The final episode will have the best ending {holding out hope for multiple endings hell if episode 5 had wholely diffrent acts from a major divergence like woodbury or the coast]be Clem and Lee having a barbecue with the other survivors and Clem will be wearing cool shades
The game has - to a small extent - the potential to set the spirit of comics and series. Delays aside, Lee's story will END before Rick's in whatever incarnation. We don't know if Kirkman wants to end his story with a ray of hope... so we can't really know if a leftover chance for Lee & Clem would contradict the spirit of the comics or even "ruin" the ending(s) of the Telltale game.
/edit: Errr... would anyone be against my changing the title to "Could Telltale kill Clementine?" or something like that? Thread title's a bit meaningless right now.
Ah, I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not arguing that Clem has to die to stay true to the spirit of the comics. The point I'm trying to make is that no one is safe, even children. It seems like you've read the comics so you can understand my point of view.
I'm willing to bet that the ending will be somewhat open ended with at least Lee and Clem still alive. At least it would give them the option to continue the story if TTG gets that chance. I like how it's shaping up so far though!
Let me Repeat and Reiterate and Refrain until TTG says they are going to woodbury dont make assumptions
It's still a safe assumption that Woodbury will be involved in the story. We'll have to agree to disagree.
This is actually very worthy of discussion. From a narrative standpoint, from the standpoint of taboo, from the standpoint of genre rules as well as one of "moral design". So why can't you? Because you're too scared of the possibility? A bit like I myself am?
The flaming stops either way. :rolleyes:
Noooooo, I can see it in my head, poor Clementine is dead! Her skin is bloodstained and pale, oh what God would be so cruel and made me fail? It's my trigger finger that sends her sleep and my conscience that lets me weep. (
It would be an interesting and unpopular ending indeed. What if you have the choice to shoot her, letting her bite you or run away? The message would be that it's an ugly world and there is no hope. It would be fitting to this dark story telling. But will TTG really have the balls (or eggs) to do this?
It's always about the money. And I guess leaving Clem and Lee alive is better for future profits. But I would actually (sort of) really like to see Lee and Clem die and then you play Carley/Doug in Season 2. That would be really bold ...
But yes, I would also be very sad about Clem dying. Still ... it would be a surprising ending and I like surprises. Think about it ... you invest a lot of emotions in Lee and Clem. Then having to make the toughest choice ever would be oh so dramatic.
I know ... how about TTG implements a NIGHTMARE scene, where Lee has to shoot Zomby-Clem? That fear must be present in Lee's mind, right?
Can Lee wake up if he can't bring himself to shoot zombie clem and she attacks him?
i reckon thats possible in an ep before the last one to find out players reactions i don't mind them doing a dream sequence but not at the end episode..
but i reckon i'll be doing lots of repeat scenes if clem is a choice...i'll saving her no matter what..
It's a story broski. Carl (Rick's son) has killed another child, had half his face shot off, and killed Shane. You're in for a rude awakening if you're expecting a sunshine and unicorn ending to this game :P . Hell, Rick cuts off a mothers hand that wouldn't let go of Carl so they could escape and watched the mother and son die.
Don't forget a certain someone kills a baby.
even babies aren't safe in the Walking Dead universe
I got this possible scenario in my head. Considering they're heading for the coast and maybe to reach some islands, I can see a situation where Clem drowns and Lee has to give CPR. It'll mirrior what happened to Larry and you have to decide if you should risk it or not and for how long to try and bring her back. Success will depend on how fast you got to her and if you screw giving her CPR (messing up the steps). My hands will be trembling while holding the controller if that happened.
