Season 1 Disc Information!



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Nope, our disc hasn't got any behind the scenes clips. At least not any obvious ones.
  • edited May 2007
    Hey, when is that disc going to be ready guys/girls? I wanna get some other stuff too! :p No rush though.
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Hey, when is that disc going to be ready guys/girls? I wanna get some other stuff too! :p No rush though.

    I second this query! Mostly because I'm curious how long I can last against the TellTale Texas Hold 'Em crew.
  • edited May 2007
    How long is this bonus DVD offer going to be available after it gets released (around mid-June, apparently)? I leave for Navy boot camp next week and will be there until about August, so I won't be having any internet access to allow me to place the order for the next two months or so. I'd hate to miss out on this deal!:)
  • edited May 2007
    If they know what's good for 'em, it'll be available for at least forever! :p Because eventually someone hundreds of years from now will want it, and they won't be able to find it on Ebay and they'll be pissed. ;) Speaking of Texas Hold 'Em, I thought the demo of it was actually pretty cool. Neat little game really.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Artwking, you'll still be able to get it when you get back.

    Everyone else - it'll be ready when it's ready. We're working very hard on it. ;) (I actually just spent like three hours testing all the menus...)
  • edited May 2007
    Excellent! Carry on, then, and take your time!:D Test the hell out of those menus!
  • edited May 2007
    Does anyone know if it will be possible to get this in the UK? If so, how much will it cost in pounds?
  • edited May 2007
    They will ship it to customers of Season 1 all over the world.
  • edited May 2007
    Armakuni wrote: »
    They will ship it to customers of Season 1 all over the world.

    Thanks for the reply! :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    I've heard it can cost around $10 to ship one of our games or books internationally (so what, £4-6?), but don't quote me on that!
  • edited May 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I've heard it can cost around $10 to ship one of our games or books internationally (so what, £4-6?), but don't quote me on that!

    Yeah. Right now, £5.04.

    Although, that could easily change!
  • edited May 2007

    This banner was on!

  • edited May 2007
    I am not sure has this been asked yet, but since DVD obviously has more space can the voices/sounds come with less compression? Will other CD/DVD releases have less compression or are the identical?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    No, we ended up making an executive decision not to do anything with the sound compression on the disc versions because it would have required a lot of backtracking and work that we didn't have the manpower for.

    I've been told that tweaks are going to be made to our tools that make it easier for us to swap between low quality audio and high quality audio for future games.
  • edited May 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    No, we ended up making an executive decision not to do anything with the sound compression on the disc versions because it would have required a lot of backtracking and work that we didn't have the manpower for.

    I've been told that tweaks are going to be made to our tools that make it easier for us to swap between low quality audio and high quality audio for future games.

    I'm very disappointed to learn that... it's like reading "no, Season One is a game made for people who live alone and have crappy speakers, and will allways be."
    I am so sad :(
  • edited May 2007
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.

    damn you telltale!
  • edited May 2007
    -sobs quietly-
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.
    Because it's already taken the spot. ;)
  • edited May 2007
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.

    Ehh, Sam and Max will never need a prenup.
  • edited May 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.
    I was sure it was a mistake to buy this game, why didn't I listen to my eight-ball :(
  • edited June 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.

    No, some people are just to nerdy. It's like sam said "the horror!"
  • edited June 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    It's true, Sam & Max Season One may actually prevent you from ever finding true love.

    And so it happens... thousands of computer geeks hearts are crushed like a school full of tiny orphan children being told that Santa doesn't exist by a drunken ex-military school master who doesn't think twice about using the phrase "Santa is your parents."
  • edited June 2007

    I'd say that it's "officially" considered mid June now. What happened to the page?
  • edited June 2007
    Tomorrow is mid-June :P
  • edited June 2007
    Mid june isn't one day though... It's a collection of days. So technically I'd consider it mid june. We're a good way into it!
  • edited June 2007
    I consider mid-June an infinitesimal fraction of a second at the very beginning of the 15th... and I hope Telltale has the quantum computer capable of putting the page up at that precise moment. :D
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah mid june is this week.. if its not ready..lets start a picket line protest outside telltale's offices!
  • edited June 2007
    so wait, this stuff that coming out on The Summer of Sam & Max subsite page: is it included on the DVD (my guess is no)? Or shall I have to start locally archiving every new bit of info that comes out (my guess is yes)?


    any hints/confirmations/spoilers as to what stuff is going onto the Retail disc that won't be on the Season 1 Subscribers Disc?
  • MelMel
    edited June 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Yeah mid june is this week.. if its not ready..lets start a picket line protest outside telltale's offices!

