"Login Error: Can't communicate with Telltale Servers."



  • Yah if you bught the game on steam

    But because alot of us got a nice deal off GMG we got a telltale store version

    Look Ive stood by telltale through all the "soons" and "very soons"

    but when they start using pointlesss DRM that Harms paying customers and makes it more advantagous to pirate then Im pissed

    They're so inept that most people are able to log in and play just fine and only a small percentage are affected by an issue. WORST COMPANY EVAR GARAHARAHGH

  • Dude, stop feeding it and it will die... eventually. Trolls, like the walking dead, take a while to die without argumentative nourishment. :b

    Why the hell are you even here? Out of everyone on this forum, you've been the only person to stick out as an asshole. Some of us are waiting

  • Hey, $25 bucks is $25 bucks...These people sell the game and there servers don't work, yet steam does, Yeah give me my money back and I'll go to steam

  • Maybe the small percentage should just do credit card chargeback and buy it on Steam instead?

    Yerolo posted: »

    What is worse, the GMG forums are down as well...so I am unable to raise the issue with them as I purchased it there. I guess I'll play the waiting game with all the rest of you chaps

  • Because I'm hoping that at least one person will have enough decency to take a breath and realize they're absolutely flipping out over something as minor as not getting to play a video game the moment that they wanted to play it.

    Why the hell are you even here? Out of everyone on this forum, you've been the only person to stick out as an asshole. Some of us are waiting

  • Still the same, it doesn't work :( Neither logging with the nickname nor with the mail. Neither restarting the game nor signing in and out. It still says I do not own the game. The problem is that I do...

  • I wonder if it's down because of ppl like us bitching on it or if they took it down for fear of us clogging it up! lol.

    Yerolo posted: »

    What is worse, the GMG forums are down as well...so I am unable to raise the issue with them as I purchased it there. I guess I'll play the waiting game with all the rest of you chaps

  • From what TT has said, it seems like plenty of customers who got it through their store are able to play just fine.

    Yah if you bught the game on steam But because alot of us got a nice deal off GMG we got a telltale store version Look Ive stood by tell

  • What is worse, the GMG forums are down as well...so I am unable to raise the issue with them as I purchased it there. I guess I'll play the waiting game with all the rest of you chaps

  • Made something to fit this situation


  • a) Yes we have.

    b) Let's say your bank has forgotten to send you a statement. You've sent them an email, and you will get a statement. But by your logic, because the bank haven't emailed YOU, THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ENTITY KNOWN TO THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE haven't recieved a private jet to take your over to TT HQ to have the world make you a cake, WITHIN 5 HOURS, FIVE ENTIRE HOURS, they are completely responsible for your failures in life to save your money, get a good job, pay attention in school and hang out with a better crowd.


    I'm going to go read a book.

    SunderPrime posted: »

    Actually, it is a legitimate complaint that we have heard nothing back from the company themselves.

  • Actually I'm beginning to think that we were the only ones dumb enough to buy this thing outside of Steam or console so this is really the small percentage...

  • [removed]

    rebabevets posted: »

    Hey, $25 bucks is $25 bucks...These people sell the game and there servers don't work, yet steam does, Yeah give me my money back and I'll go to steam

  • Can we all take a moment to congratulate szebr for creating what's going to be the most popular thread in this forum's history?

  • hah.

    Made something to fit this situation http://imgflip.com/i/5iw4z

  • Stupid game is telling me I don't own the game now ???

  • Awesome :D

    Made something to fit this situation http://imgflip.com/i/5iw4z

  • Well, it was cheaper. Come 2 days time, we will have spent less money than the Steam people, so they are the dumb ones.

    What is the point of spending more money on the exact same thing, just because you can?

    artnat posted: »

    Actually I'm beginning to think that we were the only ones dumb enough to buy this thing outside of Steam or console so this is really the small percentage...

  • Even IF we are a small percentage does that not entitle us to a game that at least works at launch

    Im not talking about glitches or save loss

    I mean actually being able to play a game that i payed 25$ for

    Seriously Telltale is just another piece of evidence that proves DRM doesnt work

    artnat posted: »

    Actually I'm beginning to think that we were the only ones dumb enough to buy this thing outside of Steam or console so this is really the small percentage...

  • Thank you. I knew I couldn't be the only one with some perspective on this. Having to wait a while to play a video game because they're having technical issues is not disrespect. It's difficulty in doing something that they don't have to do very often, and it will undoubtedly be cleared up well before any refunds could be issued.

    OliTheG posted: »

    They can't print off steam keys. They don't own Valve. They don't own Steam. They have to request the keys from them. And hey, in the time

  • I think you're a liar and you're just here to stir people up for your own amusement.

    From what TT has said, it seems like plenty of customers who got it through their store are able to play just fine.

  • Its even more frustrating that people who pirated the game can play it.

    Depesza posted: »

    I really hoped that this time Telltale will deal with all problems on release day, but they fail again. It is so frustrating that I can't play when people who bought game on steam can.

  • No, you're not actually entitled to a 100% error-free experience the very second that the game launches.

    That... that is not a thing to which you are entitled.

