Are you trying to imply he is a man who cares about his own daughter and a little girl? Wow! Oh wait, that's absolutely ordinary and expected.
I did say draw your own conclusions there are other conclusions that can be drawn it just depends on your own opinions including negative world views and such
anyhoo the only thing i liked about Larry is how he responds to you if you say "Well her dad did try to kill me" when he asks you if you like his daughter. anything else {you like his daughter your a murderer you shouldnt like his daughter you dont like his daughter whats wrong with her no win}and he's jumping down your throat but making it about him and he just responds smugly.
The problem is, no one likes Larry in the group. Kenny and Katjaa don't like him (probably Duck, too). Carly, if she survives, doesn't like him. Clementine doesn't seem to trust him. Lee is going to have issues with him. Glenn's gone, but my guess would be he isn't exactly going to be on his side (Glenn is for saving people, after all). That leaves Lily and Doug. I don't know where Doug would stand, but Lily should be clear. Whatever happens, it seems the odds are against Larry, not for.
Kenny certainly isn't perfect (he's kind of selfish), but at least he is good to Lee and realizes what he did on the farm with shawn was wrong. Larry seems to have absolutely no redeeming qualities, he's just a huge asshole. I couldn't even force myself to side with him in subsequent playthroughs.
After watching Red Dwarf Season 7 I believe that any character no matter how much of a cowardly self serving backstabbing smeghead can find redemption.
After watching Red Dwarf Season 7 I believe that any character no matter how much of a cowardly self serving backstabbing smeghead can find redemption.
and of course the last scene of rimmer in season 8
Death: Arnold Judas Rimmer your life is over you shall come with me to the river styx where you shall place a coin in
*Rimmer knees Death in the crotch*
Rimmer: remember only the good die young
*Rimmer runs while death collapses in pain*
Death: That's never happened before
I read this thread a few times now and i'm gonna put my two cents in here.
I personally can't stand larry, he seems to think he has every right to bully people around.
Here is the things i don't like about him:
1: the way i see it, he comes off as the type who thinks, "Hey I'm military so i know how to lead, so do what i say" for all we know, he was just a cook and not a infantry men. Plus not all people in the military can lead groups of people.
2: When in the argument about Duck, i chose the "What if it was your daughter," his answer was it would never happen since she's Air Force. That was just a excuse. Don't get me wrong, the Air Force dose important work for the military, but lily is just a secretary. No one from her to the most hardened Special Forces vet could prepare for something like the walker apocalypse. Basically she has a equal chance of been bitten as anyone else and her father just making a excuse to keep her out argument. If Lilly was in same situation as Duck was in, Larry would threaten to kill every one in the group.
3: is the already well known betrayal. you saved his life and he stabs you in the back.
4: is him threaten to tell the group about your past if you get close to his daughter or if harm comes to Clementine. While not wanting Lee near Lilly is understandable, I honestly think he doesn't care for Clementine whatsoever, he simply using her safety as one more thing to hang over Lee's head.
Ultimately, I see Larry as only caring about himself and Lilly. To me, Larry would sacrifice the whole group to the walkers to protect himself and Lilly.
I read this thread a few times now and i'm gonna put my two cents in here.
I personally can't stand larry, he seems to think he has every right to bully people around.
Here is the things i don't like about him:
1: the way i see it, he comes off as the type who thinks, "Hey I'm military so i know how to lead, so do what i say" for all we know, he was just a cook and not a infantry men. Plus not all people in the military can lead groups of people.
2: When in the argument about Duck, i chose the "What if it was your daughter," his answer was it would never happen since she's Air Force. That was just a excuse.! Don't get me wrong, the Air Force dose important work for the military, but lily is just a secretary. No one from her to the most hardened Special Forces vet could prepare for something like the walker apocalypse. Basically she has a equal chance of been bitten as anyone else and her father just making a excuse to keep her out argument. If Lilly was in same situation as Duck was in, Larry would threaten to kill every one in the group.
3: is the already well known betrayal. you saved his life and he stabs you in the back.
4: is him threaten to tell the group about your past if you get close to his daughter or if harm comes to Clementine. While not wanting Lee near Lilly is understandable, I honestly think he doesn't care for Clementine whatsoever, he simply using her safety as one more thing to hang over Lee's head.
