Season 1 Disc Information!



  • edited May 2007
    I expect the games will be the same as the downloadable ones.. remember, this is just a bonus they're kind enough to give us.

    I was expecting to get a DVD with all the episodes on in a little slipcase and nothing else.. I had no idea they would give us all this extra stuff as well. It's really awesome :D
  • edited May 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    I'm just waiting for someone to complain this thing isn't released on Blue-Ray :p
    Best one-liner in the entire thread.

    The DVD looks to be fantabulous, Telltale! The CD check is a little annoying, but understandable. It used to be standard on all games, so I'm counting it as an anachronistic feature to better immerse ourselves into the roles of the C.O.P.S.

    Let the great wait for the shipping date begin!

    also, the release of the Season disc would be a good time to push new t-shirt/hat/poster merchandise, yes? Or do I have to drop the 1000kg weight I've named "Big Hint"?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    We love making new Sam & Max merchandise, so yeah theres a good chance of seeing some sort of new stuff (who knows what, though).
  • edited May 2007
    Great! I love buying Sam & Max merch :D
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    We love making new Sam & Max merchandise, so yeah theres a good chance of seeing some sort of new stuff (who knows what, though).

    A live-action Sam and Max feature film, directed by Jerry Bruckheimer and starring Danny Devito as Max, Jim Belushi as Sam, Gary Coleman as all three Soda Poppers, and Marilyn Manson as Hugh Bliss?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    You read our minds! The trailer was supposed to hit with Spider-Man 3, but due to a fistfight between Brendan and Tobey Maguire outside a high profile Bay Area restaurant, they've decided to hold it off and premiere it with the DVD release of Are We Done Yet?
  • edited May 2007
    hahahahahaha.... (warning: slight thread derailment) Am I the only one who thinks Are We Done Yet is just The Money Pit remade for the young'ns?
  • edited May 2007

    Well, i do complain as it seems that each vendor does only sees his product and not the whole story in which you have to swap those disks each time you want to start a different game unless you get yourself non-cd patches who really everyone i know nowadays uses although having bought originals. This is really just a joke and there is no benefit for those who bought the software.

    I've already registered an account so why can't i use this one without any further hassle? Make an online check if available and if not do the cd check for instance or come up with something more innovative (goodie copy protection, i'm sure if you think about it you can come up with something more complex than a codewheel whilst still beeing easy to use).

    The CD check will be performed (if i suspect right) each time you start the game and forces you to keep this disc in the drive. My online registiation only asked me once for each install. I think it's quite obvious which way is easier to deal with...
  • edited May 2007
    Awesome! No complaints from me! But I do have a question... The same question I asked back in November... I would like to quote myself from this thread:
    ken830 wrote: »
    I already purchased Season 1, and am planning on paying for shipping for the CD of the entire season. But I also want one of those super-stylish Max crossbones caps! $16 is a good price, but almost $7 on shipping is not. Can the shipping be combined?

    And I live and work in the Bay Area, so I could actually do a pick-up... It would be nice if there was a will-call window... It would be even nicer if I could get a tour of the place... *hint* *hint* :)

    So? Whaddaya say?! I really want a cap, and I will definitely be getting the Season 1 DVD! Can we combine them in one order to save on shipping!? I'm sure a lot of people here would want some merchandise too... Think of all the sales! Please?
  • edited May 2007
    Soup wrote: »
    The DVD looks to be fantabulous, Telltale! The CD check is a little annoying, but understandable. It used to be standard on all games, so I'm counting it as an anachronistic feature to better immerse ourselves into the roles of the C.O.P.S.
    "used to be?" "anachronistic?" I don't have a single game that doesn't do the CD/DVD check. Except for Half-Life 2, I guess, but of course that's got the super-convenient, streamlined, and trouble-free Steam system running at all times.

