Chuck was pretty cool, funny when he offers Omid and Christa candy.
Omid is cool too, although he felt like a pain in the ass when he told me to save Christa.
Christa however, pretty much of a pain in the ass, but i'm sure over time i'll grow to like Christa, despite her annoying behavior.
Christa and Omid were a little more believable, but umm wtf? They are just roaming around on foot with no supplies? Which makes even less sense if she is pregnant like I'm suspecting.
Maybe there will be a dialogue in the next episode explaining this, for example:
Lee: How did you manage to survive that long without any supplies?
Christa: Actually, we had plenty of supplies, but some assholes stole them near Macon, when we left our car for a minute. If I ever find these guys, I'll kill them.
Maybe there will be a dialogue in the next episode explaining this, for example:
Lee: How did you manage to survive that long without any supplies?
Christa: Actually, we had plenty of supplies, but some assholes stole them near Macon, when we left our car for a minute. If I ever find these guys, I'll kill them.
That could work, but I don't see TT beeing that smart lol But when Clementine would wear the hoodie than both of them should notice that Lee & his group did it :cool:
Maybe there will be a dialogue in the next episode explaining this, for example:
Lee: How did you manage to survive that long without any supplies?
Christa: Actually, we had plenty of supplies, but some assholes stole them near Macon, when we left our car for a minute. If I ever find these guys, I'll kill them.
As I said they are a little more believable, but still very unlikely. Especially in the way they respond to the group...
I should note, my responses are based on the fact I actually was deep into the story and depressed/shocked at the events, so upon meeting the new two people, I paid little attention.
Chuck : Creepy Hobo of Wisdom
Omid : Pedophile, He just seemed WAY to happy to see Clementine and I felt he was constantly looking at her....maybe just me?
Christa : Just some girl
Chuck: He creeps me out a little bit. I toyed with the idea that he's the guy on the radio with Clem, but I don't know where he'd get the privacy to talk to her while they're on the engine, so I put that away. The giving out the candy thing was a little creepy, but chocolate "high energy" and easy to store/travel with as long as it's not 100 degrees out. I'd just like to know where he was getting his supplies in the middle of no-where on that train for however many months it had been there.....They don't typically put food/water/liquor/candy on a box car.
Omid: I don't really like him. I don't hate him, but he's the new "Doug". The guy I won't save if given another option.
Christa: She rubs me the wrong way. I read the whole chatter about "Alpha female" and all that jazz. I don't like ANYONE who acts so judgmental after so quickly meeting me. I also hated Larry, and really didn't like Kenny. Lilly was ok, I just think she was under her father's yolk. I couldn't stand it when she threw hissy fits though, although, to be fair, it was mostly at Kenny....and he's a douche.
I think we're going to find out that Omid and Christa are pregnant.
1) The talk on the bridge.
2) The interest in Clem, and how she can go on while part of a group
3) Christa's "You sure you know what you're doing?" vibe
4) The way Omid reacted when I saved him first (because he had an injured leg.....)
That being said, I really would like to know why they were just chilling out on the bridge. I guess they could have been there to go through the government supplies since it appeared to be some sort of aid camp....but it seems odd to me that they didn't have any weapons (not even bats or crowbars) and no way to carry supplies.
The Mr. X on the that was interesting. People are really interested in Clem...first the Crazy lady near the dairy farm, and now this guy. I'm wondering if he's going to have something to do with the bandits since they took the crazy lady's daughter too....and Clem was talking on that Walkie Talkie starting at the motor loge, which would have put her in contact with the bandits if no one else was around, it was only AFTER the car with supplies that she got batteries to make it work again....It would explain why she thought it was "broken"....just no juice.
Chuck: He creeps me out a little bit. I toyed with the idea that he's the guy on the radio with Clem, but I don't know where he'd get the privacy to talk to her while they're on the engine, so I put that away. The giving out the candy thing was a little creepy, but chocolate "high energy" and easy to store/travel with as long as it's not 100 degrees out. I'd just like to know where he was getting his supplies in the middle of no-where on that train for however many months it had been there.....They don't typically put food/water/liquor/candy on a box car.
Up until that point, provided he lived on the train, he probably wandered around towns the train stopped in and gathered what he could. Or, he just walked into town if the train stopped in a station, and did a little begging, stealing or dumpster diving. The boxcar was merely his sleeping place, or point of origin, at that time.
I knew some "train folk" a while ago, and they're actually an interesting lot, provided they're not drug addicts, morbid alcoholics or bat-shit crazy. I'd offer them money, food, and so on, and on occasion they'd accept. They actually, sometimes, have quite a bit of supplies on them. Some, if they had food, were actually really good cooks, too.
I'd question the freshness of the chocolate he gave the kids, however. Some of the food they eat is beyond expired, or they just scrape the mold off of it. It's not a luxurious lifestyle, but they're used to it. Poor Clemmy, being fed human flesh, nothing at all and stale chocolate.