Ultimately, I see Larry as only caring about himself and Lilly. To me, Larry would sacrifice the whole group to the walkers to protect himself and Lilly.
1. Agree
2. Eh Secretary and Maintenance she mentions getting to work on planes if she's lucky. most secretarys dont double in engineering. Also it's an unfair question.
"What if it was your daughter"
"Never Happen she's air force"
"Wait your daughter was born air force?"
"No no no she enlisted and served"
"When she was 18"
"Does the kid look 18?"
"Hardly a fair comparison then I think a better comparison is What if it was your daughter around the approximate age that Duck is now"
3. He doesn't stab you in the back he punches you in the face
4. I think Larry "Cares" about Clementine the same way he "Cared" for Lily growing up 2 A.M. Staggering into her room smelling like Bourbon.
As far as the whole Lilly and Duck thing. What i was saying was if Lilly was covered in head to toe in walker muck, and Kenny or anyone jump to the conclusion that she bitten and just throw her out or kill her without checking like the way Larry did to Duck, Larry would tell everyone to stay away from her or he'll kill someone.
and i knew he punched him, i just use stabbed in the back as a general term for betrayal.
And as far as him not caring for Clementine, that just my opinion, for all i know he likes her.
As far as the whole Lilly and Duck thing. What i was saying was if Lilly was covered in head to toe in walker muck, and Kenny or anyone jump to the conclusion that she bitten and just throw her out or kill her without checking like the way Larry did to Duck, Larry would tell everyone to stay away from her or he'll kill someone.
and i knew he punched him, i just use stabbed in the back as a general term for betrayal.
And as far as him not caring for Clementine, that just my opinion, for all i know he likes her.
I think it's an unfair comparison in general because Larry automatically asserts that an air force wouldnt get in the same situation. But duck isn't old enough to be in the air force. Apples to Oranges and all that
While I do think his intentions are good somewhere I don't like the way he goes about it.
Okay fine, there is a risk that one of them is bitten. Fine, I can understand how that freaks someone out. Especially since according to him, they had it happen to them before and it had ended badly. (did anyone notice that?) I can understand wanting to throw someone out so the rest wouldn't be at risk. It was just the way he went about it, aka the I'm right and I don't care what anyone else thinks way.
After all that, he still expects you to help him while insulting you constantly.
Because you help him, the rest of the group gets put at risk and instead of being at least a little bit gratefull he punches you and threatens you.
(Speaking of which, how the heck did Lee not know about the bloody alarm?)
4: is him threaten to tell the group about your past if you get close to his daughter or if harm comes to Clementine. While not wanting Lee near Lilly is understandable, I honestly think he doesn't care for Clementine whatsoever, he simply using her safety as one more thing to hang over Lee's head.
Ultimately, I see Larry as only caring about himself and Lilly. To me, Larry would sacrifice the whole group to the walkers to protect himself and Lilly.
Just to note... you know who Lilly is, right? You read around, you know she has to:
survive. She's in the comics.
But in any case, if you sided with Kenny everytime, I doubt he will turn against you. He hates Larry more than you. Katjaa wants to protect her son. Clementine doesn't trust him. Carly already knows, and considering she already made her decision to tell anyone, why would she be predisposed to do it later? That leaves Doug (if you saved him), and Lilly. Doug is going to be a wildcard, but probably is going to be grateful you saved him. Lilly would side with her dad, most likely.
Larry doesn't have many allies. A lot of them find him a pain in the *** to deal with, while they find Lee helpful and friendly. Lee might have murdered someone, but they don't know all the details, but they do know that Larry contemplated kill a kid, right in front of them. I don't think they would Larry out at all.
By the way, I think Larry will die in Episode 2, or Episode 3, the latest.
ya i know who Lilly is in the comics. the whole Larry sacrificing the group to protect himself and Lilly is my personal opinion of him. like you said, he'll die anyhow in one of the next four chapters.
Larry is just looking out for himself and his daughter IMO sure his a douche.
I'm sure though if a zombie grabs his daughter he will rush over within a second to help, as with Lee and Clem.
Unlike Kenny who just stood there while a zombie grabbed Duck, before it got shot or when he left Shawn to die.
