ok so you told brenda you where danny and she see's a black guy walk in the door ???!!!
SERIOUSLY??? course she'd bloomin shoot you..
it worked second time cos you chose the RIGHT OPTION..
and then you do what i did and what other have said it ain't a glitch is just player error period. and that is my view not gonna change.
in short the whole section is a puzzle
So when she shot me shouldn't it start again before that part? Instead of "saving" and restarting a dozen times where my only option is to open the door in a neverending loop? This is a dead end then. The only option is to use REWIND. That is what you are telling me?
guys it's a glitch, I signed in just to post this. you may not be experiencing the same problems and the other posters but i am. When u walk in the door and begin to walk towards her the game automatically makes us continue the step. I have done this for 2 nights now restarting after each fail for a combined 2 hours. it's a glitch.
I've managed to to instigate the 2nd portion where the zombie is just above her once. since than i've not been able to get to that point.
it's a glitch to some users NOT ALL. the game makes us continute walking forward even though we stop, and hold back the stick to "go backward" in a sense but it does not allow us. the game automatically makes us take that extra step.
not all people get the same glitches. just because you didn't have the problem doesn't mean you need to be all over other people who have.
and also i went through and played the scenario using all available replies numerous times, "got what he deserved", " yeah it is", etc...it's the same no matter the response for myself. and probably others
this really sucks because my game played smooth with no other problems and I literally was gonna beat it in one sitting but ran into this. hopefully they patch it for those who are having problems.
ok so you told brenda you where danny and she see's a black guy walk in the door ???!!!
SERIOUSLY??? course she'd bloomin shoot you..
it worked second time cos you chose the RIGHT OPTION..
and then you do what i did and what other have said it ain't a glitch is just player error period. and that is my view not gonna change.
in short the whole section is a puzzle
Actually I told Brenda I was Danny, and I managed to do it in the end. I did get shot quite a lot before I knew what to do, but then I stopped when she raised her gun and talked to her.
It's a glitch ! It's easy to blame the player when you don't have the same problem , but trust me it is a glitch the dialog choices just don't load for whatever reason , it's not how you answer Brenda on the front lawn. If you lie to Brenda you can still progress in the game. It's not how you hold the joystick or whatever ! That is not how this game is played...It's an 'effen glitch! I had to reinstall the game to fix it . So that is what worked for me . Hope it works for anyone else who had this very frustrating problem.
and also i went through and played the scenario using all available replies numerous times, "got what he deserved", " yeah it is", etc...it's the same no matter the response for myself. and probably others
this really sucks because my game played smooth with no other problems and I literally was gonna beat it in one sitting but ran into this. hopefully they patch it for those who are having problems.
I downloaded it again and reinstalled now that problem now it's fixed. I hope that works for you.
ok so you told brenda you where danny and she see's a black guy walk in the door ???!!!
SERIOUSLY??? course she'd bloomin shoot you..
it worked second time cos you chose the RIGHT OPTION..
and then you do what i did and what other have said it ain't a glitch is just player error period. and that is my view not gonna change.
in short the whole section is a puzzle
that has no barring on game play...
You can replay that chapter yourself or go on YouTube and watch the I.G.N. walkthrough . Lee can lie to Brenda and still clear that part of the game no choices you make actually effect game play they effect the cut scenes . It's an actual glitch in the game. I had to reinstall it to get it to work .
Yep. This is a glitch. I left Danny alive, then tried to trick Brenda into thinking I was Danny. I open the door, walk up, and stop immediately as she points the gun at me.
I try moving my cursor over her head, no option to talk to her at all, I die.
Try again, move it to her stomach, I die.
Tried this about 10 more times, I die every single try. And no, I'm not some big dum gorilla who doesn't know how to stop - I stop the split second she tells me to, and I always die.
So I rewind a bit, try again, and when I'm sneaking up to the house I choose the option to tell her that I've left Danny in the barn. The next time she points the gun at me, the option to speak appears, and I succeed.
So it's definitly a bug. So please, everyone who's called us "stupid" or "idiots", at least consider that maybe our game really is bugged before you start slinging insults around.
