"It's About Time" REVIEW thread



  • edited December 2010
    Nice work, Telltale! Hats off!

    I'm really impressed and totally satisfied by how you extended the BTTF universe. That game has flair and i guess that is the most important thing at "tale telling".

    Thank you!
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished it and that ladies and gentlemen is how you do a BTTF game! Brilliant homage to the films, loved the voice casting and it felt like a natural addition to the movies.

    However i have to agree with some of the other people on here, it was too short and too easy. Usually in other Telltale games i would get stuck and either take a good 10 minutes thinking about the problem or cheat and quickly look at a guide. I glided through this with ease, although i am probably gunna do a second playthrough to try out different conversations. Also Hill Valley seems deserted! Just put in some random NPCs to walk about and show off the time period a bit more.

    Saying that a good start to what i hope will be a brilliant series, keep it up guys :D
  • edited December 2010
    I love it but make it harder please. You have a function to ask for hints, so make it harder.
    Or do something like moneky island 2 with an easy and hard mode.
  • edited December 2010
    so what if its easy? i don't want to spend hours thinking about a puzzle. i want to look at it, mess around a bit and then go "oh yea, thats it." and move on. i think its perfect.
  • edited December 2010
    Mysticales wrote: »
    Im IMPRESSED with the amount of voice content. So with THAT in mind... what if BTTF did what Mass Effect does? Multiple paths based off choices you make in the cutscenes? That would highly increase replay value and keep the amount of voice content they added.

    Which makes me thinking, how will the 1931 people call Marty in Episode 2. I introduced him as Michael Corleone, how will it keep the track of that?
  • edited December 2010
    Well done telltale!
    I'm only half way through at the moment and I'm finding it satisfyingly challenging, people who say it's too easy are too good at this kind of thing, It takes me at least 5 minutes per puzzle *usually*

    Overall I love it, makes me laugh and I cant wait for more!
  • edited December 2010
    There is one thing that really bothered me.

    Out of the three units of measurements, kelvin is the only one that doesn't use "degrees". It's degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celcius, but never degrees Kelvin. It's just Kelvin.
  • edited December 2010
    Ok, we all know this is an amazing job by Telltale. This game was enjoyable and right on the money. My gripe is this: This wasnt really a "game" but a "click thru a movie" concoction. There's no timing involved, no thought involved (for the most part), no action involved. Its just Walk here, walk there and click to thru to the next scene and just WATCH. Thats fine, but that gives the impression the game is "easy". With this formula how do you make it feel hard? You're not really actually DOING anything. You're simply WATCHING another installment of the saga with a little interaction to make ou feel like youre part of it. Thats my take at least. But the production value is off the charts. Very VERY well done.
  • edited December 2010
    I just finished playing through the entire first episode. I love it so much! Thank you Telltale Games for making such a quality product that does the Back To The Future films justice in the video game industry. I am now gleefully awaiting the next episode. As I read through some of these comments I am a little disappointed with all of the people on this forum who are complaining about the game being too easy or nitpicking this and that. The fact of the matter is this game was made to appeal to Back To The Future fans not hardcore gamers! People need to take this in consideration before blasting Telltale for not making the puzzles complex enough. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be able to pickup and play something without having to be bogged down by complicated controls and or puzzles that distract from the story you are trying to tell. I feel like I can give this wonderful game to friends and family who are also not hardcore gamers and they will be able to play through it and enjoy it just as much as I did. You negative nellys need to go somewhere and should be celebrating this quality product instead of complaining!!! Once again BRAVO Telltale you have achieved what was once impossible and made a great Back To The Future game!
  • edited December 2010
    Much appreciated. It can be surely breathed the BTTF's air.
    AJ is really appropriate to Marty, and it's always a pleasure to listen Mr.Lloyd in the Doc's role.
    I found this episode very simple, but i think , like other Telltale's games , the difficulty will increase from episode to episode.
    I loved the dialogues, the better thing of this miracle signed Telltale!

    So, what else? Can't wait for Chapter 2!
    Thank you, Telltale!
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished it, and loved it. I agree it was a bit easier than the Sam & Max Series for example, but TTG's aim was to attract a wider audience I guess, I'm sure the series will pick up difficulity as it progresses. I found it a decent challenge at least!

    Did anyone else notice at the end credits it said episode 2 was coming February 2010?
  • edited December 2010
    so what if its easy? i don't want to spend hours thinking about a puzzle. i want to look at it, mess around a bit and then go "oh yea, thats it." and move on. i think its perfect.

