Here some golden advice.
If you have a friend with a laptop that has a strong performance, ask him to let you borrow it for 3 days. Should be enough to finish it.
That's what I am going to do.
Ofcourse I say 3 days but that will turn out to be 3 weeks.
I ain't rushing my BttF ep 1 >=(
I have a computer that's pretty good and a laptop (though I'm not certain it will work on my PC), I'd just prefer to wait for the PS3 release... so I guess I will. It'll come out eventually. I'm not gonna ask for anymore info on the PS3 release, it seems to get people on edge toward me. I'm sorry for asking.
Actually, truth is I have very few friends, so if my computer doesn't meet the requirements I can't just borrow a friend's usually. I'd rather go with consoles and not have to worry if a game's gonna work on my particular computer with my particular graphics card or whatever. Thanks for the advice, though, sorry if I sound defensive or anything, I really don't mean to.
Wait, if it gets released on Wednesday 22nd December, Pacific time (assuming its at midnight) what time will it be released in the UK?
Don't expect it until later in the day. Telltale will release it in office hours, so considering we are 8 hours behind, we could probably expect it early evening. This all depends though, as every release is different. If there are issues it could be later.
Episode 5 of Sam and Max season 3 for example got released late in the evening (in the UK)
Can the free Collector's DVD be shipped in other countries, such as Italy? I didn't see anything about it and I'd like to know about it before purchasing the Game.
Don't expect it until later in the day. Telltale will release it in office hours, so considering we are 8 hours behind, we could probably expect it early evening. This all depends though, as every release is different. If there are issues it could be later.
Episode 5 of Sam and Max season 3 for example got released late in the evening (in the UK)
Was it not like 2am the next day? The TOSM, TSMB and BTAOTD came out after 7pm, 6pm and 5pm respectivly. I would like it if it came out a good few hours after TT started work again, so there aren't many glitches and such. I've decided that now I'm going to wait until the day after the release date to get it, so I don't get disappointed if it comes out too late in the night. Guess I thought all episodes came out shortly after they started work and was used to that. I have to wait a bit longer, but at least I will get it when I expect it! Just download it, then log off, avoid the forums until I finish the episode...
Originally posted by MPittore3
Can the free Collector's DVD be shipped in other countries, such as Italy? I didn't see anything about it and I'd like to know about it before purchasing the Game.
To answer your question. Yes. They are also region free in case you are wondering.
Can the free Collector's DVD be shipped in other countries, such as Italy? I didn't see anything about it and I'd like to know about it before purchasing the Game.
Anyone know when it will be relased on ps3? would the download allow me to add the game on the ps3, just by using ps3 browser internet? Thanks
Shhh... don't let them hear you: they don't like people asking about release dates, especially PS3 ones... it annoys them. They're already annoyed at me. I know you don't use the browser internet, though. Pretty sure it'll be on Playstation Store.
I think everyone also thinks I'm brain dead for thinking PS3 version would be released on the 22nd with the rest of the versions and forgetting PSN only releases on Tuesdays and being and adventure gaming n00b... okay, so I'm not the brightest tool in the shed... and I have a tendency to be paranoid about these things... thinking everyone's out to get me... I need to just chill sometimes, you know?... too much caffiene that's what that's all about... *continues to rant about nothing in particular*
Shhh... don't let them hear you: they don't like people asking about release dates, especially PS3 ones... it annoys them. They're already annoyed at me. I know you don't use the browser internet, though. Pretty sure it'll be on Playstation Store.
I think everyone also thinks I'm brain dead for thinking PS3 version would be released on the 22nd with the rest of the versions and forgetting PSN only releases on Tuesdays and being and adventure gaming n00b... okay, so I'm not the brightest tool in the shed... and I have a tendency to be paranoid about these things... thinking everyone's out to get me... I need to just chill sometimes, you know?... too much caffiene that's what that's all about... *continues to rant about nothing in particular*
yeah they are angry at me too T-T i think ??? for talking about PS3 to release.. and to get sam and max season 1 and 2 on PS3 ... man im gonna just shut up and do something else ... =P
yeah they are angry at me too T-T i think ??? for talking about PS3 to release.. and to get sam and max season 1 and 2 on PS3 ... man im gonna just shut up and do something else ... =P
Yeah, I asked about the Season 1 and 2 on PS3 thing, too. I think they secretly think that casual console gamers are inferior you know, secretly... all hush hush and what not... not that they'd ever say so... but I just have this feeling... I'm just parnoid like that :cool:
I'm with, I'm just gonna shut up about console versions and be glad they make them at all.
Yeah, I asked about the Season 1 and 2 on PS3 thing, too. I think they secretly think that casual console gamers are inferior you know, secretly... all hush hush and what not... not that they'd ever say so... but I just have this feeling... I'm just parnoid like that :cool:
I'm with, I'm just gonna shut up about console versions and be glad they make them at all.