Kenny will be the downfall of the group.
+1 Must agree with this, also I like larry, kenny only cares about his son. I beleive that larry actually does care about clementin and the group (well his original group more then kennys family)
+1 Must agree with this, also I like larry, kenny only cares about his son. I beleive that larry actually does care about clementin and the group (well his original group more then kennys family)
Actually, we don't know if Kenny only cares about his son. He probably cares MOSTLY about his son-after all, it's his son. However, I think that incident with Shawn probably saddled him with so much guilt, that he's willing to risk HIS life to save others.
Actually, we don't know if Kenny only cares about his son. He probably cares MOSTLY about his son-after all, it's his son. However, I think that incident with Shawn probably saddled him with so much guilt, that he's willing to risk HIS life to save others.
yep, he also seems loyal to Lee, when he saves your ass during the escape.
So here's the question Would you rather have an asshole/possible sex offender who is highly skilled with dealing with zombies and survival or a loyal friendly but cowardly and possibly incompetent.
The annoying thing is there going to kill of larry or at least take him out of the group at some point that is obvious, but I do hope they don't allthough not many people will take the route of helping larry.
So here's the question Would you rather have an asshole/possible sex offender who is highly skilled with dealing with zombies and survival or a loyal friendly but cowardly and possibly incompetent.
What a stupid and crazy question.
What makes Larry higly skilled with dealing with zombies and survival? The assumption that he is an asshole or that he is an sex offender?
And why is Kenny, a man who is having its own business and a family, a coward and incompetent? Because he is friendly or because he is loyal?
And even if one of them would be more skilled with dealing with zombies and survival, who told you that the group will be confronted by such a thread before this guy dies?
Lachi Lachi Lachi Just because i'm saying Larry's a sex offender and talking about kennys cowardice in the Shawn Scenario doesn't mean i'm specifically talking about them. It just brings the question to mind. Who would you rather have on your side. A Good person thats terrible with the current threat or a terrible person thats skilled with the current threat?
Are we talking about this game or real life? I was talking about the game. You cannot know the threads in the following seasons, so the question is obsolete and making strange accusations does not help much.
In real life I would always side with my friends and I try to avoid assholes.
Here's a question, obviously, in the game most of us want Larry dead. So let's say that there's an option to save him or let him die, BUT!... letting him die also means that someone else in the group dies with him. Who in the group would you let die with him and who would you rescue even though it means rescuing Larry?
Ahh Larry Everybody's looking for a chance to give you some payback the only diffrence is whether our payback is watching you get eaten or punch you in the face Eye for an Eye style
Larry raised several good points, but was going about them in completely the wrong way. He gets too emotional and angry, turning himself into a danger for the group. Of course this is a pretty rough time for him. No doubt he has seen quite a few pretty nasty things before he got to the point where you meet him in the game. So perhaps his emotional responses are just his way of dealing with the problems.
Would Larry be a more acceptable character if he had some Marijuana or other relaxing things to keep him calm. In fact If larry was calm like I don't like throwing out a Kid either but we have to think of the greater good. and telling Lee "Thanks for helping me but I can't trust you." or other things I think I could stand behind Larry. But it's his Emotional state that just makes him unlikeable
"All your other friends couldn't come either, because you don't have any other friends. Because of how unlikeable you are. It says so here in your personnel file: unlikeable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikeable loner whose passing shall not be mourned. "Shall not be mourned." That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official. It also says you were adopted. So that's funny too."
"All your other friends couldn't come either, because you don't have any other friends. Because of how unlikeable you are. It says so here in your personnel file: unlikeable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikeable loner whose passing shall not be mourned. "Shall not be mourned." That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official. It also says you were adopted. So that's funny too."
He called Lee "boy" at one point in the episode in a very disgusted and derogatory manner.
Ummm... "Boy" isn't a racist term. It can be discriminatory, but it's discrimination due to age, not race. It's used by an older person speaking to a younger person, essentially saying that "the fact that you are younger than me means that your opinions can be discounted based on the fact that I am older, and must therefore be deferred to, regardless of whether or not I deserve such deference.
