"It's About Time" REVIEW thread



  • edited December 2010
    Completed it too.. Great game i really like the storyline so far.

    I do agree about hill valley feeling a bit deserted, some minor graphical and sound issues but that wont stop me from playing it.
  • edited December 2010
    Found this review on Twitter http://www.richardcobbett.com/codex/back-to-the-future/

    Critical that it basically seems like a skin on a standard TTG game (I've yet to play so can't comment)
  • edited December 2010
    VERY, VERY SHORT! Am I supposed to pay another $25 for each of the next episodes, or are they included? I hope so, cause even being a huge fan of BTTF, the game is a little too short for the price.

    Anyway, the game is great! Congrats Telltale! I hope the next episodes will give me more than an hour and a half of fun.
  • edited December 2010
    $24.95 was for the whole season, diegoprogmental. ;)

    And yeah, this episode was probably only this short and easy to ease people back into the series. Future episodes will likely increase in length and difficulty.
  • edited December 2010
    I found the game fun and entertaining. Can't wait for the next episode. Only one issue about the plot, and that is the new DeLorian before Marty got it.
  • edited December 2010
    Easy to a ridiculous degree. I mean, there was absolutely ZERO challenge in this first chapter. It felt like I was just clicking my mouse every once in a while to make the cutscenes appear. This is easily the weakest adventure GAME I've ever played.

    On the other hand, everything ELSE was amazing - story, voicework, art direction, etc. AJ's work in particular was phenomenal. I forgot I was listening to anyone other than Marty McFly.

    If this was an animated BTTF movie, this first chapter would score four or five stars from me. But as a game? That's a much more difficult rating to come up with.
  • edited December 2010
    You forgot Fatty Bear! (Also Busy Town) Yes I enjoy those too... I wont lie. But even Maniac Mansion was a challenge. ;)

    Just giving constructive criticism that after all this hype, waiting, excitement.. and now.. it was over before I really could be WOOHOO and griping that I am stuck. Like I said, Great story, it just left me hanging much too soon when I was expecting to least play this in 2 sessions, I was just waiting on a cut off point to save and goto bed when I realized I just beat it. >.<
  • edited December 2010
    Yes it might have been a bit easy. But the puzzles were VERY exciting and had a very nice natural flow to them.

    I enjoyed it a lot. As long as they keep it THIS adventurous I don't care too much for the complexity of puzzles. Which doesn't mean I don't care for the complexity of puzzles in general.

    All in all GREAT Game.
  • edited December 2010
    See, more and more I get the feeling that Telltale should adopt the old LucasArts way of doing things and add an option for easy or hard mode at the beginning.
  • edited December 2010
    It WAS NOT too short... there are still four more episodes coming... at most you only paid $25 add all five episodes together and its a good sized game for that little money.
  • edited December 2010
    Story-wise, it was fine. Dialog definitely has a Telltale twang to it. It felt more like a Heavy Rain type thing where it was more like an interactive story than an actual game.

    Yeah but at least in Heavy Rain we could change the story and it looked like real people, and obviously the action scenes were much different.

    We don't even have that with BTTF...

    Let's just hope the next episodes are much more difficult and become real adventure games !
  • edited December 2010
    Overall I liked the game. The voice acting is great, but animation and lip sync could have been better, but might be performance issues on my PC. Marty's animation looked a bit 'slower' and less energetic then in MJF in the movies. IN the movies he's really energetic, moving a lot, running around. I think the animations could have been better, with more expression. Just look at pixar movies and see how much expression they put in cartoon characters! Furthermore the swtich of camera position is confusing in the town and annoying. It would be easier if it was really clear where you were, and where you can and can't go.
    Ther story is good so far, I like it :) the puzzles were easy and linear. I don't know if that's a bad thing, because maybe you don't want to stall the storyline too much.. but then again a challenge might be nice :) I just hope the next episodes will be more complex and longer, and have more believable animations.
    Besides that, awersome start for the series!!!
  • edited December 2010
    VERY, VERY SHORT! Am I supposed to pay another $25 for each of the next episodes, or are they included? I hope so, cause even being a huge fan of BTTF, the game is a little too short for the price.

    Anyway, the game is great! Congrats Telltale! I hope the next episodes will give me more than an hour and a half of fun.

    LOL You payed 25 for all 5 episodes.
  • edited December 2010
    Why are people complaining about the difficulty NOW.
    They did say this game was going to be more on the casual side. even tho i hate that they did say it. Besides the technical issues and difficulty. the game itself is perfection! I almost forgot that was a marty impression.
  • edited December 2010
    Issue with the 4 more eppies are the WAIT. If they are this short, by the time the next one comes out, its like another short game, So unless we play it all in one chunk... heh.

