Why xbox getting special treatment?
Telltale promised 'The Walking Dead: episodes' will be released simultaneously on all platforms. This promise unfortunately is not going being fulfilled by the Telltale elites.
Why is it that Xbox 360 subscribers get 'episode 2' a full two days before PC, PS3 and MAC users? This is especially unfair for those who have already invested $19.99 towards the "gamepisodes", Telltale and Mr. Robert Kirkman.
Telltale needs to stick to their morals if they have any left that is...
Why is it that Xbox 360 subscribers get 'episode 2' a full two days before PC, PS3 and MAC users? This is especially unfair for those who have already invested $19.99 towards the "gamepisodes", Telltale and Mr. Robert Kirkman.
Telltale needs to stick to their morals if they have any left that is...
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You didn't complain when Pc got Ep1 earlier then Xbox.
Just stating something worth knowing.
do you have real opinion on the matter or just trollin
/Con't thread
Here's the difference Tiger, PC and PS3 funded your game with season pass's....
You need to understand why.
XBLA typically updates on Wednesday
PSN typically updates on Tuesday
These are viable reasons to hold the release back a few days, as far as we are concerned with telltale. However the important chunk is:
Steam updates every day
Telltale controls their own servers and can upload files at any time
SO! The only (sensible) reason the game isn't out RIGHT NOW (or weeks ago) on TTG's server or on steam would be to keep the releases close together for PC and PS3/Xbox. If this is the case, why can't they release it tomorrow with the xbla release? (This question may have a valid answer, but too bad we don't know because telltale won't fill us in)
Beyond that, xbox users can't preorder the episodes or buy a season pass, when PC gamers were REQUIRED to buy the season pass, so the entire market of people who have already paid for episode 2 are being excluded from tomorrow's release. Maybe they're hoping the anxious annies will pay the 800 microsoft points to get the game 2 days sooner (more revenue)
Additionally, they cite that the certification process for the consoles is what takes the release date out of their hands. So the xbox release essentially is what held the game back for so long, when the PC version has been sitting compiled, complete, and ready to release, and XBOX gets the first release to drop? Not cool.
This is why PC gamers are upset.
So f*$k MicroSoft and telltale for bowing down
I really don't see how you can attribute this whole thing to Microsoft. There are a million reasons why this could happen and given the fact that it Episode 1 came out later on 360, I doubt it's because they have some kind of exclusivity deal with MS or anything like that. And even if they did have one of those, it would surely last longer than 2 days.
-A fan named Jake email the devs at Telltale and asked-
"Will the game be releasing in the uk at the same time as the US and will it be available on the PS Vita as well?"
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGPMqElW2nE
Go to 1 min 14 sec into the video for the Dev responds.
Listen carefuly @ 1 min 21 sec - "So It will definitely be coming out at the same time in the US and UK." "That is why we have the internet".
... but that has absolutely nothing to do with your assertion that the game would be released simultaneously on all platforms:
I never questioned that they said that the game would be simultaneously released in the US and the UK. I questioned that they said that the game would be simultaneously released across all platforms.
I'd love to hear some realistic possibilities then. What other reason could there be? Previous post says it all, speculative? Yes, plausible? Most definitely.
Quoting my post on another thread:
The fact that the Xbox version of episode 1 came out after the others kind of also puts a damper on this being any kind of 'exclusivity deal' thing with MS.
And I have never, ever heard of a 2-day exclusivity deal and to be honest I doubt it would really be very effective either.
The game is ready, obviously. Telltale COULD release it onto steam and their own servers today, but they aren't and gave no reason. In my eyes the reason seems to be greed...
The reason they aren't releasing the PC version tomorrow is because they want anxious people to buy the game again on 360 to get it a few days early. It's a clear money grab, something I wouldn't expect to see from Telltale.
PS3 users get shafted with releases often, and it's because they have the weekly update. Steam doesn't do that, so the only reason to hold the episode back is to make even MORE money when all the PC users see it's released on xbox already.
It's not fair to delay the game, and create this much anticipation, just to pull a quick one on our wallets. It didn't work on me, and I hope nobody else gives them a single dollar until it's released on all platforms like you said it would be. I don't want to start a hate thread, just pointing out how crooked this release is.
Listen, there is so much speculation and conjecture in your posts, I don't feel I should spend the time it would take to point it all out to you. You have no facts to contest my OPINION nor can I contest yours.
You are speculating, I am speculating, let's leave it at that and we'll see if we get a statement.
But I will tell you this, money makes all industries go round...including the gaming industry. I don't put it past TTG to make a deal with MS at the PC communities expense. I mean are we talking about a company that could give two shits about any of their gamers, obviously..
Next season, forget there is a walking dead untill all episodes have been released. Then buy it.
It's easier to wait if you havent played any episode.
I'm a TTG customer since near the beginning of their company. I supported them, when they just released for the PC and then much later made versions for the consoles and tablets AFTER the pc version (full season) was released. They grew thanks to the pc players.
Then they started to change the games to support the console versions and gamepads. And they clearly shifted the focus on consoles because they see more potential/money there.
Now they start releasing the game on pc and consoles at the same time and they seem to be totally overwhelmed.
For the first episode they weren't able to distrubite by their own website. I bought it here to support them more and was "punished". (Yes, it was very nice to get the steam key though).
For the second episode the pc version has to wait for the release? The one for the Xbox is faster/earlier? How is that possible?