Btw, I played this on PC. Everyone I see who calls us idiots are playing the xbox version. Seems to me like the PC version is bugged, but not the xbox.
Still dragged my guy into triggering her shooting me. I'm gonna try a rewind and use different approach. Which completely goes against the "choose your own adventure" style the game is.
I only deleted episode 2. Did u mean u delete everything but the save
I was stuck at this part for a good 10 minutes and it was very frustrating. I eventually turned the game off and tried to go back to the last auto save because I figured I was not supposed to go inside the house, but it would not let me exit the house once going in, and it autosaved at that point so I couldn't go back. Finally, I just got on the forums and found this thread and I tried a few more times, going a little slower and it worked.
Not sure if this is a glitch or what, but regardless, it is poor game making by Telltale, they should have made this part of the game a little more clear about what you are supposed to do at this point. It's very confusing and frustrating, so hopefully Telltale will learn from this mistake.
Sounds weird. I'm playing on PC. I killed Danny, accidentally made the choice of telling Brenda that "I left him in the barn and he got what he deserved" and she still allowed me to approach her for dialogue options.
It's a pretty simple mechanic; approach slowly when she points the gun at Katja, stop and look for a dialogue option when she points the gun at you. If that's not doing it, sounds like you've got a nasty glitch.
When I first got to that point, I had killed Danny and then told Brenda I left him in the barn. I got the conversation options 3 times and I could see the zombie at the top of the stairs but she shot me each time after that because I screwed up.
Now every time since then, no more conversation options and no more zombie appearing at the top of the stairs. Brenda just backs up a bit and then shoots me. I've tried rewinding to the barn and choosing all sorts of different options but nothing is causing those conversation options with Brenda to pop up again.
Guess I'm stuck until they fix this. Hopefully soon.
Hmm when I did the rewind maybe I should have tried the exact same responses again to see what would happen. Either way it was very frustrating to not be able to play the game and to autosave at the screen door where you are stuck in an endless loop of getting shot in the face.
Ok if this doesn't get psyched this week I'm gonna split. Such a great game ruined becuz of this glitch to me. I was at edge of my seat when I originally got to this but now I'm fed up.
Redownloaded game and no dice. Still forced to walk into bullet. I have 2nd save back in episode 1 ill catch up to this point in ep 2. If sane problem and no word if patch I'm bouncing.
Ok so I ran into this problem, tried looking all around the entryway, I tapped the 'w' key, couldn't figure anything out, she just kept killing me when I approached her after the first dialogue box. So I Google it, landed here and read all the pages thus far and figured out a way for people to get passed this part whether you're on PC or Xbox...
I literally had to TAP the 'w' key, wait 1-2 seconds to see if I triggered the response---and simply repeated that until she did tell me to stop again; to which I held my breath and was pleasantly surprised not being shot (repeat this process until she is grabbed, obviously). The problem is if you don't just tap the 'w' key (or however you do so with the dpad or analog stick) you literally will move "too far" beyond the zone of triggering just the dialogue and not overstepping your bounds with Brenda and getting shot.
Visceral games should release a patch or something, because it literally is a matter of milleseconds of tapping the 'w' key and you're dead. I went the whole Epi. 1 and 2 thus far without dying, but now I have died maybe 5-6 times just because of some over-sensitive dialogue triggering mechanic.
P.S. Wow, there are some useless and rude people on here. Try not being douches maybe?:)
Yep. This is a glitch. I left Danny alive, then tried to trick Brenda into thinking I was Danny. I open the door, walk up, and stop immediately as she points the gun at me.
This is the bug, right here ^, I have tested it. It makes no difference if you kill Danny or let him live, what matters is the four way dialog option as you approch the house, if you pretend to be Danny you will always get the glitch, (this option is kinda stupid anyway, how does a black guy sound like a southern white guy??)
If you use the option "where is Katja" the game tells you that Brenda has noticed you, then everything works fine
This is the bug, right here ^, I have tested it. It makes no difference if you kill Danny or let him live, what matters is the four way dialog option as you approch the house, if you pretend to be Danny you will always get the glitch, (this option is kinda stupid anyway, how does a black guy sound like a southern white guy??)