Historically, in countries such as the U.S. and South Africa, "boy" was not only a 'neutral' term for domestics but also used as a disparaging racist insult towards men of colour (especially of African descent), recalling their subservient status even after the 20th century legal emancipation (from slavery, evolved to race segregation, viz. Apartheid) and alleged infantility, and many still consider it offensive in that context to this day since it denotes that men of colour (especially of African descent) are less than men.
The use of the term "boy" has not always been used as an insult. As an example, Thomas Branch, an early African-American Seventh-day Adventist missionary to Nyassaland (Malawi) referred to the native students as boys:
But cant we all just agree that larry is a douche and look forward to him dieing?
He called for the execution of a mentally disabled child before even bothering to confirm a bite. Not since Prince Joffrey got the baby wolf killed has a person been so reviled.
I could understand the emotional response. At that point they had just run in after being chased from zombies and adrenaline was likely high. It makes a person say things they normally wouldn't. I can understand him freaking out in such a situation.
HOWEVER, it doesn't justify him being a jerk when things have calmed down.
Not to mention he is the biggest liability to the group. He's impulsive, has a temper problem, doesn't think things through like the rest and on top of that he has a heart condition he keeps on triggering. He constantly has to rest because of his heart and he needs medication constantly.
It doesn't matter if he's good against zombies or not, he's bad for the group.
I do think that he will die at some point, though not due to a zombie attack.
I did say draw your own conclusions there are other conclusions that can be drawn it just depends on your own opinions including negative world views and such
*taps my nose*
anyhoo the only thing i liked about Larry is how he responds to you if you say "Well her dad did try to kill me" when he asks you if you like his daughter. anything else {you like his daughter your a murderer you shouldnt like his daughter you dont like his daughter whats wrong with her no win}and he's jumping down your throat but making it about him and he just responds smugly.
but it's rimmer......
bake me a slipper i'll be back for christmas....
make me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast...
Smoke me a Kipper i'll be back for breakfast.
and of course the last scene of rimmer in season 8
Death: Arnold Judas Rimmer your life is over you shall come with me to the river styx where you shall place a coin in
*Rimmer knees Death in the crotch*
Rimmer: remember only the good die young
*Rimmer runs while death collapses in pain*
Death: That's never happened before
The End
*rapid backspaces*
The Smeg it is!
I personally can't stand larry, he seems to think he has every right to bully people around.
Here is the things i don't like about him:
1: the way i see it, he comes off as the type who thinks, "Hey I'm military so i know how to lead, so do what i say" for all we know, he was just a cook and not a infantry men. Plus not all people in the military can lead groups of people.
2: When in the argument about Duck, i chose the "What if it was your daughter," his answer was it would never happen since she's Air Force. That was just a excuse. Don't get me wrong, the Air Force dose important work for the military, but lily is just a secretary. No one from her to the most hardened Special Forces vet could prepare for something like the walker apocalypse. Basically she has a equal chance of been bitten as anyone else and her father just making a excuse to keep her out argument. If Lilly was in same situation as Duck was in, Larry would threaten to kill every one in the group.
3: is the already well known betrayal. you saved his life and he stabs you in the back.
4: is him threaten to tell the group about your past if you get close to his daughter or if harm comes to Clementine. While not wanting Lee near Lilly is understandable, I honestly think he doesn't care for Clementine whatsoever, he simply using her safety as one more thing to hang over Lee's head.
Ultimately, I see Larry as only caring about himself and Lilly. To me, Larry would sacrifice the whole group to the walkers to protect himself and Lilly.
1. Agree
2. Eh Secretary and Maintenance she mentions getting to work on planes if she's lucky. most secretarys dont double in engineering. Also it's an unfair question.
"What if it was your daughter"
"Never Happen she's air force"
"Wait your daughter was born air force?"
"No no no she enlisted and served"
"When she was 18"
"Does the kid look 18?"
"Hardly a fair comparison then I think a better comparison is What if it was your daughter around the approximate age that Duck is now"
3. He doesn't stab you in the back he punches you in the face
4. I think Larry "Cares" about Clementine the same way he "Cared" for Lily growing up 2 A.M. Staggering into her room smelling like Bourbon.
Yeah i said it!
and i knew he punched him, i just use stabbed in the back as a general term for betrayal.
