Spoilers! Brenda Glitch



  • edited October 2012
    I just got to this scene and am having the same problem. When she tells me to stop I let go of everything and a second later she shoots me anyway. Nothing to click on, forehead, stomach, whatever.

    I killed Danny in the barn and pretended to be her son coming into the house.
  • edited November 2012
    I have tried every solution on this thread. Nothing has worked. I am playing the Xbox 360 version and my controller is brand new. It is not user-error. I have yet to receive 1 dialogue box.

    I have used the rewind feature to go back to Chapter 6 and start over.
    >Didn't work

    I have flicked the LS forward and waited 10 seconds before I'd give it another flick.
    >Didn't work

    I've tried inching my way toward Brenda mashing the 'X' button.
    >Didn't work

    I've tried inching my way toward Brenda and immediately pulling back on the LS.
    >Didn't work

    This is incredibly frustrating and I don't think I've ever encountered a game-breaking glitch like this before. Can someone from TTG please address this issue? I would sincerely like to continue playing through this series, but alas, I cannot get past this section because of this issue.

    P.S. - All the people who are calling the people experiencing this issue 'idiots,' 'morons,' etc. really need to get a life. Did you really think for one second that I enjoyed getting shot by Brenda so much that I would do it for an hour and then create an account on the TTG forums to state how much of an 'idiot' I am?
  • edited November 2012
    cordawg411 wrote: »
    I All the people who are calling the people experiencing this issue 'idiots,' 'morons,' etc. really need to get a life.
    Well some of these people are actually the problem not the game..
    cordawg411 wrote: »

    Did you really think for one second that I enjoyed getting shot by Brenda so much that I would do it for an hour and then create an account on the TTG forums to state how much of an 'idiot' I am?

    erm yeah ?

    ok seriously now, what are you actually doing ? cos this scene is all about brenda's gun aim if it's on lee DON'T MOVE

    If it's at katjaa's head move till the guns back on lee.

    if your trying to move with out watching brenda you'll get shot,

    as for what to do when she is aiming at lee is.. only aim at katjaa to talk to them and then always pick the top option/ the option that doesn't piss brenda off..
  • edited November 2012
    I deleted Episode 2 and reinstalled the game. I then started getting the dialogue boxes doing the EXACT same process of inching forward when Brenda was not aiming at me. I have no idea what happened other than it was very frustrating going through this section of the game.
  • edited November 2012
    cooler heads prevail

    so you're sorted now ?
  • edited November 2012
    I had a glitch with brenda where her modal was her standing up with her arms out O-o
    she still killed me though when i first played...

    I guess telling her to put the gun down.... yeah...
  • edited November 2012
    Clue - Red Light, Green Light,
  • edited November 2012
    Why the heck are people still replying to this thread?
  • edited December 2012
    Hi, i had the same problems as everyone else is having here and i was getting very annoyed with the people claiming it wasnt a glitch. However i continued to look online for a solution and i found it for me . All i did was pause the game as soon as she said stop. simple
  • edited December 2012
    Funny how the iOS version si relatively free of these weird bugs..
  • edited January 2013
    Well some of these people are actually the problem not the game..

    erm yeah ?

    ok seriously now, what are you actually doing ? cos this scene is all about brenda's gun aim if it's on lee DON'T MOVE

    If it's at katjaa's head move till the guns back on lee.

    if your trying to move with out watching brenda you'll get shot,

    as for what to do when she is aiming at lee is.. only aim at katjaa to talk to them and then always pick the top option/ the option that doesn't piss brenda off..


    I just made an account for this purpose only, and man you are rude and not understanding what people actually are saying

    there have allready been PLENTY of individuals telling you it is NOT possible to stop like that due to how the game is made
    do you need glasses or what?

    I've put exactly 2 hours of game play just on this single thing, and no matter WHAT I do, the game won't give me the option to start the dialogue with Brenda

    if you don't got a solution for the actual problem (you pretending to be a know-it-all ain't helping one bit) my suggestion to you is you stop making all those comments

    they are a waste of time for us who actually have a problem with this part of the game, and in the end all they do is piss us off
  • edited January 2013
    As much as you hate her. You have to use the prions they give you try and reason with her. Even though you want to say ill kill you. That won't work. She will shoot if she feels threatend. If ur nice to her she just keeps backing up and threating you. Then mark saves the day :)
  • edited May 2013
    You guys are fucking retards. IF PEOPLE SAY IT DOESN'T WORK, THEN IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!! My guy kept getting stuck in the walking animation OVER AND OVER AGAIN! IT'S A FUCKING GLITCH YOU FUCK TARDS! After 20 attempts it finally worked. If I did nothing different each attempt and it finally works after doing the same fucking thing over and over again then it's a fucking glitch and it luckily didn't happen on the 20 attempt. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE WE'RE FUCKING RETARDS!
  • edited May 2013
    craftyard wrote: »
    Yep. This is a glitch. I left Danny alive, then tried to trick Brenda into thinking I was Danny. I open the door, walk up, and stop immediately as she points the gun at me.

