Season 1 Disc Information!



  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    There will be gripping close ups of the aqua carpet with special emphasis on the weird shaped stains. :p
  • edited May 2007
    Ooh, sweet! Maybe Grow-A-Pirate should get a commentary too...
  • edited May 2007
    Ewww, wierd shaped stains. The possibilities are endless. :(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Yeah, I'd much prefer a CD check over authentication. It seems like my Activation Key for Culture Shock expires every time I play it. If it means that I can play the game with no hassle, I'd be more than willing to submit to the occasional CD check.

    Are you using Vista? If yes, that's why. It's a bug. ;)

    If you're not using Vista... well, the system is a bit more finicky than we'd like. Which is one of the reasons we're actively looking for ways to improve it. The fact that we can't snap our fingers and make instant changes doesn't mean we're not listening to everything you guys say, and also taking what you say and extrapolating it in our minds until it's so loud and repetitious we have to hide under the desk in a fetal ball.

    Hmm... too much information, maybe?
  • edited May 2007
    Actually, yes, I am using Vista.

    Wow, not only does TellTale listen to their fans, their staff is made up entirely of mind readers!
    And not the creepy, overly cheerful space bacteria type, either!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    We have an alternate version that works on Vista, that you can use until we fix this in the retail version. If you want it, just email and ask.

    Otherwise, we'll have the Vista bug fixed soon. :)
  • edited May 2007
    That's all right, I can wait. Take your time.
  • edited May 2007
    I've been using Vista (Vista Ultimate x64) since episode 4, and never had a problem with activation.
  • edited May 2007

    Really happy with this and i must own it.

    This is a question i've been wondering for a while but not to worried about... is there any plans for how the six episodes will be displayed. Will it be that you play as chapters? will you be able to choose which episode you want to play straight from the start? will it play as one game with no credits inbetween (most unlikely)

    just wondering out of curiousity
  • edited May 2007
    My guess is that it is simply the episodes put on a DVD. This is just a bonus, not something with a big budget or anything.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm really wondering how high shipping and taxes will be for Germany... We've got 19% VAT on all things here (just raised from 16%).

    In which countries will you deliver the DVD?

    Oh my god, a DISK CHECK!! I will be forced to USE the DVD sent to me. I can't stand it...
    *irony off*
    Buy yourself a second DVD drive and all your trouble are gone. There's a application named "SpeedMeter" or so, that can slow down your drive, so it doesn't make any noises.

    Glad to help :)
  • edited May 2007
    I bought Episode 1 in Nov '06 and was initially put off by the activation scheme (no need to discuss it, don't want to either). However, the recent announcement of the DVD changes all that.

    So, I've just upgraded to the full season and the rest is history. ;)

    Thanks Telltale! :D
  • edited May 2007
    I'm really wondering how high shipping and taxes will be for Germany... We've got 19% VAT on all things here (just raised from 16%).

    In which countries will you deliver the DVD?

    I can't answer the shipping/tax question, because I don't know, but we'll sell the DVD to customers in any country we're legally allowed to sell things to.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I can't answer the shipping/tax question, because I don't know, but we'll sell the DVD to customers in any country we're legally allowed to sell things to.

    "Legally allowed to sell?" You have a restricted shipping list too?! Dear God, I hope my state isn't on it. Nobody will ship anything to Tennessee for stupid legal reasons, forcing me to get all my online purchases from the one site I hate the most....
  • edited May 2007
    There are some countries US companies aren't legally allowed to sell to because of trade sanctions, etc. Tennessee is not a problem.
  • edited May 2007
    Oh good. I'm happy again.:)
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    There are some countries US companies aren't legally allowed to sell to because of trade sanctions, etc. Tennessee is not a problem.
    Kentucky, on the other hand...nothin' thar but terrerists.
  • edited May 2007

    Any official word on whether the DVD will have starforce or not?

    Also, will you be shipping the season 1 disc to Canada? I'm only asking because some distributors (Amazon among others) won't ship videogames to Canada for some reason.

    Thank you :)
  • edited May 2007
    I just said 5 posts earlier that we'll ship to any country we're legally allowed to :p

    And no, the disc won't use starforce.
  • edited May 2007
    A little bit of a complicated question, but I try to formulate it :)

    I have bought the complete package of all 6 episodes. Now, here in Germany, Jowood will release the complete Season 1 completly localized in it possible for me (and others) to get this one instead the english one for shipping only?

  • edited May 2007
    Will you be shipping the disc to... Gneheheh... Sorry, just couldn't resist. :)

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Nemisi wrote: »
    A little bit of a complicated question, but I try to formulate it :)

    I have bought the complete package of all 6 episodes. Now, here in Germany, Jowood will release the complete Season 1 completly localized in it possible for me (and others) to get this one instead the english one for shipping only?


