The Killer [Investigation] - Hard Evidence Found



  • In the trailer for episode 2, it looks like he's the one interrogating Bigby. Can't really see his face, but it looks like him.

  • Where/When is that picture taken ? It looks like the same moment when Picture 4 (in the main post) was taken.


  • It's when Snow and Bigby head to the TripTrap.

    HeartLocker posted: »

    Where/When is that picture taken ? It looks like the same moment when Picture 4 (in the main post) was taken.

  • You really don't have to hurt Toad to get the info. If you get all the clues, the scenario just pops up, as I recall.

    That is incredible work and I believe you are correct! I have nothing to contribute to that end and nor can I produce pictures, but here is wh

  • And this theory has been officially blown out of the water.

  • edited February 2014

    Not really cut and dried yet...

    Dee works for the "crooked man," this guy has "crooks" all over his tie. It seems likely that he's involved with something shady, although I doubt he's personally cutting anyone's heads off. Well... not Faith and Lily's, but...

    There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile...
    e: scratch that. seem to be several extended versions to that rhyme, Fabletown will probably fill us in with its own version eventually. Still a creepy little ditty though.

  • Plot twist - there is a plot twist in episode 2

  • edited February 2014

    Don't worry you still play as Bigby in the ep2

  • After episode 2 I'm thinking the ginger guy is Crane in glamour, so he can stalk Snow without being recognized.

  • Only read below if you want to know about the comics.

    Unfortunately "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is mentioned by name in the comics by Pinocchio, and is mentioned to being alive and well living just above him in the Woodlands. Now this doesn't mean that your wrong about who the character is, just that canon says he lives past the 1980s and is alive and well in the early 2000s. I'd have to reread that books though about the idea that there is a specific "Fable" cab driver. when I read them I simply assumed they were mundy drivers.

  • Too much of a stretch, besides which they already used this method to explain how Snow wasn't dead. Most likely Crane is being made the patsy, which explains the photos of him at the crime scene, & his frequent "massage" trips. The Crooked man connected to a black market glamour/sex trade network which will connect somehow to the reasons for the murders seems to be the destination of the story based on episodes so far. Still not enough info. The Crooked Mile episode will definitely shed light on final outcome.

  • How much of the comics did you actually read? Oh and how well is your history of weather in New York? The fact that the game is canon and the little bit of info from the beginning of the entire game makes the current time of the game exactly 1994.

  • Crane is no killer , he was just framed. Gingie is probably either The Crooked Man , or The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Both are probably going to play a big role in the story. Right now , my suspect of murder is Headless Horseman.

  • I don't think that the Boy Who Cried Wolf did it, but it may be a hint that Bigby will be framed? Some of the dialogue in episode 2 made me wonder why people didn't think that Bigby had done it.

  • If you pick up the tarot cards in episode 2 it's about betrayal and finding stuff.

    bertie4445 posted: »

    I don't think that the Boy Who Cried Wolf did it, but it may be a hint that Bigby will be framed? Some of the dialogue in episode 2 made me wonder why people didn't think that Bigby had done it.

  • The game is stated to happen during the middle of the 1980s. And I live in New York for what it's worth. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is mentioned to still be alive and living in the Woodlands during the time of the Woodland Soldiers invasion. I was wrong on one account it isn't Pinocchio who mentions him but Jack.

    Snow White says "Jack did you ever hear about the Boy who Cried Wolf?"
    Jack responds "Sure now he lives up on the seventh floor. So what?"
    To which Snow replies "Never mind." Facepalming well he says it.

    If your interested in checking the source material its on page 124 of the "March of the Wooden Soldiers", graphic novel number 4. The comics are set in the time they are published, so the Boy Who Cried Wolf is alive and well and living on the seventh floor of the Woodlands in 2004. Not in jail, nor has he been executed.

    LukaszB posted: »

    How much of the comics did you actually read? Oh and how well is your history of weather in New York? The fact that the game is canon and the little bit of info from the beginning of the entire game makes the current time of the game exactly 1994.

  • This a good theory, and it makes sense if he was the one who said "stop laughing at me"
    in the second episode.

    I still think this guy is the killer, I was hoping he would be in 2nd episode but he wasn't

  • Yeah he didn't appear in the 2nd episode at all. I checked it out very carefully lol , but no scenes with him.