    KQ and SQ were great indeed... but least we dont have to type in BTTF =p

    Id prefer to see more a Lucasarts style. Loom for example was cool. I dont need too much puzzle, but def more challenge then I had now. I wanna be able to "forget" a puzzle or so, and try to figure it out again. (Monkey Isle)

    I mean for us hardcore adventure gamers. We ALL enjoy breezing through a game sure.. but for us.. sometimes the challenge is what made it great too.
  • edited December 2010
    (Only played a small part, yet).

    Bad part
    * the huge icons. They are bright, big, animated, they are so, uh well, present :-(

    Good parts.
    * Superb, animated characters (just like in ToMI).
    * Great graphics.

    End verdict, great game!
  • edited December 2010
    so what happened to Docs Wife and kids? He just abandon them? lol. And the Time Machine Train.

    One of the conversations you can have with Doc will bring up Clara and the kids.
    Doc is from a time where Jules and Verne are already teenagers, and he and Clara are trying to decide which time period to send them to college.

    Doc was in 1931 as a nostalgia trip and also was buying out-of-print books to give Clara as a gift.
  • edited December 2010
    I liked it but wasn't completely blown away by it. Maybe becuase Im so used to the TT formula now and this wasnt an exception. I know they'll be reusing locations for the next episodes, but Im hoping it will still be fresh.

    I particularly liked the old Ms Strickland character
  • edited December 2010
    A short game thats easy and fun to paly than a long game thats a chore to get through in my opinion.

    My thoughts one episode 1 is that its already one of the best games i've every played but thats only because i'm a MASSIVE fan of BTTF and it captured the true spirit of the films. In fact I tryed to imagin it if it were BTTF IV with the original cast and it fited perfectly.
  • edited December 2010
    Overall I'm glad I bought the series as the story seems interesting enough for me to want to find out what happens next, but to be honest I was more looking forward to a new adventure game to keep me occupied during my xmas break than the fact that this was a back to the future game, although I thought the time travel aspect had lots of potential for some day of the tentacle style puzzles.

    Being not overly endowed in the braincells dept I usually get stuck in these types of games at least once per episode and have to go away and think about it but did not expect to breeze through this in a couple of hours this morning... apart from puzzles being easy there's a strange combination of easy and illogical, such as
    the last puzzle where the gangster just keeps blindly driving the truck you're trying to free doc from even when he knows you've stolen his keys and then his gun.. wtf?

    Well guess I should thank telltale in that now that's finished I have to find something more productive to do with my time off.
  • edited December 2010
    If you're talking about
    "You're gonna see some serious shit"
    ... he says that in the movie. It'd be weird if they took it out.

    My girlfriend noticed that but it is indeed in the movie! That whole intro sequence is great, enough to pull any fan into the game.
  • edited December 2010
    I am LOVING it, could not stop smiling at the beginning !

    i couldn't of said it better :)
  • edited December 2010
    picnick wrote: »
    My girlfriend noticed that but it is indeed in the movie! That whole intro sequence is great, enough to pull any fan into the game.
    Yeah a great twist to one of the most memorible scenes in movie history
  • edited December 2010
    I personally really liked the episode a lot. I might go back and find the older titles and play through so I can try out the other TTG line up. I'm a huge BttF fan and to see a good fan service and doing a pretty good opening to the story was excellent. Seeing the other episode previews and descriptions on the launch window on load up shows the story is going to get epic. Great job TTG.
  • edited December 2010
    Raul2106 wrote: »
    I just finished playing through the entire first episode. I love it so much! Thank you Telltale Games for making such a quality product that does the Back To The Future films justice in the video game industry. I am now gleefully awaiting the next episode. As I read through some of these comments I am a little disappointed with all of the people on this forum who are complaining about the game being too easy or nitpicking this and that. The fact of the matter is this game was made to appeal to Back To The Future fans not hardcore gamers! People need to take this in consideration before blasting Telltale for not making the puzzles complex enough.
    So basically, Back to the Future fans are stupid. Back to the Future fans are SO stupid, in fact, that the only solve problems that include clicking on the thing that the camera just zoomed in on, or maybe "Here's a triangle, and I just talked about the triangle, and it's the biggest thing in the room. Which one is the triangle?" if they're feeling like REALLY challenging the retards that enjoy Back to the Future, because Back to the Future fans can't put two thoughts together or they get a headache. Let's spit on them and keep everything at their level, the morons. They don't know what's best for them.
    Raul2106 wrote: »
    I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be able to pickup and play something without having to be bogged down by complicated controls and or puzzles that distract from the story you are trying to tell.
    Doc.Brown wrote: »
    A short game thats easy and fun to paly than a long game thats a chore to get through in my opinion.
    If you think gameplay in a game is a "distraction" or a "chore", then why are you playing games? Stop that. You're destroying an entire industry. I don't buy knives and then complain that they're sharp and cut things.
  • edited December 2010
    Being a huge BTTF fan, i can't help but being disappointed.

