I forget our British sense of humour doesn't really translate very well.
Honestly, humor doesn't translate well over the internet, mainly because subtles of body language and HOW things are said dn't translate well. It's not just british humor, it's humor period. Only the least subtle of humor works for the internet, it's the issue of the medium.
That being said, I didn't see a joke anywhere in what you "joked" about. Literally. It looked more like a statement of fact. That's a sign of a joke, so bad, it's not even recgonized as a joke.
That people report you over that just shows there lack of mental health.
It's a sign of people being on the edge, not a lack of mental health. By the way, you said "Fuck You", does that mean a lack of mental health? No. Just a sign of being on the edge, too.
Honestly, humor doesn't translate well over the internet, mainly because subtles of body language and HOW things are said dn't translate well. It's not just british humor, it's humor period. Only the least subtle of humor works for the internet, it's the issue of the medium.
That being said, I didn't see a joke anywhere in what you "joked" about. Literally. It looked more like a statement of fact. That's a sign of a joke, so bad, it's not even recgonized as a joke.
It's a sign of people being on the edge, not a lack of mental health. By the way, you said "Fuck You", does that mean a lack of mental health? No. Just a sign of being on the edge, too.
Which is a sign of you being on the edge. Same difference.
Im getting pissed about spoilers, people here are pissed because someone said buy an xbox. That are two different things.
This whole thread is a joke that people are whining about two days when we already waited a month. And give all sorts of speculation about what mafia agreements TTG have made.
If you cant see that differences then that will only make my argument over that people are have low mental capability stronger.
Im getting pissed about spoilers, people here are pissed because someone said buy an xbox. That are two different things.
This whole thread is a joke that people are whining about two days when we already waited a month. And give all sorts of speculation about what mafia agreements TTG have made.
If you cant see that differences then that will only make my argument over that people are have low mental capability stronger.
Right... it's the same thing. Being on the edge is the same as being pissed off. I think being on the edge is actually a NICER way of stating how you feel. I'm TRYING to make you look less angry. Do you REALLY want to refuse it?
Right... it's the same thing. Being on the edge is the same as being pissed off. I think being on the edge is actually a NICER way of stating how you feel. I'm TRYING to make you look less angry. Do you REALLY want to refuse it?
I am talking about the difference where people are on the "edge" about.
I think its more likely that Sony insisted that the PC version had to be released at the same time as the PSN version and Sony missed their normal release for whatever reason.
If you already have your version of the game, I suggest you go on ahead and play it. Let those of us who are obviously not satisfied speak our minds.
This is what really buggers me....Do you EVEN READ before criticizing me ? I have said IN THIS THREAD that I own and am a PC GAMER. That makes me one of YOU waiting patiently for the game To clarify THIS again for you I don't agree with the release dates. I only said, in my posts, what I THINK about and in my opinion why xbox is getting special treatment.
I don't think Spawner is doing it intentionally... but yep. On the other hand, he is creating some conversation, and not being rude with it. I want to point out I don't think he told anyone to shut up, that was a different person.
I think the rules clearly state under no circumstances is talk about piracy is ever permitted, except to state that under no circumstances that talk about piracy is ever permitted.
Some crazy conspiracy theories going on here. It is fantastic what stupid and/or uneducated people can come up with when trying to figure something out...
...my argument over that people are have low mental capability stronger.
I LOL'd. No offense my friend, but you may want to drop the whole, "my intelligence is far superior to anyone who disagrees with me," angle.
I don't get people who feel like they need to rush in and defend a company or argue over someone feeling slighted in the first place. I honestly can't think of one time when I've felt the need to go on the Internet and tell people they were wrong about being upset over some consumer related issue. Unless you are on the company payroll, what could possibly be in it for you?
I will NEVER EVER! give them any of my money for a game again.
