This. So it doesn't make sense for them to sugar coat the release for xbox users, knowing it will further enrage their actual supporters (the people who have paid for the entire game.)
You are right about one thing, though. They have us PC users by the balls, unlike the people who bought on xbox.
Good thing we're all united in our grief and can wait these few days out.
Yes it does make them to "sugar coat" the release for xbox users as there are 2 types of xbox users. 1) xbox users who still waited for the game regardless the delay. 2) xbox users who gave up on the game and said that they're not gonna play it again. So my beliefs are that TTG are trying to get back those users who gave up on the game this way by releasing xbox version first ? :P
That's my point of releasing PC afterwards because they already have us PC users by the balls loool
I LOVE how everyone just jumps to "corporate greed", when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's going on behind the scenes. They could have a very good reason why they're not putting it out until Friday that they don't need to tell you. So sit down, shut up, and HAVE PATIENCE!
Telltale already got your money. So treating you like dirt.
What are you gonna do about it other than piss and moan on a forum they dont care about?
I'm not gonna do anything about it. I heard that this lack of information was the first ever to occur. I don't mind the delay it never affected me and still i don't mind how they treat me. I love their games and am NOT GONNA STOP BUYING from TTG.
Because I like TWD and still going to play it. Why would TTG stop me from enjoying a good game?
So you are saying if I enjoy my game I cant criticize on things I don't like, or want to see improve? And who is saying I am going to buy it now. I already stated that I am going to wait until this season is done if thety can manage that before my deathbed.
You making things up now
I know you like TWD and THAT was the reason you stayed on the waiting end of it It hasn't stopped you but IT has stopped others lool You can criticize on things, I never said you can't, but what's the point in that ? Just stay calm and wait for it like I did I never complained whatsoever :P You're gonna do a good thing in waiting further to play episode 2 and so am I
I LOVE how everyone just jumps to "corporate greed", when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's going on behind the scenes. They could have a very good reason why they're not putting it out until Friday that they don't need to tell you. So sit down, shut up, and HAVE PATIENCE!
You shut up. I payed twice for this game. I bought Season Pass on PSN, I liked it and so then I bought Season Pass on Steam to support TTG and now they are showing me the middle finger, that's not cool :mad:
I agree with Xbox all ways get everything first but oh well they have to pay for xbox live so thats there reward for paying £39.99 for something they can get for free.
I LOVE how everyone just jumps to "corporate greed", when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's going on behind the scenes. They could have a very good reason why they're not putting it out until Friday that they don't need to tell you. So sit down, shut up, and HAVE PATIENCE!
Don't tell us to shut up. You're a senior member here, so you should know this is not a normal situation. We have every right to let them know we're upset, as much as we feel is necessary.
If anybody thinking of buying the game comes on the forums, they will instantly see that the game is not being released properly and maybe wait to purchase it. That's the point of leaving this feedback, to let TTG know we aren't happy, and to warn others and spread information. It just so happens this helps vent the frustration buying this game has caused us, which is also a plus. Don't tell us to shut up, and if you don't like it, well you can geeeeeeet out!
Don't tell us to shut up. You're a senior member here, so you should know this is not a normal situation. We have every right to let them know we're upset, as much as we feel is necessary.
If anybody thinking of buying the game comes on the forums, they will instantly see that the game is not being released properly and maybe wait to purchase it. That's the point of leaving this feedback, to let TTG know we aren't happy, and to warn others and spread information. It just so happens this helps vent the frustration buying this game has caused us, which is also a plus. Don't tell us to shut up, and if you don't like it, well you can geeeeeeet out!
I LOVE how everyone just jumps to "corporate greed", when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's going on behind the scenes. They could have a very good reason why they're not putting it out until Friday that they don't need to tell you. So sit down, shut up, and HAVE PATIENCE!
Sorry, most of you will find this to be TL;DR. Skip to end for my basic thoughts.
First of all, I'm probably one of the most patient people in existence. I'm not upset that I have to WAIT the 2 days to play episode 2. I've already waited 2 months, another couple days will not bother me at all.
Second, I am a PS3 user who bought a season pass so as far as I can see I'm in the same boat as PC users. The thing about the PS3 is that the PSN normally updates Tuesday. With this knowlege about the PSN update schedule and that Steam can update whenever (as stated by other members) that HAS to mean something. Why would PSN release out of schedule? In my mind, either 1 of 2 things happened
1: The xbox version was finished first (which doesn't really make sense seeing as how BOTH PC ans PS3 versions of episode 1 came out first) and was thus able to be released first. The PS3 version being released out of schedule is likely due to Sony wanting to get the product to the consumer before the next scheduled update (since this would put the release after June) and the only reason I could see this being the case would be if Sony got it later than Microsoft. Similar for Steam. This is the only plausable thing I can come up with that does not involve corporate greed.