    I try moving my cursor over her head, no option to talk to her at all, I die.

    Try again, move it to her stomach, I die.

    Tried this about 10 more times, I die every single try. And no, I'm not some big dum gorilla who doesn't know how to stop - I stop the split second she tells me to, and I always die.

    So I rewind a bit, try again, and when I'm sneaking up to the house I choose the option to tell her that I've left Danny in the barn. The next time she points the gun at me, the option to speak appears, and I succeed.

    So it's definitly a bug. So please, everyone who's called us "stupid" or "idiots", at least consider that maybe our game really is bugged before you start slinging insults around.

    Btw, I played this on PC. Everyone I see who calls us idiots are playing the xbox version. Seems to me like the PC version is bugged, but not the xbox.

    Same problem on Xbox and those dumbasses blaming the person, FUCK YOU!
  • edited May 2013
    You guys are fucking retards. IF PEOPLE SAY IT DOESN'T WORK, THEN IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!! My guy kept getting stuck in the walking animation OVER AND OVER AGAIN! IT'S A FUCKING GLITCH YOU FUCK TARDS! After 20 attempts it finally worked. If I did nothing different each attempt and it finally works after doing the same fucking thing over and over again then it's a fucking glitch and it luckily didn't happen on the 20 attempt. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE WE'RE FUCKING RETARDS!
    Probably is your own fault.
  • edited May 2013
    Xbox 360, disc, unpatched (because I have no internet, which is why I have it on disc)

    Is there some sort of patch I can download onto a flash drive, or do I have to ask for a refund? I don't want a refund, I want to playing a working version of Telltale Games The Walking Dead, but if I can't have that, I'll have a refund. I don't want a digital version, because I can't redeem a digital version. I want a patch that I can put on a USB, and then onto my Xbox 360, or a refund. I'd much rather having a working version of the game, though.

    Doesn't work, have done everything mentioned in this thread. I did it 65 times, in fact. On the 62nd time, for the first time, a box popped up. Finally, dialogue so I can finally proceed! And then I got shot immediately after. Admittedly, the second stage of the confrontation, where I got myself killed, might have been user error. I've only gotten to that point once, so I won't deny the possibility. However, I'm absolutely certain that my game is bugged, as I was able to successfully do it once, and then less then two minutes later on a reloaded save unable to do it while doing the same exact thing (which I did for the forty or so times before #62). Stage two in the confrontation may be human error, but stage one, I have no doubt, is a bug.

    However, lets assume that the second and third stage of the confrontation are all bugged, and at the same rate no less. Thats 3,844 tries until I get past stage two, and 238,328 tries until I get past stage three of the confrontation. Quality control for the win, huh?
  • edited May 2013
    CarScar wrote: »
    Probably is your own fault.

    Your probably right it is :D
  • edited May 2013
    Maybe it's the iOS version vs the 360 or web or anything else, but Brenda never even pointed the gun at me - she just kept tightening her choke hold on Kat and tightening her grip on her. I wasn't so worried that I was going to get shot, so much as I was worried that she'd blow Kat's brains out and I'd have yet another person's blood on my hands. Maybe I was edging so slowly that she never even got to the point where it would trigger her to point the gun at me.

    I'm wondering if the xbox version or the PC version's controls are just that much more sensitive. I know that moving just a little too much or saying just the wrong thing can get you killed (later in the game, I got killed a few times for not doing the right thing at the right time).
  • edited May 2013
    This thread makes me remember Nova's play through, he almost made a entire video dedicated to him getting shot.
  • edited May 2013
    OMFG, I walk into the house, Brenda says about 2 lines and when i try to inch forward I always get shot... wtf?! -_- this is extremely annoying because i was able to talk to her once but after that try, i got shot again... idk what to do
  • edited May 2013
    You guys are fucking retards. IF PEOPLE SAY IT DOESN'T WORK, THEN IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!! My guy kept getting stuck in the walking animation OVER AND OVER AGAIN! IT'S A FUCKING GLITCH YOU FUCK TARDS! After 20 attempts it finally worked. If I did nothing different each attempt and it finally works after doing the same fucking thing over and over again then it's a fucking glitch and it luckily didn't happen on the 20 attempt. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE WE'RE FUCKING RETARDS!