1. Paid for the full season on the first day of the release of episode 1. STILL have not played episode 2
2. Even though I paid for the full season they are making me wait two days after x-box relase? Stupid.
3. Honestly, if I wasn't such a fan of the novels and show I'd say suck it - Tell-Tale.
yes this does suck....trust me we all know. but like some posts earlier, the same thing happened with S and M and BttF(2 month delay between 1 & 2, then fine afterwards). So hopefully we have no more bumps in the road. And think of it this way, most people aren't getting their money back so basically we are already screwed. So be happy, and enjoy everyone else's rants and raves lol
Well I am not sure, I think it has to be something with there update system for games. But I think it would of been fair for PC to get it today to not sure why PS3 is getting it Friday since I thought they update on Tuesday unless it is on the server waiting for a Friday release.
Well I am not sure, I think it has to be something with there update system for games. But I think it would of been fair for PC to get it today to not sure why PS3 is getting it Friday since I thought they update on Tuesday unless it is on the server waiting for a Friday release.
Well either the PC still has a few bugs or I think they had an agreement with Xbox for an earlier release.
And I don't think they are expecting a lot more sales on the PC since they were required to buy season pass. While Xbox couldn't buy one, so I think getting more sales for Xbox is their top priority now.
Here's the difference Tiger, PC and PS3 funded your game with season pass's....
You need to understand why.
XBLA typically updates on Wednesday
PSN typically updates on Tuesday
Just thought I'd correct something here, XBLA updates every tuesday.
I work for xbox support, and I always make sure not to work on tuesdays because that's our busiest day
PSN also updates every tuesday.
If I remember correctly Nintendo is the only one thats different, I believe they update on Fridays?
Games are also released on tuesdays usually for sony and microsoft (usually, there are some that get released on different days, this includes both episodes of walking dead so far).
Jesus people stop your whining, its 2 f***ing days im sure you all have much better things to do besides bitch on the forums like a bunch of babies, not to mention 360 users had to wait an entire week after ep1 released on pc/ps3 to play it and even they werent complaing as much as you are now. You people are being pathetic really, your getting ep2 no later than 48 hours after xbox thats nothing so stop acting like a bunch of self entitled brats your still getting your damn game not 2 short days after 360. Just drop it.
Jesus people stop your whining, its 2 f***ing days im sure you all have much better things to do besides bitch on the forums like a bunch of babies, not to mention 360 users had to wait an entire week after ep1 released on pc/ps3 to play it and even they werent complaing as much as you are now. You people are being pathetic really, your getting ep2 no later than 48 hours after xbox thats nothing so stop acting like a bunch of self entitled brats your still getting your damn game not 2 short days after 360. Just drop it.
Umm, you realize you went out of your way to bitch and moan about other people complaining right? Just saying.
No one is required to be a doormat. Look, if this were a free game or product and people were bitching, I'd think it was fairly crazy for anyone to be complaining. I still probably wouldn't complain about them complaining but hey, that's me. The issue is people have paid for a product and are feeling repeatedly screwed by the deal. Only the lowliest of pushovers in that position would say that's ok, they've got it coming and will just keep quiet.
To borrow someone elses analogy, if you bought something from a seller on ebay, which was delayed a month and were forced to pay more for a product than the next guy, but they shipped it to him first...that's gonna be troubling and some negative feedback is probably necessary right? Or do you just go, "oh well, no biggie I'm cool with not being respected at all." If that would be your reaction to that scenario, go get some counseling for your low self esteem issues please because you threaten to make that kind of crap acceptable. Thanks.
I think the rules clearly state under no circumstances is talk about piracy is ever permitted, except to state that under no circumstances that talk about piracy is ever permitted.
Exactly. "Tongue in cheek" interpretations of posts do not even apply to this subject. This is a developer's forum after all.
Jesus people stop your whining, its 2 f***ing days im sure you all have much better things to do besides bitch on the forums like a bunch of babies, not to mention 360 users had to wait an entire week after ep1 released on pc/ps3 to play it and even they werent complaing as much as you are now. You people are being pathetic really, your getting ep2 no later than 48 hours after xbox thats nothing so stop acting like a bunch of self entitled brats your still getting your damn game not 2 short days after 360. Just drop it.
Using your very first post to hypocritically channel more whine than everyone combined thus far in order to denounce whiners? That's a paddlin'.
Once money has changed hands it is absolutely not self-entitled for the person who paid to complain about the treatment they received. I myself have complained about timelocks, which is when you have a physical copy of the game in your hands and are not able to play it until some arbitrary regional time limit has passed. I may have only had to wait a few days, but in a digital age which allows me to grab any e-book, movie, or music instantly (all much cheaper than video games by the way), one wonders why the hell I should be patient.