2. The versions were all finished and submitted to Microsoft/Sony/Steam at the same time. Microsoft releases on schedule with Live update on Wednesday. Why then does PSN not release it on Wednesday? It's release date for Friday is already out of schedule, if Sony already had it and approved it, it could release it Wednesday. Similar situation for PC except they don't have a scheduled update. This explaination points toward some kind of contractual agreement TTG made with Microsoft. Which, I think, a lot of other members of the community agree with. Microsoft has an extensive history of contracts that get their community access to products first afterall.
I believe number 2 is the MOST LIKELY to be true. Now it may not be as greedy as TTG accepting some large amount of money like say Activision does. But it is also likely that there more players downloaded episode 1 for xbox. Thus the majority of angry customers would be xbox users. And a lot of xbox users feel entitled to getting things first because they pay for a service that PS3 and PC players get for free (this we pay for **** so we should get better service is a falicy and a result of corporate greed).
Point is, it's possible xbox users are getting it first because TTG is trying to make the majority of TWD players satisfied and feel special because they get it first.
I don't think Spawner is doing it intentionally... but yep. On the other hand, he is creating some conversation, and not being rude with it. I want to point out I don't think he told anyone to shut up, that was a different person.
As a Telltale customer and fan since Sam and Max Season 1, Episode 1 on PC... back when any idea of another Monkey Island game was a hopeless dream... back before any console ports... back before the idea that TT would get any big license like Back to the Future seemed a joke...
Is Telltale REALLY, honestly trying to sabotage its fanbase?
In the grand scheme of things, waiting one extra day or two for the PC version over the Xbox version isn't much. But it's such a calculated "spit in the face" to PC customers who were FORCED to buy the whole season upfront (not even a demo so folks like me would know the game wouldn't work for them before paying) that it seems frankly ridiculous to make this move right now.
Even though at least they can play Episode one (!), I've read a LOT of posts here from folks angry about the delay of episode 2's release. Right or wrong, a lot of folks got mad at Telltale for this. (me, I'd rather a working game than a fast release... I'm looking at you, Bethesda! :P ).
Also, a lot of folks - like me - are still waiting for a fix to the "totally unable to run the game" crash bug... so that's more annoyed customers.
Now they decide "let's release episode two to one platform early"?! Why? I'm sure it was some exclusive Microsoft deal, but I'd at least come out and say that honestly (i.e. "can't change that deal now, sorry folks")... that's at least showing some integrity. I see no other reason for a two-day delay on the PC version, especially, since Telltale own the servers!
So I ask, seriously, is someone at Telltale trying to deliberately squander every bit of good will the company has worked hard to build as something of a beloved "darling" of the PC gaming (and adventure gaming, "old schoolers", especially) community? For the sake of fast sales to fickle "casual gamers"? For Walking Dead fans they likely underestimated in their zeal for their fandom? For what reason?
I've bought nearly every single Telltale game ever released, in hard copy "special editions" whenever possible as well as "seasons". I've bought hardbacks and art books and posters and all sorts of wonderful things, too. I loved supporting a company that I really felt supported me as a gamer and customer. The few times I needed their customer service help, it was a joy. Now, I don't know if I'd trust them to get a simple order right!
I don't mean this to sound angry, just sad. I hate to see Telltale getting the flak they are here and elsewhere, as someone who has loved them so much over the past years. But my confidence in them right now is well and truly shaken indeed, and I feel like the "love" for their customers has gone, replaced by an all-too-typical "we're too big to need to CARE" attitude. I hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.
...Now they decide "let's release episode two to one platform early"?! ...
Let's try to keep things in perspective here. Xbox isn't getting episode 2 early, PC and PS3 are just getting it later. The "early" ship has sailed and a long time ago at that.
Also, I think most users are more upset with TTG lack of communication with the community not the dealy. Delays are something every gamer should be used to and, I think, expect.
Now I'm not a long time fan of TTG (TWD is my first game by them) so I'm not too sure of their history. But it seems like this occurance is very unusual for them. So even as upset as I am about the situation, I'm willing to give TTG the benefit of the doubt that this isn't, in fact, normal.
Also, I think most users are more upset with TTG lack of communication with the community not the dealy. Delays are something every gamer should be used to and, I think, expect.
