into the mood again and I guess that's a good sign.

    What I really liked was the "in the next episode...." - preview at the end while the credits were running. Really adds to the cliffhanger in a positive way.
  • edited January 2011
    Hey guys,

    My review of Back To The Future: The Game - Episode 1 is now live!

    Back To The Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time Review - Alternative Magazine Online

    "The video game medium has allowed the narrative to twist and turn in new and exciting ways that simply wouldn’t be possible with a traditional celluloid sequel. A film-to-video game adaptation done right, Back To The Future: The Game may well grow to become Telltale’s greatest gaming achievement yet."
    - Alternative Magazine Online

    As always, I would love to hear other player's thoughts too!
  • edited January 2011
    fyi, you misspelled "fourth" in the review.

    "From the moment it begins, with its unique take on a classic scene from the original film, fans will be grinning from ear to ear. If there was ever a forth film, this would be it."

    Just letting you know so you can fix it.

    ...and why does the submit date say April 1st, 2011?
  • edited January 2011
    As long as we're correcting spelling, Christopher Lloyd is spelled with two l's.
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks guys, the typos should be fixed now... that's what I get for posting a review at 2am!

    Submit date is correct: in the UK the format is Day/Month/Year (4th January 2011)
  • edited January 2011
    Good review. Got me worried there for a bit when it talks about certain plot points that it was going to get too spoilery, but really it's quite well done.

    Good job.
  • edited January 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Good review. Got me worried there for a bit when it talks about certain plot points that it was going to get too spoilery, but really it's quite well done.

    Good job.

    Thanks I really appreciate it. I tried to give a flavour of the stuff players will get up to without revealing any major plot points. I constantly said during my Tales Of Monkey Island reviews that Telltale's games are pretty difficult to write about... half the fun is discovering them for yourself and this can sometimes make reviewing them really hard! I am delighted that you feel I got the balance right this time.
  • edited January 2011
    I mostly agree with http://www.culturalzest.com/2010/12/28/back-to-the-future-its-about-time-review/2/

    It's done very well (besides a few bugs...), it captures the BTTF feeling and coolness, that's great! Visuals, Characters, Voices, Music - very good. So far I'm very happy with it. I think it won't disappoint any BTTF fan.

    But the weakest part is the gameplay - at least for an adventure gamer and TTG fan: It was ok but FAR to easy - imho even much easier than any Sam&Max episode, and those were mostly pretty easy (but at least had much more jokes...). Puzzles were really 99% no-brainers. That's not fun/challenging to play.... And I turned off all hints etc. TOMI for example had much better puzzles.

    And as mentioned already by many people it was extremely short - I didn't hurry at all (I always try to hear every single dialogue and check out every location and item in detail) and finished it in below 3 hours.

    I would give it 7.5/10 as well - with some good will, because I love you guys ;) For the start that's OK, but it needs to get better.

    My personal wishlist:
    - Make it more demanding. Make the puzzles at least as challenging as in TOMI. I wouldn't mind to get some real stuff like in classic adventures (MI 1/2, DOTT, etc.). I don't see any reason why not, because you have an integrated hint system for the casual gamers. Please don't forget us old school adventure veterans who are the reason that you are where you are now.
    - I know the BTTF movies are no comedy (just partly), but I really hope the future episodes will be funnier.
    - I hope the next episodes will take at least 4-5 hours each to complete (like almost all other TTG episodes)
    - Please care more about bugfixing. Especially for the german fans you should fix the voice timing problems, I heard that's really horrible (no problem for me as I only play it in English, but I understand that it's really annoying).

    Thanks :)
  • edited January 2011
    darko wrote: »
    I know the BTTF movies are no comedy (just partly)

    Huh? BTTF is ALL comedy. Sure, it also has action, sci-fi, and even emotional elements, but it's clear (especially from the BTS features) that the humor comes first and foremost. It's just humor from character interactions and reactions, instead of the more setup-punchline humor of Sam and Max.
  • edited January 2011
    "From the moment it begins, with its unique take on a classic scene from the original film, fans will be grinning from ear to ear. If there was ever a forth film, this would be it."

    No. No I'm sorry but no. I don't see how this game could remotely be a fourth movie. There's so many things that just can't work.
  • edited January 2011
    Spoil sport. The game is good and the actors are far too old to have a real live action fourth movie made. If you don't like the temporal duplicate explanation, then fine, but it doesn't mean the game sucks.

