Your opinion of/reaction to meeting Chuck, Omid and Christa? Episode 3. [Spoilers]

edited September 2012 in The Walking Dead
I'm curious to know how you guys reacted to meeting and generally what you now think of these new survivors. :)

Personally, I was so emotionally drained after the previous horrific events of the day, I could hardly muster a fuck to give about these new, seemingly very interesting people. XD I just wearily went into automatic threat assessment mode and when I felt satisfied that they posed no obvious danger to our shambled remnants of a group, I decided they could all go to hell and fuck for all I cared. Pardon the language, but I feel it fits. XD

I must admit that I started to warm up to Chuck during the train ride. He seems like a cool dude, had some good advice and I shared a swig of hobo rum with him. Good times. The 'candy' dialogue upon meeting him may have been the only laughs I got in Episode 3 too, besides the 'Duck Greyson' stuff. That shot of Ben stuffing his face with hobo candy like a little kid was priceless. XD


  • edited August 2012
    Same here. Hell, after what happened to Duck I thought that was the end of the episode.
    They (Omid/Christa) have some odd fixation with kids, and I didnt really get hint of a skillset between them. The old timer looks like he's an open book type of guy.
    They all seem friendly enough but I dont know how useful they'll be
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck's introduction seemed alright, although when in the train, it seemed like Lee was about to meet his maker when Chuck began approaching him. I like Chuck for many reasons, but the Omid and Christa introduction seemed a little forced (Especially with the whole "They're coming with us and that's that." dialogue options).

    Even when Christa disapproves with your prying, and states something along the lines of "Not being a part of the group for too long." she still tags along. For being a loner, with her boi, Omid, she sure opted to come along, Walkers be damned. As for those two, Christa seems decent, but Omid seems a little too "helpful." I'm not the biggest Christa and Omid fans, just yet. :P Yay, Charles! :D
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck seems cool enough and is a good addition to our crew but i still feel like he's holding out on us with some dark secret. Not so fond of Christa. She comes in thinking she's the shit and we so desperately need her. She starts saying that she'll leave if she doesn't like what she sees, news flash bitch we arent exactly looking for new requits. Omid is alright I guess but i think they're getting a little too close to Clem.
  • edited August 2012
    Xarne wrote: »
    Same here. Hell, after what happened to Duck I thought that was the end of the episode.
    They (Omid/Christa) have some odd fixation with kids, and I didnt really get hint of a skillset between them. The old timer looks like he's an open book type of guy.
    They all seem friendly enough but I dont know how useful they'll be

    Im pretty sure Christa is pregnant. When Lee first comes up the ladder he hears them talking about "needing a group when...", and it hit me on my second play through that he means when she gives birth.

    It explains why Omid is so happy to see a kid, and why Christa just wanted to talk to Clem. She's probably trying to figure out if a child can cope and survive in this world. Her question in the station "Do you know what your doing with her" is probably the same question that she is struggling with herself.

    But who knows, they may be serial killers or cannibals :p
  • edited August 2012
    Omid is damn cute and so loveable :) And Christa is Christa ;)
  • edited August 2012
    I don't like Christa, she's Lilly version 2.0.
  • edited August 2012
    The Christa being pregnant thing is an interesting theory, but I'm not sure if it sets well with me. Number one, Omid is the man for doing the horizontal monster mash with her during the zombie apocalypse, but since she's skinny as a twig (No signs of pregnancy) this had to have happened fairly recently (Since so much time has passed from the beginning of the ZA). That just seems like a risk most people wouldn't take. If this happened before hand, she'd be showing already. Just my thoughts.

    If we had no place to stay, were on the move, and so forth, "Hey honey, let's screw." would be the last thing on my mind. Unless, of course, she was a rape victim, or something, but I think that would play out differently. I just think they have an ulterior motive with the group, for the moment.
  • edited August 2012
    I think Christa and Omid are the new Doug and Carley. That's my best guess for TTG getting rid of them so early. We'll probably get the option to save one in episode four and that will have some effect on five.