I got this possible scenario in my head. Considering they're heading for the coast and maybe to reach some islands, I can see a situation where Clem drowns and Lee has to give CPR. It'll mirrior what happened to Larry and you have to decide if you should risk it or not and for how long to try and bring her back. Success will depend on how fast you got to her and if you screw giving her CPR (messing up the steps). My hands will be trembling while holding the controller if that happened.
and then Kenny crushes her head in with an anchor or something, now that will be shocking.
even babies aren't safe in the Walking Dead universe
Yeah man. The Walking Dead is brutal story. I'm actually curious how far TellTale will go with it. Seeing mark drag his legless body down stairs kinda gives me hope, haha. Jesus, that makes me sound like a monster :eek:
Seriously, I can not only imagine an episode 5 without Clementine, but also an episode 5 where you control Clementine because LEE HAS DIED.
That's why I love this IP. NO ONE is safe. The story can go in any direction. For the guys questioning the whole " no one is safe" thing, I'd suggest you familiarize yourself with the source material. You won't regret it.
Also Vain, any predictions for #100? One of the few characters I thoroughly enjoy (that's still alive, haha) is probably going to die .
I do believe international law forbids the harming or intentional killing of a child
in a video game? so I don't think we will be seeing the death of any children soon.
I do believe international law forbids the harming or intentional killing of a child
in a video game? so I don't think we will be seeing the death of any children soon.
I got this possible scenario in my head. Considering they're heading for the coast and maybe to reach some islands, I can see a situation where Clem drowns and Lee has to give CPR. It'll mirrior what happened to Larry and you have to decide if you should risk it or not and for how long to try and bring her back. Success will depend on how fast you got to her and if you screw giving her CPR (messing up the steps). My hands will be trembling while holding the controller if that happened.
So your telling me I should get Another One Bites the Dust ready because it's the perfect CPR Rythm?
and then Kenny crushes her head in with an anchor or something, now that will be shocking.
If Kenny dropped an anchor on Clems head I would do to his eyes what I did to the teachers eyes his leg what i did to the teachers leg his balls what jolene threatened to do to lees balls and tie the anchor around his remaining leg and drop him into the ocean
Reading all these thoughts kinda makes me wanting not to play any additional episodes. At one hand I enjoy the suspense and the "noone is safe" approach to it... but at the other hand I don't wanna see Clem die ... or Lee ... or anybody else I like.
Not sure, if TTG will go this far and kill off Clem, but I have a very bad feeling regarding Lee's future.
Actually what would be interesting is Clementine is in the last episode is the protagonist and we dont know what happened and she tells the new group shes with that Lee is dead. and then at the very end she's missing and all they find is her cap and she's shown walking hand in hand with lee whose death she lied about
Yes, they could, and the chances of them doing so either because of our decisions or because of the way the story works are very high. Many children and innocent died in the comics, and the game should be no different.
Not saying I'd be happy about it, but there are no restrictions in the world of TWD. And you better believe I'll be doing what I can to prevent such an event.
Can Lee wake up if he can't bring himself to shoot zombie clem and she attacks him?
Yes, he has the choice to kill her ("mercy"), run away (craven) or to be bitten/eaten (giving up hope). As a result he wakes up with a) the shoot ringing in his ears, b) running down an endless corridor and followed by zombies everywhere he goes or c) being eaten by Clementine and some other zombies (maybe the rest of the group). He'll be screaming/sweating and give Clem a hug or something, when he sees her.
i'm game if clem turned i'd get a chord to connect us and let her bite me before seperating from her till long enough where we both turned then we'd wandered tethered together looking for delicious humans
I'm good with anything happening except Clem's death. Some argue that the comic series is not about Rick's life, but Carl's new life. I hope this is the case with the game, as it focuses more on Clem's life then Lee's.
