Does Anyone else hate Larry?



  • edited June 2012
    makes no difference side with him or against him larry still punches you at the door. I'm just saying there is a fine line between love and hate.
  • edited June 2012
    The fact of the matter is that he does not love you. He hates you. He tried to kill you. He would strangle you to death if you and him were locked in a room together. He has no emotion other than spite, and frankly I wanted an option to scare the crap out of him when he was in that corner suffering a heart attack. OOC? Yes. Hilarious? Hell yes!
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    We'll see what happens in episode 2
  • edited June 2012
    yeah looking at larry and lilly talking behind the barn i don't think it's looking good for lee's options
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    If Lee becomes a zombie in ep5 he should show up in the comics.
  • edited June 2012
    dunno if that would work because of the area lee is in and the seperate groups
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    dunno if that would work because of the area lee is in and the seperate groups

    You mean Ricks group is heading north while lees is heading south so theres no chance of Rick passing through wherever Lee died?
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    You mean Ricks group is heading north while lees is heading south so theres no chance of Rick passing through wherever Lee died?

    i don't read the comics only watch the show ;)

    but ok so if they did pass through what are the chances of them seeing lee ?
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    i don't read the comics only watch the show ;)

    but ok so if they did pass through what are the chances of them seeing lee ?

    What if Lee was just like the winners of the contest if the devs get angry at the fans I.E. background zombies you don't really notice.

    The implication here that otherwise the Winners will be zombies that attack people and get noticed.
  • edited June 2012
    He guys. new around here but I kinda like this discussion so I had to join in.
    About the question if everybody hates Larry... Well at first I did but when I started thinking about what he was actually saying I kind of understood him.

    Being face to face with a convicted killer in a live or die situation, is it really so weird Larry doesn't want to take Lee with them? I for one would have my doubts I think.
    About his reaction when he thinks Duck is bitten. Offcourse there are other ways to deal with the situation then throwing the kid out but who wouldn't be scared. You almost got eaten and now one of the cannibals is locked up with you, for as far as you know.

    So no, not everybody thinks he is an ***hole, and it's also good to see I'm not the only one :). He's just scared like all of us would be in that situation. First of getting eaten and after that of getting killed by a known killer. I do aggree with some people, that the relationship between Lee and Larry will change but that could only be until he runs out of pills again.
  • edited June 2012
    Alright, I can see where you are coming from and maybe from his point of view we shouldn't be trustworthy, but he nearly threw a child out to die with no proof of him being infected or not and it's human nature to not like threats. The fact he tried to kill us as the player character should give us enough justification to not like him.
  • edited June 2012
    You you are right there but maybe I mixed up liking him and thinking he's an ***hole. The two are totally different things in my opinion. And knowing what he knows, he's not being an ***hole but just looking out for the interest of the group that was already there, or at least his daughters, as someone else already pointed out. You could offcourse argue that he's being an ***hole to save the group but that would really be a matter of opinion.
  • edited June 2012
    Larry tried to kill Lee two wrongs don't make a right. also at this time when you need all the help you can get why try and kill someone that is fit and healthy and could be a big help to this group and has already proved this during his stay in the drugstore. I think larry see Lee as a threat to the groups leadership which Larry wants all be by proxy though Lily. Larry knows that he can't control Lee and that his own daughter is maybe keen on Lee so taking Lee out was his way of keeping control of the group and stopping Lily getting entangled with Lee. We know Lee is a convited murderer but we don't know all the details could be that it was self defence. could also be that he didn't kill anyone was just in the wrong place at the wrong time white man lays dead black man standing over him.
    Maybe Larry is scared still doesn't make it right to throw a child out to a pack of zombies {even if it is Duck}
  • edited June 2012
    I hope he catches you romping with his daughter and dies of a stroke...... to harsh? southern guy, catches his daughter with a black man.... I'm just sayin... it's a believable scenario
  • edited June 2012
    Does Larry try to kill you during the pharmacy escape even if you side with him instead of Kenny?
  • edited June 2012
    Marumochi wrote: »
    does larry try to kill you during the pharmacy escape even if you side with him instead of kenny?

  • edited June 2012
    Marumochi wrote: »
    Does Larry try to kill you during the pharmacy escape even if you side with him instead of Kenny?
    This scene did make me wonder at the initial text of "This game adapts to your choices."

    On my fourth play through (it took a lot of effort to be a sufficient dick to do this) I drank the Kool-Aid and jumped on the "Cave Ducky's Skull In" bandwagon, and
    I still got knocked on my *** by Larry. Then Kenny says "No one is being left behind, even if he is an ***hole," (or something that like).