Anyway, as an early supporter of this company I'm now a bit concerned about the future. Will TTG even decide to no longer create a !port! for the pc? Because the pc is no longer worth it?
How will TTG transform my sadface to a happyface again?
And what about the prepaid season pass? Why do I pay the whole season in advance and get the game later, than the ones buying single episodes? At the beginning I was able to play the episodes some days earlier because of the prepayment and now it's later? What is going on? I guess I'll never now because the only thing that the TTG crew ever seems to post is: "yes, we want to release it too. We work very hard on it."
I try not to sound whiny, but I feel the need to articulate my concerns with this post. TTG, please create some news section and also use it to spread information. Not saying anything is rather rude. And no ... I don't want to crawl through the forum and hundreds of pages and thousands of posts to find some small piece of vage information. And as a customer I shouldn't have to do that.
M$ makes an exclusive deal with TTG so that they can release the episodes for the Xbox first.
M$ delays the certification and therefore delays the releases of every platform because they have the exclusive deal.
Because of language issues and maybe more certification stuff the European versions (for the consoles???) are delayed as well.
If 1. and 2. are true, then I wonder what's going on with you? Why would you trade the respect of pc players, who helped you evolve for $$$? I can't believe that you're that evil. And what will come next? Will you follow every trend? Will you transform all your future games to shooters with terrible kintec support, cover system, coop and self regeneration HPs?
But seriously ... you ask the PC players to pay the full prize and then give an exclusive deal to Xbox, where you can buy the episodes seperately? That's quite lame/douchy.
(wow, that was melodramatic)
[UPDATE] Here a much better post, than mine.
Merged threads with the same topic... you should know better.
Only retards would be mad over that.
After all the bollocks that seems to be shovelled out of TTG I'd have to say that "not many" people aren't already furious with them.
A lot of the fanboys are even furious with them but like the sheeple they are, they will defend them :P
Hey... At least they spat something out to the public (eventually)
Now to wait two more months for the third episode.
Wrong-o? In your scenario, where they are trying to "please" customers, it would make the most sense to release them all at once. You're saying they are trying to make xbox users happy by dissing the other platforms and not releasing it right away. It's either an exclusivity deal with microsoft, which is greedy, or they want people to buy it again on xbox for whatever rea$on. (Greedy too.)
Hey man greed is what makes company's make money.
I totally disagree. Think about the storm that has been merged throughout the month delay of the game and what consequences there were and how long they waited for episode 2. Since a lot said they weren't gonna bother continuing the game and loads of other BS. So imagine if they released PC before xbox what would happen. If pc users complain because their release is after xbox nothing will happen as pc users already paid for the full ammount so they can't back out now except for asking for a refund which I doubt this is the case. As for xbox users if PC was released before they COULD not pay for episode 2 and not play the game for they pay episodically. this is why my reasoning stands FIRM
To my knowledge every gamer across every platform complained here.
I don't really think those 2 days would make any difrent. I am an xbox user and I am still pissed because the lack of information. That I can download it today doesn't make up for the company's lack of information and her community.
Not what I'm saying but what I think about this whole affair. I'm a PC user and I share your grief of this all. I'm with you that THEY SHOULD HAVE released ALL platforms together, but I was merely discussing the possibilities of why they made this decision
Well also take in consideration that xbox 9/10 times get things early.
My thought are because we pay a XBL fee. We pay for privileges.
Look at all DLC look at arcade titles. We get those a month in advance.
We even got LIMBO a year before PS did so yeah.
Making your own statement and you're still here despite the fact that you said you were pissed because of the lack of information. A lot of people(stating in general) say many shit loads of stuff they don't even know they're saying. A lot say that they're not gonna play TWD anymore and I bet they're waiting their asses off on their couch/chairs waiting to play the game.
So are you whats the point?
Ok then why did Episode 1 on PC come out before XBOX ?
This. So it doesn't make sense for them to sugar coat the release for xbox users, knowing it will further enrage their actual supporters (the people who have paid for the entire game.)
You are right about one thing, though. They have us PC users by the balls, unlike the people who bought on xbox.
Good thing we're all united in our grief and can wait these few days out.
We don't know, just as now. At least we weren't complaining about it.
But that is the only logical explanation, since PC got ep.1 first that does mean there is no deal between MS and TTG.
And how come PS EU owners need to wait even longer huh?
Why does America get special treatment? I dont hear you about that.
#firstworldproblems. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If you schedule along all my posts you'll see that I NEVER expressed anger that the episode was late by a month or as others said 2 months. I just played other games and checked everyday if the game was out. So my point is that YOU said you complained about the lack of information and maybe because the delay and you're still here and haven't said that you're not gonna play the game anymore. My point is that if you're unsatisfied with TTG because of the lack of information how come you're still here ?
Making these statements according to your own previous statement
Because I like TWD and still going to play it. Why would TTG stop me from enjoying a good game?
So you are saying if I enjoy my game I cant criticize on things I don't like, or want to see improve? And who is saying I am going to buy it now. I already stated that I am going to wait until this season is done if thety can manage that before my deathbed.
You making things up now
I'm not an american loool So I obviously don't know. I think they do get special treatments as TTG is an american company ?
You said that xbox gets their versions before other platforms most of the time(9/10). Stating your own fact, then why was episode 1 released before on PC ? :P That was my argument
its that 1/10 U see even quoted me on saying 9/10.
There are always exceptions.