    I mean, most gamer who buy these game are surely over 20 and yet the game looks like its made for a 8 year old. I mean could you please include larger icon's for EP2?

    Also, im playing this on a top of the line machine, yet the game, which looks like out of 1998, runs slow and sluggish. You know i get it. One cannot spend years on episodic gaming (see halflife) without trade offs. I get that. But this is 2010. Is it too much to ask for some more original, better looking visuals? How about GUI design? I mean the 15 year old Lucas games have a better, more intuitive gui. Look i am not asking for Crysis visuals but just a tad more detail maybe? come on.

    The story is interesting. I like it. But gameplay wise there isn't much. Why not let the gamer punch the dates in themselves for time travel? Little touches like that would make you feel much more immersed in it. I dig all the references. Great job.

    However, sound wise, its also disappointing. Like someone mentioned, the voices seem too compressed imo. In our day and age, a 360 meg download is really nothing. So im sure most people wouldn't mind a larger download, lets say for a "hi-res version" of the game.

    Overall, if this would not be based on the BTTF francise, I would not purchase the next episodes.

  • edited December 2010
    I liked some of it. However, I thought the "Temporal Duplication" explanation for the time machine was just BS. He could have easily just built another one with the same parts, to me that's more acceptable than some shoddy scientific thing.

    The game was too short. 1 1/2 hours? seriously? Also the animations were CRAP. Especially the "dream" scenario where the Car starts to move via remote. It started moving like 30 MPH immediately. the walking animation looks more like a drunken wobble. and the rest of them or more like "snap" animations. There's no fluid motion.

    Storyline however, was ok, JUST ok. Lot's of gags return like the manure truck, Tannen walking in "Hey Mcfly!", blah blah blah. and having Marty climb the freaking Gazebo........ what? really? No epic chase scene on a 1930's equivalent of a skateboard? just hop a stone fence and climb a gazebo?

    As a major BTTF fan, I am disappointed in how it all flows but am left satisfied as it was more BTTF like.

    Overall rating: 6/10


    Crappy animations
    Weak and short storyline (I know it's just an episode but still)
    Gags that don't shouldn't even exist (Kid Tannen stepping in Manure........after a trolley passes that same exact spot and no horse passes? or hitting the manure truck in the middle of large field??? Really?)

    What gives it a 6 is: It's not LJN.
  • edited December 2010
    buzzfunk wrote: »
    Being a huge BTTF fan, i can't help but being disappointed.

    I mean, most gamer who buy these game are surely over 20 and yet the game looks like its made for a 8 year old. I mean could you please include larger icon's for EP2?

    Also, im playing this on a top of the line machine, yet the game, which looks like out of 1998, runs slow and sluggish. You know i get it. One cannot spend years on episodic gaming (see halflife) without trade offs. I get that. But this is 2010. Is it too much to ask for some more original, better looking visuals? How about GUI design? I mean the 15 year old Lucas games have a better, more intuitive gui. Look i am not asking for Crysis visuals but just a tad more detail maybe? come on.

    The story is interesting. I like it. But gameplay wise there isn't much. Why not let the gamer punch the dates in themselves for time travel? Little touches like that would make you feel much more immersed in it. I dig all the references. Great job.

    However, sound wise, its also disappointing. Like someone mentioned, the voices seem too compressed imo. In our day and age, a 360 meg download is really nothing. So im sure most people wouldn't mind a larger download, lets say for a "hi-res version" of the game.

    Overall, if this would not be based on the BTTF francise, I would not purchase the next episodes.

    1. this was the first episode, that is always the worst of the season(see launch of the screaming narwhal andd the penal zone)
    2.I experienced no graphical problems and thought it played great
    3.Wouldn't purchase the next episodes? The price you payed already was for ALL of them. The entire season was $29.99 or whatever.
  • edited December 2010
    Downloaded it, played it, and finished it in the course of about three hours. Not exactly about to light any fires for originality of gameplay, but a fun story and a treat to revisit some old friends.