    I also think Christa is the intended romance option for Lee, the part about American history was just to perfect to be idle chit-chat. Plus they seemed to emphasize her motherly instincts towards Clem.
  • edited August 2012
    greenj2 wrote: »
    Personally, I was so emotionally drained after the previous horrific events of the day, I could hardly muster a fuck to give about these new, seemingly very interesting people. XD I just wearily went into automatic threat assessment mode and when I felt satisfied that they posed no obvious threat

    This right here. After the horrible events of the day I was too emotionally drained to even give them the time of day. I'm sure the characters are well designed, but this is not the group I bled for and have protected over the last 2 episodes. These new characters have alot of work to do before I care about anything that happens to them. As of now, the only person I feel any connection to in our group is Clem Clem.
  • edited August 2012
    I also think Christa is the intended romance option for Lee

    I hope not. D: I hope she's intended zombie food, if anything. >_> The Southern History comment could play out, as she states she (And I assume Omid, as well) is from Cali. That explains what they were doing, in the scene, to be stuck there. I think Lee raising his hand about his interest in the same subject was a stab at humor, if you recall her question about it all. :D

    Old, creepy walkie guy can have Christa and Omid. Enjoy, guy! :P
  • edited August 2012
    I also think Christa is the intended romance option for Lee.

    I am surprisingly ok with this. Mostly because I like my women like I like my drink: Bitter, dark, and able to reach things on the top shelf at the grocery store.
  • edited August 2012
    Don't like Christa. She is like Lilly always bitching and already trying to argue with me when I went to the trainstation. Asking about me being able to protect Clem. girl, you just met us, and I have taken care of her for months now, so stfu stupid bitch. As for possible romance: no way. Her attitude, her looks... she is like the opposite of a possible romance. I'll leave her to Omid.

    Omid well he is weak and obviously the beta male in the relationship.

    Chuck seems cool so far. He seems spot on and doesn't hide his opinion even if it's ugly.
  • edited August 2012
    Charles seems okay to me. He showed up at a real low point for the group (what's left of it) but seemed to understand life in a ZA.

    Something is not right with Christa and Omid. It's just weird to see two people on an overpass just what...out stretching their legs? No weapons, supplies, no reason for being there at all. Able to get on a train going in the opposite direction of where they say they are from.

    Take Lee and Ken in the beginning of e3. Had someone driven up in a car and seen Lee and Kenny they would have thought...Hmmmm armed, have supplies in Kenny's backpack or out gathering supplies. Their base is somewhere else nearby. That is, the way Lee and Kenny where outfitted matched where they where and what they were doing. Even if offered a ride to the coast Lee and Kenny couldn't just up and go. Just makes me wonder about Christa and Omid....why do they have no gear?

    Off topic, that helicopter pilot/crewman that Lee fought in the pharmacy. I know Lee hit him in the head a couple of times but he/it was still alive when it got impaled on some rebar sticking out of the concrete. It was alive, then seemed to "expire" from the chest wound caused by the rebar. Did that walker die from a cause other than massive head trauma?
  • edited August 2012
    Just replayed it, first time I thought Christa said she was the one that was into history, rethinking the romance thing. I still think they're good though, Omid already saved Lee's life and he's only known him a couple minutes. Christa also seems to genuinely care about Clem.
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck is an alright guy, and my only problem is why he has candy. I'll avoid getting to close to him, and Christa and Omid as well after the events of the day. In the end, I'm looking out for those in the original group, because Kenny and Clem are now the only ones who were with Lee from the beginning.
  • edited August 2012
    To be honest, when I first saw them I was relieved. And after the inner-turmoil the group had gone through. Just in that day alone, I was ecstatic att he thought of bringing new blood into the group. They were untainted by the grudges, the heartbreak, and the animosity that was forged in the Pharmacy/Motor Inn/Dairy Farm, respectively. Not to mention they would likely be useful in Savannah. I thought to myself. They're just what we needed at that point. An injection of "normal"

    Chuck, although, is a little sketchy. But, all in all, I think he's relatively harmless. Just a guy who was "taught in the school of hard-knocks' He's blunt and has alot of wisdom. Don't think he'll be particularly useful. Maybe get him cleaned up and his blues muscician sensibilities will boost morale. I see him as being a guy my Lee can turn to for advice.