    I really just didnt expect to beat it in like 2 hours on one play session. I was hoping for least 4, then add the other eppies in, that would be 20 hours worth?

    After playing it the 1st time... You will rem how to do EVERYTHING. Even Monkey Isle... you have to try to rem sometimes what you had to do.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm just hoping that it was kind of a teaser episode, especially as it was really a "freebie" (of sorts). Give the adventurer noobs a little taster. Granted, it was at the expense of some of the more experienced gamers, but sometimes you have to bow to that demographic just to reel them in.

    In the end it was compelling enough for me to overlook the shortness/easyness.

    I'm just going to have to play through it a few more times to see if there was anything I missed clicking on. That will add a few more hours to it! :p
  • edited December 2010
    Oh do not get me wrong.... I wish it was longer too I love playing the games... BUT for the amount of money we paid we really can not complain...

    I do not mind the wait... its fun having a break to talk to other fans and speculate here on the boards.
  • edited December 2010
    This is my first time out with a Telltale game, but I really enjoyed it. Thought the game was very true to the spirit of the movie series, and there was a real feeling of chemistry between Marty and Doc.

    As others have said, it was *very* easy, largely because there's a limited amount of things to do in any given situation. It feels like the story was written completely linearly, with a few puzzles thrown in to give the player something to do (a bit like games like Fahrenheit or Heavy Rain in that regard).

    But as an 'interactive episode' I thought it was a lot of fun and I look forward to the rest. Slightly disappointed that episode 2 also appears to be set in the same era; I guess I was hoping that each episode would show us Hill Valley in a different time period, and maybe even some Day of the Tentacle-style time travel puzzles.
  • edited December 2010
    Loved it. It played out like a BttF film, and the pacing was buttery smooth. The latest updates to the Telltale engine are absolutely gorgeous, too.

    I just hope the entire season isn't set in the same two time periods. Being a game, the door's wide open to go nuts with the time travel. But even if it is, I'm more than happy to play through it.

    It is *extremely* easy, and the soup puzzle didn't work exactly right, but I've always played TT games for the story anyway. I know Rather Dashing will explode with rage at the thought, but the puzzles are a secondary concern for me.

    That said, I do hope the difficulty ramps up a bit. Time travel is fertile ground for that sort of thing.

    Not the best episode in TTG's catalog, but very solid nonetheless. It makes me wish they had done the Dr. Who games.

    (side note: even more entertaining than the game itself is watching half the internet bitch about this being an adventure game.)
  • edited December 2010
    I just played through it again and timed myself. From the opening credits to the end credits, it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes on the dot. Doc Brown would be proud of my timing.

    But that's way too short. Even shorter than The Siege of Spinner Cay...
  • edited December 2010
    See, more and more I get the feeling that Telltale should adopt the old LucasArts way of doing things and add an option for easy or hard mode at the beginning.
    It's a good idea. The only problem is, with working on a monthly schedule, making extra puzzles that a good portion of the audience will never see or even care about would probably take up too much of their time and resources.

    I, too, would like to see some harder puzzles though. I was genuinely stumped by some of the puzzles in "Devil's Playhouse" which I've seen a lot of people here thought was too easy, but BTTF was way too easy, even for me. Even medium difficulty puzzles would be nice. They don't have to be stumpers or head scratchers.
  • edited December 2010
    Im IMPRESSED with the amount of voice content. So with THAT in mind... what if BTTF did what Mass Effect does? Multiple paths based off choices you make in the cutscenes? That would highly increase replay value and keep the amount of voice content they added.
  • edited December 2010
    This episode was, as everyone else already have said short. Still the series looks promising considering that this episode was very good.
  • edited December 2010
    Désolé pour le post en Français.

    Mais là franchement....

    Le jeux est vide!
    Vide de références (ou presque), de blagues, de personnages de décors, d'histoire.... Bref de tout!

    La durée de vie est ridicule, j'ai du le finir en 2h00 sans me fouler, en essayant toutes les discussions.

    Le seul point positif reste le design des persos (bien que le vieux doc passé en 3D est passablement hideux comparé au design 2D magnifique) et les recherches 2D.

    Il ne suffit pas de mettre une dolorean et marty dans le passé pour faire un back to the futur digne de ce nom.

    Énorme déception, moi qui ait adoré les Sam et Max et les Monkey Island...
    Surtout quand on pense au travail fournit par Telltales pour faire un Monkey Island digne de ses prédécesseurs.

    J'ai beau avoir acheté la saison en pré-commande, j'en suis presque à me demandé si je vais faire les autres...

    Bref indigne de Telltales et pire encore indigne de Retour vers le Futur.
  • edited December 2010
    Kapouai wrote: »
    Désolé pour le post en Français.

