Making Elaine the Main Character for MI6

Since the special ending after the credits of Tales of Monkey Island, I think it would be cool if Elaine became the main character in the next game. Morgan would make an interesting villain since she's in love with Guybrush and would probably stop at nothing to get him.
With Elaine as the new protagonist, players could see the game in her perspective as she gets a taste of what Guybrush does. Or Elaine and Guybrush could be switchable characters allowing for puzzles to be multi-layered and have more complex solutions. (Kind of like the beginning of Tales Chap 1 when Elaine uses the rope to let Guybrush across the mast to get to the other side of the ship.)


  • edited August 2011
    I wouldn't mind having her playable for parts of the game, but I think Guybrush should still be the main character.
  • edited August 2011
    Switchable characters would work, but a full game with Elaine wouldn't. She's too serious, doesn't have the with and humour that Guybrush has, and thus the puzzles will be too logic for them to fit her character.

    I'd rather have LeChuck game, where the major part of the game is about setting a trap for Guybrush and Elaine. Or maybe a prequel to SOMI, where you play as LeChuck and have yet to meet Guybrush. The first part of the game would be to try and woo Elaine for her to marry her, and that part should end with Elaine telling her to drop dead. Then LeChuck decides do discover the secret of Monkey Island, and on his way he happens to visit Blood Island. And so forth.
  • edited August 2011
    I don't think a Monkey Island game would be a Monkey Island game without Guybrush as the main character.. Switchable characters might work though. But it should be limited. Perhaps as plot devices.
    I was thinking for instance, at the end of the game Guybrush gets captured and tortured by LeChuck/Main villain and Elaine has to find a way to rescue him.
  • edited August 2011
    I never liked adventure games where you have to switch character based on the story.
    Only as part of the gameplay, like in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, or in the Goblins series. I liked all characters, and after all they're so similar it's like the same character anyway.

    But I hated to be forced to play whole chapters as Gina in Runaway, as Nico in Broken Sword and as Max in Secret Files: Tunguska. Heck I wasn't even a big fan of playing as Max in Sam & Max S3, but at least that part was short enough.
    A good adventure game main character is not easy to create, and having a game series with TWO main characters is in my experience impossible.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2011
    The main character of MI6 is, of course, James Bond! Gettit?? :D
  • edited August 2011
    With what we know of Elaine's character and how she interacts with other people when Guybrush isn't around, I don't think she would be a very playable character. She has to be in the right places at the right time and manipulate people. She's not like Guybrush, who is pleasant/pathetic and plays the thinks-he's-sneaky kleptomaniac game, then uses items in bizzarre ways to do things. I reckon other people know he's doing these things and avoid him because he's weird. Elaine is more of your typical woman.

    LeChuck, on the other hand, would be great fun to play, as I'd imagine everyone would have fun thinking in a scheming, diabolical way, fuelled by misendevours, hatred and simply having the pirate-captain-to-rule-them-all psyche. The more I think about it, the Monkey Island: Legends of LeChuck, turning the course of the episodic model back to short stories that don't have to be connected is a great idea for one game. I'm certainly getting bored of the current Guybrush-LeChuck-Elaine dynamic now.

    As for playing other characters not being MI enough, it's still within the MI Universe and it needs expanding.
  • edited August 2011
    I would happily play an episode as Elaine.. but I would not want an entire game without Guybrush...
  • edited August 2011
    Unless Elaine had some kind of voodoo power that was given to her at the beginning of the game. That way players would have an "incentive" to play as her in the game and it would open the puzzle solving experiences if you're switching characters.
  • edited August 2011
    As stated earlier by someone else, I wouldn't mind Elaine as a helping character for Guybrush to get, I dunno, an item or something.

    An example that comes to mind is Majora's Mask with the Kafei mission where the player plays as both Link and Kafei to get to the other side (sounds like a chicken joke... digressing) so with that as an example, I wouldn't mind playing around as Elaine alongside Guybrush. Heck, I wouldn't mind temporarily playing as Elaine to get Guybrush out of a cage or something (again, with the Kafei mission in mind).
  • edited August 2011
    OR what if Guybrush and Elaine switched bodies because of some ancient voodoo curse and it can only be lifted by finding a lost treasure?
    That way it wouldn't seem odd that Elaine is doing what Guybrush does because he's Elaine! And Elaine would be forced to do what Guybrush does.
  • edited August 2011
    The main character of MI6 is, of course, James Bond! Gettit?? :D

    I thought Tom Cruise would still be around to play in MI6.
  • edited August 2011
    AppDude27 wrote: »
    OR what if Guybrush and Elaine switched bodies because of some ancient voodoo curse and it can only be lifted by finding a lost treasure?
    That way it wouldn't seem odd that Elaine is doing what Guybrush does because he's Elaine! And Elaine would be forced to do what Guybrush does.