    Omid, I think will be a great addition. Not sure what his skillset is quite yet, obviously. But I like his attitude and optimistic outlook (which we're in desperate need of). He's like a Glenn analogue. Altho, with the messed up leg, I dunno about his future with the group.

    Christa is pretty headstrong and self-reliant, it seems. I saw her immediately as a lvoe interest while speaking with her. Though, I came to find out theyw ere together much later on the train. Thought they were just friends at first. She seems level-headed and like she can handle herself. Just hope she doesn't get any grandiose ideas, cause now that things have taken this turn for the worst. I see Lee stepping up to more of a leadership role
  • edited August 2012
    I kinda like it that you now...halfway through the series have to deal with characters who you have no idea will react under certain situations. In Episode 1 more or less you were shown that Kenny will always protect his family, and friends...Carley is a great shot, Doug is a tech guy who is willing to risk his life to protect someone, Lilly sees herself as a leader and Larry hates you. Even in Episode 2 with Ben and Mark they are quick to show what they are.

    But here? Chuck good be anybody. He good be a nice guy, really trying to help you or may kill you in your sleep for supplies. You know nothing about Omid and Christa, only that they were on the road even before this whole thing started.

    I really do not know If I can trust anyone from them. But that is great...I told them who I am, and they took it well enough...I think? But I'm not certain if that was smart.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2012
    I was looking forward to Christa and Omid. Unfortunately, Christa is a pretty negative person. ;)

    I expected Kenny and Katjaa to start criticizing the hell out of Lee for how he raises Clementine (possibly after their loss of Duck and their longing for a new child). Well, that train has departed. But Christa filled the role immediately. I have to watch that lady. :o
  • edited August 2012
    I am anticipating future problems with Christa wanting to take Clem away from Lee.
  • edited August 2012
    I liked the little role reversal between Omid and Christa, and the part when Lee dangled him off the edge of the bridge made giggle, even after what happened to Duck and Katjaa.

    I really like Chuck, or as I know him, the narrator from Bastion. He fills the role of the old wise guy beautifuly, I wonder where he was when the walkers first struck.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2012

    I really like Chuck, or as I know him, the narrator from Bastion.

    I KNEW I had heard that voice before! ;)
  • edited August 2012
    I like them, or at least I like Omid. Christa is a little harder to read but I like that Omid brought a little light-heartedness after all the tragedy. I also like Chuck. He did give Lee some good advice.
  • edited August 2012
    I think this is just as good place to start posting as any.
    Cjcfman wrote: »
    Im pretty sure Christa is pregnant. When Lee first comes up the ladder he hears them talking about "needing a group when...", and it hit me on my second play through that he means when she gives birth.

    It explains why Omid is so happy to see a kid, and why Christa just wanted to talk to Clem. She's probably trying to figure out if a child can cope and survive in this world. Her question in the station "Do you know what your doing with her" is probably the same question that she is struggling with herself.

    That is what I think too. The discussion they had just before Lee joined them on the bridge was a big hint and how happy Omid was when they saw Clem. I can guess that they have had their own arguments and worries about having a child in ZA, but when Omid saw Clem it was like giving him a point for his more optimistic view that they can raise a child there.
  • edited August 2012
    I liked the little role reversal between Omid and Christa, and the part when Lee dangled him off the edge of the bridge made giggle, even after what happened to Duck and Katjaa.

    That was funny, lol. I pushed Omid off the bridge and he broke his leg. Im hoping that doesnt eventually get him killed and add to my guilt.
  • edited August 2012
    My opinion?

    Chucks drinking is going to get him killed.

    Omid is a pedophile Misogynist weakling, self loathing White Knight.

    Christa is a Misandrist.
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck: Think he's alright. Harmless and is quite street smart about the whole ZA.
    Omid: I like his nice cheery outlook, but think there's something wrong.
    Christa: Strongly dislike. Criticising how my Lee treats Clem, and a possible threat to take Clem off of Lee. Seems a bit power hungry, like Lily but not on my side. Criticised me for helping her into the train, dumb bitch.

