If this is a game based on The Walking Dead and truly wants to stick to the grit of the source material, then Clem is by no means safe. The comics has seen their share of child deaths(a baby too), and even the TV show touched on the subject(who could forget the last walker out of Herschel's barn in Season 2). I'm sure a decision that could lead to Clem's death is very possible.
Would they do it? Why not? Remember, the game is replayable, and to me, that means a consequence of your actions could lead to her death. Even better would be a choice to kill a zombified Clementine. As a matter of fact, I'd be offended as a fan of The Walking Dead canon, & of interactive games that are highly replayable, to not see an outcome where Clementine becomes a zombie entree, or a zombie for that matter.
If this is a game based on The Walking Dead and truly wants to stick to the grit of the source material, then Clem is by no means safe. The comics has seen their share of child deaths(a baby too), and even the TV show touched on the subject(who could forget the last walker out of Herschel's barn in Season 2). I'm sure a decision that could lead to Clem's death is very possible.
Would they do it? Why not? Remember, the game is replayable, and to me, that means a consequence of your actions could lead to her death. Even better would be a choice to kill a zombified Clementine. As a matter of fact, I'd be offended as a fan of The Walking Dead canon, & of interactive games that are highly replayable, to not see an outcome where Clementine becomes a zombie entree, or a zombie for that matter.
It's interesting to consider the idea that the Walking Dead is not about Rick or Lee's life in the apocalypse, but Carl and Clem's new life. I highly doubt that Clem is going to die as she is one of the main characters, and fills in the spot of Carl in the game.
If Clem becomes a zombie, I will let Lee be her first meal. And then never stop crying.
Regarding the TV series, well season 2 felt kinda slow, like that feeling you get when the wind drops off and you start feeling the air pressure building slowly, then BOOOOOOOOM a bolt of lightning strikes... the scene at Herschel's barn, well man, that left me broken I have to admit... I just sat back and thought "oh my f**k... holy sh*t ... wow ..." and pretended I had something in my eyes, left the room and grabbed a hanky in the next room.
Not only could she die but she should die. If this game's true intent is to engage and provoke a response, it is the natural, logical and brilliant ending.
Won't happen though, Telltale don't have the balls.
if TTG kills off Clementine then basically all that time you build up getting to know her getting to care and love her turns the story from Lees redemption to Everybody dies and life sucks. So if your trying to escape a depressing reality to be immersed in an even more depressing reality you've made a backwards direction. Also i would delete my Sam and max season one and two and TWD on xbox and demand a refund if Clem was forced to die.
if TTG kills off Clementine then basically all that time you build up getting to know her getting to care and love her turns the story from Lees redemption to Everybody dies and life sucks. So if your trying to escape a depressing reality to be immersed in an even more depressing reality you've made a backwards direction. Also i would delete my Sam and max season one and two and TWD on xbox and demand a refund if Clem was forced to die.
That's how this genre is. You don't enjoy zombie stories for their fairy tale endings with 8 year old children in tree-houses. They build characters up, make them likable, then kill them. It's not a step backwards at all. It makes for more interesting dynamics in regards to your interactions with others.
Your last bit about demanding a refund is an example of everything that is wrong with video game consumers. Making developers too scared to take risks with their own characters is incredibly lame. Hell, even Kirkland knows he has to kill off Rick, if he doesn't the story will lose some of its realism (at least as far as realism goes in a zombie apocalypse).
Your point about this being a story about "Lee's redemption" is way off as well. There has been nothing in this story so far that indicates he is looking for it in any way. So far, it's just been about his interactions with the group, survival, and trying to take care of this kid.
I realize this may sound somewhat aggressive, I don't mean for it to though. I would urge you to check out the comics to see what you're getting yourself into since it looks like TTG is trying to stay true to the source material (props to them btw).
It's interesting to consider the idea that the Walking Dead is not about Rick or Lee's life in the apocalypse, but Carl and Clem's new life. I highly doubt that Clem is going to die as she is one of the main characters, and fills in the spot of Carl in the game.
I'm not sure where they're going with Clem, but according to TWD canon, she isn't in the clear. The great thing about these replayable interactive games: multiple endings. Why can't we have one where Clem dies? A "Happily ever After" for a zombie story seems way out of the norm, especially one set in the same universe as The Walking Dead hehe. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE little Clementine.
I think if based on your choices throughout the season Clem chooses to leave you or stay with you..or she dies or survives..that would be a pretty cool consequence for all the choices you would have made..like playing with her or not..or killing someone in front of her to not etc
Hero i think thats what they are planning which i can deal with if you force me to have clem or lee dead by seasons end no matter what then that is a shitty ending like ME three BUT if it's possible for them to die or live because of the players choices then i'm ok with that
Not only could she die but she should die. If this game's true intent is to engage and provoke a response, it is the natural, logical and brilliant ending.