Up until that point, provided he lived on the train, he probably wandered around towns the train stopped in and gathered what he could. Or, he just walked into town if the train stopped in a station, and did a little begging, stealing or dumpster diving. The boxcar was merely his sleeping place, or point of origin, at that time.
That train crash didn't strike me as a "happened recently" incident. I wouldn't think they'd be shipping huge rolls of sheet metal from Macon to Savannah this long after the disaster. So Chuck must have been stranded there for quite some time. We don't know the area around that train crossing I guess, there could have been a town.
I would think the train derailed from hitting the cars at the crossing, but there's no way the train would have stopped that quickly unless a person manually stopped it. It looked like the engineer was shot through the head (small hole in the windshield, and he didn't come back to life when Lee poked him). That makes me wonder even more. Did Chuck do that? Did he have a gun? Who put on the brakes and shut everything down? There's an awful lot of suspicious stuff about Chuck and that train. Maybe he's lying and he's actually the conductor and had to kill the engineer when he came back to life after dying in the derailment. But why lie?
Omid is cool too, although he felt like a pain in the ass when he told me to save Christa.
Christa however, pretty much of a pain in the ass, but i'm sure over time i'll grow to like Christa, despite her annoying behavior.
Lee: How did you manage to survive that long without any supplies?
Christa: Actually, we had plenty of supplies, but some assholes stole them near Macon, when we left our car for a minute. If I ever find these guys, I'll kill them.
That could work, but I don't see TT beeing that smart
As I said they are a little more believable, but still very unlikely. Especially in the way they respond to the group...
Chuck : Creepy Hobo of Wisdom
Omid : Pedophile, He just seemed WAY to happy to see Clementine and I felt he was constantly looking at her....maybe just me?
Christa : Just some girl
Omid creeped me out when he got so excited over Clem. Don't trust him.
And Christa just annoys me, seems like a worse version of Lilly.
Honestly, I don't trust any of em. :P
Omid: I don't really like him. I don't hate him, but he's the new "Doug". The guy I won't save if given another option.
Christa: She rubs me the wrong way. I read the whole chatter about "Alpha female" and all that jazz. I don't like ANYONE who acts so judgmental after so quickly meeting me. I also hated Larry, and really didn't like Kenny. Lilly was ok, I just think she was under her father's yolk. I couldn't stand it when she threw hissy fits though, although, to be fair, it was mostly at Kenny....and he's a douche.
I think we're going to find out that Omid and Christa are pregnant.
1) The talk on the bridge.
2) The interest in Clem, and how she can go on while part of a group
3) Christa's "You sure you know what you're doing?" vibe
4) The way Omid reacted when I saved him first (because he had an injured leg.....)
That being said, I really would like to know why they were just chilling out on the bridge. I guess they could have been there to go through the government supplies since it appeared to be some sort of aid camp....but it seems odd to me that they didn't have any weapons (not even bats or crowbars) and no way to carry supplies.
The Mr. X on the that was interesting. People are really interested in Clem...first the Crazy lady near the dairy farm, and now this guy. I'm wondering if he's going to have something to do with the bandits since they took the crazy lady's daughter too....and Clem was talking on that Walkie Talkie starting at the motor loge, which would have put her in contact with the bandits if no one else was around, it was only AFTER the car with supplies that she got batteries to make it work again....It would explain why she thought it was "broken"....just no juice.
Up until that point, provided he lived on the train, he probably wandered around towns the train stopped in and gathered what he could. Or, he just walked into town if the train stopped in a station, and did a little begging, stealing or dumpster diving. The boxcar was merely his sleeping place, or point of origin, at that time.
I knew some "train folk" a while ago, and they're actually an interesting lot, provided they're not drug addicts, morbid alcoholics or bat-shit crazy. I'd offer them money, food, and so on, and on occasion they'd accept. They actually, sometimes, have quite a bit of supplies on them. Some, if they had food, were actually really good cooks, too.
I'd question the freshness of the chocolate he gave the kids, however. Some of the food they eat is beyond expired, or they just scrape the mold off of it. It's not a luxurious lifestyle, but they're used to it.
That train crash didn't strike me as a "happened recently" incident. I wouldn't think they'd be shipping huge rolls of sheet metal from Macon to Savannah this long after the disaster. So Chuck must have been stranded there for quite some time. We don't know the area around that train crossing I guess, there could have been a town.
I would think the train derailed from hitting the cars at the crossing, but there's no way the train would have stopped that quickly unless a person manually stopped it. It looked like the engineer was shot through the head (small hole in the windshield, and he didn't come back to life when Lee poked him). That makes me wonder even more. Did Chuck do that? Did he have a gun? Who put on the brakes and shut everything down? There's an awful lot of suspicious stuff about Chuck and that train. Maybe he's lying and he's actually the conductor and had to kill the engineer when he came back to life after dying in the derailment. But why lie?