The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



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    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    Nick makes the best facial expressions.

  • Lol, Kenny's face.

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    Lol, Kenny's face.

  • Btw, I know this post is old but that is one of the best GIFs ever man haha.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    HAHAHA, that was pretty good! xD

  • edited March 2014

    I'll be there in 2089 with my walker! ;)

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    Thanks to @Robert Morgan I got a Rocky/Kenny movie idea, getting a bit better on MS paint so hope you like it Yo Katjaa, he did it!

  • Lol we'll all be there to celebrate at the premiere! B]

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    S-Rose posted: »

    I'll be there in 2089 with my walker!

  • After much searching, I finally found the appropriate gif.

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    Dude... No lie, I was going to make something just like this, I was even going to start yesterday but got caught up in something. You did an

  • edited March 2014

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  • I wonder if they'll kill Corl before his actor grows too much as the time between seasons pass

    They can't go over the comic timeline or some crap like that, right?

  • edited March 2014

    I really wish that bottom picture had the words fap fap fap down the bottom XD

  • Thanks, I didn't make it, though :P

    Btw, I know this post is old but that is one of the best GIFs ever man haha.

  • People can't actually say that right? Clem is 11, and Luke is at least 15 years older, at least

  • edited March 2014

    Sassy Clem strikes again!

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  • I really don't get why people want them to be together. I hope they don't get together because that'd mean that one of my favorite characters is a pedophile...

    People can't actually say that right? Clem is 11, and Luke is at least 15 years older, at least

  • I can understand people wanting them to hang out in a brother-sister sort of relationship. I think that'd be quite sweet.

    More than that... yeah, no.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I really don't get why people want them to be together. I hope they don't get together because that'd mean that one of my favorite characters is a pedophile...

  • edited March 2014

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  • That happens?!

    dfh15 posted: »

    Sassy Clem strikes again!

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    Lol, Kenny's face.

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah, it's part of a minor Easter egg Telltale has implemented into A House Divided where it requires you to play the episode over. I believe it works out that way if you be sassy whenever possibly, or at least being negative towards every character. Then replaying it will trigger the silence option to be replaced with what is said in the pic. It's quite cool how Telltale is doing this. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm just fucking with you lol

    That happens?!

  • Oh,thanks a lot

    Rigtail posted: »

    Yeah, it's part of a minor Easter egg Telltale has implemented into A House Divided where it requires you to play the episode over. I believ

  • Kartal5Kartal5 Banned
    edited March 2014

    What if this was a DLC?

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    Ask not for whom the bell tolls!

  • I'd be at the midnight release for this.

    Kartal5 posted: »

    What if this was a DLC? Ask not for whom the bell tolls!

  • I might update the faces to the left with images of Clem and Ben hehe :D

    I'd be at the midnight release for this.

  • yeah in your dreams

  • I know it's short, but in fairness, No Time Left was only 70 minutes long. Do you guys think I should do more TWD or start off TWAU? I'll be doing TWAU eventually, so it couldn't hurt to take a breather from TWD. Also, what should the titles be for TWD S2 and TWAU? "The Walking Urban" doesn't really apply anymore.

  • 'And you're missing an arm.'

    'HOLY SHIT!'

    You killed me with that :'D

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I know it's short, but in fairness, No Time Left was only 70 minutes long. Do you guys think I should do more TWD or start off TWAU? I'll be

  • And to think I briefly considered uploading without including that joke. I guess I made the right choice.

    'And you're missing an arm.' 'HOLY SHIT!' You killed me with that :'D

  • You did :)

    And the whole video is awesome btw :P

    Giraffehat posted: »

    And to think I briefly considered uploading without including that joke. I guess I made the right choice.

  • edited March 2014

    I don't know what this is supposed to mean, but here you go:

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    Also, here's something taken from my last video, "The Walking Urban - That Was Cute".

  • Thank you. My personal favourite part was Lee's brilliant attempt at climbing in silence. Any ideas for names for Season 2 or TWAU?

    You did And the whole video is awesome btw :P

  • I'm not very creative, but here goes nothing:

    'The Walking Urban - Did you eat my potatoes? And holy shit, you're alive?!' (Lolwut, me?)

    'The Jerk Among Us - Give me a hand, Grendel?'

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Thank you. My personal favourite part was Lee's brilliant attempt at climbing in silence. Any ideas for names for Season 2 or TWAU?

  • No, I meant as a replacement for "The Walking Urban". I've been thinking about "The Walking Tween" or "The Walking Protege".

    I'm not very creative, but here goes nothing: 'The Walking Urban - Did you eat my potatoes? And holy shit, you're alive?!' (Lolwut, me?) 'The Jerk Among Us - Give me a hand, Grendel?'

  • Oooooh. Okay.

    'The Walking Hat'

    Giraffehat posted: »

    No, I meant as a replacement for "The Walking Urban". I've been thinking about "The Walking Tween" or "The Walking Protege".

  • A pretty good idea, actually. It's definitely a possibility.

    Oooooh. Okay. 'The Walking Hat'

  • Glad to hear :D

    Would be cool :P

    But I'm in for anything

    Giraffehat posted: »

    A pretty good idea, actually. It's definitely a possibility.

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