    Mais là franchement....

    Le jeux est vide!
    Vide de références (ou presque), de blagues, de personnages de décors, d'histoire.... Bref de tout!

    La durée de vie est ridicule, j'ai du le finir en 2h00 sans me fouler, en essayant toutes les discussions.

    Le seul point positif reste le design des persos (bien que le vieux doc passé en 3D est passablement hideux comparé au design 2D magnifique) et les recherches 2D.

    Il ne suffit pas de mettre une dolorean et marty dans le passé pour faire un back to the futur digne de ce nom.

    Énorme déception, moi qui ait adoré les Sam et Max et les Monkey Island...
    Surtout quand on pense au travail fournit par Telltales pour faire un Monkey Island digne de ses prédécesseurs.

    J'ai beau avoir acheté la saison en pré-commande, j'en suis presque à me demandé si je vais faire les autres...

    Bref indigne de Telltales et pire encore indigne de Retour vers le Futur.

    Je vais le traduire pour toi. Mais sache en tout cas que même si je le trouve un peu vide, les choses devraient s'améliorer via les prochains épisodes. ;)

    He said :

    Sorry for not speaking english...

    But seriously...

    The game feels so empty.

    Not many references (barely), not many jokes, not many characters, not many places, it's really lacking content.

    The episode is ridiculously short. I finished it in less than 2 hours with no trouble, and I tried all of the interactions.

    The only good thing was the character's design (though old Doc looks like shit compared to the original artwork).

    Having a Delorean, and Marty back to the past aren't the only things needed to make a good back to the future game ...

    I used to be a fan of Sam and Max and Monkey Island (from TTG), but this BTTF is a HUGE disappointment.

    Even though I bought the full season, I'm not sure I'll bother try the other episodes.

    It's not what we could expect from Telltale. And it's definitely not what we could expect from BTTF.
  • edited December 2010
    Orignally posted in another thread but i felt it needed to be here:

    Back to the Future has been and always will be one of my favorite films of all time. I am truly happy and impressed with this game / continuation of BTTF.

    Finished episode 1 just now and i am anxiously awaiting the next episode!

    Telltale has kept this game true to the fun of the films. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing cameos of things brought back from the originals.

    Don't want to put any spoilers here but, during the opening scene, when things begin to go awry, I caught my jaw dropping.

    Excellent animations which captured some of Marty and Doc's actions from the film as well as one for George which made me laugh out loud.

    Thank you to all the contributors for making this game!
  • edited December 2010
    I just played through it again and timed myself. From the opening credits to the end credits, it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes on the dot. Doc Brown would be proud of my timing.

    But that's way too short. Even shorter than The Siege of Spinner Cay...

    You can't judge a game by how long it takes on a second playthrough. Especially when you got really stuck on a first playthrough, as you did.

    Limbo was one of my favorite games this year, and it took me a tiny, tiny fraction of the time on a second run.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, it took me three hours to get through the game for the first time, but I wanted to try everything and take as much from it as I could (sometimes leading to a lot of repeated actions/consequences due to a low exploration aspect of the game), so in a sense I artificially made the first playthrough longer. As I already said, I don't mind localized action, but I do think that localized action should in a sense IMPROVE the exploration element (having more objects to interact with and whatnot) not remove it.
  • edited December 2010
    so what happened to Docs Wife and kids? He just abandon them? lol. And the Time Machine Train.
  • edited December 2010
    Let's see. Great atmosphere, great plot, great voice acting, great dialogue, great music...

    ...but way, way, way too easy. The only moment that was even remotely challenging was getting the alcohol. And with the hint system, it amounts to straight-out feeding the player the answers. I understand why it's happening, that the BttF license is going to bring in a bunch of people new to not just Telltale, but the adventure genre as a whole. (They toned down the difficulty in The Devil's Playhouse too, after all.) But sheesh, I was new to adventure games once too, and I never needed the game to hold my hand like this.

    If anyone on the Telltale Team is reading this, I beg you: If you're going to have an over-the-top hint system, then make sure future episodes have some puzzles that would actually make such a hint system worth having.

    That said, it was an enjoyable experience. I'm only one episode in and it feels like a proper BttF4. All it needs now is some gameplay.
  • edited December 2010
    so what happened to Docs Wife and kids? He just abandon them? lol. And the Time Machine Train.
    You can ask him about the wife and kids. They're safe, he just left to pick up some birthday presents for Clara and solve a historical mystery on the side, and got caught up in the scuffle.
  • edited December 2010
    2. The rocket drill preparation "Simon"-like game(which was too short and should have become more intense, but it was gameplay time and I liked it).
    *shoots you*
    If that's the kind of suggestion you wish to give TTG to make the game 'more challenging', please keep it okay?