Won't happen though, Telltale don't have the balls.
As I've said in another thread, the problem with trying to provoke a cheap shock or response by killing off Clementine is that there's an expectation that things are going to end up horribly for both her and Lee, which kinda detracts from any "brilliance". At that point it's less horrible, shocking event and more like the expectation you have when you buy a pet goldfish.
I mean, hell, people already expect Rick to bite it in the comics and for Carl to sort of step up to take his place (and I feel the need to point out that if Kirkman really wanted to be shocking/realistic about it, Carl should probably precede him, especially since from the pictures I've seen the kid no longer has depth perception ).
The way the game's been going, I wouldn't be surprised if it gave us a "choice" to have Lee sacrifice himself for Clementine, or sacrifice her to save himself by kicking her into a horde of Walkers or something... and they both end up killed off/eaten anyway.
Realistically, the kid that "should" bite the dust is Duck, mentally slow, loud and apparently oblivious to what's going on around him. By contrast, Clementine's quiet, thoughtful, aware of what's going on around her and has already demonstrated she can survive on her own for atleast a few days. It'd really detract from that sense of "realism" if Clementine ended up dead before Duck did.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if Duck did end up dead, Kenny flies into a rage, and kills off Clem out of revenge or something.
What I'm really curious about is how Larry's death will affect Clem. Let's see how death has effected other kids in the Walking Dead: Spoilers(comic):
1. Ben. Seeing how people can die and come back to life without destroying the brain had left this child murdering his own brother.
2. Carl. Watching people die all around him caused him to mature more quickly then any other character.
3. Sophia. Having seen both of her parents die, she abandons the idea that they were her "real" parents.
So Telltale has got to include something that affects Clem's character development, be it in this season or the next.
the best redemption is the one your not actively seeking
What I'm really curious about is how Larry's death will affect Clem. Let's see how death has effected other kids in the Walking Dead: Spoilers(comic):
1. Ben. Seeing how people can die and come back to life without destroying the brain had left this child murdering his own brother.
2. Carl. Watching people die all around him caused him to mature more quickly then any other character.
3. Sophia. Having seen both of her parents die, she abandons the idea that they were her "real" parents.
So Telltale has got to include something that affects Clem's character development, be it in this season or the next.
Yeah, seeing how Carl changes and learns to cope is what made the series so enjoyable for me.
When Rick realizes what really happened between Carl and the twins, well, my jaw pretty much dropped.
Seeing how the events in the story shape Clem is one of the more interesting aspects to the story.
Hopefully we'll see how our decisions have effected her sooner rather than later. Like killing the brothers, stealing the food, etc. Would be nice to have more immediate consequences in the upcoming episodes.
Whether Clem lives or dies has to be determined by the action or inaction of the player. The beauty of RPGs is the ability to choose your own path in the story and see how it plays out. For me, I will try my hardest to save Clem and get her to safety, although I doubt there is such a place left in Walking Dead world. However, there has to be a payoff for the player and to reward their efforts or punish them for their poor choices. I want to save group and do the best as I can but I know that's next to impossible in the zombie apocalypse and I will lose people. However, if I can save Clem and Carley, I can live with it even if the choices in order to save them might be less than desirable.
I just don't want to play for 10 hours, doing all five episodes with my very best efforts just to get popup window saying, "Oops, Lee is dead, Clem is dead, Carley is dead, Kenny's family is all dead, everyone else to dead and the walkers inherit the earth. Buy more downloadable content." (Yes, that's a shot at ME3.)
Whether Clem lives or dies has to be determined by the action or inaction of the player. The beauty of RPGs is the ability to choose your own path in the story and see how it plays out. For me, I will try my hardest to save Clem and get her to safety, although I doubt there is such a place left in Walking Dead world. However, there has to be a payoff for the player and to reward their efforts or punish them for their poor choices. I want to save group and do the best as I can but I know that's next to impossible in the zombie apocalypse and I will lose people. However, if I can save Clem and Carley, I can live with it even if the choices in order to save them might be less than desirable.
I just don't want to play for 10 hours, doing all five episodes with my very best efforts just to get popup window saying, "Oops, Lee is dead, Clem is dead, Carley is dead, Kenny's family is all dead, everyone else to dead and the walkers inherit the earth. Buy more downloadable content." (Yes, that's a shot at ME3.)
Shot at season 2 then? I predict at least Lee and Clem will survive at the end of season 1.
Whether Clem lives or dies has to be determined by the action or inaction of the player. The beauty of RPGs is the ability to choose your own path in the story and see how it plays out. For me, I will try my hardest to save Clem and get her to safety, although I doubt there is such a place left in Walking Dead world. However, there has to be a payoff for the player and to reward their efforts or punish them for their poor choices. I want to save group and do the best as I can but I know that's next to impossible in the zombie apocalypse and I will lose people. However, if I can save Clem and Carley, I can live with it even if the choices in order to save them might be less than desirable.