    Sure, the game has its issues, but but that's no reason to be all sour grapes about it.
  • edited January 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    No. No I'm sorry but no. I don't see how this game could remotely be a fourth movie. There's so many things that just can't work.

    I think the game would have made a great fourth film. Chyron8472 is right, to make a live action film now would be difficult due to the age of the actors and several other factors.

    With the video game, there are far less constraints and we can still see Marty McFly as the teenager from the 80's that we all grew to know and love. The explanation for the DeLorean returning worked well in my opinion (would it be Back To The Future without the car?) and overall, I think Telltale really nailed the authenticity of the franchise and its respective universe.

    The beauty of the game is that it is up to the player whether to treat it as part of the official canon. In short - and as a huge fan of the films - I stand by my review. :p
  • edited January 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Huh? BTTF is ALL comedy. Sure, it also has action, sci-fi, and even emotional elements, but it's clear (especially from the BTS features) that the humor comes first and foremost. It's just humor from character interactions and reactions, instead of the more setup-punchline humor of Sam and Max.

    oh yes, thats true.

    there are so much funny lines and actions in bttf, without them it wouldnt be same, bttf kinda lives of this funny stuff too.

    just think of all the scenes with marty and his younger mother, or the reappearing scene in the cafe/bars in all 3 movies "hey, mc fly!!!!!..." or the scene in bttf3 when marty practices with his gun, the frisbee-scene, "I HATE MANURE!!!!" and so on.... so much funny stuff.

    bttf kinda lives of its funny scenes, without them it wouldnt be the great trilogy it actually is
  • edited January 2011
    Gamespot gave it a 7.5. That's quite impressive given their complaints. It means the game scores high on the fact that it really feels like BttF.
  • edited January 2011
    The game is really well done, Telltale have made leaps and bounds on the engine to make new kinds of interactions possible. It's nice how in most conversations something is happening at the same time, so people aren't just starting at each other while talking as in most games. The dialogue is good and the game is fun to play.

    The problem is, I had to restart parts of the game twice. First right after the start because I picked "objectives on" to see what they were, then got annoyed by them dominating the whole screen and turned them off, only to notice they didn't, as they're forced on all players at start. This made me think the choice at the start is permanent so I restarted the game and picked "no objectives".

    The other point is the soup kitchen glitch. 20 minutes walking around and staring at hints (and the walkthrough on the blog, which is supposed to get everyone through the game) only to figure out from the forums that I had to restore a previous save from which it took me 10 minutes to get to the same point to be able to advance. This made the game a lot worse experience for me and now after beating this "wait for a while" puzzle, I don't feel like playing any more today.

    As much as I love your games, Telltale, this made for a very disappointing start for the series, but I'm sure I'll be happier after I'm completely done with the episode and I'm quite sure you'll redeem yourselves on the later episodes. I just hope later episodes won't feel worse than they should because of technical problems.
  • edited January 2011
    The game was definitely too easy. Kinda of Sam & Max Season 1 Episode 1 level of difficulty. I hope the next episodes will become more challenging.

    The atmosphere and the love for details rocked however.
  • edited January 2011
    I actually liked it. Had trouble with the "Soup" kitchen and used the hint system and the part with doc and his dad when a little too fast, but it was a challenge. I saw some bugs (like young doc teleporting), but nothing that ruined the game. Glad there's finally a BTTF adventure game! Can't wait til feb.
  • edited January 2011
    Love the episode 1 :D very nice can't wait to see the 2nd one :D
  • edited January 2011
    JPhilipp wrote: »
    I can't quite put my finger on this one but I felt the same way. Perhaps it was a lack of background sound in some scenes, and the lack of action sounds (character movement, like foot steps? I don't remember if there was any). Also, there were only very, very little random cars and people (or birds etc.) appearing in the town that it felt a bit like a ghost town. Is having a crowd around somewhere too hard to do technically using this 3D framework? E.g. have half a dozen customers be in the soup kitchen (think the pirate bar in Monkey Island 1) rather than just 1 lonely guy sitting there?