Episode 5 is called "No Time Left." Its preview image is the only one not to feature Lee. (Unless Lee's the corpse in the foreground?) Clementine's there, though. Maybe the "Lee dies, and you play as Clementine" idea isn't so far-fetched.
if the game ever tries to make lee kill clem because she becomes a walker [and it might happen if you miss certain key decisions like not getting her the hoodie not finding the pneumonia meds at the pharmacy etc Speculation!!] They better give me the ending where lee willingly gets bit then we cut to other survivors being approached by zombie clem and zombie lee. it could be like the new 4th ending in ME3 where you can
tell the catalyst you wont use the crucible and you end up losing but you help future generations stop the reapers
Episode 5 is called "No Time Left." Its preview image is the only one not to feature Lee. (Unless Lee's the corpse in the foreground?) Clementine's there, though. Maybe the "Lee dies, and you play as Clementine" idea isn't so far-fetched.
hey, first post here. anyway, I would be a little disappointed if we ended up playing as Clementine. While she is a likeable character, I think Lee is much more interesting at this point. With all of those tough decesions that he had to make in episode 2, ontop of the back story with his wife's murder that we have yet yo find out, i just think there is so much more to be done with this character.
I also don't think Clem is too tough. *spoilers ahead*. While she did crawl through the air vents to unlock everyone from the meat cooler, clem couldn't watch when the band teacher, or coach, or whatever the hell he was, when he was brought into the INN.
hey, first post here. anyway, I would be a little disappointed if we ended up playing as Clementine. While she is a likeable character, I think Lee is much more interesting at this point. With all of those tough decesions that he had to make in episode 2, ontop of the back story with his wife's murder that we have yet yo find out, i just think there is so much more to be done with this character.
I also don't think Clem is too tough. *spoilers ahead*. While she did crawl through the air vents to unlock everyone from the meat cooler, clem couldn't watch when the band teacher, or coach, or whatever the hell he was, when he was brought into the INN.
TBH, she is 8. I still think that Lee and Clem should just leave all them other clowns behind (cept Carley, she can bring her fine azz) and survive on their own. The rest of the group just doesn't have anything to offer anymore really, except complaining and starvation.
TBH, she is 8. I still think that Lee and Clem should just leave all them other clowns behind (cept Carley, she can bring her fine azz) and survive on their own. The rest of the group just doesn't have anything to offer anymore really, except complaining and starvation.
I agree. I grew to like my crew members alot less this trip around. I mean i did have the bug where I helped Kenny and for some reason he hated me in episode 2, but glitches aside I found myself wanting to jump through the screen sometimes and shake certain characters.
if clem gets killed, no matter what i do, ill stop playing... simple as that
that would be too much of a downer to like this game anymore! if it happens because of bad choices throughout the game, that would be horrible, but then i can restart the game and try to do better.
if clem gets killed, no matter what i do, ill stop playing... simple as that
that would be too much of a downer to like this game anymore! if it happens because of bad choices throughout the game, that would be horrible, but then i can restart the game and try to do better.
that seems like a silly reason to stop playing. this is The Walking Dead Kirkman always says, "no one is safe"
hey, first post here. anyway, I would be a little disappointed if we ended up playing as Clementine. While she is a likeable character, I think Lee is much more interesting at this point. With all of those tough decesions that he had to make in episode 2, ontop of the back story with his wife's murder that we have yet yo find out, i just think there is so much more to be done with this character.
There certainly have to be more revelations around Lee. And I think you're right to assume that Lee dying at the end of episode 4 would be a bad move. This game is a lot about "parenting" Clementine, about her imitating and learning from Lee (more by his words in episode 1, more by his deeds in episode 2). If you in fact control Clementine's actions at the end, we would not really see an outcome of this, we would not see what kind of child she is because of Lee, and it would be disappointing.
thats just advertisement... if he kills of rick the comic is done
disagree....for the longest time I've kind of thought that Carl could eventually take over the stories. It seems like Rick has been trying to prepare Carl for life after his did you catch the comic covers for 100? the one with Rick as a zombie?
thats just advertisement... if he kills of rick the comic is done
It's not just advertisement. I've learned that no character in his story is safe. Rick and Carl still survive but they carry gruesome scars. If they do kill off Rick, I'll continue reading. As will many. The setting and the stories that come from it are too rich to die off because of a single character.