If you use the option "where is Katja" the game tells you that Brenda has noticed you, then everything works fine
You guys are still talking about being shot while moving forward correct? I posted a solution that worked for me when I kept getting shot. Like I said, tap 'w' slowly.
I forgot to add earlier that I killed Danny and then tried to fake being him, but Brenda 'Noticed my lie' obviously.
I am having this same "glitch". Nothing im doing wrong. Game glitch 110% no doubt at all.
Ive tried tapping w waiting up to 5 seconds between. Still same god damn thing.
I have died, probably 40 times trying this. ONE time I had the first action pop up to plea with Brenda, then I was shot shortly after on next dialogue.
The hell with this game. 2 month wait now ya cant even play the whole episode hahahahah
Ok, this is silly. There doesn't need to be users insulting other users about this. I had this SAME ISSUE my first playthrough, and got really frustrated with it,tried it a dozen or so times. So I get it, i really do.
That being said it is with out a doubt 100% operator error,and NOT a glitch.
It does NOT matter what choices you make up to that point. None of that matters.
It's very very simple, when she says STOP and points the gun at you. Stop, don't jerk backwards ( which is what I did with out realizing it). Just stay still, it DOES take a few secondsfor the option to pop up, but it will show up.regardless of what you choose prior.
So please ,stop crying glitch when there is no glitch. You probably like me didn't realize you were nudging him back or something. Relax and enjoy the rest of the game
I just have to say, I had NO issues with this part.
I did get shot first time because I called her bitch.LOL! I am really impressed with the way TT did this sequence. I reacted as I would in a real life situation and it worked out beautifully, nice job TTG, very intuitive. Sorry for those of you having issues, but I have encountered no glitches on this part of the game.
Ok, this is silly. There doesn't need to be users insulting other users about this. I had this SAME ISSUE my first playthrough, and got really frustrated with it,tried it a dozen or so times. So I get it, i really do.
That being said it is with out a doubt 100% operator error,and NOT a glitch.
It does NOT matter what choices you make up to that point. None of that matters.
It's very very simple, when she says STOP and points the gun at you. Stop, don't jerk backwards ( which is what I did with out realizing it). Just stay still, it DOES take a few secondsfor the option to pop up, but it will show up.regardless of what you choose prior.
So please ,stop crying glitch when there is no glitch. You probably like me didn't realize you were nudging him back or something. Relax and enjoy the rest of the game
sir you are correct. And i owe u a beer.
Yea, after getting shot over 40 times I finally got through it.
I am playing the PC version, and chose to pretend to be her son.
What happens is that the game is over sensitive, and if you walk one inch too much, your character will take an extra step and get you shot automatically.
The way I got through was moving milimetrically, barely touching the "w" key from time to time, eventually I managed to see the first dialog and talk to Brenda - after the first dialog finally appears, the others doesnt have much problem.
The game is definitely glitched and took me over an hour to get past that scene.
Ok, this is silly. There doesn't need to be users insulting other users about this. I had this SAME ISSUE my first playthrough, and got really frustrated with it,tried it a dozen or so times. So I get it, i really do.
That being said it is with out a doubt 100% operator error,and NOT a glitch.
It does NOT matter what choices you make up to that point. None of that matters.
It's very very simple, when she says STOP and points the gun at you. Stop, don't jerk backwards ( which is what I did with out realizing it). Just stay still, it DOES take a few secondsfor the option to pop up, but it will show up.regardless of what you choose prior.
So please ,stop crying glitch when there is no glitch. You probably like me didn't realize you were nudging him back or something. Relax and enjoy the rest of the game
It is a glitch. I finished Episode 2 so used REWIND and started from the barn. Kill/Spare Danny doesnt matter. It is when I pretend I am Danny walking up the stairs into the house that sets up an infinite loop. I use REWIND again and use the other 3 options and can make it through with no issues about getting shot. It is NOT user error. I can beat this part with ease when there is no glitch. My controller works fine. Fix this bug please!