    i had never seen so many fucks in a paragraph,
    well done i think it's a world record.
  • edited May 2013
    I died alot of times doing this not beacuse of a glitch but because i wanted to hear lee say
    PUT THE GUN DOWN BITCH over and over again :p
  • edited May 2013
    You guys are fucking retards. IF PEOPLE SAY IT DOESN'T WORK, THEN IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!! My guy kept getting stuck in the walking animation OVER AND OVER AGAIN! IT'S A FUCKING GLITCH YOU FUCK TARDS! After 20 attempts it finally worked. If I did nothing different each attempt and it finally works after doing the same fucking thing over and over again then it's a fucking glitch and it luckily didn't happen on the 20 attempt. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ACTING LIKE WE'RE FUCKING RETARDS!

    You're doing it wrong.
  • edited June 2013
    None of this is working for me. Also I haven't seen a walker in the house but I do hear some groaning. This does appear to be a glitch if this many people are having the problem.
    there is a walker in the house its marks
    zombie he comes to the stairs and puts his arms through the gaps
  • edited June 2013
    i know how to talk to brenda when u open the door put the marker on lee then when she says stop right thir stop and she will to the put the marker on brenda and u will be able to talk to her
  • I don't care if it's a "glitch", a bug, a joke, or the intended design. What I know for sure is that


    There are many people who obviously did not take basic logic classes in school, and don't have any such skills gained through life. Just because you didn't experience this problem does not mean that it does not exist. Software is complex, and this game runs on multiple platforms and sub-platforms (i.e. versions of Windows, supporting files, etc.) and even as designed, offers multiple choices.

    This does not excuse this problem from existing as it does, for so many people, and for so long--no matter the cause.

    It took me many attempts to get past this point, and I very nearly uninstalled this game (which I am not all that impressed with in the first place). The method that finally worked for me was to rapidly and repeatedly hit "W" whenever Brenda was NOT pointing the gun at Lee. That sentence needs to be read a second time, because technique really does matter. Every time I hit "W" rapidly but waited in between presses--which is to say, whenever I moved really, really slowly--I ended up getting shot. Ironically, I didn't get past this glitch/stupid design until I tapped "W" rapidly and repeatedly, meaning that moving more quickly toward Brenda was necessary to get past this point.

    What happened in my case (I am not arrogant/stupid enough to say "What will happen for you...") is that I'd move forward while the gun was pointed at Katjaa (hitting "W" quickly and repeatedly, but NOT by holding it down), then Brenda would speak and point the gun at me, and I'd stop immediately. When she pointed the gun at Katjaa again, I'd repeat: Rapidly and repeatedly hit "W" until Brenda spoke again, stop, wait... And eventually she'll back up enough that zombie Mark grabs her.

    If I'm even right that the way I used "W" made the difference, this is a nuance that belies the rotten attitude of the people insulting those of us who encountered this glitch/stupid design. What we have here is counterintuitive; if someone is threatening you and someone else with a gun, don't approach slowly, move more quickly (but don't run).

    And they called us the idiots.

    Anyway, I hope this helps someone, and I have zero apologies to anyone for my anger at this annoying problem and my response to it.

  • edited September 2013

    Uh...you're aware that you can just hold the "W" key, right? You don't have to press it repeatedly and it sure as hell doesn't matter whether you press it rapidly or slowly. The only thing that matters is that you stop pressing it as soon as Brenda has the gun pointed at you. You can try it out yourself. All the game was trying to get you to understand is "don't move towards people when they have a gun pointed at your face." I don't know. Seems pretty logical to me. Feel free to uninstall the game, though, if you feel so frustrated by this sequence. We wouldn't want you to get a tummy ache now, would we?

    I don't care if it's a "glitch", a bug, a joke, or the intended design. What I know for sure is that IT. SHOULD. NOT. BE. THIS. FRUSTRATING

  • I extra registered to post the solution i just found out.
    You have to press BACK all Time,and dont use FORWARD to move ahaed,use the RIGHT key and only tapp it.
    So keep pressing S all time while tapping D to move forward.This prevents Lee from auto moving forward when Brenda raises her gun,and a moment later the "hotspot" apears on her to talk.
    I hope this helps someone ;)

  • I read on the other forum that some one had to turn off the PS3 remote control to accomplish this scene.
    I'm playing on PC but I have different receivers for my keyboard and mouse. So I removed the mouse receiver and used my broken mouse which came with the keyboard. Before that Lee just kept walking when he should have stopped (tap D and wait technique). Finally I got over that scene.