You are a publisher's wet dream, it is your tolerance and outright defence of the seemingly indefensible that has made the gaming industry what it is today - a mess of DRM, online passes, timelocks, limited activations, overpriced DLC, and bad ports.
Don't know if Xbox is getting a special treatment but since it's no secret they like to throw their around to get earlier releases that could be the reason. Then again waiting 2 more days after almost 2 months ain't gonna kill me.
Don't know if Xbox is getting a special treatment but since it's no secret they like to throw their around to get earlier releases that could be the reason. Then again waiting 2 more days after almost 2 months ain't gonna kill me.
Stop thinking only about yourselves, What about EU PSN users????? We don't even have a freakin date to wait for =((((
Oh scrap that. The achievements have just been added to Xbox. Screw you, PC users! Go buy an Xbox!
Heh. I bought a (cheap) PS3 the other week almost entirely because I *really* like the look of one unreleased exclusive game ("The Last Of Us"). So, if that was the answer, I would. But I already own an Xbox. Even though I've bought all Telltale's games on PC until now, I actually would have preferred to buy TWD for my 360.
Except, wait... I'm Australian, so I CAN'T!!! TWD is PC ONLY in my country!
Okay, well, I guess I'll HAVE to buy it on PC, eh? Hmm, no demo? Well, I know I love adventure games and TWD, and Telltale have never let me down before. Hmm, can ONLY buy a full season, no single episode one? Combined with no demo to try, that's a bit scary, but I trust this company and have never had problems before, so...
*buys game*
*installs game*
*"TheWalkingDead.exe has stopped working"* :mad:
Stop thinking only about yourselves, What about EU PSN users????? We don't even have a freakin date to wait to =((((
EU PSN stores are usually updated on wednesdays, maybe it'll auto-unlock and show up the 29th otherwise it's probably with the next update of the store.
EU PSN stores are usually updated on wednesdays, maybe it'll auto-unlock and show up the 29th otherwise it's probably with the next update of the store.
Don't think so. If it was that simple, then TTG would have said it
Don't think so. If it was that simple, then TTG would have said it
No, that means that americans got a release date :mad:
If it's delayed then it's probably Your country store that has seperate guidelines on ratings and such. Like the people in Australia who also have to wait a lot of time before Blood/Gore/Violence games are cleared there for sale, if they even get released there!
You waited long enough for it, wait a little longer...
Patience is a virtue!
If it's delayed then it's probably Your country store that has seperate guidelines on ratings and such. Like the people in Australia who also have to wait a lot of time before Blood/Gore/Violence games are cleared there for sale, if they even get released there!
You waited long enough for it, wait a little longer...
Patience is a virtue!
I already paid for it, TWICE (once for PSN version, once for Steam)! Why I have to wait more, than others?
I don't want to play it on my PC, I bought just to support TTG, guess they don't give a f***
Also, a little off topic, but when you said your game was broken and delayed? Were you refering specifically to episode 2? Or are you on PC/PS3? I'm on PS3 and never had any issues with the game not working.
I'm on PC (non-Steam, bought and downloaded direct from Telltale), and episode ONE is broken for me. As in, unplayable. The semi-common (see the support subforum) bug that causes the game to crash on starting with a "TheWalkingDead.exe has stopped working" error message. So far, Telltale have said nothing about fixing this except "we can't reproduce the error".
So, episode 2's release date - unless they've somehow fixed THAT while not fixing episode one - is a bit of a moot point for me, aside from how disgracefully the company I loved is being seen to treat their customers through all this.
I already paid for it, TWICE (once for PSN version, once for Steam)! Why I have to wait more, than others?
I don't want to play it on my PC, I bought just to support TTG, guess they don't give a f***
1) You bought it 2 times..? We'll it's your investment and i bet the TTG crew loves you for it... (But if you don't wanna play it on your PC it... is... wasted money, you choose to buy it don't whine about it)
2) Everyone who owns a PS3, PC or MAC has that feeling at the moment learn to cope with it... We all have to! Whining on the forums has never impressed the Dev's and it never will... You expect them to stop the production or Ep. 3, 4 & 5 to come and beg your foregiveness.