    I agree it's too easy, but that kind of 'fixing' would make stuff only worse...
    Sure, it’s kind of convenient, but it requires the user to log in EVERY SINGLE TIME they want to play the game. This hasn’t been required before, why now?
    It isn't? Not for me at least. Maybe TTG understimated the amount of users running as non-admins? As pretty much all installers require that to run properly.
    Strayth wrote: »
    Not many references (barely)
    I actually thought they were overdoing it a bit with the references.
  • edited December 2010
    *shoots you*
    If that's the kind of suggestion you wish to give TTG to make the game 'more challenging', please keep it okay?

    I agree it's too easy, but that kind of 'fixing' would make stuff only worse..
    "Longer" or "start faster", one or the other. The idea of that segment was actually pretty good, but you should have had to mentally queue up three or four instructions at once. My mind felt like it was just getting started and then the puzzle ended.
  • edited December 2010
    Not many references (barely)

    I think he meant actual places, and characters. Which we absolutely didn't get. :/
  • edited December 2010
    Now that I actually got to work past the bugs and get on the game, I thought they did a great job with the first episode. What made it really stand out for me is their close attention to the minor details. Here's a perfect example:

    Marty reads one of the newspapers in Edna Strickland's apartment that's dated October 28, 1985 and it's in regards to the 'mysterious shootout' in the Lone Pine parking lot.

    It's the little things like that that gave me the feel of a sequel. In my honest opinion it's Part 4. The Thirties seems to be another great decade to explore. I found it quite interesting to walk around a bit in Hill Valley, pointing out certain locations from the movies (i.e. the Lightning Bolt Event from Part 1).

    I've got a feeling that it's going to be a good season
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    I think he meant actual places, and characters. Which we absolutely didn't get. :/
    How many different places are there, really, throughout the trilogy? The Big Three are Courthouse Square, Doc's lab, and the cafe/saloon/soup kitchen, which we all got in the episode, in addition to Twin Pines Mall, and a brief look at Marty's room.

    As for characters, the only major one missing was Lorraine, except for one or two off-screen lines at the beginning, but she (or her grandmother, or some kind of proxy) will turn up eventually, I'm sure.
  • edited December 2010
    How many different places are there, really, throughout the trilogy? The Big Three are Courthouse Square, Doc's lab, and the cafe/saloon/soup kitchen, which we all got in the episode, in addition to Twin Pines Mall, and a brief look at Marty's room.

    As for characters, the only major one missing was Lorraine, except for one or two off-screen lines at the beginning, but she (or her grandmother, or some kind of proxy) will turn up eventually, I'm sure.

    I'm sorry but stop the BS.

    In the "movies", as you say, you get to see a little more don't you think ? How many times didn't we get to see the inside of a Room Marty was, nor the person he was talking to ?! (cauz it happens way too much in the first episode !)

    As for the characters, MAN ... are you serious ? First of all, going in a time period where almost none of them exist wasn't that great, but only mentionning them is a little weak... (Lorraine, Jennifer, Stricland, Goldie).

    See wyh people feels it's lacking, you can only visit one street of Hill Valley. Marty's room ? Great, what about Marty's house ? Is it too much asking for an adventure game Oo ?

    So far it's being totally limited, if you're fine with it good for you.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    I'm sorry but stop the BS.

    In the "movies", as you say, you get to see a little more don't you think ? How many times didn't we get to see the inside of a Room Marty was, nor the person he was talking to ?! (cauz it happens way too much in the first episode !)

    As for the characters, MAN ... are you serious ? First of all, going in a time period where almost none of them exist wasn't that great, but only mentionning them is a little weak... (Lorraine, Jennifer, Stricland, Goldie).

    See wyh people feels it's lacking, you can only visit one street of Hill Valley. Marty's room ? Great, what about Marty's house ? Is it too much asking for an adventure game Oo ?

    So far it's being totally limited, if you're fine with it good for you.
    Again, MAJOR areas and MAJOR characters. Aside from Lorraine, we got all of them. We got a Strickland, but if you want to quibble that we didn't get the Strickland, fine.

    As for Marty's house, I would have liked to have seen it too, but not that much time is actually spent there in the trilogy, and what kind of puzzles would be done there? Telltale only creates sets for areas that are important to the story they are trying to tell.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    In the "movies", as you say, you get to see a little more don't you think ?

    Okay then, how many locations do we get in the first fifth of the first movie?
  • edited December 2010
    Did you ever play any of the old king quests games? They were epic and sometimes it could take over a month to resolve a puzzle. It always left you curious, but I'm glad they refrain from that much difficulty nowadays.
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