    I agree. It's possible that the lack of citizens in public could be reflective of the difficult economic conditions of the time, in addition to the fear of Kid Tannen's hold on the city's underworld. But more likely, additional NPC's and interior locations were omitted for lack of additional development time, or performance issues. I did find that the flow of the story is very good on subsequent playthroughs, if you don't explore too much. But since exploration is so inherent to the point-and-click adventure game, it's a bit of a missed opportunity. The environments of most Sam & Max episodes seemed much larger by comparison. Hopefully this will be corrected in future episodes.
  • edited January 2011
    The lack of citizens didn't bother me much. It came across as an early time around 10:00 AM. It just felt naturally quiet...
  • edited January 2011
    just played it, excellent game, i felt like in the movie...but isnt it really too short??? it seems as half the first episode of TOMI...i dont know...it was perfect, loved it, but too damn short...really short...weird short...dont you think guys???

    the rest i really liked, and i know seeing telltale games, that the difficulty will rise through the episodes...so im ok with that..

    i really havent been worried about sam and max or tomi lenght...but this one was really short, perfect but insulting short...i want years of these games, i love them...
  • edited January 2011
    I actually played it just a couple of days after Christmas Day, but I think the memories are still pretty fresh in my mind. (might replay it actually!)

    Overall I was very impressed. There was only one downside for me really so I'll get that over with now, and that was the length of the game. Maybe it was due to the difficulty level, but I found it was over too soon. I pretty much breezed through the puzzles and didn't get "stuck" at any point trying to figure something out, and that's with the hint system turned off. Sometimes adventure games can be frustrating and this game was free of that, but I did feel it wasn't too challenging. And maybe because of that, it didn't take long to complete and was over before I knew it.

    However, what was there was great. Although the puzzles were simple, there were some entertaining solutions and all were logical and well-planned.

    And Telltale's storytelling just keeps getting better and better with every series. I thought Monkey Island was excellent. Then I played The Devil's Playhouse and was immediately impressed with how much the game felt like a movie. And now this!

    The presentation was spot-on throughout. The animation - including the cut-scenes, the soundtrack, the voice acting and the script. Every area to do with the presentation and atmosphere was perfectly in tune with each other. Now, I'm not one of these people that judges a game solely on its presentation - I understand that gameplay is very important - but I do think that presentation is important, and when done well it does actually make the game a whole lot more enjoyable. And I really think the company's nailed this, so kudos to Telltale!

    Overall, very impressed and looking forward to the next chapter. Could have done with some more challenging puzzles, but I have faith in the company and expect the series will get more difficult as it progresses.

    Great stuff!!
  • edited January 2011
    It's a great start to the season!:)
  • edited January 2011
    Wow I just finished it and it was a blast! I didn´t think the puzzles were THAT easy or that the easiness bothered me. It´s a cinematic game and getting stuck too long on a particular puzzle might disrupt the flow. Maybe crank the difficulty up 1 notch is okay for further episodes.

    What I especially liked:
    -Soundtrack!!! So great. Hope to see a CD release of it.
    -Dialogue and characters! Dialogue was clever and I loved Young Emmett and Edna was very interesting too.
    -The second half of the episode was really great! It went from great to awesome! The part in Doc's lab was cool and the scene after it was emotional. Then Doc's rescue followed which was really epic!

    Some feedback:
    -It needs a bit of cleaning up. The volume of audio is inconsistent sometime in dialogue and especially when the unaltered original BttF plays(scene of Marty traveling back in time and ending credits).
    Some parts of dialogue are missing and there are spelling errors and ofcourse the February 2010 in the credits.

    But it was definitely great value for 5 dollars.
  • edited January 2011
    Finally played it. It was great, but I wouldn't call it perfect.

    The writing was top-notch, and I was amazed by how much of the spirit from the original film was captured WAY beyond simply repeating recurring jokes and story elements. Doc's origin story was very believable, and the part where Marty was riding a rocket-powered girl's bike, something that's both awesome and embarrassing at the same time, felt right at home in the BTTF saga, as if it never stopped. Though, that one line where Marty says "Great Scott" the first time felt kinda forced.

    Another thing that I loved is the choreography (I dunno if this is the right word for this), Like how young Doc walks around the area instead of just standing there like a bored NPC, and how he still walks when you talk to him.

    I also love the opening scene, where you can choose Marty's dialogue in the middle of a cutscene. Now that's an improvement, Telltale. I hope future Telltale games are as dynamic as this.

    Now, the reason I wouldn't call it perfect, and I hope I don't come off as shallow, is the visuals. Not the graphics, which were just as good as Devil's Playhouse, which is enough for me, but the animation. The character animation of Telltale's games, primarily in dialogue scenes, were never that great, though it never really bothered me that much until this game. The reason is that unlike previous Telltale games (aside from CSI and Bone) all the characters of this game are more humanoid (and one dog), and the awkward animation really rears its ugly head here, since every character I talk to have this problem.