    The only real decisions I think that matter are:
    Doug or Carly. So nerd that can Macguyver a tv remote on the fly or Dead-Medium Reporter with a gun
    Give the girl the gun or have her tackle you. Now given that the balcony collapses when she tackles you, it would probably be better to have it collapse now instead of later when someone is under it. But that is super meta-gamey.
    Bromance Kenny or make an enemy for no reason. This feels like less of a choice.
    Lilly. You can make her maybe a +2 on you or a -4. These are just numbers I am making up, if you try to save Shawn and side with Kenny, I think he is like a +5, maybe more if you also give them a candy bar.

    But in general decisions (in this case "trades") that have no drawback, which are like... 3 and 4 of my list aren't really choices.

    That said, I can totally see Lilly falling for Lee. So +1 to AntiTroll for Larry stroking out. At the same time, I can totally see Larry trying to hook Lilly up with any whiteboy survivor that turns up just to block Lee (plus get another guy that would be anti-Lee since opposing Lee would work as "securing Lilly" -- use middle school logic, not adult logic).
  • edited June 2012
    the devs have said every choice matters regardless of how small you forgot to mention clem as if you don't save her from the toilet dweller she will remember lee didn't..

    of course some choices like shawn could seem unimporant when they die but there are 'witnesses' who are very much alive 'for now'
  • edited June 2012
    the devs have said every choice matters regardless of how small you forgot to mention clem as if you don't save her from the toilet dweller she will remember lee didn't..

    of course some choices like shawn could seem unimporant when they die but there are 'witnesses' who are very much alive 'for now'
    You're right, but the various "saving Clem" choices doesn't seem like choices.

    The options are:
    1. Try to save Clem and have her like you.
    2. Don't try and have Clem dislike you.

    To me, "Choice" involves consequence. Without a drawback, how is it a choice.

    Like for me, every workday I have a choice to go to work and get paid. Use Paid Time Off and get paid. Or don't show up and risk getting fired. But not going to work means I can do what I want for the 10.5 hours I devote to work (hour commute each way and a half-hour lunch break). That is a real choice.

    But these "spend 10 seconds watching or help out" choices aren't choices. Choosing Carly or Doug is a choice as the other dies.
  • edited June 2012
    You're right, but the various "saving Clem" choices doesn't seem like choices.

    The options are:
    1. Try to save Clem and have her like you.
    2. Don't try and have Clem dislike you.
    3. Fail to save her the second time you die (milo-edit)

    To me, "Choice" involves consequence. Without a drawback, how is it a choice.

    But these "spend 10 seconds watching or help out" choices aren't choices. Choosing Carly or Doug is a choice as the other dies.

    you have a wierd sense of logic.

    yes you can decide who lives/or dies but in the case of shawn regardless of your choice he dies anyway ( i know he had to because he dies in the comics and there fore is canon to them).

    but who knows the same situation may happen again one must die regardless of said choice and i would say larry is a good 2nd candidate for that. Larry is always going to be against lee regardless of your choice to side with him or kenny.

    so some choices may matter more than others but it's the first of 5 episodes i am expecting the whole good guy bad guy routes to have more obvious signs of causality the further we go in.

    but when you think of how the preview can change it is stupid to dismiss the smaller choices imo as the devs have said it's an opening episode to ease you into the game before all hell breaks loose. so for example drinking the water in clem's house may not seem like much straight away but could lead to something worse later on.

    i will reserve my judgement till we play more of the game..
  • edited June 2012
    Marumochi wrote: »
    does larry try to kill you during the pharmacy escape even if you side with him instead of kenny?
  • edited June 2012

    lol better late than never patch ;)
  • edited June 2012
    Larry is going to (or he better!) get what is comin to him! lol
  • edited June 2012
    Zombieface wrote: »
    Larry is going to (or he better!) get what is comin to him! lol


    i'm hoping
  • edited June 2012
    Pretty shocked to see the wild accusations being thrown around in here about Larry, haha (Racist, Child Molester). He's obviously scared and trying to protect himself and his daughter. I'm actually curious if most of you know how far Rick would go to protect Lori and Carl.

    I'm not a fan but I understand him. I know why he did what he did. I was more disappointed in the choices available during that scene when you first encounter them in the pharmacy.

    It seems they're not going for a watered down story like the T.V. show is compared to the comic. If they stay true to it, I think a lot of your opinions will change about Larry.