Yeah, I hope you guys put Seasons 1 and 2 on PS3 eventually, especially since PS3 seems to be one of your three primary platforms now (PC, PS3 and iPad) and I think Seasons 1 and 2 are the only TT games really missing from PS3 that you own the rights to.
Looking forward to playing BTTF on PS3 when the time comes.
Oh, you know, I'm only foolin'/being paranoid. I mean no offense. I just have strange feelings that everyone's out to get me every once in a while... *sigh*
You know, I get actually afraid of random laughther sometimes? I'm always thinking people are laughing at me.... :eek: How dare they? :mad: It's seems entirely possible they might be, though....
Hahaha, It's all good, though, don't even worry about it, man.
I took a week off from work right as this game hits the net..... its not actually in relation to the release date.... just a happy coincidence.... So I will be playing and replaying the heck out of the first ep.
I took a week off from work right as this game hits the net..... its not actually in relation to the release date.... just a happy coincidence.... So I will be playing and replaying the heck out of the first ep.
I do not own the Bluray..... you all should bombard my wifes facebook page with "you should buy your husband the BTTF Blurays........ and make him a steak"
Here some golden advice.
If you have a friend with a laptop that has a strong performance, ask him to let you borrow it for 3 days. Should be enough to finish it.
That's what I am going to do.
Ofcourse I say 3 days but that will turn out to be 3 weeks.
I ain't rushing my BttF ep 1 >=(
Any chance that pre-orderers get to DL it 24 hours in advance? Would be a good promotional tool for the games.
I have a computer that's pretty good and a laptop (though I'm not certain it will work on my PC), I'd just prefer to wait for the PS3 release... so I guess I will. It'll come out eventually. I'm not gonna ask for anymore info on the PS3 release, it seems to get people on edge toward me. I'm sorry for asking.
Actually, truth is I have very few friends, so if my computer doesn't meet the requirements I can't just borrow a friend's usually. I'd rather go with consoles and not have to worry if a game's gonna work on my particular computer with my particular graphics card or whatever. Thanks for the advice, though, sorry if I sound defensive or anything, I really don't mean to.
Double awesome day
When did this happen ????
Sometime late last night, 'twas very exciting.
What time zone are you in? Telltale often doesnt get the game out until well in the afternoon and sometimes not until well in the evening PST time.
Err never mind the 22nd is wednesday you're good.
Episode 5 of Sam and Max season 3 for example got released late in the evening (in the UK)
Was it not like 2am the next day? The TOSM, TSMB and BTAOTD came out after 7pm, 6pm and 5pm respectivly. I would like it if it came out a good few hours after TT started work again, so there aren't many glitches and such. I've decided that now I'm going to wait until the day after the release date to get it, so I don't get disappointed if it comes out too late in the night. Guess I thought all episodes came out shortly after they started work and was used to that. I have to wait a bit longer, but at least I will get it when I expect it!
To answer your question. Yes. They are also region free in case you are wondering.
I'm here to help.
It can be shipped worldwide.
Nice Invader Zim reference.
Can we request a physical copy after we've purchased the digital version? Just wondering!
lool yeah im waiting for PS3 version
Shhh... don't let them hear you: they don't like people asking about release dates, especially PS3 ones... it annoys them. They're already annoyed at me. I know you don't use the browser internet, though. Pretty sure it'll be on Playstation Store.
I think everyone also thinks I'm brain dead for thinking PS3 version would be released on the 22nd with the rest of the versions and forgetting PSN only releases on Tuesdays and being and adventure gaming n00b... okay, so I'm not the brightest tool in the shed... and I have a tendency to be paranoid about these things... thinking everyone's out to get me... I need to just chill sometimes, you know?... too much caffiene that's what that's all about... *continues to rant about nothing in particular*
Short answer- yes.
Long answer- yeeeeeeeeeeees.
Detailed answer-
Yeah, I asked about the Season 1 and 2 on PS3 thing, too. I think they secretly think that casual console gamers are inferior
I'm with, I'm just gonna shut up about console versions and be glad they make them at all.
Haha what?
Looking forward to playing BTTF on PS3 when the time comes.
But today is December 23rd. Why would it not be out now? Did you hit your head?
Oh, you know, I'm only foolin'/being paranoid. I mean no offense. I just have strange feelings that everyone's out to get me every once in a while... *sigh*
You know, I get actually afraid of random laughther sometimes? I'm always thinking people are laughing at me.... :eek: How dare they? :mad: It's seems entirely possible they might be, though....
Oh but it is December 22nd.. I have gone back to the future you see.
Coincidence? Or Christmas?
My kids are awesome...
I can tell you already we will be watching the movies day one and playing the game.
BTTF Bluray Marathon? I've had two of those so far. Following it up with the game should be nice!
She will have NO clue I put you all up to it.