Thank you.
Wrong. In the scenario I was in I can press nothing at all and still get shot. I know how this scene works as I have been through it close to 30 times.
Can someone record this glitch happening? My first try I pretended to be danny and I died the first time when she shot me "I told you not to move" or whatever (because I didnt stop walking, didn't know she'd actually shoot me etc). The second time I did the same thing but when she said "Stop right there" I FUCKING STOPPED RIGHT THERE and called out to her. 3 time. No problems.
Can someone record this glitch happening? My first try I pretended to be danny and I died the first time when she shot me "I told you not to move" or whatever (because I didnt stop walking, didn't know she'd actually shoot me etc). The second time I did the same thing but when she said "Stop right there" I FUCKING STOPPED RIGHT THERE and called out to her. 3 time. No problems.
The problem is that you can´t stop when the glitch occurs - she says "stop!" and shoot you right after, you don´t get the chance to do anything as your character takes an extra step automatically.
Why would anyone bother recording so you can believe them? Enough people had this glitch, and I myself had it too.
It is a glitch. I finished Episode 2 so used REWIND and started from the barn. Kill/Spare Danny doesnt matter. It is when I pretend I am Danny walking up the stairs into the house that sets up an infinite loop. I use REWIND again and use the other 3 options and can make it through with no issues about getting shot. It is NOT user error. I can beat this part with ease when there is no glitch. My controller works fine. Fix this bug please!
This is false, I have made it through with all choices. There is no infinite loop. There is a sensitivity issue. But that is it, that's why I said operater error
The problem is that you can´t stop when the glitch occuers - she says "stop!" and shoot you right after, you don´t get the chance to do anything as your character takes an extra step automatically.
Why would anyone bother recording so you can believe them? Enough people had this glitch, and I myself had it too.
The reason he is asking for a recording is because many of us had this issue and made a simple adjustment to fix it.
The reason he is asking for a recording is because many of us had this issue and made a simple adjustment to fix it.
It's just a stupid sensitivity issue not a glitch
He asked for a recording because he did not believe us. He stated he got through with no problems. All I am stating is that many many people are having issues with that part, just do a google search. I did have it myself after being stuck for over an hour on it.
He asked for a recording because he did not believe us. He stated he got through with no problems. All I am stating is that many many people are having issues with that part, just do a google search. I did have it myself after being stuck for over an hour on it.
I never said I didn't believe it. I said I'd like to see it happen because I tried to replicate it and couldn't. I think a lot of people would like to see the glitch in action. Stop being so angry and drawing conclusions.
I never said I didn't believe it. I said I'd like to see it happen because I tried to replicate it and couldn't. I think a lot of people would like to see the glitch in action. Stop being so angry and drawing conclusions.
My bad then, I apologize. There have been some many people treating those with glitches poorly that I got a bit defensive.
Anyways, since I managed to get through, I can't record it anymore. The issue is that you never get a chance to stop. even if you take small steps, Brenda tells you to stop and then shoots you immediately. No dialog, no nothing.
If any of you are still experiencing this, are you playing with Standard or Minimal UI enabled? Are you playing with a gamepad, or using keyboard/mouse?
Our QA department is definitely looking into this issue, but we have not been able to reproduce it. If any of you have a video of it happening that you could post, it would be helpful.
I found that if I pressed any button at all after she tells me to stop or don't move, she shoots me. If I "Tell that bitch to chill," she shoots me.
It was a little tricky and took me a couple of tries, but I got it. Think about it: If someone is pointing a gun and you and tells you to not come closer, yet you still do, what do you expect to happen?
SERIOUSLY??? course she'd bloomin shoot you..
it worked second time cos you chose the RIGHT OPTION..
and then you do what i did and what other have said it ain't a glitch is just player error period. and that is my view not gonna change.
in short the whole section is a puzzle
So when she shot me shouldn't it start again before that part? Instead of "saving" and restarting a dozen times where my only option is to open the door in a neverending loop? This is a dead end then. The only option is to use REWIND. That is what you are telling me?