1) You bought it 2 times..? We'll it's your investment and i bet the TTG crew loves you for it... (But if you don't wanna play it on your PC it... is... wasted money, you choose to buy it don't whine about it)
No, they're not wasted, I WANTED to support TTG, because I really loved Episode 1, when I played it on PS3.
2) Everyone who owns a PS3, PC or MAC (iPad) has that feeling at the moment learn to cope with it... We all have to! Whining on the forums has never impressed the Dev's and it never will... You expect them to stop the production or Ep. 3, 4 & 5 to come and beg your foregiveness.
Are you kiddin? It wouldn't take the whole team to write something to the fans, to calm them down.
That people report you over that just shows there lack of mental health.
That being said, I didn't see a joke anywhere in what you "joked" about. Literally. It looked more like a statement of fact. That's a sign of a joke, so bad, it's not even recgonized as a joke.
It's a sign of people being on the edge, not a lack of mental health. By the way, you said "Fuck You", does that mean a lack of mental health? No. Just a sign of being on the edge, too.
No, I was just joking too. Ta-daaaa!!!
Spanish jokes doesn't translate very well. :rolleyes:
No that is just mean me being pissed off.
Im getting pissed about spoilers, people here are pissed because someone said buy an xbox. That are two different things.
This whole thread is a joke that people are whining about two days when we already waited a month. And give all sorts of speculation about what mafia agreements TTG have made.
If you cant see that differences then that will only make my argument over that people are have low mental capability stronger.
I got the joke, but then again I'm British too
I am talking about the difference where people are on the "edge" about.
I got some few words to say....
http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30194&page=2 (2 posts)
http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30194&page=11 (1 more post)
and many many more on other pages.
I never disagreed to this. On the contrary I said I WISHED for the game to be released on ALL platforms together.
This is what really buggers me....Do you EVEN READ before criticizing me ? I have said IN THIS THREAD that I own and am a PC GAMER. That makes me one of YOU waiting patiently for the game
You can testify and read what I told her too
Get off your high horse.
I LOL'd. No offense my friend, but you may want to drop the whole, "my intelligence is far superior to anyone who disagrees with me," angle.
I don't get people who feel like they need to rush in and defend a company or argue over someone feeling slighted in the first place. I honestly can't think of one time when I've felt the need to go on the Internet and tell people they were wrong about being upset over some consumer related issue. Unless you are on the company payroll, what could possibly be in it for you?
LOL, Ripper your're killing me.
1. Paid for the full season on the first day of the release of episode 1. STILL have not played episode 2
2. Even though I paid for the full season they are making me wait two days after x-box relase? Stupid.
3. Honestly, if I wasn't such a fan of the novels and show I'd say suck it - Tell-Tale.
yes this does suck....trust me we all know. but like some posts earlier, the same thing happened with S and M and BttF(2 month delay between 1 & 2, then fine afterwards). So hopefully we have no more bumps in the road. And think of it this way, most people aren't getting their money back so basically we are already screwed. So be happy, and enjoy everyone else's rants and raves lol
Well either the PC still has a few bugs or I think they had an agreement with Xbox for an earlier release.
And I don't think they are expecting a lot more sales on the PC since they were required to buy season pass. While Xbox couldn't buy one, so I think getting more sales for Xbox is their top priority now.
Just thought I'd correct something here, XBLA updates every tuesday.
I work for xbox support, and I always make sure not to work on tuesdays because that's our busiest day
PSN also updates every tuesday.
If I remember correctly Nintendo is the only one thats different, I believe they update on Fridays?
Games are also released on tuesdays usually for sony and microsoft (usually, there are some that get released on different days, this includes both episodes of walking dead so far).
Umm, you realize you went out of your way to bitch and moan about other people complaining right? Just saying.
No one is required to be a doormat. Look, if this were a free game or product and people were bitching, I'd think it was fairly crazy for anyone to be complaining. I still probably wouldn't complain about them complaining but hey, that's me. The issue is people have paid for a product and are feeling repeatedly screwed by the deal. Only the lowliest of pushovers in that position would say that's ok, they've got it coming and will just keep quiet.