As a matter of fact, they're probably going to kill off one of my favorites in the upcoming issue (right after they killed off another one of my favorites). The anxiety of not knowing how the story will go when it doesn't follow conventional rules (plot armor) is worth the price of admission, at least to me. It's also something I hope TellTale can pull off, they're already off to a good start.
disagree....for the longest time I've kind of thought that Carl could eventually take over the stories. It seems like Rick has been trying to prepare Carl for life after his did you catch the comic covers for 100? the one with Rick as a zombie?
wasnt he seen dead on another cover on the last issue in the prison? he certainly didnt die there...
well, could be that im wrong with clem not dying and rick never dying, im just guessing like erveryone else...
@vainamoinen: was ich meinte war, dass ich hoffe das man irgendwie das ende beeinflussen kann, ob lee, clem, beide (oder keiner hoffentlich) am ende stirbt.
I love Clem. But she does kind of have this pure innocent messiah jesus image going on (too innocent for this Zombie Apocalypse world). And we all know what happened to Jesus...
Then again that may be a little too cliche...(like Shutter island)
Our Clementine
who art in georgia
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in georgia
give us this day our daily apple
and forgive us our stealing
as we forgive those who steal from us.
for thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever
Our Clementine
who art in georgia
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in georgia
give us this day our daily apple
and forgive us our stealing
as we forgive those who steal from us.
for thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever
I would never blame anyone for being a writer. We wouldn't have this amazing game. I'm just saying that idolizing an eight year old is a little strange...To each his own I guess.
Ah, I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not arguing that Clem has to die to stay true to the spirit of the comics. The point I'm trying to make is that no one is safe, even children. It seems like you've read the comics so you can understand my point of view.
I'm willing to bet that the ending will be somewhat open ended with at least Lee and Clem still alive. At least it would give them the option to continue the story if TTG gets that chance. I like how it's shaping up so far though!
It's still a safe assumption that Woodbury will be involved in the story. We'll have to agree to disagree.
Noooooo, I can see it in my head, poor Clementine is dead! Her skin is bloodstained and pale, oh what God would be so cruel and made me fail? It's my trigger finger that sends her sleep and my conscience that lets me weep.
It would be an interesting and unpopular ending indeed. What if you have the choice to shoot her, letting her bite you or run away? The message would be that it's an ugly world and there is no hope. It would be fitting to this dark story telling. But will TTG really have the balls (or eggs) to do this?
It's always about the money. And I guess leaving Clem and Lee alive is better for future profits. But I would actually (sort of) really like to see Lee and Clem die and then you play Carley/Doug in Season 2. That would be really bold ...
But yes, I would also be very sad about Clem dying. Still ... it would be a surprising ending and I like surprises. Think about it ... you invest a lot of emotions in Lee and Clem. Then having to make the toughest choice ever would be oh so dramatic.
I know ... how about TTG implements a NIGHTMARE scene, where Lee has to shoot Zomby-Clem? That fear must be present in Lee's mind, right?
i reckon thats possible in an ep before the last one to find out players reactions i don't mind them doing a dream sequence but not at the end episode..
but i reckon i'll be doing lots of repeat scenes if clem is a choice...i'll saving her no matter what..
Don't forget a certain someone kills a baby.
even babies aren't safe in the Walking Dead universe
and then Kenny crushes her head in with an anchor or something, now that will be shocking.
Yeah man. The Walking Dead is brutal story. I'm actually curious how far TellTale will go with it. Seeing mark drag his legless body down stairs kinda gives me hope, haha. Jesus, that makes me sound like a monster :eek:
Seriously, I can not only imagine an episode 5 without Clementine, but also an episode 5 where you control Clementine because LEE HAS DIED.
That's why I love this IP. NO ONE is safe. The story can go in any direction. For the guys questioning the whole " no one is safe" thing, I'd suggest you familiarize yourself with the source material. You won't regret it.
Also Vain, any predictions for #100? One of the few characters I thoroughly enjoy (that's still alive, haha) is probably going to die
Can you cite a source for that?
in a video game? so I don't think we will be seeing the death of any children soon.