Clem and Lee are gonna live until the last episode. The only time when TTG can kill one of them is just last chapter of last episode.
And about others, I think all of them are gonna die/leave the group because of chapter names in wiki:
Episode 3
Chapter 4 - Woodbury Bound (Lilly might leave)
Chapter 6 - Can't Save 'em All (2-3 are gonna die probably)
Episode 4
Chapter 7 - The Morning After (This is probably morning after a huge battle with bandits/zombies 2-3 members are gonna die)
Episode 5
Chapter 4 - Mercy (Maybe we are gonna have a choice to leave someone alive or dead like StJohn brothers. 1-2 members are gonna die)
Chapter 5 - The Marsh House (They are gonna reach Clem's house, where they probably meet her mom, who probably is dead or crazy and will try to kill Lee which will lead to death of 1-2 members)
Chapter 7 - Stay Close To Me (Everyone in group is gonna die/leave except Lee and Clem, so Lee will try to escort her to safety)
Chapter 8 - What Remains (This chapter might have a final decision on who is gonna live Clem or Lee)
What are these chapter titles? Where is the wiki getting these? Why do people think Clem's last name is Marsh? What rationale is it to think that you're heading to Clem's house when you started in her house? Her parents aren't rich enough for two houses.
What are these chapter titles? Where is the wiki getting these? Why do people think Clem's last name is Marsh? What rationale is it to think that you're heading to Clem's house when you started in her house? Her parents aren't rich enough for two houses.
And Clem's last name is
It is true that Clem's last name is not Marsh. Jake from Telltale confirmed it in a post.
Source? It is true that Clem's last name is not Marsh. Jake from Telltale confirmed it in a post.
Uh, I didn't say anything. I was just asking questions. If you're asking how I know Clem's last name, you should click on the spoiler before you assume I know something. I'd use an emoticon here to show I'm joking, but I don't really do that...
Uh, I didn't say anything. I was just asking questions. If you're asking how I know Clem's last name, you should click on the spoiler before you assume I know something. I'd use an emoticon here to show I'm joking, but I don't really do that...
You do realise what would be even worse than that, right?
Making you choose between Clem and Duck.
Easiest choice ever: Clementine... I'd even see if someone would make a mod that would make picking duck not an option and auto-pick Clem. A more brutal death scene for Duck would be nice too.
Easiest choice ever: Clementine... I'd even see if someone would make a mod that would make picking duck not an option and auto-pick Clem. A more brutal death scene for Duck would be nice too.
I still don't get how a character with seven or eight lines total in two episodes could receive so much hate.
If this is a game based on The Walking Dead and truly wants to stick to the grit of the source material, then Clem is by no means safe. The comics has seen their share of child deaths(a baby too), and even the TV show touched on the subject(who could forget the last walker out of Herschel's barn in Season 2). I'm sure a decision that could lead to Clem's death is very possible.
Would they do it? Why not? Remember, the game is replayable, and to me, that means a consequence of your actions could lead to her death. Even better would be a choice to kill a zombified Clementine. As a matter of fact, I'd be offended as a fan of The Walking Dead canon, & of interactive games that are highly replayable, to not see an outcome where Clementine becomes a zombie entree, or a zombie for that matter.
It's interesting to consider the idea that the Walking Dead is not about Rick or Lee's life in the apocalypse, but Carl and Clem's new life. I highly doubt that Clem is going to die as she is one of the main characters, and fills in the spot of Carl in the game.
Regarding the TV series, well season 2 felt kinda slow, like that feeling you get when the wind drops off and you start feeling the air pressure building slowly, then BOOOOOOOOM a bolt of lightning strikes... the scene at Herschel's barn, well man, that left me broken I have to admit... I just sat back and thought "oh my f**k... holy sh*t ... wow ..." and pretended I had something in my eyes, left the room and grabbed a hanky in the next room.
Won't happen though, Telltale don't have the balls.
That's how this genre is. You don't enjoy zombie stories for their fairy tale endings with 8 year old children in tree-houses. They build characters up, make them likable, then kill them. It's not a step backwards at all. It makes for more interesting dynamics in regards to your interactions with others.
Your last bit about demanding a refund is an example of everything that is wrong with video game consumers. Making developers too scared to take risks with their own characters is incredibly lame. Hell, even Kirkland knows he has to kill off Rick, if he doesn't the story will lose some of its realism (at least as far as realism goes in a zombie apocalypse).
Your point about this being a story about "Lee's redemption" is way off as well. There has been nothing in this story so far that indicates he is looking for it in any way. So far, it's just been about his interactions with the group, survival, and trying to take care of this kid.