    Man, when I think of all the times I've had to take a CD out of its jewel case, put it in my drive, and push the door closed, just to play a videogame, it's amazing I even have the energy left to type. All those minutes of my life slipping through my fingers like sand through an hourglass. I look up from the drive to realize my children have already grown up and gone to college. And my son -- the baby I once held in my arms, dreaming of his potential -- is already digging through his own CD library to play an M-rated game, and I realize that the boy is just like me. The boy is just like me.
  • edited May 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    Man, when I think of all the times I've had to take a CD out of its jewel case, put it in my drive, and push the door closed, just to play a videogame, it's amazing I even have the energy left to type. All those minutes of my life slipping through my fingers like sand through an hourglass. I look up from the drive to realize my children have already grown up and gone to college. And my son -- the baby I once held in my arms, dreaming of his potential -- is already digging through his own CD library to play an M-rated game, and I realize that the boy is just like me. The boy is just like me.

    Sniff... so beautiful..... :p

    True, though. One of the things that make me want to have a kid is teaching them the importance of late-night LAN parties with cheeto-dust covered hands and a 6 pack of energy drinks at your side. The moral obligation to not spam MMO servers with requests for A,S, and/or L.

    And most importantly,
    The Gaming Commandments. (abridged for forum purposes)
    Thou shalt not hax.
    Thou shalt not TK, KS or SK.
    Thou mustn't hype thine own console, whilst proclaiming it to be The One True Console.
    Thou shalt not spam.
    Honor thy classics.

    There are others, but... yeah.... I'm sleep-deprived... don't mind me.
  • edited May 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    "used to be?" "anachronistic?" I don't have a single game that doesn't do the CD/DVD check. Except for Half-Life 2, I guess, but of course that's got the super-convenient, streamlined, and trouble-free Steam system running at all times.

    Man, when I think of all the times I've had to take a CD out of its jewel case, put it in my drive, and push the door closed, just to play a videogame, it's amazing I even have the energy left to type. All those minutes of my life slipping through my fingers like sand through an hourglass. I look up from the drive to realize my children have already grown up and gone to college. And my son -- the baby I once held in my arms, dreaming of his potential -- is already digging through his own CD library to play an M-rated game, and I realize that the boy is just like me. The boy is just like me.

    The funny thing is he doesnt even have to put the cd in because he's already got the downloadable episodes sitting on his computer :)
  • edited May 2007
    exactly. BE happy. Telltale are amazing.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2007
    The first thing I thought when I saw the Sam & Max Season One disc information page:

    "Woah. Fone Bone. By a ship. What the heck? Ooh. An image of Max as a pirate. I really want to get that disc now to find out what this is all about."
  • edited May 2007
    What that was about:
    TT decided to webcast a toy pirate that grows in water, that there screenshot is from the webcast
  • edited May 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    exactly. BE happy.
    hugh bliss
    has got to you hasn't
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    ken830 wrote: »
    Awesome! No complaints from me! But I do have a question... The same question I asked back in November... I would like to quote myself from this thread:

    So? Whaddaya say?! I really want a cap, and I will definitely be getting the Season 1 DVD! Can we combine them in one order to save on shipping!? I'm sure a lot of people here would want some merchandise too... Think of all the sales! Please?

    We'd be very happy if people took advantage of that moment to also pick up some more products from our store in one order, so barring unforseen tech-explosions, count on being able to bundle some other stuff with your season set order.
  • edited May 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    The CD check will be performed (if i suspect right) each time you start the game and forces you to keep this disc in the drive. My online registiation only asked me once for each install. I think it's quite obvious which way is easier to deal with...

    I understand where you are coming from. Personally, I much rather want a disc check then some creepy online activation which sends my private information(without telling me exactly what it is sending) across the Internet, perhaps it is even encrypted to make sure I don't understand it is sending a list of all the files I have on my hardrive, or the name of my last girlfriend.

    Even though I don't like checks of this kind at all, no matter if it's offline or online, of the two evils I think the disc check is the smallest. I always got plenty of dvd drives/cd drives lying around, and I can always find a way to put a dvd/cd drive into my computer, but there aren't always a internet connection around. Also, in many cases daemon tools and such can make it possible to stash an image on my drive instead, and keep the disc safe away from harm. I just hope they have picked a computer friendly protection, not safedisc or starforce... SecuROM would be the best, or something Jake and Mark has hacked together in the backroom :) Best of all with a disc check is that I can play the game in 10 or 20 years without an Internet connection. Of course, another issue is if it's possible to make backup copies of the DVD(in case of scratches), but at least disc checks are more longwitty than online activations.
  • edited May 2007
    But you need the online connection only once and then you're free to go. With the cd-check you'll always have to take the disc with you. Playing the game on your desktop at home, plug the disc in the drive. Wanting to play the game on your laptop when you're around. You need to take the disc with you.