    Another thing that bothered me is how empty the clock tower area is. If you can't put more pedestrians in the town, maybe it's better to just divide the whole area into smaller areas, like in Sam and Max 301, which makes it feel less empty.

    Also, the teaser for the next episode seems to take place in areas we've already covered in the first episode. Now, I hope that this is just to save space by reusing existing areas for the teaser, and not because Telltale's coming back to its recycling days.
  • edited January 2011
    I finally played it last night (had some minor issues getting the game to run). I thought it was brilliant and over much too soon. A strong start of the season and I'm very hungry for more!
  • edited January 2011
    Here's a pretty funny video review of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK8zJpTGeHA

    He didn't really like it and only gave it 2/5, but the review still had me laughing, the world's fastest walkthrough in particular.
  • edited January 2011
    I may truly consider this a very human and bland assumption, but some times I believe that I have been witness to poor reception for the BTTF game.

    This may be based on the comments here, I do not believe that I intend to offend TTG by this post. I believe myself to authentically enjoy TTG titles.
  • edited January 2011
    Honestly, I've seen negative comments here and ONE negative review. Most other reviews I've seen, IGN and others, have been positive. And I personally don't think you can judge the entire game based on one episode.
  • edited January 2011
    Last time I was on IMDB, I saw that the popularity of Back to the Future Part III rose by about 130%, so it is probably quite popular. :)
  • edited January 2011
    Its difficult to judge the game... I really liked it.. I liked the movies a ton better... I think the biggest hurtle is that its based of a popular movie that everyone is familiar with... While playing you will always be subconsciously asking yourself "could I actually see the actors doing these things?"

    all the previous TTG franchises where based on Comics, cartoons, or other games.. and lent themselves some room for a little creative license, that is not the case with BTTF and JP they have their work cut out for them...

    Its too early to tell with only the first episode because we are not yet fully invested in the story.
  • edited January 2011
    The game is not bad - it's just too easy, and most reviews also reflect this.
    The BIG problem is that the game lacks polishment: I mean BETA-TESTING.
    The skeleton of the game works quite well, but the rest is rushed and full of irritating glitches. I can feel the hurry of the developers through the whole game.

    Now why is Telltale still ignoring the requests of more beta-testing since Wallace&Gromit?
    It's evident now that they have no time or dedication to clean their games: Poker night has an enormous bug that delete savefiles, Puzzle Agent got the first patch after 5 months and the new patched version got a bug that makes you keep playing the demo till the end of the game - without limits and for free! And give a look at the thread of the bugs/glitches of BTTF!!!!

    That's why gamers are upset and not enjoying the game very much.
    Because we want to be players and not free BETA-TESTERS.
  • edited January 2011
    See, I've had no problems with Poker Night or Back to the Future. Surprising I know, but there it is.
  • edited January 2011
    You hear more negative comments than positive on the forums because people are more inclined to post if they're encountering a problem than if everything is fine.

    doodo, what did YOU think of BTTF ep 1? That's all that really matters.
  • edited January 2011
    jp-30 wrote: »
    doodo, what did YOU think of BTTF ep 1? That's all that really matters.

    I got what I consider some sort of feeling of enjoyment from it over all. :)

    My favorite game from TTG, prob of this decade is still Monkey Island "5".
  • edited January 2011
    I agree its most important what it means to you personally... but I do care what other people think of the games, shows, and movies I like... because it determines if I get to enjoy more of it.
  • edited January 2011
    Overall, the game was very fun and true to the original movie in both flavor and feel.

    One thing really REALLY bothered me though: 3 hours of game play for $25. Just when i thought the game was warming up, it ended. I was honestly shocked and astounded that the game ended after such LITTLE gameplay. I feel cheated and wish I could somehow get a refund.
  • edited January 2011
    andyjobo wrote: »
    Overall, the game was very fun and true to the original movie in both flavor and feel.

    One thing really REALLY bothered me though: 3 hours of game play for $25. Just when i thought the game was warming up, it ended. I was honestly shocked and astounded that the game ended after such LITTLE gameplay. I feel cheated and wish I could somehow get a refund.

    That's only the first episode. You paid $25 for all five, which will be coming out monthly.
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