This is definitely how I feel, though my number one issue is that I can't play the game and Telltale seem to not want to solve the issue or even communicate about it.
I'll forgive a lot; as I said, I'd much rather a delayed game than a broken/incomplete one (funny how so many folks will whine about a game's release date being pushed back... then complain when another game has stuff cut to make a release date).
But at least in my case, I got a broken AND late game, and not so much as a "sorry" from Telltale.
In this day and age, "old school" game companies like Sierra are very, very rare. Telltale started out as one of these, though, and it was a breath of fresh air... and I'm MUCH more forgiving of delays and bugs and problems from a little company trying hard with little than some big faceless mega-company who's just lazy and greedy and throw out an unfinished and slapdash product because they can and don't care (*coughMassEffect3*cough*Rage*cough*SaintsRow3*cough*).
Sure, there are a lot of other game companies I can support, but I just hate to see Telltale becoming one of the "we got your money already, so who cares about you?" crowd. And that's how they are looking to me right now.
"OMG! We're so sorry! We didn't expect TWD to be such a huge undertaking with such a massive fanbase! Please bear with us!" (my belief about 99% of the issues, actually) would be honest, appreciated and would foster sympathy, patience and trust.
Nothing but silence or terse "when its done" and "we're working on it" statements? That fosters distrust, feelings of being disrespected and unappreciated as customers, confusion and lack of confidence in a company.
Xbox/PC/PS3 release dates? Wouldn't even be an issue to me if not for everything else.
..."OMG! We're so sorry! We didn't expect TWD to be such a huge undertaking with such a massive fanbase! Please bear with us!" (my belief about 99% of the issues, actually) would be honest, appreciated and would foster sympathy, patience and trust....
I agree with this. It would be nice to get a sincere appology. Afterall, if not for their customers they wouldn't be able to pay the bills. A little appreciation would go a long way.
Also, a little off topic, but when you said your game was broken and delayed? Were you refering specifically to episode 2? Or are you on PC/PS3? I'm on PS3 and never had any issues with the game not working.
I get that different consoles update their download services on different days... But why is the PC version delayed exactly? TTG controls their servers, and Steam updates daily... PC gamers should be getting it today.
Wow you freaking people are just whiners..................WHEN IS THE GAME COMING OUT??? WHY IS IT COMING OUT ON XBOX 2 DAYS BEFORE PC AND PS3???? We have a great game here that everyone enjoyed. Why are you all bitching for no reasons??? The game is great and 20$ for a game is cheap. SO STFU EVERYONE AND JUST ENJOY THE DAMN GAME WHEN IT COMES OUT!!!!
*shrugs* I feel bad for you guys. But let's hope it's Friday.
Me too.
Some crazy conspiracy theories going on here. It is fantastic what stupid and/or uneducated people can come up with when trying to figure something out...
I wouldn't worry about it too much. The achievements on the Xbox release haven't been added yet, so it's messing up everybody's gamerscore. So some of us on Xbox can't play it yet anyway.
I LOVE how everyone just jumps to "corporate greed", when you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what's going on behind the scenes. They could have a very good reason why they're not putting it out until Friday that they don't need to tell you. So sit down, shut up, and HAVE PATIENCE!
What gives you the right to tell people to shut up?? YOU also have no idea whats going on, but I can tell you this, I would not put it past TTG to take a backdoor deal it the $ was right (My opinion, deal with it):mad:
Oh wait, they are a customer service oriented company I forgot.LOLOLOLOL
What gives you the right to tell people to shut up?? YOU also have no idea whats going on, but I can tell you this, I would not put it past TTG to take a backdoor deal it the $ was right (My opinion, deal with it):mad:
Oh wait, they are a customer service oriented company I forgot.LOLOLOLOL
Yes it does make them to "sugar coat" the release for xbox users as there are 2 types of xbox users. 1) xbox users who still waited for the game regardless the delay. 2) xbox users who gave up on the game and said that they're not gonna play it again. So my beliefs are that TTG are trying to get back those users who gave up on the game this way by releasing xbox version first ? :P
That's my point of releasing PC afterwards because they already have us PC users by the balls loool
What are you gonna do about it other than piss and moan on a forum they dont care about?
Hmmmm, why not use the desperate-Mass-Effect-3-fans-tactic?
Find out if there's a large billboard in front of their office building, rent it and then have it say "YOU SUCK" in giant letters.