I've managed to to instigate the 2nd portion where the zombie is just above her once. since than i've not been able to get to that point.
it's a glitch to some users NOT ALL. the game makes us continute walking forward even though we stop, and hold back the stick to "go backward" in a sense but it does not allow us. the game automatically makes us take that extra step.
not all people get the same glitches. just because you didn't have the problem doesn't mean you need to be all over other people who have.
this really sucks because my game played smooth with no other problems and I literally was gonna beat it in one sitting but ran into this. hopefully they patch it for those who are having problems.
I downloaded it again and reinstalled now that problem now it's fixed. I hope that works for you.
You can replay that chapter yourself or go on YouTube and watch the I.G.N. walkthrough . Lee can lie to Brenda and still clear that part of the game no choices you make actually effect game play they effect the cut scenes . It's an actual glitch in the game. I had to reinstall it to get it to work .
I try moving my cursor over her head, no option to talk to her at all, I die.
Try again, move it to her stomach, I die.
Tried this about 10 more times, I die every single try. And no, I'm not some big dum gorilla who doesn't know how to stop - I stop the split second she tells me to, and I always die.
So I rewind a bit, try again, and when I'm sneaking up to the house I choose the option to tell her that I've left Danny in the barn. The next time she points the gun at me, the option to speak appears, and I succeed.
So it's definitly a bug. So please, everyone who's called us "stupid" or "idiots", at least consider that maybe our game really is bugged before you start slinging insults around.
Btw, I played this on PC. Everyone I see who calls us idiots are playing the xbox version. Seems to me like the PC version is bugged, but not the xbox.
thanks for that, i'll give it a shot when i get home.
I only deleted episode 2. Did u mean u delete everything but the save
Not sure if this is a glitch or what, but regardless, it is poor game making by Telltale, they should have made this part of the game a little more clear about what you are supposed to do at this point. It's very confusing and frustrating, so hopefully Telltale will learn from this mistake.
It's a pretty simple mechanic; approach slowly when she points the gun at Katja, stop and look for a dialogue option when she points the gun at you. If that's not doing it, sounds like you've got a nasty glitch.
When I first got to that point, I had killed Danny and then told Brenda I left him in the barn. I got the conversation options 3 times and I could see the zombie at the top of the stairs but she shot me each time after that because I screwed up.
Now every time since then, no more conversation options and no more zombie appearing at the top of the stairs. Brenda just backs up a bit and then shoots me. I've tried rewinding to the barn and choosing all sorts of different options but nothing is causing those conversation options with Brenda to pop up again.
Guess I'm stuck until they fix this. Hopefully soon.
hahahaha rofl
Redownloaded game and no dice. Still forced to walk into bullet. I have 2nd save back in episode 1 ill catch up to this point in ep 2. If sane problem and no word if patch I'm bouncing.
That aggravated.
I literally had to TAP the 'w' key, wait 1-2 seconds to see if I triggered the response---and simply repeated that until she did tell me to stop again; to which I held my breath and was pleasantly surprised not being shot (repeat this process until she is grabbed, obviously). The problem is if you don't just tap the 'w' key (or however you do so with the dpad or analog stick) you literally will move "too far" beyond the zone of triggering just the dialogue and not overstepping your bounds with Brenda and getting shot.
Visceral games should release a patch or something, because it literally is a matter of milleseconds of tapping the 'w' key and you're dead. I went the whole Epi. 1 and 2 thus far without dying, but now I have died maybe 5-6 times just because of some over-sensitive dialogue triggering mechanic.
P.S. Wow, there are some useless and rude people on here. Try not being douches maybe?:)
This is the bug, right here ^, I have tested it. It makes no difference if you kill Danny or let him live, what matters is the four way dialog option as you approch the house, if you pretend to be Danny you will always get the glitch, (this option is kinda stupid anyway, how does a black guy sound like a southern white guy??)