    Also, hello, super late to the discussion.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Come on Marley bring more to the table then that I mean you sound Like you have opinions and quite frankly it's a lil refreshing to have a new voice on the Pro Larry camp. We have a rising group of Doughboys. We got a Bevy Of BatteryPacks . We've got The K.I.Q.C.S and D.I.K.S. We got Duck Hunters , Moustache Riders, Plenty of Larry Lashers but very few are the Larry Loyalists and it freshens up the time we spend waiting for EP2 forming arguments.
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    Come on Marley bring more to the table then that I mean you sound Like you have opinions and quite frankly it's a lil refreshing to have a new voice on the Pro Larry camp. We have a rising group of Doughboys. We got a Bevy Of BatteryPacks . We've got The K.I.Q.C.S and D.I.K.S. We got Duck Hunters , Moustache Riders, Plenty of Larry Lashers but very few are the Larry Loyalists and it freshens up the time we spend waiting for EP2 forming arguments.

    I would elaborate a lot more concerning my thoughts on Larry as well as the theme of The Walking Dead overall (Especially my comments about how far Rick would go). I'm just not sure how much I want to spoil, I'm also ignorant of the spoiler function on these forums, haha.

    Also, I wouldn't say I'm pro Larry, but I'm willing to bet he wouldn't agree with where Lilly ends up in the comics EDIT: (Which I believe would change the way many of you look at him as a character as well as his motives). Larry reminds me of another character from the comic books, and knowing where the series goes maybe gives me an unfair opinion on how well certain personalities seem to work in TWD's universe.

    If you can give me a quick tip on how to use the spoiler function I'd be glad to elaborate. I just don't want to possibly ruin a story this awesome for others that have yet to experience the books.
  • edited June 2012
    PRO-LARRY all the way =) He better live, im not going on kennys boat and ending up like the dawn of the dead guys.
  • edited June 2012
    Pretty shocked to see the wild accusations being thrown around in here about Larry, haha (Racist, Child Molester). He's obviously scared and trying to protect himself and his daughter. I'm actually curious if most of you know how far Rick would go to protect Lori and Carl.

    I'm not a fan but I understand him. I know why he did what he did. I was more disappointed in the choices available during that scene when you first encounter them in the pharmacy.

    It seems they're not going for a watered down story like the T.V. show is compared to the comic. If they stay true to it, I think a lot of your opinions will change about Larry.

    Also, hello, super late to the discussion.

    I love you.
  • edited June 2012
    Ohhh maaan I totally agree.

    They should let you just shoot him in the face!
  • edited July 2012
    Well after playing through episode 2 i can say that i hated him more the way he acted towards Lee....Until before
    going into the barn to unlock the door. go and talk to Lilly and she will say that the reason Larry acts the way he acts is because he lost everything and only has Lilly left. Well all i can say is that after this. When it came to killing Larry during my first playthough (Choices i want to make playthrough) i could not help Kenny kill Larry. It still does not mean i forgot everything Larry has done. He knocked out Lee, During episode 2 if you don't give him some food he starts being angry to Lee again (even through he treated Lee badly he expects to be treated like Lee's best friend). But something that really makes me angry is that if you don't give him food and treat him badly (Like when Mark asks what's Larry's problem) Larry will say Lee didn't give him food and went out of his way to treat him badly or something like that. Since i only did 2 playthroughs so far (choices i want to make playthrough) and (All Kenny choices playthrough) i don't know what happens if you give Larry food and be nice to him.
  • edited July 2012
    Ever since Episode 1 and he punched Lee to leave him for dead, I have called him "Asshole Larry".

    All throughout Episode 2, I refused to call him simply "Larry" I called him Asshole Larry.

    Even after Lilly humanized him a bit.
  • edited July 2012
    i fed larry the jerky for irony as well as the kids prefer the cheese and crackers and carly wants the apple.

    and he said
    #i should tell you to shove it up your ass # yet he keeps it and then he does mellow out a bit.before thr salt lick.
  • edited July 2012
    Larry is a difficult person, but I don't actually hate him because of Lilly. Was shocked when he socked Lee in the face after we've saved his life, but he kinda redeemed himself after he helped save Lee during the zombie attack.
  • edited July 2012
    I hated him immediately since he was being so aggressive about Duck being bitten. Add that to the punch and him revealing he knew who Lee was, after I'd happily let Carley die to keep Lee's past a secret, and it meant I was always waiting for a chance for him to die.
  • edited July 2012
    I still hate him. Everytime I think about how he punched my Lee and left him for the walkers it makes me furious all over again. However, I did feel he didnt deserve to die the way he did and I felt horrible in the save where I chose to help Kenny kill him, but that was mostly because of Lilly and Clem.
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