  • He might show himself again down the track, I just hope that because of the fans thought of this idea early on that the creators change their minds on who the killer is, so it could be a shock.

    HeartLocker posted: »

    Yeah he didn't appear in the 2nd episode at all. I checked it out very carefully lol , but no scenes with him.

  • Yeah I know The Boy who cried Wolf is alive. I wonder what will happen in episode 3. It definitely looks like Bigby will tell Snow everything he figured out. It definitely looks like Crane had a lot to do with the murders, as well as Dee and Dum. Remember that not every comic issue takes place in the year of the issue's release.

    The game is stated to happen during the middle of the 1980s. And I live in New York for what it's worth. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is mentioned t

  • Awesome observation! I didn't notice that guy at all.

  • edited February 2014

    Did anyone else see that tweedle or dum has blood on him when he walks in the bar after u kick Grendel's ass.

  • Did anyone notice the woodsman's axe symbol on the table Lily was lying?

  • You know I did. Tortured him in episode 2 for that.

  • It's just a triskele (which has a universal meanings such as Alpha-Beta-Omega , birth,life,death , and so on ) I believe that the symbol originates with the celtics or Druids , n the wolf among us the Druipds blessed woodsy axe so I would not be surprised if the built the table.

    Did anyone notice the woodsman's axe symbol on the table Lily was lying?

  • Yeah. What's up with that anyway? They could've just continued with it. Is this the first time this has ever happened to any Telltale game? I feel like Episode one and two are not related any more......

    Plot twist - there is a plot twist in episode 2

  • I get the feeling that Bigby's integrity will be called into question at some point and might become an outcast.

    Whether it be that he is implicated somewhat in the murders, I feel like it would kind of make sense that the boy who cried wolf (if this proves to be him) would want to make people turn on him and distrust him, similar to the way he was in his fable.

  • edited February 2014

    The problem with Woody thinking Faith was Red: Red isn't in Fabletown until about 30 years later , and most people in town should know that. Considering she's one of the main reasons why Boy Blue is the most blue Blues player around.

    Annatilde posted: »

    I think the Woodsman thought Faith was Red or something and that was why he was mad "she didn't recognize him." He saved her (Red) from the

  • The problem is that Bigby is already an outcast and people do distrust him.

    I get the feeling that Bigby's integrity will be called into question at some point and might become an outcast. Whether it be that he is i

  • Yeah, I can see what you mean, with people like Gren and even Toad showing distrust towards him.

    I was thinking more along the lines of Snow and Beauty maybe being turned against him, and maybe Bluebeard banishing him from Fabletown. (Again I don't have much to back this theory up, just get a feeling it could happen)

    The problem is that Bigby is already an outcast and people do distrust him.

  • I doubt it. I read the comics and I remember a particular panel

    Snow asks Jack if he knows about the boy who cried wolf

    and jack responds: "Sure he lives on the seventh floor"

  • edited February 2014

    I would like to add a new hint for this theory based on Episode 2.

    It is about TJ descriptionsSTOP LAUGHING AT ME!

    There is a fairy tale that is callled "Von dem Schäfer, der die Königstochter zum Lachen brachte" (From the Shepard, which made the Prinzess laugh). Interestingly, the english name is eventually “Hans, Who Made the Princess Laugh”.

    In the end, it is a common motive of fairy tales. Usally the princess starts laughing because of fauxpas of an awkward worker, who claims the hand of the princess in the end. But we know that fairy tales in fables sometimes has slight different ending.

    Hmm, any thoughts on that?

  • Wow! What in the actual hell!

  • The problem with this is that no one was laughing out loud it feels like some had a laughing smirk on there face like carved pumpkin or maybe that "snow" had laughed at the person disposing of the body and he / she still fills like they are being laughed at.

    Fat2Mad posted: »

    I would like to add a new hint for this theory based on Episode 2. It is about TJ descriptionsSTOP LAUGHING AT ME! There is a fairy tale

  • Did you guys notice that gren's left eye is normal and not white if you choose to investigate the woodsman in the episode 3 trailer?

  • why did toad spy on cinderella, selling shoes, rapunzel and rose?

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