    As for the personal data. I understand you but you already gave your information to them so if you don't trust ttg then it's kind of to late now... ;O)

    By the way why isn't the serial i already got enough to unlock the game? I guess this is a serial built on personal data?
  • edited May 2007
    This DVD is everything I dreamed it could be. Thanks Telltale.
    I prefer the cd-check myself btw.
  • edited May 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    But you need the online connection only once and then you're free to go. With the cd-check you'll always have to take the disc with you. Playing the game on your desktop at home, plug the disc in the drive. Wanting to play the game on your laptop when you're around. You need to take the disc with you.

    Nobody's going to be stopping you from continuing to use the downloadable versions.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Nobody's going to be stopping you from continuing to use the downloadable versions.

    Exactly. If you don't like it, don't get them to ship it.
  • edited May 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    But you need the online connection only once and then you're free to go.
    It has to be reactivated if you make major changes to your computer.
    And what if the activation servers go offline? Then what? You'll be stuck with a demo if you ever upgrade your PC.

    And just use the versions you already have, I can't see why you're complaining. I'm sure the versions on the DVD will be exactly the same as the downloadable ones and I doubt any of the extra content has any CD checks.
  • edited May 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    And just use the versions you already have, I can't see why you're complaining. I'm sure the versions on the DVD will be exactly the same as the downloadable ones and I doubt any of the extra content has any CD checks.

    The extras are DVD-Video content, so that's sort of built-in disc checking :)
  • edited May 2007
    I don't think there's any real hardship in taking the disc with you wherever you want to play it. Just get a CD carry case or something, most games have that sort of protection now (Broken Sword 4 being the first game that comes to mind).

    I don't mind the copy protection on the downloadable versions or the DVD version. It's not that intrusive, and stops Telltale being ripped off for their hard work.

    Also, the drive shouldn't make too much noise reading the game unless it's getting old now. Mine's not top of the range or brand new, but it doesn't make much noise.

    Besides, it sounds like it'll be worth getting for the extra features alone.
  • edited May 2007
    Do you really think that someone would be interested in playing a version which has depending on the episode different bugs and worse audio quality then the DVD version he also owns? I hope not...
  • edited May 2007
    The fear to get stucked also showed up with HL2. I never experienced it but i see your point and that's the reason i've said a) why do i need anything beside of my personalised serial or another mechansim which is more fun too and b) if you are more the Fort Knoxs type then check for the serial online and if there is no connection then go for the DVD check instead.

    Really there must be a better solution than implementing a copyprotection which is none and you patch instantly.

  • edited May 2007
    This is incredibly awesome TT staff :) I couldn't be more thrilled. I will order the dics as soon as it is available, and maybe a bit of other Sam & Max stuff as well!
  • edited May 2007
    OMG! what the heck is with the complaining? TELLTALE YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I'm so excited about this disk!!
    as for disk checks.. whoopdy f'n do, so the drive boots up once in a while.. oh no, my world is shattering from the shere effort of having to place a cd in a drive. Someone else said it much better than I ever could though.. lol about the strength to type.
    Anyway, at least it's only one disk. I've NEVER in my life heard someone complain about something as inane as having to use a cd.. I mean wth? the only part of cds i've found annoying is multiple disks with no option to just install the lot in one go (Baldur's gate, torment, Grim fandango even). I hate disk switching but when I sit down to play a game that disk stays in the drive till i'm done playing. actually, most of the time they stay in the drive till I find a new game and realise both my disk drives already have disks in em.. oops.

    speaking of disk drives and sorta off topic: Does anyone remember the days when to use a cd drive you had to place the cd in that wierd protective box thingie and then slot it into the drive? those things drove me nuts, they were like giant minidisk covers and were annoying to open.