If you use the option "where is Katja" the game tells you that Brenda has noticed you, then everything works fine
She sounds remarkably fake when she finds out about kaatja. like an high school drama student trying to read lines in rehearsal
You guys are still
I forgot to add earlier that I killed Danny and then tried to fake being him, but Brenda 'Noticed my lie' obviously.
Not a glitch...:mad:
Ive tried tapping w waiting up to 5 seconds between. Still same god damn thing.
I have died, probably 40 times trying this. ONE time I had the first action pop up to plea with Brenda, then I was shot shortly after on next dialogue.
The hell with this game. 2 month wait now ya cant even play the whole episode hahahahah
telltale -1 customer here.
That being said it is with out a doubt 100% operator error,and NOT a glitch.
It does NOT matter what choices you make up to that point. None of that matters.
It's very very simple, when she says STOP and points the gun at you. Stop, don't jerk backwards ( which is what I did with out realizing it). Just stay still, it DOES take a few secondsfor the option to pop up, but it will show up.regardless of what you choose prior.
So please ,stop crying glitch when there is no glitch. You probably like me didn't realize you were nudging him back or something. Relax and enjoy the rest of the game
I did get shot first time because I called her bitch.LOL! I am really impressed with the way TT did this sequence. I reacted as I would in a real life situation and it worked out beautifully, nice job TTG, very intuitive. Sorry for those of you having issues, but I have encountered no glitches on this part of the game.
Absolutely fantastic game!!
sir you are correct. And i owe u a beer.
Thank you.
I am playing the PC version, and chose to pretend to be her son.
What happens is that the game is over sensitive, and if you walk one inch too much, your character will take an extra step and get you shot automatically.
The way I got through was moving milimetrically, barely touching the "w" key from time to time, eventually I managed to see the first dialog and talk to Brenda - after the first dialog finally appears, the others doesnt have much problem.
The game is definitely glitched and took me over an hour to get past that scene.
It is a glitch. I finished Episode 2 so used REWIND and started from the barn. Kill/Spare Danny doesnt matter. It is when I pretend I am Danny walking up the stairs into the house that sets up an infinite loop. I use REWIND again and use the other 3 options and can make it through with no issues about getting shot. It is NOT user error. I can beat this part with ease when there is no glitch. My controller works fine. Fix this bug please!
Wrong. In the scenario I was in I can press nothing at all and still get shot. I know how this scene works as I have been through it close to 30 times.
The problem is that you can´t stop when the glitch occurs - she says "stop!" and shoot you right after, you don´t get the chance to do anything as your character takes an extra step automatically.
Why would anyone bother recording so you can believe them? Enough people had this glitch, and I myself had it too.
This is false, I have made it through with all choices. There is no infinite loop. There is a sensitivity issue. But that is it, that's why I said operater error
The reason he is asking for a recording is because many of us had this issue and made a simple adjustment to fix it.
It's just a stupid sensitivity issue not a glitch
He asked for a recording because he did not believe us. He stated he got through with no problems. All I am stating is that many many people are having issues with that part, just do a google search. I did have it myself after being stuck for over an hour on it.
I never said I didn't believe it. I said I'd like to see it happen because I tried to replicate it and couldn't. I think a lot of people would like to see the glitch in action. Stop being so angry and drawing conclusions.
kinda glitch because u step up 1by1 lee keep going forward and YOU PRESS DOWN TO STOP HİM.BUT WHATEVER KEY U PRESS HE KEEPS GOING.SO
its glitchy.But just use right key(D) for going forward while Brenda not poking at u.and u will see the dialog button.
btw previous answers dialogs , do not effect of this problem.
My bad then, I apologize. There have been some many people treating those with glitches poorly that I got a bit defensive.
Anyways, since I managed to get through, I can't record it anymore. The issue is that you never get a chance to stop. even if you take small steps, Brenda tells you to stop and then shoots you immediately. No dialog, no nothing.
Our QA department is definitely looking into this issue, but we have not been able to reproduce it. If any of you have a video of it happening that you could post, it would be helpful.
It was a little tricky and took me a couple of tries, but I got it. Think about it: If someone is pointing a gun and you and tells you to not come closer, yet you still do, what do you expect to happen?