    You've been playing too much Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island and watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.
  • edited August 2011
    I thought I heard rumors when MI4 was coming out that you would get to play as Elaine in some parts. Obviously that was false. I liked how in the Indy games you could switch between Indy to Henry/Sophia and if they ever did something like that in MI that's how I'd prefer it.
  • edited August 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    I thought I heard rumors when MI4 was coming out that you would get to play as Elaine in some parts. Obviously that was false. I liked how in the Indy games you could switch between Indy to Henry/Sophia and if they ever did something like that in MI that's how I'd prefer it.

    That idea might have stemmed from Bill Tiller wanting the sequel to Curse to have Elaine and LeChuck as playable characters. LA decided against this. Over 10 years later, we get Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island, where Tiller had full control over characters and story development.
  • edited August 2011
    Or Elaine and Guybrush could be switchable characters allowing for puzzles to be multi-layered and have more complex solutions.

    I often thought of that. Would be awesome. I mean guybrush still should have the most parts, but some parts for Elaine would be nice, and something really new in that series.

    Reminds me a bit of DOTT, with 3 playable chars.

    Another thing I would like if Guybrush and Elaine would have some Kids. So they could be kidnapped by Le Chuck, instead of Elaine. Elaine has been kidnapped too many times. ^^
  • edited August 2011
    I agree that Elaine shouldn't get kidnapped that much anymore, but I really really don't want them to have kids.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2011
    Okay, enough with the joking. ;)

    While I would not want to have Elaine as the player character in Tales 2, I'd be open to switching characters once in a while. We have to get a little closer to Elaine than before to still justify her being with Guybrush. When Morgan showed even the slightest sign of character development, people in here actually suggested Guybrush should leave Elaine for Morgan; Tales 2 must make up for this.
  • edited August 2011
    That was no joke. Serious. :D

    I would like them to have kids. Maybe 2, a boy that looks like little guybrush, and a girl that looks like little elaine. :D Getting kidnapped by Le Chuck. :D
  • edited August 2011
    Personally, I think that'd be silly, and would not allow Guybrush to go on adventures the way he does now, except for saving his kids from dangers, which seems... boring.
  • edited August 2011
    Personally, I think that'd be silly, and would not allow Guybrush to go on adventures the way he does now, except for saving his kids from dangers, which seems... boring.

    Why? There is a grandpa. 315496-herman2_large.jpg

    Most of the time he could look after the children, while guybrush and elaine are going on adventures. :D

    Okay, i see you don't like it.
  • edited September 2011
    Eww. Herman is not H.T. Marley.

    Nope. He's a crazy old coot who surreptitiously wormed his way into becoming Governor of the Tri-Island area.


    I wouldn't want my kids being looked after by a guy who, among other things, walks around in public with no pants on.
  • edited October 2011
    Or what if Guybrush was transformed into a parrot and now Elaine has to help him turn back to normal? It wouldn't be the whole game, it would just be for like one episode, and once Guybrush is back to normal, he would be given an item that lets him turn into the parrot to solve puzzles whenever he needs to.
  • edited October 2011
    AppDude27 wrote: »
    Or what if Guybrush was transformed into a parrot and now Elaine has to help him turn back to normal? It wouldn't be the whole game, it would just be for like one episode, and once Guybrush is back to normal, he would be given an item that lets him turn into the parrot to solve puzzles whenever he needs to.

    I like the outside-of-the-box thinking (it's what made S&M3 fun, after all), but I really don't think it would work with this IP. Due to there being a few pirate IPs out there now, I feel creating another one with this idea would lead into gallons of Grog XD plaigiarism (like more than we've had previously, which admittedly is hard to imagine).
  • edited October 2011
    Monkey Island game with playable Elaine:
    Use 'ability to kick ass and take names' with 'every puzzle in the game'.