I'm not gonna do anything about it. I heard that this lack of information was the first ever to occur. I don't mind the delay it never affected me and still i don't mind how they treat me. I love their games and am NOT GONNA STOP BUYING from TTG.
I know you like TWD and THAT was the reason you stayed on the waiting end of it
If I'm not mistaken PC games are the most first versions to come out in quite every game or if not they come out on the same day
Don't tell us to shut up. You're a senior member here, so you should know this is not a normal situation. We have every right to let them know we're upset, as much as we feel is necessary.
If anybody thinking of buying the game comes on the forums, they will instantly see that the game is not being released properly and maybe wait to purchase it. That's the point of leaving this feedback, to let TTG know we aren't happy, and to warn others and spread information. It just so happens this helps vent the frustration buying this game has caused us, which is also a plus. Don't tell us to shut up, and if you don't like it, well you can geeeeeeet out!
I agree 100%
"Well you can get the Fuck outta HERE" Just as Hershel said in-game :P
Sorry, most of you will find this to be TL;DR. Skip to end for my basic thoughts.
First of all, I'm probably one of the most patient people in existence. I'm not upset that I have to WAIT the 2 days to play episode 2. I've already waited 2 months, another couple days will not bother me at all.
Second, I am a PS3 user who bought a season pass so as far as I can see I'm in the same boat as PC users. The thing about the PS3 is that the PSN normally updates Tuesday. With this knowlege about the PSN update schedule and that Steam can update whenever (as stated by other members) that HAS to mean something. Why would PSN release out of schedule? In my mind, either 1 of 2 things happened
1: The xbox version was finished first (which doesn't really make sense seeing as how BOTH PC ans PS3 versions of episode 1 came out first) and was thus able to be released first. The PS3 version being released out of schedule is likely due to Sony wanting to get the product to the consumer before the next scheduled update (since this would put the release after June) and the only reason I could see this being the case would be if Sony got it later than Microsoft. Similar for Steam. This is the only plausable thing I can come up with that does not involve corporate greed.
2. The versions were all finished and submitted to Microsoft/Sony/Steam at the same time. Microsoft releases on schedule with Live update on Wednesday. Why then does PSN not release it on Wednesday? It's release date for Friday is already out of schedule, if Sony already had it and approved it, it could release it Wednesday. Similar situation for PC except they don't have a scheduled update. This explaination points toward some kind of contractual agreement TTG made with Microsoft. Which, I think, a lot of other members of the community agree with. Microsoft has an extensive history of contracts that get their community access to products first afterall.
I believe number 2 is the MOST LIKELY to be true. Now it may not be as greedy as TTG accepting some large amount of money like say Activision does. But it is also likely that there more players downloaded episode 1 for xbox. Thus the majority of angry customers would be xbox users. And a lot of xbox users feel entitled to getting things first because they pay for a service that PS3 and PC players get for free (this we pay for **** so we should get better service is a falicy and a result of corporate greed).
Point is, it's possible xbox users are getting it first because TTG is trying to make the majority of TWD players satisfied and feel special because they get it first.
Not once did I see you in the thread discussing the release date, not once!
You obviously have no idea that people have been upset with TellTale for quite some time, that or you just feel the need to get rock the boat.
Isn't it logical that customers whom purchased a season pass, a pre-order are entitled to a release the same day as Xbox users??
If you already have your version of the game, I suggest you go on ahead and play it. Let those of us who are obviously not satisfied speak our minds.
This thread is titled "Why Xbox getting special treatment?"
Obviously you have nothing to add; aside from telling season pass customer's to shut up, when in fact it should be the other way around...
I don't think Spawner is doing it intentionally... but yep. On the other hand, he is creating some conversation, and not being rude with it. I want to point out I don't think he told anyone to shut up, that was a different person.
And continue with a bit more zen. Thank you, that is all.
Is Telltale REALLY, honestly trying to sabotage its fanbase?
In the grand scheme of things, waiting one extra day or two for the PC version over the Xbox version isn't much. But it's such a calculated "spit in the face" to PC customers who were FORCED to buy the whole season upfront (not even a demo so folks like me would know the game wouldn't work for them before paying) that it seems frankly ridiculous to make this move right now.
Even though at least they can play Episode one (!), I've read a LOT of posts here from folks angry about the delay of episode 2's release. Right or wrong, a lot of folks got mad at Telltale for this. (me, I'd rather a working game than a fast release... I'm looking at you, Bethesda! :P ).
Also, a lot of folks - like me - are still waiting for a fix to the "totally unable to run the game" crash bug... so that's more annoyed customers.