    Even IF we are a small percentage does that not entitle us to a game that at least works at launch Im not talking about glitches or save lo

  • They're hoping that they will be provided with the product they paid for on the day & hour they were told they would be able to play it from if they pre-ordered it. You understand that, right - the right to a working version of the product you paid for, at the agreed upon time, or a refund in lieu of it - international trading standards?

    Because I'm hoping that at least one person will have enough decency to take a breath and realize they're absolutely flipping out over something as minor as not getting to play a video game the moment that they wanted to play it.

  • No, I totally get that. I'm over the initial frustration. But you have no reason to be here other than to try to piss people off. Why? Your insults and sarcastic comments aren't helping people take a breath and realize shit.

    Because I'm hoping that at least one person will have enough decency to take a breath and realize they're absolutely flipping out over something as minor as not getting to play a video game the moment that they wanted to play it.

  • Like others I am now being told I don't own the game. Good job TTG, good job......sigh

  • That's weird - the steam keys thing. I'm not expecting them to supply any or anything like that, but I remember how, during summer sales, Steam often say how they have to wait for more keys from the developer. Strange.

    OliTheG posted: »

    They can't print off steam keys. They don't own Valve. They don't own Steam. They have to request the keys from them. And hey, in the time

  • Welp with that logic than I should never be entitled to a working product to them ever

    Ive paid my money for teh game and I expect it to work when It relases

    Like i said mabye not glitch free or bug free but definatly playable

    I cant even get pass the login screen

    Srsly get off of here you dont seem to have problems so stop gloating to those that do

    No, you're not actually entitled to a 100% error-free experience the very second that the game launches. That... that is not a thing to which you are entitled.

  • It's impossible to have 100% error-free product, sure. But you are somehow entitled to have a product that at least works, and not a game that tells you that you don't own the game after signup.

    No, you're not actually entitled to a 100% error-free experience the very second that the game launches. That... that is not a thing to which you are entitled.

  • I wonder whats the page post limit....LETS FIND OUT

    Nickzilla posted: »

    Can we all take a moment to congratulate szebr for creating what's going to be the most popular thread in this forum's history?

  • edited December 2013

    You're hungry. You want a banana. You go to your local store and buy the banana. You go home and prepare the banana for consumption. But nope, you're not allowed to eat that banana as it the skin is locked until a certain time and the timer is malfunctioning. You bought that banana, you own the right to that single copy of the banana. Wouldn't you be upset you're not allowed the banana due to an error you can not control? I mean you've been waiting for this banana for a long long time.

    No, you're not actually entitled to a 100% error-free experience the very second that the game launches. That... that is not a thing to which you are entitled.

  • To be honest this forum shouldn't even exist lol

    Nickzilla posted: »

    Can we all take a moment to congratulate szebr for creating what's going to be the most popular thread in this forum's history?

  • "progressed"?

    Yerolo posted: »

    I guess none of us are getting this error and progressed onto the 'You don't own this game' message. Time for all of us to migrate over to the other thread ?

  • how would it be if I told Telltale that I payed with a valid credit card that doesnt pay just yet and they would have to wait

    Welp with that logic than I should never be entitled to a working product to them ever Ive paid my money for teh game and I expect it to wo

  • I got the "you don't own the game" error now too and it even made me kinda happy, cause something is finally happening behind the curtain. However I clicked on "buy game" to go to Telltale, checked my gameslist again, the game was still there, fine, changed my password again (for the 5th time today I think), fine, BUT now if I click on "Click to begin" the game doesn't even let me sign in anymore, if just tells me the "Login Error - can't connect to Telltale" without waiting for me signing in. Thats new! - I even restarted Windows, it still doesnt let me sign in anymore. I feel like I should uninstall and if I would be at a hidden camera fooling show.

    Frogger209 posted: »

    I get the error "you do not own the game" no matter which login I use. Like you, I checked my games list and I be darned, TWD S2 appears in

  • edited December 2013

    I guess none of us are getting this error and progressed onto the 'You don't own this game' message. Time for all of us to migrate over to the other thread ? ;)

  • Em, because they don't own Valve/Steam, so can't print out 10s of thousands of keys?


    JUST MAYBE, seeing as the problem is already 1/2 way fixed after 5 hours, which started at 1AM for them, it would just be faster for them to fix their shit?

    Jipsu posted: »

    Why don't they just give us steam keys? Why haven't we even received the notification email about the game being ready to download? WTF is going on here?

  • Why don't they just give us steam keys? Why haven't we even received the notification email about the game being ready to download? WTF is going on here?

  • Arrrrrrrrrrr you be walking the mod plank very soon arrrrr

    Kisru posted: »

    I tried for an hour, and gave up.. same errors as everyone else "You do not own the game" even though I do.Mod Edit: No Piracy Talk Thanks

  • Which is why so many have used the word "troll", since his actions are directly working against his intent. Without any kind of sarcasm or intended insult in saying this, if Galore was really looking for ppl to take a breath, he needs to accept that his comments are only making this worse for his cause and, in fact, without them, things would be at a calmer place than now.

    Otherwise, maybe he feels offended by so many ppl shouting angrily at telltale. But, if that's the case, then he should just come out with it that way, IMO.

    No, I totally get that. I'm over the initial frustration. But you have no reason to be here other than to try to piss people off. Why? Your insults and sarcastic comments aren't helping people take a breath and realize shit.

This discussion has been closed.