    Eh, that'd still be harder than Back to the Future :cool:
  • edited October 2011
    Like it was mentioned earlier, Elaine needs a better character development foundation. In the first two games (Secret and LeChuck's Revenge) Elaine had very minor roles, if anything at all. Curse changed it because of the spell that she was under, but still Guybrush never really interacted with her until the end. Escape had more to do with Elaine, but she was occupied with saving her career and the adventure subsided.
    Tales really made a huge change with Elaine's character, making her somewhat better than in previous games, but I think TellTale could do a lot better with her in future installments of the series.
    And now that LeChuck is gone and Morgan is haunting the seas, it could potentially change the world of Monkey Island completely. What if Morgan falls in love with Guybrush?
    It would be giving Guybrush an idea of what Elaine had to face with LeChuck for 5 games and counting.
  • edited October 2011
    AppDude27 wrote: »
    What if Morgan falls in love with Guybrush?

    what do you mean IF?... she already has.:D
  • edited October 2011
    Lexxbomb wrote: »
    what do you mean IF?... she already has.:D

    True! Morgan's crush on Guybrush could be a basis for the whole game. Guybrush can get an idea of what Elaine faced with LeChuck all these years.
  • edited October 2011
    AppDude27 wrote: »
    True! Morgan's crush on Guybrush could be a basis for the whole game. Guybrush can get an idea of what Elaine faced with LeChuck all these years.

    I personally got the feeling, that if and when there is a MI6, Morgan will be like LeChuck, but in the sense she will be after Guybrush the same way he's after Elaine. Tbh, it wouldn't surprise me if Morgan and LeChuck ended up working together to slit up Elaine and Guybrush.
  • edited October 2011
    Grojak wrote: »
    I personally got the feeling, that if and when there is a MI6, Morgan will be like LeChuck, but in the sense she will be after Guybrush the same way he's after Elaine. Tbh, it wouldn't surprise me if Morgan and LeChuck ended up working together to slit up Elaine and Guybrush.

    Really? I got the impression that
    the Voodoo Lady
    was likely the new big bad.
  • edited October 2011
    Woodsyblue wrote: »
    Really? I got the impression that
    the Voodoo Lady
    was likely the new big bad.

    Oh I agree. But I still think LeChuck and Morgan will be the initial villains (more like DeSinge was in Tales).
  • edited November 2011
    Grojak wrote: »
    I personally got the feeling, that if and when there is a MI6, Morgan will be like LeChuck, but in the sense she will be after Guybrush the same way he's after Elaine. Tbh, it wouldn't surprise me if Morgan and LeChuck ended up working together to slit up Elaine and Guybrush.

    Yeah that would be a very interesting plot change for the MI series and even future game installments beyond Tales. I think having Morgan as a villain in general would be an exciting twist. And her personality is a lot different than LeChuck. I mean she's very blunt, whereas LeChuck plans out his schemes in every game. They would make a really evil team now that I think about it...
  • edited November 2011
    Elaine being the main character for a game would not work, since she does not have the same charisma as Guybrush, and writing funny/interesting dialogue and commentary would be a whole lot harder for her. Guybrush is the perfect playable character, as he's basically a vehicle for funny jabs, comments and one-liners. It's the character of Guybrush which breathes a whole lot of life into the Monkey Island world. Doing things from Elaine's perspective would not be as fun, as interesting or as effective.

    Elaine and Guybrush having children is a terrible idea, I think. For one thing, it's predictable and is an unimaginative direction to take the series. Also, it would restrict and tie down the series, to a degree, because it will bound two of the leading characters to a responsibility. And having the children be a 'mini-Guybrush' and a 'mini-Elaine' would just be incredibly corny and just downright inane.

    Having Morgan as a definitive villain would not work either, as it would defy a lot of her actions in the later chapters of 'Tales of Monkey Island'.

    Also, the best way to mix up the formula is simply to have a new villain. LeChuck's the reason why the series' main plot is becoming so repetitious. He's the reason why Elaine keeps getting kidnapped, he's the reason why Guybrush's main aim at the end of every game is to find a way to kill him (obviously), and he's the one who is constantly forcing the formula into a repetitive cycle. Yeah, we all love LeChuck, but it's time to keep him dead on this occasion, unless we all want to have the same core story and character motivation in the next game.

    The series needs to be refreshed in some way to prevent things from becoming stale, but new playable characters, change of allegiances, and the introduction of children into the story - these are not the ways to do it.
  • edited November 2011
    I still think that having Elaine as the main character, even for ONE episode, would still a nice and refreshing change. She may not be as funny or witty as Guybrush, and she probably won't be as funny and witty as Guybrush. That's not who she is, however I don't think her lack of humor should detract the idea that she can't be a playable character.

    As for Guybrush and Elaine having kids for a future game, I'm also not too fond of the idea; however, I'm still open to it. I mean as long as the kids aren't the center purpose of the adventure itself and they're at least integrated into the plot as not a factor that holds the characters back, then I would be fine with it.