    The JoWood and Adventure Company retail releases are completely separate products from the downloadable Season One w/bonus disc offering that we're doing on this site - the actual disc product you'll be getting from us is a disc release produced by Telltale, not by JoWood/The Adventure Company - so the deals aren't really swappable.
  • edited May 2007
    does that mean the TTG version of the DVD won't have localization of the voices(like in german, spanish, french...)?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    That's correct. It's patched and updated versions of the exact games you downloaded, plus a gigantic helping of extras.
  • edited May 2007
    Localization is evil, I hate it with a passion! Nothing worse than Norwegian text or voices in a game, I want the original text and the original voice actors! Fortunately not a lot of games are localized here.
  • edited May 2007
    same here. The only games I have bought which had localized versions (as well as the english versions) was Dreamfall and The Longest Journey. But those games were made by a norwegian company, so I think it's only fair that they released the game with languages from that country. Beside, I thought the norwegian voices were quite good. Anyway, when an american or UK based company releases games with voices in german or french I find it a bit silly. I mean, the only way to learn good english is through using it. Playing dubed games and watching dubed movies won't improve peoples ability to communicate in english(which you need to talk with very many people these days, in our global world).

    I mean, in dreamfall, you could just turn the voices and text over to english, and in TLJ, you could just install another version. But on many games(at least a bit older games), the localized version only contains the game in the localized language, which can ruin the gaming experience, since the english voices sometimes say things differently than the voice speaking for the localized version does.
  • edited May 2007
    Great work with the dvd. I wanna thank Telltale for their kindness. They really does anything for their fans to be happy:D
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Localization is evil, I hate it with a passion! Nothing worse than Norwegian text or voices in a game, I want the original text and the original voice actors! Fortunately not a lot of games are localized here.

    I have never experienced a single localized movie/game in Norway... (Exept cartoons for children that can't read yet, and "Kripos" that is locolized from swedish (polis) to norwegian) But there is a Norwegian game called The Longest Journey (Den Lengste Reisen) that is in Norwegian, and was in fact localized to English. Is that evil?:confused:
  • edited May 2007
    But I agree. Localization is a bad thing...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Some people really really like it, and we're happy to work with JoWood/TAC to provide it, but we haven't got it for our season 1 bonus disc.
  • edited May 2007
    Jostein wrote: »
    I have never experienced a single localized movie/game in Norway
    The Sims games for instance :) And that PS2 game.. that gameshow thing with the custom controller.. forgotten the name.
    But there is a Norwegian game called The Longest Journey (Den Lengste Reisen) that is in Norwegian, and was in fact localized to English. Is that evil?:confused:
    Well.. it's a little different when we're talking about a small language like Norwegian.. it's only spoken by a few million people. But I think they should've given users the option to have it in the original language (in this case Norwegian), I always prefer that no matter what. Or they could always use the original voices and have English subtitles.

    Hey, I see you're from Stavanger.. I live near Bryne :)
  • edited May 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    The Sims games for instance :) And that PS2 game.. that gameshow thing with the custom controller.. forgotten the name.

    Yes, of course, thank you for reminding me... But at least in the Sims you got the option to choose english, so thats ok. I've never played the PS2 game so I don't know how that works...
    Armakuni wrote: »
    But I think they should've given users the option to have it in the original language (in this case Norwegian), I always prefer that no matter what. Or they could always use the original voices and have English subtitles.

    I agree with you there. You should always have the option to choose the original language.
    Armakuni wrote: »
    Hey, I see you're from Stavanger.. I live near Bryne

    Cool... Great to meet other S&M fans around here. I'm from Vassøy outside Stavanger...:D

    But maby we've run a bit off-topic here. The bonus disc isn't localized.
  • edited May 2007
    Jostein wrote: »
    Cool... Great to meet other S&M fans around here. I'm from Vassøy outside Stavanger...:D

    But maby we've run a bit off-topic here. The bonus disc isn't localized.

    I'm from Sandvika, right outside of Oslo ;). Yeah, beside, I think JoWooD is a Austrian company, at least originally, so in a way they are just translating it to their own language when they make a localized version in german :) Anyway, I rather want a lot of bonus material instead of many localized versions.
  • edited May 2007
    Wait, what the hell? How on earth does anyone have such a problem with localization? Probably a good 45% of the video games I have ever played have been localized - I mean, it's not like I can speak Japanese.

    Sometimes, localization teams do a really fantastic job. A good localization can really help a game...
  • edited May 2007
    For Japanese games, they should give you the option to have the text in either English or Japanese.. but the voices should be in Japanese. They should never replace the original voice actors, they just just sub it (in my opinion).
  • edited May 2007
    I've confused myself with the pricing:
    Do you only pay money for shipping and handling, or do you have to pay the typical $34.95 also?
  • edited May 2007
    You only have to pay the shipping if already have the episodes.
  • edited May 2007
    I haven't gotten the episodes yet , so I'd have to pay the $34.95 right?
  • edited May 2007
    Ooze33 wrote: »
    I haven't gotten the episodes yet , so I'd have to pay the $34.95 right?

    Yep, plus shipping and any applicable taxes for your country.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Yep, plus shipping and any applicable taxes for your country.

  • edited May 2007
    This is going to rule. One question, I know there will be commentarys but will it have behind-the-scenes clips. I just love those kind of things.

    PS. sam + max + me = happness
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