Does Anyone else hate Larry?
I hated this character just because how much stuff he did to Kenny,Duck and Lee. Even after
Lee helps him and Larry still punches him in the face at the end of the episode and leaves him there for the zombies. At least Kenny came back and helped Lee and at the very end of the episode when you got to talk to everyone at the motel and make sure they are fine he threatens Lee.
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Edit: And on the very top of my Next-to-die-first-chance-that-becomes-available list.
but do i expect a south park moment with kenny
here you are a picture about his courage.
Yea I doubt it will. I can already see the stat count.
You and 100% of other players chose to let Larry die.
you know after the initial first play through some people will save him and the stat page is all over the place in ep1 so it would be funny to see but i doubt it'll happen if it does get a screen cap of it
For the record I hate him too, he really needs to calm down and cool his attitude.
Of course nobody likes him yet
I guess that he will sacriface himself later on to safe his daughter or he goes on a zombie killing spree after they kill her. At least he brings some conflict in the group dynamic
LOL! I'm so happy people love that shot. I called that his "jack-in-the-box" moment.
*uses normal voice*
Eureka- Senator Wen / Ames White guy
Lost Girl- The new Ash who i call Ashhole
House- A few seasons ago the big black guy who pretty much owned the hospital who tried to use backroom tactics to get house wilson and cuddy fired
I could go on. but i'm sure you understand my point. if Everyone liked and respected Lee there wouldn't be any group tension and if TTG couldn't rely on group tension they'd have to build tension in other ways like subjecting Clementine to what i call 28 days later syndrome. And we don't want that do we? So let's all give a shoutout to our favorite douche in the new series We salute your douchiness
Larry never cut off your friend's leg and ate it
Larry never kidnapped in an attempt to kill a leader
Larry never attempted to rob a community with a gang
Larry never decapitated twin girls
Moral is, Larry is nothing compared to what Rick faces...
I still am going to kill him first chance I get, but to put things in consideration, he isn't THAT bad.
and watch it'll turn out he'll respect that because you'll remind him of himself
He doesn't win popularity contests for the same reason an honest politician wouldn't.
Aside from the (very reasonable) assumption that the roughed-up and soiled boy had been bitten, he was right in everything that he said. He has the wisdom to see what needs to be done and the guts to say uncomfortable things that need to be said:
That it was foolishly risky to leave the place to rescue others. They only barely made it back in, thanks to Carly's impossibly accurate shooting and Glenn clamping on the lock on just barely in time.
That discipline needs to be followed to have a chance at survival. They had been told not to leave, but they disobeyed. This lack of group discipline doesn't bode well for the future and something needs to be said.
That they didn't know the nature of the people they were rescuing -- as deadly as zombies are, other live humans could be an even greater risk. People are nice and polite when they're well fed, but when starving in anarchy many wouldn't hesitate to kill others to feed their kids or take supplies for their own survival.
That the boy would be a danger to others once bitten, that a dying person in their midst was how many across the country were dying.
That expelling a dying person was an emotional but necessary choice. Is it really a compassionate and wise to make a choice that saves no one but puts the whole group at risk (if the boy really had been bitten).
Likewise it is altogether sensible to not want a convicted murderer in their midst. Is that someone you'd depend on with your family? You'd feel safe sleeping the same room with them?
The illustrator draws the main character with sympathetic facial expressions, and he helps and earns the trust of a young girl. That's nice, but he's still a convicted murderer. How much do we REALLY know about where his heart lies?
People are fickle in how they judge others. If Carly had all of Larry's dialogue and vice versa, I think people would still save and love the cute female and be against the old guy with the sour facial expression.
I hope the wisdom of Larry is vindicated in future episodes. As bad as his heart is, he's more likely to live than most of the others because he has more sense.
But what about constantly insulting the daughter he supposedly cares about?
Still if Larry keeps an eye on me then technically he's watching my back too
I remember him warning her that she needed to do a better job of keeping people in line, after they broke the rule about leaving the gate closed to do a risky rescue
Neither of those things is the reason I hate Larry. I hate Larry because he ****ing punched me in the face and left me to die - he's a backstabber himself. And I wouldn't actually hate him as much if he, let's say, would try to exile Lee afterwards - because as you said, there ARE reasons to not trust Lee, considering his past. But doing it in the midst of chaos after you saved his life? You know, before all that happened, I could just as well say 'well, there are no keys here, looks like no pills for you, mate', but I went out into the open and risked my life to save his. And, well, I know there's no option to not get the keys in the game, but you get the point
Don't watch the show but I assume it's a lot darker then the video game is allowed to be one of my biggest fears in zombie apocalypse is the old fashion rule "Rape equals Drama" and "In an zombie apocalypse anything goes" i've rolled them up into one thing called "The 28 Days Later Painkiller Scene" where the young girl is about to be overdosed by the adult female on painkillers so she'll die rather then be raped by the evil military men. Ultimately however neither girl is raped and the Hero saves them both and gets the Military Men killed.
That being said Compared to alot of things Larry's just a windbag
2. Larry dominates his daughter in conversations
3. Larrys only interests are "If anything happens to my daughter or that little girl"
Draw your own conclusions. i'm not going to IMPLY anything
Are you trying to imply he is a man who cares about his own daughter and a little girl? Wow! Oh wait, that's absolutely ordinary and expected.