    I completely agree with LeChuck being overdone as a villain. LeChuck is almost as synonymous as Bowser from Mario Bros or Gannon from Zelda. Monkey Island does need a new villain, and by the look of the last game, I think they may have one. I wouldn't mind having Morgan as a villain at all. She's essentially a female LeChuck!

    Anyways I understand that having Elaine as the main character of the series would be asking for too much, but having her as a playable character for an episode, or even just specific parts that need her would be a new and refreshing change.
  • edited November 2011
    lol maybe have Elaine of Guybrush turned into children...
    I imagine a scene in which adult Guybrush/Elaine has to collect/ manage 5-7 child versions of their partner due to a voodoo curse and the curse has each child being an aspect of the adult character... so we could explore the facetes of each character...

    imagine Guybrush having to deal with small 6 year old versions of Elaine that each focus on one character trait, the manipulator (Govenor), The Swashbuckler (Likes to fight alot), The Lovey Dovey, The Smart Arse...and each would have interesting Banter with the main Character and have to be used/'collected to solved the curse... could be fun.
  • edited November 2011
    Lexxbomb wrote: »
    lol maybe have Elaine of Guybrush turned into children...
    I imagine a scene in which adult Guybrush/Elaine has to collect/ manage 5-7 child versions of their partner due to a voodoo curse and the curse has each child being an aspect of the adult character... so we could explore the facetes of each character...

    imagine Guybrush having to deal with small 6 year old versions of Elaine that each focus on one character trait, the manipulator (Govenor), The Swashbuckler (Likes to fight alot), The Lovey Dovey, The Smart Arse...and each would have interesting Banter with the main Character and have to be used/'collected to solved the curse... could be fun.

    That actually sounds like a really humorous plot line! That way Elaine could be fleshed out better and there would be a reason to going through the Caribbean all over again. I don't know about the kids aspect of it; I mean if Elaine just broke up into 6 versions of herself, I would be fine with that.

    I was also thinking, what if Guybrush lost his memory accidentally and he's manipulated into believing that he's a villain and Elaine has to bring his memory back?
  • edited November 2011
    Guinea wrote: »
    I never liked adventure games where you have to switch character based on the story.
    Only as part of the gameplay, like in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, or in the Goblins series. I liked all characters, and after all they're so similar it's like the same character anyway.

    But I hated to be forced to play whole chapters as Gina in Runaway, as Nico in Broken Sword and as Max in Secret Files: Tunguska. Heck I wasn't even a big fan of playing as Max in Sam & Max S3, but at least that part was short enough.
    A good adventure game main character is not easy to create, and having a game series with TWO main characters is in my experience impossible.

    It seems that we have opposite views about this issue. I haven't played Runaway, but I don't mind playing as Nico (I like both heroes) in BS games or Max (although Nina is my favourite of the two.) in SF series. Still best pair of heroes in adventure game history are Gabriel Knight and Grace Nakimura from GK2 and 3, because their different points of view serve the story and both are interesting characters. In GK3 Grace's Le Serpent Rouge -puzzle which lasted several chapters is one of the best ones in adventure game history.

    However when it comes to Monkey Island I can't see anyone except Guybrush as the main hero. Only thing which I would find acceptable is that you could switch between two characters to solve a single puzzle.
  • edited December 2011
    AppDude27 wrote: »
    That actually sounds like a really humorous plot line! That way Elaine could be fleshed out better and there would be a reason to going through the Caribbean all over again. I don't know about the kids aspect of it; I mean if Elaine just broke up into 6 versions of herself, I would be fine with that.

    THIS HERE telltale should be the next season of Monkey Island... get on it.:D
  • edited April 2012
    Lexxbomb wrote: »
    THIS HERE telltale should be the next season of Monkey Island... get on it.:D

    Haha, it DEFINITELY needs to be the next season of the Monkey Island game!! I would for sure buy this game!
  • edited April 2012
    Monkey Island without Guybrush Threepwood would be like Star Wars without Luke Skywalker, and we know how the prequels turned out.
  • edited April 2012
    Monkey Island without Guybrush Threepwood would be like Star Wars without Luke Skywalker, and we know how the prequels turned out.

    Hm... Nah, bad comparison. Case in point: Kyle Katarn, Mara Jade, Darth Revan, and some others kinda disagree with you :p

    And the reason why that's a bad comparison is because Star Wars is a universe that can live on by itself, so to speak, while Monkey Island universe pretty much revolves around Guybrush (so yeah, I do agree with you :p I just don't agree with the comparison you did), and there's not much to it once you take Guybrush out of the equation.
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