I realize this may sound somewhat aggressive, I don't mean for it to though. I would urge you to check out the comics to see what you're getting yourself into since it looks like TTG is trying to stay true to the source material (props to them btw).
I'm not sure where they're going with Clem, but according to TWD canon, she isn't in the clear. The great thing about these replayable interactive games: multiple endings. Why can't we have one where Clem dies? A "Happily ever After" for a zombie story seems way out of the norm, especially one set in the same universe as The Walking Dead hehe. Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE little Clementine.
Hero i think thats what they are planning which i can deal with if you force me to have clem or lee dead by seasons end no matter what then that is a shitty ending like ME three BUT if it's possible for them to die or live because of the players choices then i'm ok with that
As I've said in another thread, the problem with trying to provoke a cheap shock or response by killing off Clementine is that there's an expectation that things are going to end up horribly for both her and Lee, which kinda detracts from any "brilliance". At that point it's less horrible, shocking event and more like the expectation you have when you buy a pet goldfish.
I mean, hell, people already expect Rick to bite it in the comics and for Carl to sort of step up to take his place (and I feel the need to point out that if Kirkman really wanted to be shocking/realistic about it, Carl should probably precede him, especially since from the pictures I've seen the kid no longer has depth perception
The way the game's been going, I wouldn't be surprised if it gave us a "choice" to have Lee sacrifice himself for Clementine, or sacrifice her to save himself by kicking her into a horde of Walkers or something... and they both end up killed off/eaten anyway.
Realistically, the kid that "should" bite the dust is Duck, mentally slow, loud and apparently oblivious to what's going on around him. By contrast, Clementine's quiet, thoughtful, aware of what's going on around her and has already demonstrated she can survive on her own for atleast a few days. It'd really detract from that sense of "realism" if Clementine ended up dead before Duck did.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if Duck did end up dead, Kenny flies into a rage, and kills off Clem out of revenge or something.
1. Ben. Seeing how people can die and come back to life without destroying the brain had left this child murdering his own brother.
2. Carl. Watching people die all around him caused him to mature more quickly then any other character.
3. Sophia. Having seen both of her parents die, she abandons the idea that they were her "real" parents.
So Telltale has got to include something that affects Clem's character development, be it in this season or the next.
Yeah, seeing how Carl changes and learns to cope is what made the series so enjoyable for me.
Hopefully we'll see how our decisions have effected her sooner rather than later. Like killing the brothers, stealing the food, etc. Would be nice to have more immediate consequences in the upcoming episodes.
I just don't want to play for 10 hours, doing all five episodes with my very best efforts just to get popup window saying, "Oops, Lee is dead, Clem is dead, Carley is dead, Kenny's family is all dead, everyone else to dead and the walkers inherit the earth. Buy more downloadable content." (Yes, that's a shot at ME3.)
Shot at season 2 then? I predict at least Lee and Clem will survive at the end of season 1.
My money's on only Lee and not Clem.
Clem and Lee are gonna live until the last episode. The only time when TTG can kill one of them is just last chapter of last episode.
And about others, I think all of them are gonna die/leave the group because of chapter names in wiki:
Episode 3
Chapter 4 - Woodbury Bound (Lilly might leave)
Chapter 6 - Can't Save 'em All (2-3 are gonna die probably)
Episode 4
Chapter 7 - The Morning After (This is probably morning after a huge battle with bandits/zombies 2-3 members are gonna die)
Episode 5
Chapter 4 - Mercy (Maybe we are gonna have a choice to leave someone alive or dead like StJohn brothers. 1-2 members are gonna die)
Chapter 5 - The Marsh House (They are gonna reach Clem's house, where they probably meet her mom, who probably is dead or crazy and will try to kill Lee which will lead to death of 1-2 members)
Chapter 7 - Stay Close To Me (Everyone in group is gonna die/leave except Lee and Clem, so Lee will try to escort her to safety)
Chapter 8 - What Remains (This chapter might have a final decision on who is gonna live Clem or Lee)
And Clem's last name is
As for chapter names I have no idea where they took it from but they did no mistakes chapter 2 so I believe that other chapters are right too.
It is true that Clem's last name is not Marsh. Jake from Telltale confirmed it in a post.
Uh, I didn't say anything. I was just asking questions. If you're asking how I know Clem's last name, you should click on the spoiler before you assume I know something. I'd use an emoticon here to show I'm joking, but I don't really do that...
The "Marsh House" is part of a Savannah area code which implies that is where Clem's parents are staying.
I see what you did there.
Easiest choice ever: Clementine... I'd even see if someone would make a mod that would make picking duck not an option and auto-pick Clem. A more brutal death scene for Duck would be nice too.
I still don't get how a character with seven or eight lines total in two episodes could receive so much hate.
He killed my bromance with Shawn, he annoyed a distraught Clem-Clem, and He's too Dumb to Live... It's pretty easy to see why he's so hated. XD