    Keep in mind here, in terms of the story, we're just seeing the prologue -- we haven't even gotten to the meat of it yet. In BttF terms, this is like keeping Marty's son from going to jail because of Griff. It's just a MacGuffin to get the plot rolling. Ep 2 is where the real story begins.

    -TG :cool:
  • edited December 2010
    You gave us Sam & Max back and now you bring us a solid BTTF! Only played for 20 minutes and had to tell you that you bring all the bests BACK!
  • edited December 2010
    The Gneech wrote: »
    Downloaded it, played it, and finished it in the course of about three hours. Not exactly about to light any fires for originality of gameplay, but a fun story and a treat to revisit some old friends.

    Keep in mind here, in terms of the story, we're just seeing the prologue -- we haven't even gotten to the meat of it yet. In BttF terms, this is like keeping Marty's son from going to jail because of Griff. It's just a MacGuffin to get the plot rolling. Ep 2 is where the real story begins.

    -TG :cool:

    I agree, but good luck getting threw to the whiners.
  • edited December 2010
    For those who hate my opinion, I'm just trolling most of it. Just wanted to get a reaction :P. Although the manure gags still didn't make sense.

    Overall I LOVED it.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey guys,
    I was pleasantly surprised after being really nervous about the game for a long time now - if this is any indication of the quality of whats to come I think we are all in for a really fun and complete adventure.

    Blistered Thumbs Video Review (Angry Joe)

    So looking forward to the next one! (More action and harder puzzles please!)

    Oh, and here's one of our writer's who goes into more detail if your interested!

    Angry Joe
  • edited December 2010
    Just want to point out that Telltale doesn't make all their episodes at once. That wouldn't make no sense. The season has been planned out, but they work on the episode right up until it releases.
  • edited December 2010
    For those who hate my opinion, I'm just trolling most of it. Just wanted to get a reaction :P. Although the manure gags still didn't make sense.

    Overall I LOVED it.

    Tannens are just naturally attracted to manure, that's all there is to it.
  • edited December 2010
    Angry Joe wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    I was pleasantly surprised after being really nervous about the game for a long time now - if this is any indication of the quality of whats to come I think we are all in for a really fun and complete adventure.

    Blistered Thumbs Video Review (Angry Joe)

    So looking forward to the next one! (More action and harder puzzles please!)

    Oh, and here's one of our writer's who goes into more detail if your interested!

    Angry Joe

    Just for the note, Ghostbusters is a licensed game, and it didn't suck, just saying.
  • edited December 2010
    Whoa, is that really Joe? Heads up dude! I loved your Sonic Free Riders review!
  • edited December 2010
    Ashki wrote: »
    Just for the note, Ghostbusters is a licensed game, and it didn't suck, just saying.

    There's more - Golden Eye, Riddick, others. But you know they are exceptions. Besides I didn't say this was the only good one, just that we can likely add it to the list! :D

    Besides if you talk crap about this game, look what happens to you - you phase out of existence! because you'd be wrong!

    Angry Joe
  • edited December 2010
    Angry Joe wrote: »
    There's more - Golden Eye, Riddick, others. But you know they are exceptions. Besides I didn't say this was the only good one :D

    Besides if you talk crap about this game, look what happens to you - you phase out of existence! because you'd be wrong!

    Angry Joe

    Lol, well, I was just going by the beginning of the video, cause I'm a moron, heh, besides, as I like to point out, if they don't like this BTTF game, they can always go play

    http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/703826 - These BTTF games *shudder* Those BTTF games.

    My only real complaint was the shortness, but yeah, as your video pointed out, there was a minor deal with Kid Tannen's lip synching, but that was like the only real complaint I had, the shortness and the lip snyching and that was really it.
  • edited December 2010
    Joe's review spoke my mind out loud yet again. And there will still be some people spamming BlisteredThumbs, GameTrailers, TGWTG and basically all other sites that mention about the game with shit about inferior graphics and the gameplay they're not used to be given.
  • edited December 2010
    It was okay, story was impressive, characters were true to the movies. But I still don't understand why the beginning was different.
    Also I didn't like how you cant look around with the mouse, it's probably the most linear game I've played in a looong time.
  • edited December 2010
    evil_rex wrote: »
    It was okay, story was impressive, characters were true to the movies. But I still don't understand why the beginning was different.
    Also I didn't like how you cant look around with the mouse, it's probably the most linear game I've played in a looong time.

    The beginning deal is simple.
    Marty was having a dream due to Doc not being around and naturally it was based on the first movie.
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