    Telltale> ok, so we have commentry which is awesome.. what about the soundtrack? There's still a lot of tracks that haven't been released like most of the end credit tracks (Ted E bear theme with lyrics, Maxmaxmaxmax world etc). Yay soundtrack!
    And ooo combined shipping... curse you tempting me to buy more stuff I have no room for... mmmm s&m book... mmm posters... mmm stuffffff!
  • edited May 2007
    taumel, it sort of sounds like we're not going to make you happy no matter what we do, here.
  • edited May 2007
    No, that's a wrong impression. Actually i'm very happy with a lot of things you guys do and i also wrote this more than once. The last time in my review about e6 and i also promote your game on different lists (game developers as gamers) and word by mouth propaganda but that doesn't mean that everything is nice.

    I'm just not happy with the way the DVD protection is working, like most of the poeple who i know aren't happy with those mechanisms. It surely needs some rethinking and stats to make a meaningful decision on this one but i strongly believe that there could be a better solution. Pirated copies already include these patches out of the box. The only ones who have some etxra work with it or have to life with these limitation are those who buy an original. Does it really has to be this way?

    And just doing it because the others do it as well doesn't sound convincing to me.
  • edited May 2007
    It sucks how I have to put DVD's into my dvd player to watch movies. Sucks, major.

    I don't get it!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    The downloadable versions will also be updated to be in sync with the versions on the DVD and the Retail release. It'll all be the same.
  • edited May 2007
    Think of it this way: They're not using Starforce, they're not using CD-Keys, there's no middleware (like Steam) needed, and it's much more work to redownload than it is to take the DVD out of it's case and put it in the drive. The next logical step in convienience would be to have someone play the games for you :P
  • edited May 2007
    Even as much as I dislike them, a disk-check is a relative non-issue, because the first thing I do when I buy a game is download a no-cd "patch" for it.
  • edited May 2007
    I always thought double clicking the game icon was too much work. How about including some Windows modification that lets you start the game by only clicking on the icon once?

    I would also appreciate it if Sam & Max did everything on their own except when I move the mouse to take control... sometimes I find it too much work to actually move the characters around on screen, surely this can be remedied?

    Oh and opening the menu screen wears me out.. I'd like keyboard shortcuts to all the options and a keyboard layout I can put on top of my keyboard so I won't have to go through all the trouble to memorize them.
  • edited May 2007
    Telltale, you've really outdone yourselves (again). This DVD looks to give us fans more than I ever could've expected. How many other game companies can you think of which do this for their products? You spoil really do!
    OMG! what the heck is with the complaining? TELLTALE YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!
    Anyway, at least it's only one disk. I've NEVER in my life heard someone complain about something as inane as having to use a cd. when I sit down to play a game that disk stays in the drive till i'm done playing. actually, most of the time they stay in the drive till I find a new game and realise both my disk drives already have disks in em.. oops.

    ^Great stuff!
    Hmm...what game should I play today...FEAR? Alright, I'll pop the DVD into my DVD-ROM and start up the game. Maybe I'll play Fable; pop the CD into my CD-ROM and play the game. Y'know, I think I'll play the super-awesome Sam & Max Season 1. I'll pop the DVD into my DVD-ROM and play the game.

    How many years have PC Gamers been doing this? What is so difficult about this process?!? :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2007
    This is the best news ever. I took me about 5 months to make up my mind before purchasing the whole season. I would have done it from day one if it weren't for the online activation.

    Not that I mind activating, but I collect adventure games and my concern was that I wouldn't be able to play the games again in 6 or 7 years if the activation servers went down for some reason. I replay most of my adventure games every 3 years or so for nostalgic value.

    Season one will have a special place on my shelf, right next to the kq1 remake which was the very first adv game I bought years ago. (Don't think the 9 floppies it came on work anymore, but the manual from that game is splendid)

    Thank you Telltale! You'll have my support for as long as you keep the seasons rolling in.
  • edited May 2007
    Can someone from telltale come over here and play the game for me..its too much work.. I hate these game mechanisms where you actually have to move the mouse around to play.. I just want to sit motionless and do nothing.
  • edited May 2007
    I really think you guys should stop now. This is passing over to mockery.
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