Now they decide "let's release episode two to one platform early"?! Why? I'm sure it was some exclusive Microsoft deal, but I'd at least come out and say that honestly (i.e. "can't change that deal now, sorry folks")... that's at least showing some integrity. I see no other reason for a two-day delay on the PC version, especially, since Telltale own the servers!
So I ask, seriously, is someone at Telltale trying to deliberately squander every bit of good will the company has worked hard to build as something of a beloved "darling" of the PC gaming (and adventure gaming, "old schoolers", especially) community? For the sake of fast sales to fickle "casual gamers"? For Walking Dead fans they likely underestimated in their zeal for their fandom? For what reason?
I've bought nearly every single Telltale game ever released, in hard copy "special editions" whenever possible as well as "seasons". I've bought hardbacks and art books and posters and all sorts of wonderful things, too. I loved supporting a company that I really felt supported me as a gamer and customer. The few times I needed their customer service help, it was a joy. Now, I don't know if I'd trust them to get a simple order right!
I don't mean this to sound angry, just sad. I hate to see Telltale getting the flak they are here and elsewhere, as someone who has loved them so much over the past years. But my confidence in them right now is well and truly shaken indeed, and I feel like the "love" for their customers has gone, replaced by an all-too-typical "we're too big to need to CARE" attitude. I hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.
Let's try to keep things in perspective here. Xbox isn't getting episode 2 early, PC and PS3 are just getting it later. The "early" ship has sailed and a long time ago at that.
Also, I think most users are more upset with TTG lack of communication with the community not the dealy. Delays are something every gamer should be used to and, I think, expect.
Now I'm not a long time fan of TTG (TWD is my first game by them) so I'm not too sure of their history. But it seems like this occurance is very unusual for them. So even as upset as I am about the situation, I'm willing to give TTG the benefit of the doubt that this isn't, in fact, normal.
We'll see though.
This is definitely how I feel, though my number one issue is that I can't play the game and Telltale seem to not want to solve the issue or even communicate about it.
I'll forgive a lot; as I said, I'd much rather a delayed game than a broken/incomplete one (funny how so many folks will whine about a game's release date being pushed back... then complain when another game has stuff cut to make a release date).
But at least in my case, I got a broken AND late game, and not so much as a "sorry" from Telltale.
In this day and age, "old school" game companies like Sierra are very, very rare. Telltale started out as one of these, though, and it was a breath of fresh air... and I'm MUCH more forgiving of delays and bugs and problems from a little company trying hard with little than some big faceless mega-company who's just lazy and greedy and throw out an unfinished and slapdash product because they can and don't care (*coughMassEffect3*cough*Rage*cough*SaintsRow3*cough*).
Sure, there are a lot of other game companies I can support, but I just hate to see Telltale becoming one of the "we got your money already, so who cares about you?" crowd. And that's how they are looking to me right now.
"OMG! We're so sorry! We didn't expect TWD to be such a huge undertaking with such a massive fanbase! Please bear with us!" (my belief about 99% of the issues, actually) would be honest, appreciated and would foster sympathy, patience and trust.
Nothing but silence or terse "when its done" and "we're working on it" statements? That fosters distrust, feelings of being disrespected and unappreciated as customers, confusion and lack of confidence in a company.
Xbox/PC/PS3 release dates? Wouldn't even be an issue to me if not for everything else.
I agree with this. It would be nice to get a sincere appology. Afterall, if not for their customers they wouldn't be able to pay the bills. A little appreciation would go a long way.
Also, a little off topic, but when you said your game was broken and delayed? Were you refering specifically to episode 2? Or are you on PC/PS3? I'm on PS3 and never had any issues with the game not working.
We don't even have a release date...
Microsoft think that because they pay devs to release it on their console first, that more people will buy Xbox's.
Just a cheap way for Telltale to make extra money.
Some crazy conspiracy theories going on here. It is fantastic what stupid and/or uneducated people can come up with when trying to figure something out...
this company is famous now
Edit I think that TT deleted the frist ep to make room for the second one in the store. If you know how to find the frist ep could you tell me how.
XBL Market place
What gives you the right to tell people to shut up?? YOU also have no idea whats going on, but I can tell you this, I would not put it past TTG to take a backdoor deal it the $ was right (My opinion, deal with it):mad:
Oh wait, they are a customer service oriented company I forgot.LOLOLOLOL
Sorry Vain, I just can't stand these attitudes!
yeah speculation will get you anywhere huh?
I forget our British sense of humour doesn't really translate very well.