    There might be a problem with multiple controllers? I think I did everything in the same way before and after this "fix".
    Just walk and stop method doesn't work for everybody. I think all the players got the basic idea.
    It might still be all about the millisecond timing but in any case it souldn't be that hard.

  • First of all, I'd like to clarify there IS a glitch going around, at least as far as PC version goes, and I've stumpled with it on one of my playthroughs.

    The glitch happens when you are moving towards Brenda, and she aims to you and tells you to stop moving. If the game doesn't glitch, then you just release the control (which makes the character stop moving) and you'll soon have the interact option to talk to her. This goes about 3 times.

    The glith that most users are reporting is that - for some reason - when the woman points the gun at you, the character keeps moving forward IN SPITE the player had stop moving and even released the controller. There is no way to make him stop moving. Obviously, this gets you shot without any chance to interact.

    Now, when I got this glitch, after dozens of tries, I tried user "ThisGameSucks" method and, as he said, it works. Basically, tapping w very slowly or holding 'w' until Brenda aims at you won't work if the glitch is happening, and Lee will get shot. However, rapidly tapping 'w' (not holding, but tapping quickly) until she aims at you does do the trick and allows you to interact and advance with the story.

    This IS a glitch, since the character SHOULD stop when the player stops pressing the 'w' key, regardless if he was tapping fast, slowly or just holding it. But on several ocations, Lee keeps moving forward in spite of what the player is pressing or not. Having this said, the glitch doesn't happen all the time, and rewinding it or re-installing the game might get it solve, but the workaround "ThisGameSucks" provided did seem to work to me as it did to him.

    I suppose Telltale Games should take a look into this because it is a semi-game breaking bug (I say 'semi' because there seems to be a workaround, but if players don't know about it, they'll be stuck for days before getting lucky). Also, other users should be more considerate and less "cocky" when players are reporting this sort of things. I'm glad you didn't encounter such glitch.

  • what the heck man?

    gmgo posted: »

    First of all, I'd like to clarify there IS a glitch going around, at least as far as PC version goes, and I've stumpled with it on one of my

  • Was fine for me

  • Ohmyfuckinggod, this glitch took hours to get through. I repeatedly tapped x, then b for the 2nd part, then x again. Keeeeep tapping until the dialogue prompt shows up. I tried switching controllers cuz I did have a demon-possessed thumbstick. It's NOT the controller, Lee moves forward whether you touch anything or not, you have to keep hitting x even when you think it's over and she's going to shoot you. I never would have made it through this if I hadn't read suggestions on here, I thank you. As soon as I got it over with I told my boyfriend this glitch is so bad the game doesn't DESERVE to be played. I beat the glitch and it was so inexcusable, SUCH utter bullshit, that I really don't wanna play even though the rest is supposed to be fairly glitch free. Anyone who had to deal with this should get a I SURVIVED THE STUPID GLITCH ACHIEVEMENT 1000G. We DO want our $money$ back, but we deserve so much more- a public apology, an achievement, a HUG, and extra hours in the day to replace the time we pissed away on this horse hockey.

  • OMFG !!!! This is a painfull glitch, after 2 days trying i have no just skipped and loaded ep 3...
    I will never by a telltale game again..... My xbox and controller are brand new...
    waste of money

  • I recently decided to play this game being a pretty big fan of "the walking dead" fan and wow I ran into exactly the same problem, even some three years on. There is nothing I can do & it's not some controller issue like I've read elsewhere. This really appears to be a program glitch & really frustrating at that. this is some straight up buuull-shiiiit.

  • I take that back, my bad. I simply had to let go of all controls when she threatens to shoot then the selection menu appears. Took me a while to figure out though.

  • On PC, I totally thought it was a glitch, but it's just way more sensitive than anything else I've seen in the game so far. Very unforgiving; as others have said, you gotta just tap the W key really briefly about 12-20 times, with your mouse aimed at the middle of their bodies. Totally didn't work for me the first 8-10 times I tried it, because the window of opportunity is miniscule. Also, trying to walk backward with S doesn't help. It sounds like this is probably easier on console versions.

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