To borrow someone elses analogy, if you bought something from a seller on ebay, which was delayed a month and were forced to pay more for a product than the next guy, but they shipped it to him first...that's gonna be troubling and some negative feedback is probably necessary right? Or do you just go, "oh well, no biggie I'm cool with not being respected at all." If that would be your reaction to that scenario, go get some counseling for your low self esteem issues please because you threaten to make that kind of crap acceptable. Thanks.
What a waste of a perfectly good first post. Was this seriously supposed to calm the waters somehow? :rolleyes:
I appreciate the effort, but... no, no, no. Could we not have people quoting and having a fit because of this post? Thank you.
Exactly. "Tongue in cheek" interpretations of posts do not even apply to this subject. This is a developer's forum after all.
Using your very first post to hypocritically channel more whine than everyone combined thus far in order to denounce whiners? That's a paddlin'.
Once money has changed hands it is absolutely not self-entitled for the person who paid to complain about the treatment they received. I myself have complained about timelocks, which is when you have a physical copy of the game in your hands and are not able to play it until some arbitrary regional time limit has passed. I may have only had to wait a few days, but in a digital age which allows me to grab any e-book, movie, or music instantly (all much cheaper than video games by the way), one wonders why the hell I should be patient.
You are a publisher's wet dream, it is your tolerance and outright defence of the seemingly indefensible that has made the gaming industry what it is today - a mess of DRM, online passes, timelocks, limited activations, overpriced DLC, and bad ports.
Heard something about the whole thing while TTG were visiting your company ?
"Xbox company"? Wouldn't that be Microsoft?
You're right thanks :P
Edit: better now ?
Heh. I bought a (cheap) PS3 the other week almost entirely because I *really* like the look of one unreleased exclusive game ("The Last Of Us"). So, if that was the answer, I would. But I already own an Xbox. Even though I've bought all Telltale's games on PC until now, I actually would have preferred to buy TWD for my 360.
Except, wait... I'm Australian, so I CAN'T!!! TWD is PC ONLY in my country!
Okay, well, I guess I'll HAVE to buy it on PC, eh? Hmm, no demo? Well, I know I love adventure games and TWD, and Telltale have never let me down before. Hmm, can ONLY buy a full season, no single episode one? Combined with no demo to try, that's a bit scary, but I trust this company and have never had problems before, so...
*buys game*
*installs game*
*"TheWalkingDead.exe has stopped working"* :mad:
EU PSN stores are usually updated on wednesdays, maybe it'll auto-unlock and show up the 29th otherwise it's probably with the next update of the store.
if you look at the top forum post, the title says: Episode 2 Release Dates are out!!! June 27th for Xbox / June 29th PSN/PC/Mac so technically you got a release date.
No, that means that americans got a release date :mad:
If it's delayed then it's probably Your country store that has seperate guidelines on ratings and such. Like the people in Australia who also have to wait a lot of time before Blood/Gore/Violence games are cleared there for sale, if they even get released there!
You waited long enough for it, wait a little longer...
Patience is a virtue!
I don't want to play it on my PC, I bought just to support TTG, guess they don't give a f***
I'm on PC (non-Steam, bought and downloaded direct from Telltale), and episode ONE is broken for me. As in, unplayable. The semi-common (see the support subforum) bug that causes the game to crash on starting with a "TheWalkingDead.exe has stopped working" error message. So far, Telltale have said nothing about fixing this except "we can't reproduce the error".
So, episode 2's release date - unless they've somehow fixed THAT while not fixing episode one - is a bit of a moot point for me, aside from how disgracefully the company I loved is being seen to treat their customers through all this.
1) You bought it 2 times..? We'll it's your investment and i bet the TTG crew loves you for it... (But if you don't wanna play it on your PC it... is... wasted money, you choose to buy it don't whine about it)
2) Everyone who owns a PS3, PC or MAC has that feeling at the moment learn to cope with it... We all have to! Whining on the forums has never impressed the Dev's and it never will... You expect them to stop the production or Ep. 3, 4 & 5 to come and beg your foregiveness.
Kids these days...