    There might not be any room. :p Of course you could hire the throngs of guys who wait around for day jobs around there.
  • edited June 2007
    I agree with Soup... anything that wont be on the disc :)

    Anyway, is it supposed to be Mid-June European time or US time? And what time zone and/or what are we using as a reference?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Yeah mid june is this week.. if its not ready..lets start a picket line protest outside telltale's offices!

    The disc is at the manufacturing place now. We sent the last piece of art for the packaging off yesterday.
    Soup wrote: »
    so wait, this stuff that coming out on The Summer of Sam & Max subsite page: is it included on the DVD (my guess is no)? Or shall I have to start locally archiving every new bit of info that comes out (my guess is yes)?


    any hints/confirmations/spoilers as to what stuff is going onto the Retail disc that won't be on the Season 1 Subscribers Disc?

    1) Summer of Sam & Max content is a lot of what's on the Season One subscriber disc, though obviously the stuff on the disc is full DVD quality, not flash video. Also on the disc you can watch the cutscene reels without the commentary if you want.

    2) The retail disc and the season 1 disc have both been announced!

    Telltale's Season One subscriber bonus disc focuses on a high quality presentation of all the video content the team has made during season 1, while the Retail one is a more traditional 'special edition retail' package. Both are pretty good, and pretty different.

    If you buy the downloadable season from Telltale's site, you can get a bonus DVD for the cost of shopping shipping. The disc is a hybrid DVD which you can put in your PC to install and play the games - online-activation-free, or into any video DVD player to watch a bunch of video content - the 15 machinima shorts, trailers for all 6 episodes, and the cutscene reels + commentary currently being slowly doled out as part of Summer of Sam & Max, as well as a few other things like a blooper reel and concept art. It comes in a DVD snapcase (Amaray style, the standard DVD case), and features cover art by Steve Purcell.

    The retail release includes a behind the scenes feature which Dreamcatcher filmed over a few days at the office. It's a wholly separate feature from the one GameTap did back when we were making Culture Shock, and includes interviews with members of the team. The disc also includes a fold out poster of one of the paintings Purcell has done for Season One, character bios, and the soundtrack MP3s and wallpapers from our site. Also, if you preorder the retail disc from many online retailers (notably GameStop or EB), you get a strategy guide included for free. It comes in a box (the now standard-size smaller PC box), and we don't yet know if it will have fold out flaps and stuff. I hope it does.
  • edited June 2007
    Aww, now I've been forced to get both. Thanks a lot for making me have to spend money.

    J/K. About the sarcastic money-spending line, I mean. :P
  • edited June 2007
    As a Season 1 customer, I'll definitely be getting that DVD, but...
    Jake wrote: »
    The retail release includes a behind the scenes feature which Dreamcatcher filmed over a few days at the office. It's a wholly separate feature from the quick one GameTap did back when we were making Culture Shock, and includes interviews with members of the team. The disc also includes a fold out poster of one of the paintings Purcell has done for Season One, character bios, and the soundtrack MP3s and wallpapers from our site. Also, if you preorder the retail disc from many online retailers (notably GameStop or EB), you get a strategy guide included for free. It comes in a box (the now standard-size smaller PC box), and we don't yet know if it will have fold out flaps and stuff. I hope it does.

    Is there any chance whatsoever of some of these bonus features being made *eventually* available on the website? The documentary would be interesting to watch...

    (Ok, obviously the physical things like the poster & strategy guide may not be so easy to make physically downloadable... but doco would be nice :) )
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    That documentary is the adventure company's, not ours, so it would be up to them. I wouldn't be surprised if parts of it showed up as promotional material or something, but I don't really know anything (as many have long surmised).
  • edited June 2007
    I dunno, they'd get awful pissed off if Telltale put up the retail extras online! :/ I'll just get both versions anyway, and I guess I better pre-order it at EB too so I can get that free strategy guide! :)

    Edit: Season 1 retail set preordered! :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    I dunno, they'd get awful pissed off if Telltale put up the retail extras online!

    Of course we wouldn't do something like that without their permission.

    They are still working on the video and we haven't even seen it yet. I'm excited to see how it came out. And also a little scared, since I'm one of the people who was interviewed...
  • edited June 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I consider mid-June an infinitesimal fraction of a second at the very beginning of the 15th... and I hope Telltale has the quantum computer capable of putting the page up at that precise moment. :D

    Actually, with 30 days in June, the moment between the 15th and 16th would be the exact middle... :p
  • edited June 2007
    ken830 wrote: »
    Actually, with 30 days in June, the moment between the 15th and 16th would be the exact middle... :p

    Grrrrr, forgot to carry the 3... :p
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