And as far as him not caring for Clementine, that just my opinion, for all i know he likes her.
I think it's an unfair comparison in general because Larry automatically asserts that an air force wouldnt get in the same situation. But duck isn't old enough to be in the air force. Apples to Oranges and all that
Okay fine, there is a risk that one of them is bitten. Fine, I can understand how that freaks someone out. Especially since according to him, they had it happen to them before and it had ended badly. (did anyone notice that?) I can understand wanting to throw someone out so the rest wouldn't be at risk. It was just the way he went about it, aka the I'm right and I don't care what anyone else thinks way.
After all that, he still expects you to help him while insulting you constantly.
Because you help him, the rest of the group gets put at risk and instead of being at least a little bit gratefull he punches you and threatens you.
(Speaking of which, how the heck did Lee not know about the bloody alarm?)
I'm sure though if a zombie grabs his daughter he will rush over within a second to help, as with Lee and Clem.
Unlike Kenny who just stood there while a zombie grabbed Duck, before it got shot or when he left Shawn to die.
Kenny will be the downfall of the group.
But in any case, if you sided with Kenny everytime, I doubt he will turn against you. He hates Larry more than you. Katjaa wants to protect her son. Clementine doesn't trust him. Carly already knows, and considering she already made her decision to tell anyone, why would she be predisposed to do it later? That leaves Doug (if you saved him), and Lilly. Doug is going to be a wildcard, but probably is going to be grateful you saved him. Lilly would side with her dad, most likely.
Larry doesn't have many allies. A lot of them find him a pain in the *** to deal with, while they find Lee helpful and friendly. Lee might have murdered someone, but they don't know all the details, but they do know that Larry contemplated kill a kid, right in front of them. I don't think they would Larry out at all.
By the way, I think Larry will die in Episode 2, or Episode 3, the latest.
+1 Must agree with this, also I like larry, kenny only cares about his son. I beleive that larry actually does care about clementin and the group (well his original group more then kennys family)
yep, he also seems loyal to Lee, when he saves your ass during the escape.
What makes Larry higly skilled with dealing with zombies and survival? The assumption that he is an asshole or that he is an sex offender?
And why is Kenny, a man who is having its own business and a family, a coward and incompetent? Because he is friendly or because he is loyal?
And even if one of them would be more skilled with dealing with zombies and survival, who told you that the group will be confronted by such a thread before this guy dies?
In real life I would always side with my friends and I try to avoid assholes.
"All your other friends couldn't come either, because you don't have any other friends. Because of how unlikeable you are. It says so here in your personnel file: unlikeable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikeable loner whose passing shall not be mourned. "Shall not be mourned." That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official. It also says you were adopted. So that's funny too."
Ummm... "Boy" isn't a racist term. It can be discriminatory, but it's discrimination due to age, not race. It's used by an older person speaking to a younger person, essentially saying that "the fact that you are younger than me means that your opinions can be discounted based on the fact that I am older, and must therefore be deferred to, regardless of whether or not I deserve such deference.
Historically, in countries such as the U.S. and South Africa, "boy" was not only a 'neutral' term for domestics but also used as a disparaging racist insult towards men of colour (especially of African descent), recalling their subservient status even after the 20th century legal emancipation (from slavery, evolved to race segregation, viz. Apartheid) and alleged infantility, and many still consider it offensive in that context to this day since it denotes that men of colour (especially of African descent) are less than men.
The use of the term "boy" has not always been used as an insult. As an example, Thomas Branch, an early African-American Seventh-day Adventist missionary to Nyassaland (Malawi) referred to the native students as boys:
But cant we all just agree that larry is a douche and look forward to him dieing?
Larry: What are you on about now BOY?
Lee: That wasn't nitroglycerin Pills that was plain Nitroglycerin!
HOWEVER, it doesn't justify him being a jerk when things have calmed down.
Not to mention he is the biggest liability to the group. He's impulsive, has a temper problem, doesn't think things through like the rest and on top of that he has a heart condition he keeps on triggering. He constantly has to rest because of his heart and he needs medication constantly.
It doesn't matter if he's good against zombies or not, he's bad for the group.
I do think that he will die at some point, though not due to a zombie attack.
when lee and lilly hook up or get rather close.