    I dunno, it seems a bit dodgy that they're just on a road with nothing at all, somethings not quite right about them
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck: Think he's alright. Harmless and is quite street smart about the whole ZA.
    Omid: I like his nice cheery outlook, but think there's something wrong.
    Christa: Strongly dislike. Criticising how my Lee treats Clem, and a possible threat to take Clem off of Lee. Seems a bit power hungry, like Lily but not on my side. Criticised me for helping her into the train, dumb bitch.

    I dunno, it seems a bit dodgy that they're just on a road with nothing at all, somethings not quite right about them
  • edited August 2012
    Lykosia wrote: »
    I think this is just as good place to start posting as any.

    That is what I think too. The discussion they had just before Lee joined them on the bridge was a big hint and how happy Omid was when they saw Clem. I can guess that they have had their own arguments and worries about having a child in ZA, but when Omid saw Clem it was like giving him a point for his more optimistic view that they can raise a child there.

    Wow. You guys are good. I had to go to video replay before it clicked for me. Had no idea what they were talking about but it makes sense now. Maybe that is why they decided to take this road trip three months ago. They found out Christa is pregnant and wanted to "see America" before the child arrives.
  • edited August 2012
    Actually, she's not pregnant yet. But they have been trying.
    That's why as you approach Omid says "Maybe a group of guy's is what we need.."

    This makes me think that he is sterile IE "shooting blanks"
    And that he wants one or all of the men to inseminate Christa....
    Possibly in some sort of gangbang situation..
  • edited August 2012
    To be honest I was mentally exhausted after the events of that day.

    Considering the lady was a player hater, is their presence really worthy of my devotion?

    Team Lee FTW, everyone else can just stfu.

  • edited August 2012
    I like Chuck, he's got a.... "good" vibe around him. He's not very open about his past though, so we'll see if that becomes a problem.
    Omid seems cool enough, child thing and all.
    Christa's Ok, I'd probably just keep her around if she was trustworthy.
  • edited August 2012
    LokiHavok wrote: »
    Actually, she's not pregnant yet. But they have been trying.
    That's why as you approach Omid says "Maybe a group of guy's is what we need.."

    This makes me think that he is sterile IE "shooting blanks"
    And that he wants one or all of the men to inseminate Christa....
    Possibly in some sort of gangbang situation..

    just wrong
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah... Christa just... isn't my type. Chuck better have a lot more whiskey for that one to happen. :D
  • edited August 2012
    Lykosia wrote: »
    I think this is just as good place to start posting as any.

    That is what I think too. The discussion they had just before Lee joined them on the bridge was a big hint and how happy Omid was when they saw Clem. I can guess that they have had their own arguments and worries about having a child in ZA, but when Omid saw Clem it was like giving him a point for his more optimistic view that they can raise a child there.

    I wish you had a choice to stay on the ladder and hear the rest of the conversation.
  • edited August 2012
    KMatt wrote: »
    just wrong

    No shit.
  • edited August 2012
    Chuck Seems to be a good guy and If hes Terry St.John then hes a good guy not like his wife and sons.But when he spoke about cutting Clems hair coz she will get grabbed,that got me.I was keep asking myself If he knew about them going to St.John dairy and about Clem gettin grabbed by Andy(or Danny):D.So I am asking.Could he knew about St.John dairy and Lee going there?Or Its only my Imagination?
  • edited August 2012
    You're saying Chuck is actually Terry St. John?
    Perhaps that's why he was giving out candy.
    To fatten up the survivors!
  • edited August 2012
    I like them both. Since I'm not a douchebag like the rest of the community I'm going to help them :D
  • edited August 2012
    A really like all three of the new guys. Chuck seems smart and has clearly proved that hes good at evading walkers. I'm still not sure how useful he'll be in a fight but I guess we'll see. Omid seems like a cool guy and with Glen gone, it'll be good to have a character around to lighten the mood. Imworried that he might die a bit prematurely as hes already in a bad way after knowing him for like ten minutes. Christa seems like a tough and determined character, definately the strongest of the three. I know people are concerned about how trustworthy she is and if Omid dies we could have another Lilly on our hands but until then Im sure shell pull her own weight.

    Plus shes totally preggorz.
  • edited August 2012
    My reaction?
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