I may be wrong though
So your telling me I should get Another One Bites the Dust ready because it's the perfect CPR Rythm?
If Kenny dropped an anchor on Clems head I would do to his eyes what I did to the teachers eyes his leg what i did to the teachers leg his balls what jolene threatened to do to lees balls and tie the anchor around his remaining leg and drop him into the ocean
Not sure, if TTG will go this far and kill off Clem, but I have a very bad feeling regarding Lee's future.
Not saying I'd be happy about it, but there are no restrictions in the world of TWD. And you better believe I'll be doing what I can to prevent such an event.
Yes, he has the choice to kill her ("mercy"), run away (craven) or to be bitten/eaten (giving up hope). As a result he wakes up with a) the shoot ringing in his ears, b) running down an endless corridor and followed by zombies everywhere he goes or c) being eaten by Clementine and some other zombies (maybe the rest of the group). He'll be screaming/sweating and give Clem a hug or something, when he sees her.
hey, first post here. anyway, I would be a little disappointed if we ended up playing as Clementine. While she is a likeable character, I think Lee is much more interesting at this point. With all of those tough decesions that he had to make in episode 2, ontop of the back story with his wife's murder that we have yet yo find out, i just think there is so much more to be done with this character.
I also don't think Clem is too tough. *spoilers ahead*. While she did crawl through the air vents to unlock everyone from the meat cooler, clem couldn't watch when the band teacher, or coach, or whatever the hell he was, when he was brought into the INN.
TBH, she is 8. I still think that Lee and Clem should just leave all them other clowns behind (cept Carley, she can bring her fine azz) and survive on their own. The rest of the group just doesn't have anything to offer anymore really, except complaining and starvation.
I agree. I grew to like my crew members alot less this trip around. I mean i did have the bug where I helped Kenny and for some reason he hated me in episode 2, but glitches aside I found myself wanting to jump through the screen sometimes and shake certain characters.
that would be too much of a downer to like this game anymore! if it happens because of bad choices throughout the game, that would be horrible, but then i can restart the game and try to do better.
that seems like a silly reason to stop playing. this is The Walking Dead Kirkman always says, "no one is safe"
thats just advertisement... if he kills of rick the comic is done
There certainly have to be more revelations around Lee. And I think you're right to assume that Lee dying at the end of episode 4 would be a bad move. This game is a lot about "parenting" Clementine, about her imitating and learning from Lee (more by his words in episode 1, more by his deeds in episode 2). If you in fact control Clementine's actions at the end, we would not really see an outcome of this, we would not see what kind of child she is because of Lee, and it would be disappointing.
You could state that Clementine's death effectively ends the story for you, and it would be a very valid thing to assume about the narrative.
disagree....for the longest time I've kind of thought that Carl could eventually take over the stories. It seems like Rick has been trying to prepare Carl for life after his did you catch the comic covers for 100? the one with Rick as a zombie?
It's not just advertisement. I've learned that no character in his story is safe. Rick and Carl still survive but they carry gruesome scars. If they do kill off Rick, I'll continue reading. As will many. The setting and the stories that come from it are too rich to die off because of a single character.
As a matter of fact, they're probably going to kill off one of my favorites in the upcoming issue (right after they killed off another one of my favorites). The anxiety of not knowing how the story will go when it doesn't follow conventional rules (plot armor) is worth the price of admission, at least to me. It's also something I hope TellTale can pull off, they're already off to a good start.
wasnt he seen dead on another cover on the last issue in the prison? he certainly didnt die there...
well, could be that im wrong with clem not dying and rick never dying, im just guessing like erveryone else...
@vainamoinen: was ich meinte war, dass ich hoffe das man irgendwie das ende beeinflussen kann, ob lee, clem, beide (oder keiner hoffentlich) am ende stirbt.
Then again that may be a little too cliche...(like Shutter island)
who art in georgia
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in georgia
give us this day our daily apple
and forgive us our stealing
as we forgive those who steal from us.
for thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever
I would say this is borderline unhealthy